THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., NOVEMBER 9, 1905, ELEPHANTS, In Olden Times These Big Animals Were Used In War, The circus elephant is almost as old as the world, for the ancient Romans had an eye to business as well as our own circus men. Trained elephants performed during the Roman gladia torial fights, just as the clowns do in our circuses during the Intermission, But the elephant is also spoken of in the history of the Bible. King Lysias of Syria in 163 B. CO, led 120,000 men and thirty-two war trained clephants against Judas of Maceabee and won the battle. Eleahar, the brother of Ju- das, killed one of these elephants, but AN ELEVFVHANT BRIDGE. to of buried and crushed the colossal body [#4] was himself death underneath the animal as it fell Elephants were found army of ilannibal when he ma upon the Romans In 219 B, trunk, head and neck of this are most easily burt, and the Hannibal had iron mall coats made them which covered these parts. Alex- ander the Great was known to used elephants as bridge support ing his wars and, as you can ses the picture, his soldiers them. There is a elephant was tight rope In a Roman circus, w something that our modern trainers have not yet been able with their animal IS, the war Ihe mal also fore crossed ase on record wh taught to walk us to do YOUR PLAYMATES. Some “Donita” That Evers Roy Shonld Always Bear In Mind Don't sha 3 inves r. first ent & pair of y« depth of r Don't Years norar the worl who name Don't snub a boy because | is plain and unpretem Lin ri) unps Was unable to write s home raham ) home f Doy son Hogarth, the : er ana | CAUSE ness uu brated stupid | Don't n ters De of Greece ercame mering vo Don't s bh 1 for any reason, not only I» #¢ he m day out strip you In race of life, but be- cause it Is neither kind nor right eugraver t his books be stut great a harsh and stam y boy because henes, the orator iY some the Rules For Children. Be prompt at every mea Never shout, run or jump house Shut slamming it Let your first, be your mother Carefully clean the snow or mud off your boots before entering the house Never interrupt any conversation, but wait patiently your turn to speak Never sit down at the table or in the parior with dirty hands or tumbled hair. Always speak kindly and politely to servants If you would have them do so to you When you are told to do or not to do a thing by either parent, never ask “why.” Tell of your own faults and misdo- ings, not of those of your brothers or sisters in the every without door after you last and best friend Comundrama, What is the board of education? The schoolmaster’s shingle What gives more milk than a cow? A milk cart What insect frequents schools? The spelling bee, Why should a doctor never be sea. sick? Becnnse he Is accustomed to sea (see) sickness What is the Cifference between an old dime and a new cent? Nine cents, Why is a girl or boy adding six and seven like a lame dog? Decause he puts down three and carries one His Color, “Now, what is your fav'rite color?™ Asked Dorothy of Ned “Sometimes | think mine's purple; Sometimes I think it's red The grass and trees and bushes Why, all those things o green!” That Dorothy was puss! 4 Was plainly to be seen, But Ned had no such trouble. After a thoughtful frown That lasted half a minute, He sald: "My fav'rite’s brown The brown like grandma's cookies And tops of blscult-oh, There's not another color As nice as brown, 1 know!” «Youth's Companion. district —— HAVE AN ALARM CLOCK, It May Save You Many Minutes For Yourself During the Day, Does the average housekeeper know how important an article of household furnishing is the alarm clock? A young friend of mine, about to marry, sald to me: “I intend to pur- chase as the first article for my home the most necessary and Important one, as an omen for the future. Now, what shall it be?” At my reply, "An alarm clock,” she appeared so surprised that I delivered a little lecture on the value and uses of the same, somewhat as follows: The average home maker and home keeper breaks down frequently, not so much from overwork as from lack of rest, for there Is a vast difference be tween the two, She just “keeps going” all the time all the long day through and often Into the night and never thinks of conserving her energy or her strength by the frequent brief resting times she might have did she know the use and value of an alarm clock, There may be, perhaps, five or ten minutes before the bread need come out of the oven and it has reached that stage and the temperature of the oven is such that It requires no looking after. Bhe might just as well drop down on the couch for five or ten min utes’ rest, and she is so tired she may fall and not awake until the bread Is overdone, says the Ladles’ World, Again, the children's noonday lunch is ready, but they won't be home from for minutes Lunch reach asleep school fifteen must the the house, else ity that noon s¢ or close her eye be or table when thes there Is a fair probabil for the after and so she dare not rest Il be late 4 REAL MINT SAUCE. A Recipe That Is Youched For by an Experienced Cook. Mint sauce & snare, be gar mint other thiug s usually a delusion and merely very sharp vine- ments of tasteless sauce ls an- Here is a recipe vouched iperienced cook: Let the Id water tap run over it is perfectly aves from the nt ieces and { i K and leaves teal mint gravy. Season WIth salt and paprma. | Unless a strong flavor of mint is liked, | serving, The simplest mint sauce Is made by steeping the chopped mint in boiling water, about half a cupful to a hand- ful of mint, covering the bowl and plac. Ing where it will cool quickly. Let it stand for three-quarters of an hour, when add a little sugar, salt, paprika and four tablespoonfuls of mild vine- gar.—New York Post NURSERY NOTES, Thoroughly cleanse the nostrils be fore going to sleep. This gives a freo nasal respiration and with children pre vents their becoming mouth breathers, Children that are delicate alling require a great deal of kindness, but a firm hand as well, or they will become unbearable cranks, Dry children's ears carefully, both in the folus and behind, using a very soft towel or handkerchief Careless drying of this delicate organ will pro duce deafness, Dried grapes or raisins should be given with caution to children, and, in deed, they better altogether with out them, for they are lable to disorder the digestive organs or old unre should be allowed as they Small children to drink as much It helps to clear the system of effete mat ter quickly p the and bowel tion water like and so stomach in good cond Letter Paper. An authority on letter and spondence pap for white paper, that women may use are goo! taste Pale color tints only sl + thelr cholce, formal cor letters vices should not printed Monograms uncom better Leo all corre colors whet in paper For or de monly well exec had omitted and Roman type substituted, says Vogue. In this respect American taste Is thought superior to foreign The same authority advocates pictorial headin statione lands gs in England and shou with us. T ingly esque sketel 1 lends of beauty ers of counts 10% ory gs upon special country house ry, these to printed hese be ipe headin are much in 1 find « ford for | SURE An lnsupeeable OOP O~0~0~0~0- » : 3 : “OOO OOO OOOO OO =O OOO OOOO OOOO Text of the Lesson, Ezra vill, 21.02 Memory Verses, 21-28 0Golden Text, sdf ommentary Prepared Al Esra viii by Hev. Stearns brass, and, : 1 € . ¥ » Journey yere ered from all thelr enemies and their destination in safety witl huwan protection = hatever worth loquir fear on every Him ness and righteous the days of out of xx, J; Luke glorifs his Is something GK into, for In these days side” if without fear in hol Him all delivered We can jearn to serve before ur enemies” Lews Life of - [TUN our hand id Al ir hene be the (Jer God it wal these this re written for fit (Rom. xv, 4 that how to have the hand o us for good (verse 22 iL 6 8 28. in the face of our enemies. Many years had passed since Zerubbabel and his company of 40.000 had gone up from Babylon to Jerusalem by the decree of Cyrus (chapter II, 1, 64 bad been rebullded and the passover had been kept (vi, 14, but as time sped on the tendency to wander away from God, which is common to all, be came very manifest and Israel had be come very much mixed up with the people of the land (Ix, 1, 2). It Is the purpose of God that His people should be specially His own, a people for Himself, In whom He can live and through whom He can make Himself known to others (Ex, xix, 4, 0; Isa Hil, 21; Ps. Iv, 8; TILL I), 14, RV), and all conformity to the ways of those who are not of God grieves the Spirit of God and hinders Him in His loving purpose, If this rebellion against God Is persisted in He will chasten His people, for “whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth” (Heb, xii, 0; Rev. ll, 10; Amos Il, 2). He bad Just chastened Israel for seventy years In Babylon and had restored them, according to His promise by Jeremiah, but they were already prov. Ing themselves the same rebellious, stiff necked Israel (Deut. ix, 6, 24). So it Is always, and the men lke Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Elijah, Elisha, Bera, Nehemiah, are few lndeed. When such men are found, the way that God 1 greatly KS Wie we learn our God upon may r i | 05)-the temple oy a) ‘ean turn things in thelr favor is seen In chapter vil, 1-28, supplying them with abundance, to be freely used for | the work and according to the will of God. The whole heartedness of Kera toward God Is seen In the first verse ' of our lesson and In vii, 10, : i When Ezra might have had soldiers (and horsemen for the asking to pro tect them on thelr journey It must have seemed tg human wisdom great 0-000-000-0000 0~C SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON VII. Fourth Quarter, International Series. Now 12 OOO ] folly n }) ASK for the for man) wo IA « UNsOSn Are by our ritual i we , but re God and to know Him lesire food for the body, honestly humble ourselves b wm and ibove all things His will, His His glory, then He will not fall to sf Hir strong in our behalf We enemy's country, this seeking whom NES seen There is no wm ris own sake ¢ than we desire way OW we lf are al way through an prince of 8 ever for § Dassing the roaring may devour flesh things and people of tnd world as a lion he wrestle not ag (visible the and spirits In the heavenlies (1 et Eph. vi, 12); so we must never cease to watch and pray, but we need have fears, for He that is with us is strong er than our adversary, and “If God be for us who can be against us? As truly as Ezra and his company reached Jerusalem In safety shall all the redeemed of the Lord be delivered out of the mouth of the lion and from every evil work and be preserved unto His heavenly kingdom (II Tim. Iv, 17, 18). Not our faithfulness, but the faith fulness of our God and Saviour, is our comfort as we journey on through life The sliver and the gold and the ves sels delivered to the priests to be watched over and kept safely and handed over to the proper persons at Jerusalem suggest to the believer that be also has certain things delivered to him for which he must give an ae count, as it is written, “So, then, every one of us shall give account of himself to God" (Rom. xiv, 12). The analogy is, however, not a very good one, for these priests delivered up at thelr Journey's end only what they had re ceived In Babylon, whereas the be Hever, having received at his conver sion, or at the beginning of his life journey (for no one has life till he re colves Christ, 1 John v, 10; John |, 12). his pound or talent or talents, Is ex pected to so use on the way that which he has received that he ean gladly | testify to Its Increase at the Judgment | woat of Christ (Matt, xxv, 27). The salvation we freely receive is to | be worked out, and we are debtors to all who have not received the gospel | to give It to them speedily (Phil 1, 13; ' Rom, 1, 14160). Kept by the power of | God, safe In the hand of our Redeemer, wo are (0 let Him ose us in any way Heo pleases for Fis glory. we amd blood bm inst against wicked 8; POWers darkness no »O ‘Week's News Condensed, strain the leaves from the sauce before | Continued from page 1, this section, | RELIGIOUS esm— Professor Mitchell Guilty, The board of bishops of the Meth- odist church, In session at Washington, sustained by a narrow majority the charges of heresy preferred against H, G. Mitchell, professor of Hebrew in the Boston university Discussing Unitarian Exclusion. Nearly all of papers are discussing the decision of the commit tee the Interchurch confer- ence of federation to refuse admission to the distinguished of the Unitarian church - Edward E. Hale, ex-Becretary John D, Long and In A. Elliott, president of the Unitarian association, The evan- gelicals say that the exclusion of Unl- tarinus Is just as as it would be to put anarchists out of good gov- ernment confer- ence. The Out- look explains that the denom- inational bodies which agreed to "or together rded the church w ol coming delegates namely, Dr, Samuel reasonable 1 i the M1 US Ac only it had confined 1ett Hale. vard Eve | that the comumitt d gate upon tbh relation of the i | church O8 COND 1 On AL ©% ti i Wl hr iT sion by ng that the grea the work of the conference will LR ia upon "the evanges nterp: the presence and mission and adds that the Unitarian « of Christ “is as far trictly human bel: « from God § thar if from best lived ard Cotton Workers Accept Offer. V2 0 ‘ " 8.066.672 People In New York State. Morton Statue Unveiled. he st fJ ling M bad F0 | rie Det Nas velled ex President Pd the pr oly al First Snow For the West, r was marked : Kf first mantie of the Mis and the Rockies except In the southern tier f ity ove address ¥ of Oct of tlw i im ’ tl sow states tween the I SL A) mM Accidents, The California express on the Santa Fe was derailed in a walled cut near Kansas City, Mo. causing the death of tvelve persis and the injury of twenty-five Rix ofA were killed by an ex plosion in the Hazel Kirk mine near Monougahela, Pa, while they were In vestigating a slow fire The blowing out of the head of a large boller ln the central power sta. tion of the United States Electric Light company at Washington killed two men instantly and badly injured three, One of the principal street car lines was put out of business for several hours, and a part of the city was with. ont Nght The Swadish steamer Johan and the Russian bark Antares collided and foundered in the North sea recently, and twentysix of the crews were drowned, 1s LEGAL APMINISTRATOR 8 NOTICK Estate of Mus. Lis M. Apame, late of State College boro dec'd ADVERTISEMENTS. i 1 Letters of administration in the above estate | having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebied to the sald estate sre re | quested to make jisyinent, and those having claims to present the same without delay, to Cuan, B Kumrz, admr, eo. t a Bellefonte, Pa, E* ECUTOR'S NOTICE Ritate of U0. © TavYrLon Inte of Spring twp dead, Letters testamentary upon sald estate hav. jog been granted | the Register of Wills to the undersigned, all persons knowing them selves to be indebted to sald estate are re. ‘quested te make immediate Jo * and | Boe Raving clatma, to present them wel | tiemen { ey n Keller, seutor, | AP. 0 : : : COovuRt PROCLAMATION | , Whereas, the Honorable ELLs LL Onvis, | President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the 19th Judicial District, eonmasting of the jeounty of Centre, having issued his precept, bearing date the 24th day of October 19006, to me directed for holding a Court of Common Pleas Orphans’ Court Quarter Bessions of the Peace, Os er and Terminer asd General Jali Delivery, in Belletonte for the county of Cen tre and Lo commence on the ith MONDAY OF NOVEMBER being the (7th day of November, 1905. and to continue two weeks, notice is hereby Kiven to the Coroner. Justices of the peace, Aldermen and Constables of sald county of f votre, that they be then and there in their proper persons at 10 o'cloek lu the 1orenoon of the 77th with thelr reeoras inguisitions ex aminations and thelr own remembranees. Lo do those things which 10 their office a poertalns to be done aod those who are bound in recon iZanees Lo proseculs against the ; That are in the ty he ne Prisoners or shall be jall of Centre ‘hen and there 1o prose 1 be just Given unde) my hand st Bellefonte day of October, In the year of our Lord coun ule against them shi the 24th *if and yuinth year of the STales LOR Sherif the ope bundreth and ty independence of th SPECIAL TERM the Honorable Ellis L, Orvis, Presi of the Court of Common Pleas of 8 i strict consisting of the County of hire, having issued bis precept bearing date fie 6th day of September atid to me di) for holding a special term of Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Jal Delivers Orphan's Court Quarter Sess of the Peace, in Bellefonte, for the County of Centre 6 the third Monday of No Deing the 2h day of November Whereas dent Ju the 40 Ce ' RLY) rected v aud fons G. F. JODON, Auctioneer, Bellefonte, Pa. Sechler & Co., PURE FOOD and Fine Groceries. Baker's Steel Cut Coffee is above comparison with any goods on the market, and is well worth the attention of ev- ery good house-keeper. Everybody wants good pure Darby goods will please you sure. Vinegar; our Fine, large, fat, Salt Mack eral, boneless. They're beaut’s. After a long szarch we have made a find in Dried Beef. It is properly cured and properly sliced; try it. Our Hams and Bacon are fine. If you are not altogether suited on Lard, try the goods we have. It is light in color, not from bleaching, but from care and cleanliness in render- ing. It sweet Lard. is good, pure and nw SECHLER & CO. Pure Food and Fine Groceries. Wie are After Vou! We want you to buy your Shoes of us got an object for you. We have We are adding a FREE PREMIUM DEPARTMENT to cur store, something that has never been done by any store in Cen- tre county. Our premi- ums will be of a kind that will help you to Furnish Your Thome! Premiums that you will not haave to buy large amount to get them. Rugs, Rocking Chairs, Beautiful Pictures. Lace Curtains, Clocks and a full line of Silverware. Articles that will make your home cosy and comfortable. They will all be given free if you buy your Shoes of us. WHY NOT BUY FROM THE STORE THAT HELPS YOU? Veager and Davis, The Shoe Money Savers, BELLEFONTE. Premium room open for your inspection at all times.