Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 18, 1906, Image 9

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    Jonas was cooking a bit af bacon
on the little stove when the door open.
ed and a rasping voice spoke famil-
larly: “Goin’ to sell out, 1 see, Jonas,
Jonas looked up in evident displeas-
ure. He was a slender, old man-—per-
baps seventy years of age. His hair
was thin and white, and his beard and
moustache grew long and straggly,
showing the pink skin beneath, for
Jonas was in prime health as a result
of his regular, active farm life. Now
his cheeks were pinker with irritation,
Bquire Barlow was not a welcome vis-
itor. Jonas's glance encountered
another old man—as advanced in years
as himself, but not as well preserved.
He was short and stout, with black
beady eyes deep-set in a yellowish,
leathery face. He looked the mean,
hard-fisted man he was known to be;
and as Jonas was not pleased with the
interruption he turned again to the
stove, giving curt assent to the
Squire's inquiry:
“Ye see right, Guess ye know the
meanin’ of red flags jes’ as well as
I do, seein’ as how gen'raly ye happen
to be ‘roun’ where there's bargains.
Will ye shet th’ door, Squire? 1 ain't
got no plans for heatin’ all out doors.”
Jonas spoke impatiently. Then, as
the Squire closed the door with an
| whipped the groun’ from under my
{feet with ye're consarned pretty man-
[ners an’
{ Ann Eliza out o' my arms, an’
her, damn ye. Mebbe ye don't remem
ber that, ye—-ye whelp, ye lyin,” dirty,
It was well for the Squire that his
breath failed, for Jonas was up in an
instant, his eves flashing, his nostrils
white and dilated with sudden, virile
anger He leaned with one
{the table, and in his grasp was the
long bread-knife. His voice was ome
inously quiet:
“Steady, Squire. I
man to insult me in
nor anywhere else, 1
‘bout enough.
out an' stay.”
don't allow
my own
guess ye've
ly. He picked up his hat, buttoned up
his coat over his still heaving breast,
and laid a heavy hand on. the door-
knob, Then he
minute the two men
about to spring. The
were drawn In a sneer,
yellow stubby teeth, “I
door. “But
row ye won't
Squire's lips
mebbe this time to-mor-
be so quick to ask me
git out. 1 jest called to give ye
meat out of
and put it on 1
ontinued his prepar
He gave a fina
the pot and
meat on the table, and cut
slice of bread. Then, as he
to eat he looked up at the 8q lire
1d, hard eyes:
‘1 didn't
n' I'll not ask ye to
ave yerself.” He spoke
almost as though he were
himself. And as the Squir
reddened with suppressed anger
he had expected Jonas fo cringe
fore hi Jonas calmly stirred hi
fee, looking meditatively ent of
across the bleak, frozen
in, §
very quliet-
ask ye to «
at go
Fd ns ye
8 00
indifference was too much
for the Squire's temper and he let him.
golf ont with an oath. “Ab-h-h!"
snarled. “Ye may well say ye didn't
ask me In, Jonas Updyke. But ye
dassent nsk me why 1 come. For
ugh we've lived here in this valley
nigh seventy year, boys together, and
men togethe this Is the fust time In
forty year gone that Iwe crossed this
here doorsill ut it won't be the last,
Jonas, it won't be the last, me boy."
There was an unctions sneer In his
volee that grated on every fibre of
Jonn's being
“There wouldn't be no tears shed,
Squire, If ye wasn't to come back no
more An' as for crossin my
forty year, nobody knows bettern’
self how that happens.”
The Squire opened his coat, adjust.
el his collar, and began impressively,
emphasizing his words by tapping on
the table with a fat forefinger:
“Jonas Updrke, let me ask ye a few
questions, Maybe ye don't remember
how old ye're gettin—mebbe
yo've forgotten Ann Eliza
that lived in this town as a girl some
forty year back.” He waited for reply.
Jonas nodded his head “The best
girl that ever lived, peace to her ash-
v8.” he replied reverently,
“Aud mebbe ye don't remember”
went on the Bquire in a louder voice,
“thet for nigh five year I was a vis
tin’ Ann Eliza Wimble every Satur
day night, and takin her to meetin’
ever Thursday evenin' In good weatLer
and goin’ drivin’ with her, to say
nothin of buyin’ her gum drops, an
cologne, an sich.” Again
and again Jonas nodded
of the window sadly, for Aun
had been his wife for forty years,
less than two years before he
Insied her in the little village church.
y The Squire's volce rose in passionate
climax. His gestures became emphat
le: ‘Mebbe ye riccollect, then, Jonas
Updyke, that ‘bout that time ye
looking out
| gin,
he |
| ther:
step In |
Wimble |
he paused, |
and |
had |
not! ce,
Jonas, 1
I've b
! | for thirty
n the fust mort
fay 1
ye're duds
my turn now
He dodged the
oot and hastened
walk to his buggy a
Jonas went bas he kit : nd
cleared up the br
he sat own with
ever d
his pi pe to think it
over The Squire's words were no
Ir He knew that Barlow had
bought the notes: he knew that
there was no hope for | fter
morrow. He had packed his
clothes In a grip 1 was ready
To-morrow, hefore the wild be
he would walk out and leave the
old place, with all its memories, to its
new Owner.
Jona's nature was
and he did not sho
sale oo
w his emotions, Yet,
as he wandered about the house,
thinking of Eliza, he came very near to
tears. It was all so lonesome and for
lorn. The dust | thick on the par
lor table, something he had never
known in the 1 days His mind
went back, as it had done a hundred
times during the to “Sonny.
his son Bill—and sob welled
up in his throat If Billy re only
but he put the thought reso
away. Billy was not there
Milly was but a memory, and Ann
Eliza was dead, and home was home
| no longer, Jonas was up long before
dawn the next morning. As Bquire
Barlow had predicted, he cooked his
last breakfast, and by sun-up he was
ready to depart. He stepped out of
{the yard without a look back, The
air was sharp with November frost
but he swung away Jown the road at
a gait that set his heart pounding joy-
ously. Over his shoulder, on a heavy
cane, he earried his carpet grip-sack
In his pocket was money--not so much
to Le sure, but enough to keep him for
a month, And why worry beyond
that, even at seventy
If you had asked Jonas whither he
a great
but he felt In his heart that he could
| young. It was his boast,
| his ne Ighbors, that he
day, In look or manner,
| ten years. Bo he strode on with a
| light step, and for a week covered
| about twenty miles a day, putting up
in the past
| Uke wine;
a delight. He lived agn'n the days of
gixty-three when he tramped up and
down the State of Tennessee, fighting
and being fought, day after day,
through that terrible cawnpalgn,
ye're bank account, and took |
married |
band on |
Ye might as well git |
The Squire ealmed down Immediate |
turned and for full a |
looked steadily |
each into the other's eyes like animals |
his |
got no |
he said finally, opening the |
years of age? |
was bound be could not have told you, |
make his way to one of the large cities |
and find work, for his spirit was yet!
admitted by |
had not aged a |
at country hotels, The fresh air was |
the varying landscape was |
Have you ever thought, young man,
| what it means to be dubbed “old and
| no good?’ Have you an idea of the
hopelessness of age when the only out
| look Is continued peed and reduced
| earning capacity? The truth came
home strongly to Jonas when he began
to seek work. There was no work for
him. They wanted young men, He
was too old; he couldn't stand the
racket, And some were gentle
with the rebuff, Gradually
fund dwindled, and at last he made
Lis way by begging at farm houses
along the road He found shelter in
| Igy ricks and barns, sneaking in after
| dark and leaving before dawn, Lack
of food began to tell. ‘The wrinkles
deepened In his face; his eyes took
on a hopeless expression: his gait was
slower; his back began to bend. In a
| few weeks Jonas was an old, old man.
And with weakness enme the feeling
| of dependence. His pride melted, He
wanted a strong arm about him. But
there was only one in all the world ou
whom he might call-“Sonny.” And
where was “Sonny” now?
There was ample time for Jonas to
As be plodded along |
| the frozen road he recalled the occur |
when |
“Sonny” had passed out of his life. |
On the boy's shoulders had fallen the |
{ burden of the farm with its mortgage. |!
Together they had worked, Bill doing |
the encunr |
| | regret the past,
rences of ten years before,
| the lion's share,
brance; and when the money was al-
most In hand, Jonas had
against Billy's earnest protest,
friend on an unseMured note, at heavy
interest. And when the friend failed,
Billy saw the fruits of his labor swept
away in a night. Was it any wonder,
then, that he proposed giving up the
farm and moving to the city? Were
| the ¥ to continue there, with noses to
{ the eternal grindstone, merely eking
out a living? The mother agreed,
faith in her son being deep and abid-
ing; but Jonas said No, and when.
after months of argument. Billy an-
nounced his intention of going alone,
rose in wrath and showed him
loor, bidding him with a curse to
and stay, and never show your
iain.” Now, in hb bitterness,
nd weary, Jonas sat down by
of the road and wept quie ty-
time In yes Oh, If he could
“Som “Bont yy" wonl
forgive His heart nt back
the old home; to the sorrowing mothe r,
who Ee pined away grieving for her
son. He did not know that on the day
of his departure, Billy, prosperous ane
generous, having ily of the ap
proach] had appeared before
the astonished Squire Barlow and up-
set that individual's prophecy by satis
fying all demands and rendering the
sale unnecessary; nor that for weeks
Billy bad been advertising all over the
East for his father to come he
It was New Year's
een on the road over a m
ut knowing how, or, indeed,
proceeded steadily nort
to raise
the first
wi 0
ng sale,
eve. Jomas had
why, he
, through
The &¢
v : ied on it with
his fists IRE!” he shouted; and
again, “FIRE! ' od
sud show seared
agen y,
aps VOT
lame told
was on
to the
h we
\ rope
face of
Women and
hither and : His
| W hy Jonas hurried up tl
As he turned into
] ( loud of fmoke env ol
tered the
now ing
hall a
He en
to the
: ited Into
ef, but as In a dream,
wan He
back or die, like rat in a
he groped his way he fell
bed. A tiny vo startied
was a baby, choking in the
dense smoke. He reached out blindly;
his hands en:
gl ng beneath
kets, and
little one’
ly k
e broad
oped |
and ran
ut it
stifiin Hm.
he coverings. He
it up. d ‘ned ng off the bilan
wrapping them around the
and body,
1 the door, stag.
8 head
ymehow he cl
gered Into the 1 ar
wny. As Le started down he tripped
over the end of a blanket and rolled |
down, down, over and over, His he ad |
struck a sharp corner at the foot of |
| the steps, and he lay still, the precious |
bundle clasped in his arms
An immeasurable space of
passed--then Jonas awoke slowly
knew that he was warm
{lay on a soft hed:
heavy and he could
| Then a familiar volee soun
ears, “Father, father
that was “Sonny's”
and that he
not rt the Dds
led In his
"it sald Rurely
volee, and he wan
fo get up and milk the cows He
struggled against the heavy
His eyes opened and looked up Into
Billy's face, "Bouny, is it you? he
asked, weakly, Where am 1, Sonny?
“Yes, father
strong, familiar
know me, father?
you everywhere
home, my home”
Slowly the truth dawned upon him.
He closed his eyes again, trylag to
remember. “Sonny, there was a fire,
volee, "Don’t you
I've been hunting
You're right here at
| child whose mother is
his little |
loaned It, |
to a
1 nnon : Yi child strug!
1 found the stalr | the wiseacres of that date
but his even were |
back In the ld home, and It was time | was our baby,
its we, Billy" tame the |
The Queen of England Stands God
mother to American Baby.
When Queen Alexandra stood as
godmother to the son and heir of the
Duke of Manchester and his American
wile, it was the first occasion on which
this royal lady ever assumed respon.
sibility for the spiritual welfare of any
y 4 native of the
United States. King Edward, while
still Prince of Wales, accepted the
BPOLSOT hipgof quite a number of chil.
dren of Anglo-American unions.
By th bye, the Duke of Manches
ter is the present head of Drogo de
Monte Acuto, who was a famous
warrior in the immediate train of Rob-
ert, Earl of Moreton, at the time of the
Norman conquest. Among his ances-
tral home rescued and restaurated
with t d of his American father-in-
law, Eug Zimmerman, of Cinein-
natl, pre-eminent stands the tradition
filled, association-baunted Kimbolton
Castle, tle
The cas Is an ancient
building, standing
at the head of the
Handsome Fur Scarf
Send us your name and address and we will send you
free and post-paid 24 pleces of our jewelry novelties to
sell at 10 cents each, Bverybody you show them to will buy
them of you. When sold send us the $2.40 snd we will at
once send you this
Handsome Fur Scarf
ft is pesarly 48 J Jiches long, made from black Lynx
fur, has six full, bushy tabs, very Istest style, and ve
kaow you will be more thas pleased with It When y
receive it we know you will say it is the most elegant jou
thoroughly good fur you have ever seen. Nothing similar]
to this scarf has ever before been offered as a premivmyg Ie
will give years of satisfactory wear. It gives a stylish,
dressy effect to the wearer's appearance. only reason
ve can offer them is we hed a large number of them made
for us by one of the large furriers during the summer]
h< en trade was quiet; this is the only reason we sre able
to offer such an expensive premium. We hope you will
take advantage of our offer without delay, This is an
extraordinary offer and cannot be duplicated by any other
reliable concern. We trust you with our jewelry usd}
sold. It costs you nothing to get this fur, Address,
Dept. 655, East Boston, Mass.
| sand
Fen country,
ed park, close
in a spacious, well-wood-
to the town of Hunt
centuries ag
of Queer
» of
one of the
Am in col z
ngs in the great hall, and its oriat.
1] is sald to keep a nightly vigil for |
rues and pon accommodating |
mself inclination and
ml ig sited astride
wall or secretin g himself un-
shadow of the mighty Fac
Probably the ghost of §
5 10 the
ers of r
her ®,
Li |
by eith ng
game ke 4 :
ducal purse.
well remem.
yuntry from his visit in
Boston a few years ago, at the head of
the Ancient and Honorable Artillery
Comey of London, 1s the citer of the
f vy to } ich the famous povelis
} ding, belong
ne « Co
! 1 in this «
perial |
this |
Jd byl,
14 the
) add
1 up
of mons
lux uric
nding a
ow far m
n Balmoral;
and Mar Lodge
rather. Princess of Fife's
¢ into insignificance compared |
h it |
¢ Bradley-Marting have been wo |
in England that or In
their rise
world. Theirs is
last, so It f
an in fact, such success makes
fmpreasion on the thoughtful
when yon look into it, you find
things that arouse your admirat
it is no mean thing to make an
trance In the London world of fashion
It requires a deal of tact and knowl
edge of men and women ‘he Earl of
Craven, the son-indaw of the Bradley.
Marting, passes most of his time look.
ing after his forty thousand acres, and
in attending w! his duties as county
magistrate near his Warwickshire
home. lady Craven W keenly inter
in poultry farming, and at
Coomiwe Abbey has bred birds hat
have stirred up the keenest sort of
competition aumongst English fancers
Moreover, it 1a agread on all hands
that the boy-and-girl marriage of 1803
has turned out more pleasantly han
And the Countess of Craven
| pre tier as she grows older
Prince Nanszeta Pehassnes Monte
gum who claims to be the lineal de.
scendant of the famous Aztec King of
{that name, is small, olive-skinned
| Fabulous Cost of Solomon’s Templo
| Was
, te,
Bolomon’'s Temple flourished before
the days of modern “Graft,” but it
may be wondered what became of all
the jewels and precious stones, for the
taleats of gold, silver and brass used
in the construction of the temple were
1 at about thi of
and the jew + game,
according to Vill * CONRe-
crated vessels of gold amounted to two |
and three-quarter billions; of silver
two apd one-half billior the vest |
ments and musical Instruments to |
‘un and one-quarter millions,
There were ten the
ploy« i to hew tin
sand as burden earrier
hewers of stones, t
nndred overse all
oyed for seven year
Bolomon bestowed
Lessons Free
A wonderful offer to every lover of muse
whether a beginner or an advanced player.
to m
- six less
her |
song (or a less pur
nber if you
Nang :
r Mar will
strur in
one lessor
ing the time
cost of pow
which = &
{ upon |
as a gift] |
lions of dollar Adding the |
wages the total would be
hundred and fifty millions |
2. The stone and tim- |
squalied twelve bill more and
whole total has been carefully
estimated as $77.521,065,650,
usand men em-
n thou- |
nty thou- |
nrty-three |
whom were |
8 and
of to you
lace you under
{ yon pever wr
cost ly
warveis of ai ple
nt had the Joast
ister writes:
comes I a more ar
Race Do mistake In
We have been
’ becoming your pupil.’
Crow and Parrot Fight. a 4
’ Pa t Fight blished seven years have
Adam hundreds of pupils from eight years of age to
. work seventy Don’t you cannot jearn musie till
in, 1 a wil d for our free bookie et and tuition offer.
1 to say, "One at a twill be nent by wall free, Address
men, don't crush,” acquired, of course, | 1 4 L 15 Union Square.
n tl {ood n New York City.
from tlie ticket seller
One day the parrot got lost
after a long search Mr. For
overjoyed to hear
Forepaugh, the veteran show-
wide and defending
claws, was repeating
‘One at a time, gentlemen, oie at a
Don't crush.”
him i
r Ov nd over,
ne and the cartridge
times, Hhirows the
instead of to
Colorado’s Fine Capilol.
State Capitol of Colorado was
a cost of $3,600,000 and is |
ted entirely of Colorado ma
' terior is of selected Er ay
nt ' ed
the cen.
. sed,
MARLIN yaetion
gon ever boil
pare catalogue, 300 M-
t in
in t our corner drug-
“Goods a drug on the market, eh?
Throw Your Bottles and Scales Away
O YOU KNOW that dirty bottles and scales cause you trouble?
Obviate this by using our Developers, put up READY TO USE.
Simply empty our tubes into the developing tray and add the water
we don’t charge you for the latter, Large quantities of developer
made up at one time oxydize and spoil. With our developers you only make
up enough for immediate use.
Send 25 cents for half a dozen tubes sufficient for 24 ounces of devel-
oper for Velox, Azo, Cyko, Rotox, or other papers, or 60 ounces of Plate and
Film Developer—a Developer which will not stain the fingers or nails, and
is non-poisonous. We have a Sepia Toner for gaslight papers, 6 tubes, 25¢.
11th 5t, and Penn Ave., Pe Washington, D. C.
Wake Up, Old Man,
Wake Uy |
You Will Never Fall Asleep Over Your
youth, with largs hea vily fringed
gray eyes, a full,
hair He wears civilian
broad-rimmed sombrero, and
carries an interesting, carved cane.
van Calava.
An ee gh
“Yeu, father. It was right hore
clothes, a
The fire's out, There's no
And I've bought the old home,
and you ean go back
pever work or want any more!
But Jonas did not hear. A great
peace came over him. He knew ouly
that "Sonny" held him; that “Sonny”
would take care of him; that his long
Journey was at an end.
Through the midnight alr came the
sound of great bells. All over the city
the Joyous message was ringing--ring
Ing In “Sonny's” ears—that Jones had
come home,
red mouth and long |
It i
and you saved it for on |
danger, |
father, |
if you want, and |
AXY set of doubieeutery books in tie
ngle to double.entry: looate errors in
wld fm prove systems; "uN accounts; " RCOOUD! A CO
Peeping: carn oar a fi export: nave on e-thi Inbor; make * balance sheets
comparative statement; keep books for or manage & SIKK Company or
how to open, keep and dio
sted) h “ manner; change ©
conccra, and more—MUCH more |
Why Go to “College” to Learn Book-keeping
and spend from $60 to $600 of Moncy sd from § 10 14 months of to learn an, antiquated
system, ful of superfiuition, when the undersigond, who 51 years’ practiosl
experience at an aooountant, will, for the small sum a hay he rer
within 6 weeks’ time to fill ANY position a or
REFUND MONEY! Could you ask for an rie BR a and nd you oi
3.00, Send for further particulars, or
get your moncy's ad
I Find Positions, Too, Er Freel
The undersignad suppl pplies more business houses with book. Reapers ay any
CEPER RS shan hich eomid be named, and there is Rt Aespand {
KEEPERS than “for any other kind, Distance and ox
¥ MONIALA from PUPILS! Perhaps | oan place
of Goodwin Practioal Instruction for XL
band wd ron advert
R, "
Room 436, 12185 Broadway, » NEW YORK