Pagr 2 THE KNTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., M A Y 24, 1906 DON'T BURY LOVE. Center Your Affection on Your Fame fly, Not on Your House. Few of us mean to hide our love from the children or husband. It is only be- cause we are busy-—so busy. We must do everything in the very qulck- est way, and at the same time keep planning and thinking of how all those other things are to be done—and so love Is crowded out. I sometimes wonder, dear mothers, If we are not nearly all making a mistake, if it would not be better to let the children's clothes be fot quite so fine, the dinner plainer yes, If need be, even the sitting room table go some day undusted, but so make time for the loving word and smile, the gentle, thoughtful deed, the lingering touch and caress, the some- thing that will show the love in our hearts. Never a day passes but each one of us Is near some one who 1s stary- ing--not for food or wealth or fame, but for love. Even the little children in our homes are hungering for the lov- Ing word and smile. If we can but take time to give these they will be remédmbered long after our elaborate dinners, our stylish dresses, our spot- less houses, are forgotten, Let us think the matter over careful- ly and look at it squarely. Do we, be- cause of overmuch sweeping and dust- ing in our homes, because of magnify- ing the importance of having each thing always In its proper place and, above all, of keeping the se nice for stran- gers to see—do we In any way lessen the joy for any o 1¢ dear ones In the bome? Do we bake and dust and work to “keep house” for strangers and let our own go homeless? For where love {8 not uppermost the re can be no > 3 nme, only a house PAINS IN THE BACK * the first signs of Kidney trouble. Thousands have kid- ney trouble and do not know it. When the kidneys become fected they in turn will affect the Nerves, causing Nervous- ness, Sleeplessness, Restless ness and Irritability; too fre- quent or Infreque nt Urination; Excessive, Scanty or Painful Urinary Passages. For these disorders take Krine’s Kidney Pills They are almost specific in their action in restoring these organs to their normal condi- tion; they remove the poisons from the blood, and cheerful- ness and good health return. One month's treatment one dollar at Krumrine's Pharma- cy; and if you are not benefit ted ask for your money back, and you will get it. 80 hou f 1} TR ASURER'S SALS } FUR TAXES 0} “4 OrRe Bes wha J Bower H Holt foh } Bower Howard Spe ¥ hi IMC AA ow g Hubnab. WU Hels Fox sami M AF Morrison fie fohn M Dale Arthur Grabam } L Long FC Messer Niekelson Jt George Boak Unkno