Page. SUBDUED Fry Colored Shades For the Won face the d LLB up mari put it « posi here 1 ) Trying White aning 3 LIGHTS. Toning Down Glare, the Nack Velvet juare ia piece ines bril flat table f upon lay ind piace 1 plece of surface; to press nin this | will ad Klnas, 1 pin hing prevent into the not i fashion he cush- THE GOOD MUSIC, ts Value In 1 here paid, as a rule, zines which GIVING Etiguette and About Bedroo the fleiently s all the to the to De Informal Occasions, Home Ix Recognized, attention in the ho RK .] paths si NCE, LUNCHEONS. Observed on Formal arnishing Dishes 5 m lamp Shade Always Carried SThouse ds (113 Frain The preat army of Com mercial Travelers think the heat “side line." for thelr own use, is 8 box of BCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS eure Bilicaeness Liver Complaint, Indiges tion Comstination Rick Headae he Jaundice, flearthurn Filatulency Malaria, ete, In use over Bevenly veara “liven the liver. wrk 8 Mo Arake Piile, 4nd br. J. 0 Schenck & Son, Philadelphia, Pa. . CENTRE Not Suf- world and maga. of family, in the DEMOCRAT, flowers shade of g Into wreaths, Or if the plain needs decoration a pretty mp could on running from the plece be sewed diamond shape, top to the bot tom. Blistered Linen, { inen, which starching, g the articles Io ist be about Orange Salad, SALE REGISTER. EE Eo. tAGOOD | LINIMENT : ) n + the * 8 + + » H 3 + H BUSH HOU 4 DL'K. ™ +e boats Pama Comp, GREEN'S E L FCTRIc LINIME NT EE ot de a da a dg a a gh a hd hh BELLEFONTE, PA. JAN( Al 18, PREDICTIONS FOR 10086, An Exchange Engages in the Weather Guessing Business. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS 1906 Vi a SALE, sued out of the (Oy minty, in the estate of Fotter Township will offer at punlie nuship, Cen By virtue of an orde phan's Court of Centre ( of James FF. YW augh [rey deceased, the WIKI Sale on the pre tre County Pent FRID lock iregg Tow wh RHOADS COA LL Wood, Grain, Hay, Straw and Sand. Wi Business Cards, Envelopes, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Tickets Invitations, Receipts, Statements, Posters, THE C 3 3aabaibaidshathiadiakiak iad oadoatoad oak skouto shoutout hauls ols ahs thy gh oH AL ALARAa aaa ada dda ndaddontaddonde nd abaatantantedbaiatandaadanion tt WANT YOUR PRINTING! Hand Bills, Visiting Cards Bill Heads, Shipping Tags, Sale Bills, Window Cards, Blotters, Milk Tickets C—O CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, SAARI bh LO bbb bd bd bd LD bb Lb bbb bb bd Lb Mn PA. i LAALRARA LARA LALA RALALALALARARALALARARRRRSA A LALS A. E. Schad FYRTRINE Fe) LAALAAARARRRARAAA 4A RiaiRadidaasdidididedaditadadeditidsdidetatadadididsdididiatas Eagle Block, Bell ALARA AD LARA AA hh Ah Ah INT EO ALALAL AL LAALARAR AAR ALAR ALARAR AR ALAA AD Gh hh AA A AA AA hh (adadididddiaihidadidadididididiag RAILROAD SCHEDULE [HE CENTRAL KAILR! AD OF PENNA INSURANCE AGENCIES. .W H MUSSER, rance JLigent d Pension Attorney BELLEFONTE, PA S. B. GOSS FIRE ACCIDENT INSURANCE HARRY FENLON FIRE, LIFE ACCIDENT TORNADO INSU RA BONDS of AND ANC E, Jno. I. Gray & Son Wl Successors to GRANT HOOVER : Insurance : This agency represents the largest Mire Losur anee Companies in the world We are pre pared to write large lines at any time ALSO Life and Accident Insurance, and Surety Bonds. Call on or address us at Crider’s Stone Bldg, Bellefonte, BEEZER'S MEAT MARKET, LLEGHENY ST. BELLEFONTE. We keep none bat the best quality of BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, SLICED HAM All Kinds of Bmoked Maat, Pork Sansage, ote If you want a nioe Juley Steak go to PHILIP BEEZER,