Page. 3 ? THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BEL LEFONTE, TA, NOVEMBER 9, 1905. STRAWING OF ROADS FOR GREAT CORN CONTEST. 127 Ms et Always Remember the Full Nom “47“*04vscurvuir ——— | these cities, THE PRACTICE TOLD ov Writer In Kansas City Star Proposes PEANSILY ANIA esi JOAD VALUE OF One For Coming Winter, ti Vv (0) 0 "ey thedule In effect May 28, 196, JAMES W. ABBOTT. | In view of the magnificent corn crop | ¥t¢'*4 Cockroaches Cure Lovkiaw. axa 1 € r m unis Trainsarrive and depart from BELLEFONTE i Mrs. Mary B. Portwood, widow of a8 10ows jo in the states west of the Mississippi ‘ es te . i Dr. Robert I. Portwood, an army sur- Via TYROS BW EBT WARD Tractive Capacity of Animals wt | river | feel Inclined to suggest, says geon, telephoned to the Bellevue hosp! Leave Bellefonte 0:58 a, m. week-days, arrive y ’ 4 - : hd a » f : Once Greatly Increased — Dust No | Thomas D. Hubbard in the Kansas tq) of New York that she had read that Cures a Cold in One Day, Grip in Tw 4 cine, | i Am, Altoona 1:00 p. m., Longer In Evidence~How to Pre-| City Star, that we undertake to inter- | “Mary Hall” was a patient there. suf 1 re TF oialonts LG p.m week days, arrive ‘ y 3 ut yrone Z:10 p.m Altoona 0 p.m. pare Roads Before Applying Steaw. | ost the Intelligent corn raises In the fering from tetanus, and that she had i Pittsburg p. 1m 2. If a perfect road is beyond the | matter of having a transmississippl an almost ce=tain cure, which she wish 0 Klrove.~ Oh Box. 25c. luvs Balic lonte 4:44 ay Arrive at TY. 3 s 4 . i p.m, Altoona | v1 itis of a community or a district it | €orn contest some time during the com- ed the doctors would try. When asked burg 10:45 p m 4 : Ing winter at the Convention hall or to describe her cure she said: “Put va 4A TYRONE EASTWARD velve Inrge cockron 'o P . » ’ 4 a.m week | Grain Exchange In Kansas City. It twelve large cockroaches In a teacup, | nandd when wash dluted will 1 y Tyrone 11:06 a, m., Harrisburg ad Te Pp 4 . ol {4 ' hiladelph 5¢47 pn will be necessary to interest certain add a pinch of salt and cover with boll more water x h a couple ) id aa 4 A pm. ing water, In a few minutes there w hie a { ’ base A "| public spirited persons and municipal —¥ ‘ es there will | pinches of soda are added. It Is log device to scraps 4 ’ appear a milky substance, which Is to | harmless and cleansing and commercial bodies In giving cash Pera . y hX ga be forced down the throat of the pa- | rubbed into the head \ remi : . . tke fi . } head, for premiums. In order to make this (1, 4 teaspoonful every fifteen min- | plused thoronehily v wt aN TIN. " i Haliag . contest ho great success the premiums utes, until the jaws become relaxed. 1 n ‘ Mi Should 1 re cash entirely and should be ggour von this remedy has been tried i HE ann h arge, TT s "” AN H ‘IT A ITY re ri a'% many times with success mr ‘ ¢ I'l ND BITUMINOU! James W. Abbott I suggest that there should be a large Tact Ey a ” every ain and g eo p t S100 otlice " wore } » Yi é* TI tain and Pacifi 1] HIN premium for the fifty ears of corn woman wh ho COME repre of public Hries, Good | which will excel in the amount of shell- THE GIRL LOAFER, ienta tiv dat reinement : Roads Magazine, ed corn they will ture c the chief ornnme of woman k 3 orn thi 1 out, [I think ‘en omal . +3ia nl neg the Sra wed ORE s ' She Who Suends Her Time In Dol wih zuz 4 : In this clas i a ray 1 road | ghat it would be easy this year to find Absolutely Nothing en. Sirihood It 18 sare tha) practice of eastern Was gton, It) firey ears of corn that will shell off fif- : French Hoon. ressed out of keeping | 74 . al ; . a ’ ' ’ ne lonfer—that does ot 0 has . t y was introduce yy Charles L. Whit ty-six pounds of shelled corn. In fact, Ty | : i" a und | with thelr " lings or position, Ii ood, Grain, Hav Straw and ney of Wallawalla, wh ad bimsell | 1 planted some corn this last spring r ; { \ oly the latter half i¢ nineteenth cen Sand. ) : 3 ' N are | 3 (HN ri Lot y : seen it applied in a limited way In the which shelled off eighteen ounces to fit : K 4 a tury a noted woman of F ranece, Mme Sacramento valley of California, where | the ear. ee A daring 2 ie ala de Girardin, said “Style ought Ines who spel heir time doing a jut ly {tably a — R———————— a —— — means 8 no reason why an effort should be gomething better than Professor King, ham 00 to be mud roads, has started a campaign wis dnd . y which 1s then AH for better which will th 4 nt il In Dress, Oo v § wh 1 he bad formerly lived. The soil in the There should be another premium for wheatfields of that section has been the corn which produced the largest produced by the disintegration of lava, | rate of shelled corn to the acre Its structure is such that under the It was very plainly a fact at the wheels of loaded wagons it grinds up | world's fair at St. Louls last year that . to an impalpable powder. As the the largest corn exhibited was from “°C. » PUrsu i au vo mi 2H appear its leaders,’ ground gets drier and drier during | Nebraska, Missour! and Kansas. Yet a Ry ae i 0 We real today as at the t produced | Illinois and Iowa had a very much ey ee ie oh Hypeia gb 0 ten, wm acted | larger display of very handsome ears, i ay ; | upon the roads this du somes an but did not show such large ears as we unbearable nuisance ] blem of did. 1 think we could make an ex- : : h rvs constructing the Ia ost road in Dbibit this winter that would open the os 18 Lid ae an vi . HCI mothers p—— eastern Washington | ¢ n easy one eyes f the folks east of the Mississip- bd y so o repare io VeDIDR Pantry Shelves at best. but it is certainly true that to | P! river, and it might open their eyes build and malotain a perf road un-| All the more If we permit them to com- fer such nditions wuld be excep-' Pete ™ th us and show their handsome tionally : little ears, weighing about three-fourths y of a pound to the ear, alongside of our ears which wels m a pound and a quarter to a pound an alf to the ear The judges in th ntest, or at least a maj y of them, must be corn grow- sippl. We might n, secretary of the according to position and age should fit itself to the for | tune, t bits » the form, to nothing ‘ireumstances do not It ne CSSAry for them to ea iving, ’ " X lvl the circumstances and, indeed. to every fritter ne precio moments way detall tn th life of th + who wish to puts 0 and of agriculture, and the lowa f the th three should Green’s Pharmacy Company BOSTON GIRLS OUT Of WINNERS | a adhe he i Sata a at | An Aesthetic Baron Finds Them Short Elther In Soul or Rody. a 4 ; we : I 1 ue CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH in Egg Contest, whe PEN PILLS | > the New “In Boston the ideal woman } live. Though » may cherish the enlture of the new etroit News-Tribune se . A STRAWED ROAD IN WASHINGTON. world and have the blood of pilgrim or puritan flowing through her velns: KIO : 3 H de and have been th : ms ft iy A 84 : n ¥ THE CARVING CLOTH. Kafe. Always relishie Eadie, ask Drogrist for lareely ul Fhe arotek teh . ough often possesses all the CHICHENTER'S ENGLING Red snd AS vy - i. y " oy — aM "+ . 4 oe ia 0 : . Dot advan , that uth and beauty A Pretty One Adds a Dainty Touneh to Said a es dnngerons subi. can give to make her a vision of fem the Dinner Table tutions and fmitntions, | Pe i te for Partieniars, Test a inls “ 8: Relief for Ladies ad return Mall, 10.000 1: Bold Wy rag a CHICHESTER CHENICAL CO 100 Madison Square, FHILA. FA Mention his paver IN tot » COFFE] 31 THE BI} WORLD THE & Fo Tous wma ZA) ss mimic "TY TY oo A. Sins yn AL 158 FAILS : “ i FOR ther hood the not my mer that fon AGENT “nm. ee COLLEGE, located at PITTSBURG , Fa Come and Manu tha BOLD oe In : ] g 1 ring cent for a BUSINESS ith this | ers had th ul ne hav BROTDERED CAR } CLOTH EDUCATION; don't go to a small ( Both Telephones, wed | seen 10 had the g ation t h 4 . lace where SreNoGrarsErs and s raked off. | In her possession ' . reaks my “ : : BOOKKERPERS are not required, oad surface | Deart tl . to leave su glort Circulars. Wm, H. Duff, President, Eagle Block, Bellelonte. Ee wn ey Le Subssusssiisd wo MTSSER. seen the re | the women o 4 angland possess _ V palest ray. and Centre County Banking Co. Dr. J. J] KILPATRICK, General Insurance Agent de as to the | onward, and, tho makes my life aves with delicate greens. The Corner HIgh add Spring Streets Dentist, Notary Public and Pension Attorney which result They are | restless and weary th on until edge Is hemmed and hemstitched, and a Bellefonte, Pa nnn elous. The tractive capac. | the end of my Jd on the 1 the Is and d ReCcRive DRroSITS Discount NOTES 3 we hie l lis and disks are b ' le y gL ) . ity of the animals Is at once increased, i embroklered TempleOourt, over Postofee BELLEFONTE. PA. iW L » “ oT ‘a Special attention given toartificial plates sometimes as much as 100 per cer to Caltivate Cats. "Lucas Paints have changed their opinions. Pictures and Picture-Framing, Mirrors, Hall Jno. F. Gray & Son strewn over the highways that first They spread agily and cover thoroughly Racks, Paints, Oils, Glass, Jap-a-lac and Sap-o lin var. | SE Successors to GRANT HOOVER. “straw day,” and more than thirty ook better, wear longer, and save a lot nish stains, Window Shades. Curtain Poles, | . | miles of road, all told, were thus Im- | . of time. Furniture Polis} Etc., nsurance : . A good strawed road renewed an The work is more satisfactory all mis rt the + worl Wo are pre around | pared to write large lines af any time pually will give better satisfaction to | 3 those who travel It than would a mac | le an . THERS : hey adam road not kept In sultable repair, Ask your dealer, Phi Iphia ECKENROTH BRO H Life and Accident Insurance, while the disparity In cost would be n Lucas lade enormous. A good macadam road Bush Arcade, Bellefonte. and Surety Bonds. properly maintained could bave straw. Oall om or address us at fry aed enid seer. Jf Crder's Sone Bldg, Bellefonte stand Is a jar of soft castile soap. This —— S|