Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 24, 1906, Image 12

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Mrs, Ira Rishel and Mrs, Daniel Weil. UNIONVILLE. | gone to catch his winter's supply of fish, | ROMOLA, CENTRAL BRUSHVALLEY,
and were visiting friends at Colyer and - John Wagner, the miller, and family also
The Racket Tusseyville. Clarence Barton, the 12 year old son live here, all of whom gave me a most | :
: Maud Barr, accompanied by Mrs, Tay- | of i. P. Barton, who had been in the | Toyal greeting. Reub Spangler is an. Mr, Mitchell and Carrie Askey,
lor and daughter of Lewistown, spent sMothodist Hospital in Philadelphia for other of Barnsboro's prosperous citizens Dhoe, are visiting mother
K. P, IRVIN, Prop'r, Sunday with the formers mother, Mrs the last six months for treatment for an I also had the extreme pleasure of greet.
abscess on one of his legs, returned | Bg our old friend, John
home on last Thursday, practically cured.
? Margaret Barr
Mrs, William Mitterling, son Clive 1
ET . ! -
J UR and daug a'r i ie, of ‘entre | ohn C. is well known in this counts
BUY YOUR LIM wghter Carrie, of Centre Hall, other day, while James B, Stere Jo J ell known in this count
spent Sunday at the home of J. H. Moy- The Yue Jar also made me feel as if I had n
b , i Wo banana rom a
. n D er hig ond Thi sincere friend, and 1 am sure
a 4 ny : . : arge bun that was anging 1 the 1 3
Sc rec oors Annie Fahringer, of Northumberland, |’ Ch Hal Was .enging ip )
i, he ! ft} Was ziad { and him pt
p kr vi w Mr st > aroe , 4 N
Now window of their store, a large flourishing like a green Bay
Patton we met Albert and Allen
heriff of Clearfield county
of the Barnsboro St in
is visiting her mother at present
; da d » » floor. and tried
early before the flies come. We Charles Nevel who is working at Boals- | taranti la dropped to the floor, and tried
5 to seramble off, but Jim's No, 5 shoe
quickly put a period to its .
PORT MATILDA Jim said it was as large a
wood frame and fancy corner he didn't tell us how large 15€ tara y Ww hr | mtr Gre eteiloie 4 gt Ai
can save you money on doors as we burg, spent Sunday at home
are selling one with varnished hard
brackets, complete with spring was,
The patriotic citizens of Port Matilda 4 un another gentleman he high vi
hinges, &c., for ouly and vicipity: should be interested in|. Hi Hon r.A. J. G th 1ks he i st ) it wh ne of our Unionville Vy Coarr Dewan to baint. Geo. Hev
; 1" build a keg factory at this place, for the | girls. and one of our very | »" 1
$1 00 Memorial Day as on all other patriotic | J C= 0 "8 facts bz fish ke: G1 nda Perini sdriiBbel + | erly i n Monday
4 ( . { purpose of manufacturing fish kegs sh 1 bl 1 to crimson when 1 mention .
and honorable occasions by the com-
is putting in most of his time
along Bald Eagle creek, and he can’t
get enot rh kegs in which to ship
catch to market
rades and they only await the action of
the good people to assist the few remain.
frames, 20, 25 and 30c. ing veterans in payis lue respect and
Window Screens, hard wood
: honor to their comrades. Turn out, iz
Hammocks at last year's prices, everybody, and show your appreciation | ur young folks are "fixing up
a | thing it is sure to blossom like the 1 ps Ry #1, : ; aan
notwithstanding the advance in cot- for the freedom you now enjoy, so dear- | tennis lawn on the vacant lot near the 218 resident of the Trolly Co. and a | | J.OREr Brickiey dy 0 Lulis, of AT FACTORY PRICES
fv anrt ’ _ \ ‘rie 8 hurch helo te m™ i leader in "Wery n 34 with w Hh he | AVI Vv 2 « 1 INAAY i bik
ton We have them at 50¢ 5, 98, y earned by the boys blue ‘riet aurcn, longing ; ) [ ‘i . z Awad ad nd hom i H Oe: diraiv Bi Ww!
$1.25 and $1 50, Mrs, Aaron Wood: i 1 has d
ious accident on Fri
Frezo Ice Cream Freezers, 4, 6 ering in eggs from
barn she made a misst
a hole in the flooring
and 8 gts, at a less price than you
can buy them elsewhere stony earth. some 18
breaking one leg,
You can do better at The
Racket. They sell for cash.
ns, late of West Virgi ure o | Penn Hall Carriage Works
2. P. Irvin. rhe: re ot visting. re Te th . red as “hograghe ut hi i : u on ow op res * thded | in th Reformed Church st : or loom. po
a —————
Ca iin i
Correspondents’ Department. ;
Continued from page 3, this seetion. ig Eben i Ms ng Ph Jog | of Shaars iil De ened oa Lyou, Wm, H. Jr. for that dasghtful fia A simple statement that one
POTTER TWP, Hear the knee. Dr. Thompson reduced |racius t least a half mile of the man’s goods are better than another's
s getting along comfortably.  .k discor : PERN TWP carries no conviction with it. Our
abundant faith in the surpassing ex-
cellence of our Ready-to-wear Cloth-
ing is ably sustained by the strong
evidences of character in the gar-
We invite you to examine these
clothes—to test, to compare them with
the best that competition affords eit
er in this city or elsewhere. Note the
quality of the goods, the appearance,
cut and style of the finished garments,
and we are assured that you will
grant, Montgomerys’' Clothing isin a
distinct and surperior class which is
entirely its own.
Spring Overcoats, $5 to $15.
Spring Suits, $7.50 to $25
Children’s Suits. $2 to $5.
se. Mi
Ld 2 #
| can for the purpose of oiling the ma Kathryne Stover and Bessie Grove, H .
Chaney has sold bhi ry and in stepping over the shaft | spent Saturday afterneon in Smithtown v .,
to Mr. W of 1 h the saw was fastened And welch with their friend Hattie |
¢ Ca er
A A PS IN genera: | MK
Annual Summer Special Sale
of Manufacturers’
sample Undergarments
These samples were secured (as they
are about this time every year) from our
leading manufacturers of Muslin Under-
wear, at a price concession, and are strict-
ly high-class goods of the very best shapes
and designs.
Some are plain; others are trimmed
with dainty laces, embroideries, ribbons,
in such styles as good taste suggests.
the refreshments, .
iple of boys who were in such | ™ nat 4 good many of the gue
a hurry to get home, that they got the! after the feast, would be too full for ut
1 : terance. The groom is a most estim:
1 ’
The collection, while large in the aggre-
1 i: mil stor of Py
"ritz, of Pittsburg, played the wedding A 1/1
march. After the ceremony and j« \ | \ \
greetings, a bounteous feast « ‘ ! ) |
things was next in order and we ! 4 ’ I A hd 4
orn TeLernoNES.
vrong road, and wandered around by “
the way of Reese Hollow, barely getting young man, holding a lucrative posit
with the B. and O, railroad at Pitts!
gate, comprises but one or two garments
of a kind.
home for breakfast; perhaps the boys can
) iF 3 | where he has fitted up a handsome
explain their delay How about it Sam? wee Vea up a han me . 3 ’ ‘
. : . for his young bride and at which place Fine Sanitary "lumbing,
H. C Woodring has purchased a new! A . ‘ . wr .
i ) ] \ ; . they will be "at home” after Thur
horse and buggy for his livery, Harry { the wedd Th Pry!
y ot ' 3 ‘ » / niowing 1 wedding e bin
a H a believes in being up to date : 0 py JX
np, W. H. Homan 4 & 4 one of our best and most popular y
4 Alen } » char sr 18 above ra :
Wanted two good teams, six good TYLERSVILLE. ladies whose character is a Wve reproach
bands to w ''} lerville ow, . u — and both bride and groom have our most Furba Steam and Hot
ands y work on Kellerville sawmi © an 0
sy i hearty congratulations, After the shades ALE, 4
steady employment Wm. Barnew, Noah Weaver and sev-
g i of night had well set in, the Unionville
; stad « , QO. O. F. boys from this
Frank says the farthest way around is | eral other I , . f all the kid
the best way home, How about it Place, attended the funeral’ of Benj band, y ipa. of all the kids in town,
lepper at Booneville, on Wednesday played a few very rest) tunes, in hono
The lad \ N appl ; of the event. Everythin passed
. ’ d
1€ ladies MISKIONATY Ana ald society pleasant! ’. without a hitch except the
will hold a festival here on pow one Dr. Piper made. See Show Window ’ then come
EARLYSTOWN NO, 2. evening, Jue 2, at which time they will ’ Slatit Tin Roofir
f Nancy Saul and her brother George | also sell their quilt On my return trip from Pittsburg last Slating, 1 ANooung, . .
spent a few days with their aunt and The P. O. 8. of A. will present Mr, | Week i switched of at Cresson anc took Spouting and examine quality of the goods.
uncle, George Michael's, Huth as a lecturer here on May 24. B Putian, A ao ager k ie i ie |
? . + bn et armsboro, Ss none of these towns knew
4 MADISONBURG | when I arrived at the station to find that | All kinds of Tinware
Wm, Runkle spent Buna with his ards dnd ' [no brass bands were there to give | Sm ee —
* guts at 1 usseyville and also at Geo. | yo nonla Spayd and Ruth Fence |me a fopal reception, Of the four towns made to order,
4 Ud A . maker were seen in our burg on Satur. named I think Patton. by great odds,
James I. Lytle and family spent Sun. | day night. | would be: the most desirable place in
«day ia Oak Hall, The { which to locate, Barnsboro looked to tata atten —— i ——
pe who are on the sick list are F, |
Eimer McClellan and family spent |p Wolf and h Bei me as if it bad been dropped down in a |
Sunday at Harry Frantz's, yn PF Miss wy - . Susp Bairly. b cloud burst and every building settled Estimates Cheerfully Furnished
y Douty was seen in our burg | down where it pleased, same as marb-
COLYER. last Sunday. les would do if emptied from a bag on f | Bl Bellefo P
Wm. Wolfland wife, of Avis are spen-| Those who spent Sunday at C. L. | the floor, but let me tell you | met some ag B 0 d
ding some time with the latters parents | Grimm's were Mrs. Sarah Shaffer and | good le over there, Charley Griest
‘Wm, Klinefeller's, | her danghter Mrs. Rishel, and family live here. Charley just
Gas Fitting,
These high-class sample Undergar-
ments are now on sale at prices very
Water Heating. greatly below the usual.
They say Michael got in the wrong lane
on Saturday eve
A a Po Pon Pn Pr