Lm SR I EE A i a & Correspondents’ Department 3 The news in condensed form Loe from all parts of Centre County S: Say THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., JUNE 28, 1908, SPRING MILLS CASSANOVA, undaay » service ded desde sooo feofenosdeofesdeolesdedosdeodeoded dead e de sheds desde dese deed dodededode dood dodo dodo MOSHANNON, YARNELL. tion, Clark tertainment over on nis new Miss Maude Rankin entertained the “hildren's services at this place Sun- | the plani \ M sses Jennie and » to Lock Haven t L piace Miss Rhoda Weaver has returned | fer home after compieting her course at Clint Lock Haven Normal. Thursday of Milesburg ping at J. A HAINES TWP, MILESBURG. » ROMOLA HARRIS AND FERGUSON MARTHA OAK HALL. BEECH CREEK. HOUSERVILLE Page 3. Is It Your Own Hair? Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can’t do it? Haven’t enough hair? It must be you do not know Ayer’ Hair Vigor! Here's an intro duction! May the acquaint- ance result in a heavy growth of rich, thick,glossy hair we know you'll never POTTERS MILLS IT IS IMPOSSIBLE Davis’ 100 per cent Pure Paint FILLMORE. POTTER-HOY HARDWARE CO. BELLEFONTE, PA. HARRIS TWP TYLERSVILLE. Estimates Cheerfully Furnivhed Eagle Block, Bellefonte, Pa WN m m Mm Mm Mm m \ CEEEEEECREEEREES J _ CESEEEEE, FOOT COMFORT “IN THE SWIM" w MINGLE'S SHOE STORE W Ww M3333 fe3333333333 Ww Ww mn Wm are spending some time w Mrs. Lottie Stover and left on Frid will spend Hackenberg H Revs et] - adi ’ '" Miss Alpha 91 Jul wio wt Mom Rabert : gleman., ol I It "we time at New Berlin, has | (Ain urned | Sunday at the home of Wm. Bottorf home Hettie Laufer spent Sunday in Buffalo Run For a cough or cold take Krumrine's A number of our young people were Compound Syrup of Tar—cures in one | at Stormstown Sunday evening to at day. tf tend children’s services, e Oak H ay for Bellefonte a week with her brot! BENORE, pen =u; It doesn't pay a painter to mix his own paint. Lucas Paints are mixed more evenly and thoroughly by improved modern ma- They save his time and are better after mixed. They spread so easily and cover so thoroughly that he can finish a job with much less labor and in shorter time. Best of all, they hold their color better, wear longer, and always make a satisfactory job, Ask your dealer, John Lucas & Co Philadelphia J N a F YRieL Paintsg : Y > \] chinery, they are NINN NINN NING INS NNN INS NSNANSN McCalmont & Co. MeCor Standard Binder Twine, - - 10 -=c. lb, Cash Standard Hemp Binder Twine, - 9c Ib., Cash Bailey's Hemp Binder Twine, - 8e. Ib., Cash Manilla 1 inch Rope, - - - - - 12¢, Ib., Cash Farmers who purchase harvesting ma chinery from us this vear, and those using said machinery purchased from ns herets : per ih, on twine, Hore, are allowed 1.8 BUSINESS MOURS FROM 7 A.M. TOG P.M, McCalmont & Co. BELLEFONTE, PA.