Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 19, 1906, Image 7

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11214 The body of the late John N. Laut! HARVEY STOVE age 62 and a resi
Bellefonte and Vicinity dy Wi ce i» Aovard Friday dent of Aaron on died Sunday after
from Mexico, the funeral was held Sat noon of paralysis He is survived by a
The Local Happenings orday. wife, seven daughters and two sons and
in Short Paragraphs James Black, of Philipsburg, who con. |! the son-in-law of ( laude Kreamer, ol
ucted a wholesale 10r hou former this prac ineral mursaay forenoon
] has decided to embark in the butch at Wolf di
_—Sam Hart, of Harrisburg, spent Dr. Joseph M. Brockerhoff went to ing trade Mi ; ’ ; lat with
Easter at home, Atlantic City to spend the Easter Thars will be sarvice i ‘a | Tames an ima Reed died Tuesday
Dr. H. W. Tate returned from his Fot l norning at t ome of her parénts i
trip through Virgini:
y 1d the Easter season preaching
. . ¥ A | Mi } " yt
cough or cold take Krumrine's hd A church, Jacksony
Baking Powder
The United States Agricultural Department
has issued (and circulates free) a v le report
giving the results of elaborate experiments made
by and under the direction of the Department,
which show the great saving from baking at home,
as compared with cost of buying at the bakers.
fresher, cleaner,cheaper and more wholesome when
made at home with Royal Baking Powder.
Davis’ 100 per cent
Pure Paint
WANTED buy pigs fre Rh ) : i
i. Wm sevens ine, Lio oburn Narkets
WANTED . bushels of potatoes. at ©
by J. C. Rumberger, Bellefonte
FOR SAL} a child's gooart, price ¥
quire of Mrs Jennie Overly. Willow!
| 4 hg \ ; Civil Suits Against Dealers.
Quarterly Meetings i " . hn a wits AE FOR SALI x i Wik 0 aeres
\ Free Met list ve it sd re Having fa i crimin | bet ad woodland, Henry 1homps
rise, superintende Rvan ew A / 4 * ——t 4h . ranband ard. Pa Lock Naver Norkets
works wht a tain vant aE hird quarterly ng for , vl , " HOt AS vr of codings against ’
our town fn } y y for ‘ } reuit at the | " rel. com out no Fite in pres nt Haven. the pu Ol Mma RETTINUN Buf Plymouth
, } i 8 ling - , X tie bred eges-~ 18 tot oon.
of the large trout in J 4 ing Friday evening, 20th and con . : , he NH as decid institute civil proceedings | pelietonte, ra
water works JA immer some Sixty | inning the S ’ t ne m of: coident las that o
trout over a f« in len vel HM ! ! _ v 4 : } bf s his life Was h 4 4 " ; Fetal ah fool Hy ry hh charge
Fan nd R : ’ . : . i : :.4 ail 3 : 1 . - ) ; - sland an our ehilidren f wile
be " 5 5 : s } ) LADDISET Will Dre : d : : "te - ' Ee rat. i TOs AH A . N
ed to the town by one « Lat cl : det ne ‘y fonte, Apply at this ofoe uf
eries and put in the spring as a public A small piece of metal CRses -
» ; . . M '
attraction ye fish are tame and often | Will preach at the nntain school house | n han a pea, broke off the Several of the dealers have been noti. | WANTED 1a Sry Joung man want a sit
" " " near Snow Shoe n 'e and Wed. | A + ol + \ I hp uation as A band Tor all Around «ule
can be fed from the hand. and thousand tr Bn ay and We fe AD passed mpletely through that civil suits will be insti work. Apply at Democrat «Moe
’ attend these meetings tev. Zanhiser
1 :
have visited the nesday evening eyes and three or four inches
; i pod inst then od B ‘ent ake
collection At et ] : 0 jy: A ) P nto " He was taken to his gainst them and ! i § WANTED men to out extract wood at Van
about twenty fis ) ¢ ‘ / home. where he | wil inte sneonscious 0 PAY $100 as his share of t} i ‘ ¢ sey. on T. 80 KK. 2% mites | om 5
V nda Bald E te Vall v A station) ets per cond BF Davie, Penna
that someone has bee ntemptible ald Eagle Valley Dividend, ness and withou vering the same | whole business is regarded as an outrage  Furosee, I'a
enough to pilfer them at night As The stockholder { the Bald Eagle died. He was «8 years of age
4 :
\ ived 1 hia , . : \
the game and fish laws are a little pe | Valley railroad, which is leased by the vived w hin wife, three sons and daugh- | ke a case of persecution inste ad
culiar on the fish question we he that ers POROCH IO
/ ry 1 pe UA Pennsylvania, held their annual meeting on
the boro authorities can find some stant
under which to severely punish any one at Philadelphia last week and re-elected A
and is set by the victims and it certainly does look :
of AGENTS iwtwo men with hose and wAEOH  booaih ee: sment
wanted to take orders and deliver goods In Wh ao Bi
Cention, Hialr and Hunilupdon counties fn: DIPS Pet Peek J WRIET CTe ss per
Some of the dealers feel that the legis: quire of 8, MM, Rell, Boaisburg xl sunch tc; sessalras per bunch se; par
reformer” is looking for son-indaw | lators, so called, who perpetrated that SALEAMAN WANTED t—experienced Can Lanips per peck 10 to 18¢; dried apples per
seit in Congress Weeping act should be gotten together in a bunch |" saseers with horse and buggy for Sonn quart s¢ rhubarb per turch 100; onions
exhibit This paper will contribute qlisntly ogahised uy re electing the old Rachel. 1 ) and have the act jammed down their | werk, on salary, Which with expenses are " per burch ge: beets per pk 180; borse
liberally for a fund to prosecute and | officers and declared a stock dividend of | "AN® #0 tit enough for a man to be | ate, says the Express, rep. Just so | weekly, Extra commissions are earned b) | raddish per glass 0c; maple suger
Tally I i Hed t 4 ¥ F competent men rite at once giving age aud pet RB ¥ gor per
nish the next offender, and scores of | nine per cont. to stockholders of record | Married, without taking his job away | but it did many more iniquitous  coutrence to M. M. Peuner Uo. (3 onis. | 1D 13¢; Forse radish per Lunch sc: onion
others will join with us, | at the close of business, | from him ? things, IN Y {sets per pt 7 10 10; lettuce per head se,
who is so unprincipled as to rob such an | the old directors, The directors subse. Nick's