* THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, NOVEMBER 9. 1905 Page 3 RECENT DEATHS, LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. AR {been pastor of the Liberty Baptist * . : ss E ‘ REGGE ‘die , MAKRIAGE LICENSES W. A. Catherman, the Linden Ha |church at Blanchard for several years Miss EvLren M, Greco died at the | ! Li ¢ ’ g \/ . igi . home of Mrs, Dorsey Green at Brierly osenh Svear Mileshurg Bellefonte and icinity blacksmith, had the misfortune to chop | and who resigned recently, has received Friday morning at 9 o'clock, She was § Joseg ph 4 : dil, The Local Happenings off the index finger of his left hand, a call to the pastorate of the Disciple | 67 years of age. The funeral services ( Blak at y AY : Were ’ rT, Jd from the hous JOBEDN Blake « in Short Paragraphs Nathaniel Boob will become a resident | church at Newberry and will accept, He | Were private and held from the ind ve Monday morning at 11 o'clock. Inter ment in the Union cemetery at this place sold his farm in Union county for $5000. m——————— hr M y ‘ : > " . WILLIE MEYE)S ~Mr. and Mrs. Frank Montgomery are For a cough or cold take Krumrine's J. L. DeHaas, proprietor of the Syra- PENSION DECISION, on of Mi in Philadelphia, Compound Syrup of Tar—cures in one | cyge House, at Howard, is confined to day. tf | | OVER THE COUNTY. Rev. George Stanley West, who has of Millheim next ng He recently | has sold his residence in Blanchard By the Assistant Secretary of (the Depart- ment of the Interior, ~Orrie Ishler, of Wilkinsburg, is home : his health has been failing foi visiting his parents at this place, Miss Mary Bradley left Monday for | some time, CASH Swumption m 1 po hiladelr where she will spend the " Ban AA wit —Thanksgiving is appointed for Thurs Philadelphia where she will spend the Mr. and Mrs, George L. Goodhart will fatal illbe day, Nov. 30. Look up your turkeys likely become residents of ntre Hall , of New York, 10X pring, an WCUpY | Zerby home Frank Shaughnessy, of Pittsburg ) of Mr, and Mrs, th arrived home for a visit with hi Last Friday s Brown, of Al- Bellefonte Monday to of the season, depth, ~The Lutheran congregation has de. 3 ' Thomas lennines. of anning. k is ret 1 plenty and is likely t cided to install an individual heating I'homas Jennings, of Manning ! plen ely to plant in the basement of their church, iIrginia, 18 visiting relative { 1 price by butchering Bellefonte. ime, w! is usually tl ase when year — Henry Wetzel, Esq., returned home : ly fas \omttin i . i 4 last week from Virginia where he has J. Coburn Rodgers, of the State | COT 18 PIEDLY { . i Sri ; son was a di r of Jacob Etter been engaged in the government surv at _ Hazleton, { by her hu Frank Frain, formerly with McCal- mother on Allegheny street. mont & Co., of Bellefonte, is now private Prof. Philip H. Meyer was in charge secretary for A. A. Stephens at Tyrone, | of the musical program at the Teaeher y hind } n this week 26, at the November twenty-third h I DM . y } ielnl 2 ) organ, in served by the ladies of St. John's Episce Harry C. Weaver, of Philadelphi: i’, sorgan, lip B. Weaver, of Princeton, w | Scram a., and Margaret Lou ah a GROUND TO DEATH Ex-sheriff B. Democrat with are pleased t 1s many fre some weeks ago cers were electe Precident Vy tT Mes WORD AD) Letter to Judge Orvis, Bellefonte e the TELECRAPHY nd secure & ra what Learn earned, WE CAT MARKET QUOTATIONS Bellefonte. Pre morning WORKMAN'S Oc Tor produce: Fees Per dogs Ard, per pound tributions shou i i pither } ; \ ’ ro ; 2, y " : Tallow, per pout Thon fan'T's ’ t \ ! hi f Butter. per pound farre, or | 8 | 4 ji dl dlll Ouse a perp apa Harris, or Miss Mary Blanch 5) LA ing i” nts ’ ortamen have a Side per'pound... nal i To Harbor Grangers. Potatoes per bushe There will a real musical treat ¢ 1" N fn : 4 \ y the State (3t OTE Apples pirbus : | "yt ' {3d . o « ITADUEe CONnvend Bellefonte Cram, 30-32 SOUTH ALLECMENY ST. | Th following prices are paid by 0. ¥. Was auspices of the Lad jet of ’ Wheat, old a Sp ) 1 i ales A 1 soc ie Vi : '" 4 i a i ad 1 y in pr vale wheat. new Presbyterian church The follow Louisa Bush vs Je han G. Dubbs F " oH . . . ; a “ ! . ¢ anthor 8 ! i Will take part in the program Miss Jacob Alters vs F. P. Musser, adi ADLS Are ’ scarce. b i ! ) local merchants’ assoc LL ! i Corn Shelled Marie Stoddart, soprano, Carl H. Tol ne." ‘tat » are {or N ito Corn pew hot at Rabbit and Mit Himself. ! " \ orn be - 8h : plaint Coburn Markets sail to 1} 181 un a4) \ : : : ) Me L} n ’ y ad PP ¢ ah Clarence Yost wl unning fort y ! made outside ! . : # nd vfs pianist, Willis and Prof. John \ ¥ Riakdt nd ‘ ) Bal Ladies Fleeos Hood kip.2 4 od PROD CR GRAIN bits on Saturday met 4 " ; dade, y iy ‘ wm. - Rutter 1% t 1h | Wheat per bu : ' oad ident ' i hunting Drawers, 15¢ 2 ¥ Begs. on : dos | Corn ‘new. are artist of « xceptional ability Ad i ETIOUS ACCIGen 1A) . xally ia 4 1 . ’ ti i Children's } leece it a ta and Ham ™ s path at close range pp 1 | i Drawers 12¢ up CH ' nn A i ing 1 3 ones 3 . OVE are ann . Nd. Nanny Weeks Men s Good $ LO War k ng Shoes Potatoes even d weeks before opening of for $1 2¢ tard his left leg With difficulty the missiles | the season, coming in to arrange their SALE REGISTER, Ladies Good $1.7¢ Shoes for $1.48 is le. 1% SEL! sy f { Boys’ Shoes $rooand u camps, and have all preparations ready New Store in the Me Bride Bul'ding, for the people of Bellefonte, in the Court orae au y ) my ’ . ab ‘ aio December House, Friday evening, 17th, under th y le et el : Y lefsen, both of New York : Mr. Daniels, Hosterman. barit Bellefonte All mission so cents and the discharge struck a flat stone and ~Rev. Rearick and family, of West \ rebounding a number of shot penetrated Lock Maven Markefs Children's S} V he following were the fuling prices iGreen s&s Shoes « «BEC ADC UY } gm . . . . el " is & resident | 10 wade into Centre county game as the | THURDAY Novessss 10vu (— On the Pusat | sons Good $1.50 Working Pants : of produce on the curb market, Wednes is A resident Sub RARARE aka M a 2 1 fart, Marion Top miles aust of Bellefonte : for x a. pe PANO n ome OF Lhese par John Peace will sell farm impliments and live hag ‘ ks . ) ‘ _ Juhi ¥ 3000 yds Lancaster Ginghams. .s¢ yd Butter per pound 18 to 280; bs pet i 2000 yds bleached and unbleac! dosen 24; dressed chickens per Ib 15 to church, last Sabbath morning with aj Football, Nov. 18th, tes and have with them, besides other TRUSSDAY NovEMBEs [6th near Sober sta ed Muslin, a ot bt vd 16¢; honey per 1b 18 to soc; live chickens : r : per 1h 12 to 140, cabbage per head £ to : : N i . ol large audience in attendance, and fhis A great football event will be witness. | paraphernalia and equipments their ‘own Lg Rg AB LDL W They are here again: soc Over ; roc; beets per bunch tc; lettuce per head to; spring chickens 30 to hae; potanugs per peck 150; radishes per bun 5C; Ape sles per peck 10 to soc; grapes per bas. Milton, arrived here forepart of last : week and now occupy their temporary . y vy : ’ | were removed, but that ended the rabbit home on east Lamb street. The Rev hunting for the day. Yost day morning erend preached his first ser t 8 I ched his firs mon us pas- | Sug Run tor of his new charge, the Lutheran —— ties are from Philadelphia and other cit sermon was so entirely appropriate toed in Williamsport on Saturday, Novem. | tavern” stocked with explosives that are Miller auet alls for WO the occasion that all his hearers were | ber 18, 1908, when State College and | not spelied pow deer of grab: and | THURSDAY Nov EAN «Atl the residenos of 0 : vim} Pp sel. \ ‘alle will ne + y v ‘Ft se in ha vn 3 the late Mus. Ronent MoKxiant, In Benner please 1 and the members are glad feel i Dickinson College wi ne up for an- one party came in, we have it from good twp. horses, sows, young oattie and all farm Romember the right place ing that their pulpit will henceforth be | other battle on the Seminary Field. The | authority, with fifteen dogs, did illegal | 108 Implements. Sale to begin at Io o cloek in the McBride Building, South et 140; green corn per dosen 10 to soc; ably filled. In the evening Rev. Rea rick also had services and henceforth | round trip have been granted on the var his preaching will be at the vsual hour | ious railroads for a distance of one bun on Sabbath mornings and evenings, usual excursion one fare for | hunting, but at the end of the season. | went home with one dog only out of the lot, Home sportsmen gave them their | dose, indignant over unlawful methods. Wm Goheon suet TURBBAY, Nov Bowens mile south sast of Hu cvitle, Joann A. Lucas will sell 8 work horses, 2 eolta 19 head of young cattle § cows k hogs. full line of Vaem mplements ad . Auet. riek, Allegheny St. BELLEFONTE, PA. tomatoes per bushel 40 10 oC; pears per basket age; squash each 10 to 150; pump kin per lice 4 to se; cider per gal 18; {cors per bushel so to gsc; onions per Durhek doe