Part 3, dhe Centre ile BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1906. AERA A EE oo oslo dfuofe sorte desde ool sdeode ddr sfosdefoste fost dee desde foo AA LES BASE SDES Norway Invites Prince Charles. The Norwegian storthing by a vote of 87 to adopted the proposition of the government that it be empowered to negotiate with Prince Charles of Denmark, with the understanding that the wishes of the people be consulted by referendum. On the same day the union flag was struck through Sweden, and the ancient ensign of a century ago was everywhere displayed and sa- luted. The government at Washington received Mr. Hauge charge d'af faires for Norway. Chinese Attack Admiral Train. While Rear Admiral Charles J. Train, commander of the American Asiatic fleet, and his son, Lieutenant Charles R. Train, were gu pheasants out- side of Nankin, China, the ad- miral chanced to a Chi woman with bird shot. hundreds of natives gath ered o plat as nese Soon Rear Admiral Tr and retain tage. The alan however, was ficlals supported the action of the mob in attackis we admiral an iptur his son mpt reg i by the Chir Czar Surrenders to People. After virtually whole Russian people had taken either active or pas sive part in the revoil agains tem of absolute and autocratic govern. ment centering i } czar, the dent, Oe of- ne Og was made the t the sys to permit all to have COmIng rome the par lature supery isters we government must 1 re sist the czar pro ures opens i » J As If In confirmation of the sincerity, the appointment of Witte as president of ministers, or premier, was | the same day in the Official Gazette However sincere may have been gzar’s desire at this eritical moment “to efface” himself, the actual word in his manifesto, and thstandiog the concessions thus granted, the revo lutionary spirit of large sections of the country App been little, If any, checked by this eleventh hour sur render. On the contrary, It served only further to inflame that spirit by dem. onstrating the utter of the sutocracy There were of re jolcing In St. Petersburg and Mescow, and. after some hesitation, the strikes at those cities were declared off, and many of the men returned to work, but throughout south Russia, Russian Po and and Finland the revolt hecame open and universal, Pillage and mas sacre became the order of the day at Odessa, and the horrors of Kishineff were repeated a hundredfold. it belug reported that 5,000 Jews were slain by the mob, assisted by the troops. Every. where the demand was made for am nesty, and a partial measure was grant. él. Press censorship was abolished Demands were also made for land grants to peasants, The massing of German foroes along the Hussian frontier gave color to the report that the kaiser was preparing to lend ald to the ezar. The resignation of M, Pole donostzeflf, procurator general of the holy synod, who for years has been the chief obstacle to lbernl progress in Russia, was a further algn of the cok lapse of the bureaucracy. American Missionaries Murdered, A party of American missionaries at Lienchau, a Chinese city 200 miles In- land from Canton, were attacked by the natives, according to a report re celved at Hongkong, the Rev, Mr, Peale, Mrs, Machle and her daughter, The ' TNneas not rar's unt of shed on the committee the used notw irs to have wen k ness HOPLOS Dr. Chestput. being murdered, while SERINE speafeferp ieee rodelob edo dodo dbid C1 oh audi dh bh iit di frat Week's News Condensed Carefully Reviewed and Explained HHRRNNE Dr. Machle and Miss ratterson escap- ed with The mission bulld- Ings were destroyed. wounds, OLITICAL Both Parties For Roosevelt? Walter Wellman, Washington correspondent of Record- Herald, writes that leading politicians are now ing that Roosevelt will the the Chicago pred] minated by the Dewocrats and be un indorsed by the Republicans for presi He that a already been dent | 1UON move ment i say 8 nu has » presi- He leading ! favor vhich, it is thought, would evelt from his pledge not ge Ou is 01 al tour of the south. nuin of south who all er Det this course Roo ndidate absolve to be a ca again Setback For City Ownership. on of Chicago, Mayor osit for h ershij ty council ne and the prop- two test votes in the Du feated by more than two to one. Gillette Report Lifts Veil. Lhe wt of Major Ca the ar D Weaver hb sons plant is show ts ‘ f the lettings amd how Ccon- bad noti tracts were improperly to mit _ : ) drawn so as : f 1 CHrH% Dead Cashier Blamed Andrews. i 1 A Hot Windup at New York. side the to Hearst “Under rect recogn self banners down not until after curred, during fens banners were torn Was fact, part of the plan to raise the cry of anar Hearst by recalling the charge that his were Indirectly whiecl violation xl by however ots ha of the down IeTous | hich some It rate ve in Detox hy against DeWSEpDapers ble for the assassination of President McKinley. Nearly all of the papers and the betting odds for a week past indicated the triumph of District At torney Jerome machinations of the bosses Ivins, the Repub Hean candidate insisted that the strength of the municipal ownership movement would mean so large a de fection from Tammany that the ordi pary Republiean vote would elect him mayor. He insisted on making the same kind of a fight that mak ing against party bossism, The Hearst managers offered large rewards for the conviction of Illegal voters, charging extensive plans to defraud through il legn! registration. They made answer to the charge of private property con fiscation by saying that Hearst's elec tion would mean the end of private confiscation of public property responsi. over the Mr lerothe was a — ————— “ | EXECUT —— ————— - IVE A Messenger From King Edward VII, Prince Louls of Battenberg the bea er of 4 special message frow the king of England to President Roosevelt, ar | rived at Annapolis, Md, on board the | the harlot has Leen made attractive in | | man company, warship Drake and was recel sed with | royal honors by the American naval | officers and by Governor Warfield of | Maryland, A reception wag given In his honor at the White House when he Wash reached ngton President In Wireless Touch. of President ended w apitol on the loose ith his eruis The sea velt from New snfe arrival at the ¢ West Virg voyage he had been In almost constant touch means of wireless telegraphy. While his ship was in the gulf of Mexico a wirel at the Washington navy vard. Messages Ww vixl as far Inland During the vage Orleans During the et oer mire with land by WRHEe Wis received “re niso rece as Cleveland, 0. trip the president took the greatest lo- terest in every detall of the ship, even shoveling coal under the bollers to please the stokers Public Printer Appointed. of public printer loston has of the States His residence recently New York city, He is Loree Charles A, Stliings bes appo nted United has heen where he was printers’ board of riy-two years old and for not manage trade has Bix tet voit {¢ was husoett usett y In the printing business indorsed 8 senat only ¥ ors, but ' ’ n OU ROS The Remedy For Desertions. ling June 30 there the which Is 6.8 per s compared tigt from enlist In Defense of Navy Uniform. e Navy | te | fF 11 the Norfolk navy yard who in his hotse to TOF room ¢ reserved tor : #4 Deg 1 Moro Leader Slain 1] — ‘ : | ART « LEAZTERS York Bars Shaw Play nu nile warn tock of the SO of Vice one perform [$1] NUppression was } miter ¢ Ow ticism of almost universal adverse and at the same MeAdoo production sent word th + would prevent further ances of the play I'he mana ger and the male actors were arrested as a matter of form. Mr. Daly had an nounced beforehand that he would be guided Ly the opinion of a majority of the press. The same production had already been prohibited at New Haven, Conn the thus given to the plece a great throng of curious people crowded for admission to the perform ance, and seats in part of the were sold for as high ns £25 each While admit. ting that “Mrs Warren's Profes sion” Is the best thing Khaw has written, consid ering dramatie construction, nearly all of the newspaper erit fer disapprove becanse the aus thor has deplet- od the most offensive phases of the so clal evil without a saving grace of hw man feeling. They admit that the same theme of woman's abasement has been handled by other artists, but always the press ; Commissions wio he perforin Owing to notoriety any Arnold Daly some way or has been given some re deeming feature, Soeaking In his own defense to an Interviewer In pha London, MF, Shaw 741 this point by saying “that em in the opinion of the police prostitution Is ff perm when it is leves friend pre wo exposed sible subject on the stage only agreeable,” He be this play will America made make him who will steadily “Are the facts Warren's Profession’ whose interests are He thinks it will suppression by the interests of the most the employ- less than subsist questions: in ‘Mrs. If not, in suppressed?” that the in the class denied they be police | dangerous ers who pay eno LOR to grind profits f tl Ree namely, women nnd overwork for 1¢ nation them merci less themselves out of the pith o Marlowe and Sothern’'s Latest. I i1. Sot nd Julia Marlowe tit on | version of Shaxe | nice” at the ns to of a the t1 ther irlowe linist Tours America th ] = ) ie 1 A i COMMERCIAL Rebates Unavoidable A $14.000,000 Stee! Deal an aupany wately Thin but two large independent fron hills in the Wheeling district Steel Trust's New High Mark, The quarterly statement of the Unit. ed States Steel swporation showed that the company bad unfilled orders on its books than at any previ otis time. They amounted to 5.76877 he regular dividend on the pre ferred] w Fight Inside of Mutual, I the Mutual Life In- surance company to appoint a commit. tee of the trustees to investigate all of the company's affairs Is now under stood to mean the formation of a group of policy holders and trustees whose purpose is to get rid of the MeCurdy management, £14,000 00x deal leaves more tons & declared isin of L ——'- BER. INDUSTRIA Jersey Central's Big Yard, The Central Railroad of New Jersey announces (ts intention of buliding a new freight yard occupying nearly a square mile of land to be filled in from the present shore line south of the freight docks at Jersey City. The work Is expected to take a year and a half and will cont $1,500,000, Central to Spend $14,000,000, Three Chieago corporations have re ecolved orders from the New York Cen. | tral for equipment and steel rails to cost £14.000000. These are the Hlinols Steel company, which has a contraet | for 60.000 tons of steel rails; the Pull | which will bulld at least 10,000 freight cars, and the West: ern Steel Car and Foundry company, Editorial, Local News. which will build 2,000 cars, A Faster B. and A new time table § Fackers Accuse Garfieia, led by the beef ned by the Balti I | of the more and Ohio rallroad reduces by one fi m | ] nent re- hour and rty minutes of | quested on ti : ] it the oral the Chicago Hmited to Baltimore, mak- nu i tar which they trip in twenty-four hours and thirty 1 ti ory : FATLEQ Were 0. Service. the time one turne- of nal promise ufined to Prison t Rubbish Gives New York Light. ” h ver y 1 n { der ! went The city of New York has just start- ° rE a a AS OL Hp ’ prosecution In of Lis ed its plant for furnishing light to the | .. | new Williamsburg bridge. The fuel a for the light plant is furnished by the street commissioner, who Is © ———— thus relies of the expense of other. SOCIOLOGICAL wise disposing of a great quantity of Rc — rubbish. The furnaces are kept going entirely on the material collected by the street The plant cost $55,000 schools will probably be lighted from the source A Boston-Australia Line. the evidence would be his department, clean ng Amalgamation as God's Plan, in several same ners from Bos- tablished by f Liv- better 1 18 10 be e company ¢ ng 10 give ang LEGAL-CRIMINAL | | Suit Case Mystery Solved. y Boston re I'he police of ved a tangl- tion of hen Mrs + we ont Leu two which further cle y 3) al IENTIFICG College Initiate Killed by Train Investigation f the deat ¢ Stuart by a ed the ley Murderer of Thompson Dead The New York are that Richard H nibal, who was a be the Hote! St. James and who died the hospital! as the result N P i of a quarrel with a ne 0 a n rdered Ja ( hat exchange editor of ! his at . a! ’ police satisfied Ero be OF of some sort gress, was the mar ob HM the New that hb who mt red with ampson York Times Hel om known room i of Sept, § Cashier's Suicide Premature nal ru Natha Fokstein of Seattle, Wash, oY kind i iid to the Citizens’ bank of Buffale " » -— enough to wipe out all the indebt- Dr. M | les edness of & local seed company ob ae AntiA FAT sant little gp bad committed suicide a few hours be | are fore at Utica, N. X. The young cashier . Jan, Dr. had felt personally responsible for of he they Invas loans to the sed company and bad # : ET nS / - ments, doubted the ability of Eckstein to a fafl 0 venjent or 1 1 me relist.” ’ : MAREAN, Bel make good The cashier's accounts Rage dos hot benefit you, tell were correct 10 | psany You are : ton o8 Al take they : PER esides dere, Ils, art, and he will refund m . 25 conta, Never sold In P2222 PPP HRPM L HPP POO Bellefonte Trust Co. Successors to Jackson, Hasrivas & Co Capital $125,000. DIRECTURS President J. Henry Cochran, A.C, Mingle, Vice President J. L. Spangler Tauds Look ° Tronsurer C Uerberled, ra Rite), jekok. n arr Interest patd on me deposit Asst. Treas Uotlections made on all tx on favorable ferme. ois as Administrator, Guardian Amine, ie ver and Trustees, attention given to all banking entrusted to ib, OFFICERS 4. L. Rpangler Rows O HA John P. Harris, Tsane Mitehell