Centre Democrat, Circulation Over 4,600.— Zi gest in AIR SHIP SAILS AROUND WASHINGTON Aerial Navigation Successfully Demon- strated There Last Week. LAWMAKERS DESERT DESKS Man in the Baloon Calls on the Presi- dent-- Sails Around Goes up to Capitol and Breaks up the U. S. Senate and the House. Monument-- 1 Arg 3 : ou ne of Ul big balloon could be seen, and certainly here was Beachy and his airship. As he came closer the crowds in the windows and on the streets began to increase Everything was forgotten except the air- ship, Drivers jumped from their wagons permitting the horses to take care of themselves, barbers ran out he leaving customers half halted the silent back He was the as he sailed gh i fen and big shi : His assistants hs automobile anc the | landed the hand to catch o earth while he on wiloon : i hands with folks ion that Luna Park After a few minutes chat he mounted ma chine and ann Up and up, then with a turning movement apparently for a directly over the President's mansion, the gasoline motor began popping like the automobile on the ground, and the airship pointed east, sailed over the Treasury building, and following the course of Pennsylvania avefiue went to the Capitol where both houses of Con- ress wete in session. Thousands lined the avenue by this time and it was re- rom wasnt un in ounce he stood still moment Centre County marked that the crowds were as dense as | at an inaugural parade. Little work was 1 Uncle Sam in the grey dings along the route, for every win- dow and roof contained people watchir the flight of the machine over the cit and the boy appeared to enjoy it as he his position to avoid cross cur- The news that he was com preceded him at the Capitol and nal law makers vacated their seats hed to the doors to see tl new Even « 1 from deba { Ot stone Y. shifted the 1e gn DOL a peep » new sena to take » away hv he and it just been sworn ey maintain areputas and useful and tion of good citizens strict adherents to correct manhood. Another Murder. H. Mussina and Corner W y i ’ elegrams las aning the 4th at Snow Shoe Railroad to be Sold. I'he Altoona & Philipsburg conned railroad, after years o quent litigation, oreclosure tladelpbia on July 11, and will probably be transformed from a steam to an electric road, The road was formerly owned in its entirety by Dar ! | Langdon, who came into prom inence as a promoter and finan some It connects with the er 12 YOArs ago is miles long and Creek railroad he court directed ily 11 th at Philipsburg. 1 he sale of the property on | McVey-Burd, pretty 1 A very home wedding took place last Thursday at the bride's home, when Miss Flor joined in holy Altoona, McVey were j14 Spruce avenue, Charles Howard and ence Ella burd matrimony by Rev. A. Lawrence Miller, postor ;of the Fifth Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, They were attended by Miss Edith D, Steward and W, Arthur Wilson, Mr. and Mrs, McVey, after vis. iting eastern cities, will make their home in Altoona. They are countians, former Centre | BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 19086, LEWIS EMERY, JR, Democratic Nomine« for Governor olalalalnaleieiee oleleinin ewe eel EMERY NOMINATED FOR GOVERNOR At the Democratic State on Wednesday FIRST BALLOT WAS Convention 261 TO 60 The Famous Independent Republican to Lead Another Crusade For Reform --Another Fusion Battle--Great En- thusiasm-«-After Standard Oil Co. The following is the ticket nominated yesterday by the Democratic State Con. | vention, in session at Harr rg Governor--LEWIS EMERY, of Mec Kean, County Lieut. Gov.--JERRE BLACK, Jr. of York. Auditor General--WM, of Columbia County. Sec. of Phi adelphia. T. CREASY GREEN of Internal Affairg-- witer represet Nation for the Demo nd the smocrats insisted candidate ition, Lincoln d that should Guffey course strenuously, and wan er Berry to stand, but he declines the tin the de legates began to assem ’ that ble at Harrisburg it was evident tha Emery sentiment had « apt ired the state In of i » spite ged Senator this Guffey ur Dewalt and a strong effort the convention for a straight democrat, but the start it failed to Col, Guffey did the was made to storm at attract much attention, not personally attend convention wor inlereste rupt political gang that are mas hind Edwin Stuart on the regula ean ticket Early it that the Pennsy in Humble Mood. t Washin Bef on a gton cials of the Pennsylvania mbie manner poss hat the great company : 1 ie n would the | represente honestly with the people made it known that the Per railroad had decided to abide by the laws ol its dealings with ship It was announced tha id, in the immediate future in car distribu 1 prohibit ownersh by its offi the country In : tion oal stock ial private cars would It was also given out and pu records that the company would the bituminous coal operators an all transg grievances lispatch as possible 3 3 oe el adjust ortation with as NO PAPER NEXT WEEK According to the custom of many years, no paper will be issued from this office next week, in order to give all con nected therewith a brief vacation, Editors and printers, like other mortals, enjoy a vacation, and especially at this | season of the year Vol.28. No. 28, . s— FACT. FUN AND FANCY. THE GOVERNMENT AFTER BIG GAME Bright, Sparkling Paragraphs--Selected and Original. Will Prosecute Penna R. R, and Stan dard O1l Company PRISON DOORS FOR GUILTY The will Philadelphia -. Able 3een Retained-