THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. OCTOBER 12. 1905 Page 3 Bellefonte and Vicinity The Local Happenings Paragraphs © in Short ~The steam heat company is certain- ly fixing our streets. ~The plastering of the Y, M,C, A, building was completed this week. —Olin Meek, of Philadelphia, is visit- ing friends in Bellefonte this week. —It is a little less than four weeks un- til the time for holding the election. ~Gotlieb Haag has gone to Warrens. | burg, Mo., some time visiting his sister, —Mrs. R. A, Beck and little daughter after spending the past where he will spend returned home, two months visiting her parents in Phila. delphia. -Miss Mary Shaughnesy, of Philadel- Hh il » phia, is visiting at Thomas Shaughnesy, ome of her ur Sr., on North the cle, Smith street —Joe K Lewistown, spent S {atz, now the leading clothier of with hi | ents io in lay He is PRT Bellefonte fine business. -— Morris Otto, Otto, of t of Niagara Falls, Mrs. Hamilt Miss were son of his place, and Hutson, in the — Jam the Phi Yacral legal latter place Nolan, Esq., es toni) with lore, transacte in town the past week ness 4 — Among our visitors the past w¢ was in tu Among alwart was James Dumbleton who clutches of the Hon. john Noll. Mr. democrats, Dumbleton is a st —Men wanted—fifty able bodied men are wanted to inspect, supervise and criticise the work of erecting the Soldiers Monum Wages will be no considera. nt. hletics won 1e penant R t a few of our local baseball fans sho ht ights fever sleep better at 1 1S ac It ball } how the range - M {3 €0 for any gentleman and Sund pects to mo e to Altoona where ] i been offered a goo =Onur hunters especially squir ju position part report is Th dere game scarce TE S ger of anyone bre Phe A001 } ha x sen east Curt by W. M Walkersjmove north -—W, spent ¥ Spring Parke Cumming the Mrs several days of past week visiting Prof the la who moved recently town terman tter being were pleased with -— Boyd Wilson, fi has been conne Creamery company with his family to week, where he will take charge large dairy and creamery combined red an opt urchasing the same out Jesse Cox has secu non the Mulfinger hotel, at Pleasant Gap with a view of p right next ing up a good hotel there an i openi spring, if the business being done out there at that time will warrant it According to the Lock Haven Demo crat. Joe W, the past 15 years, was able to take a ride in an auto the other day. Mr. Furey spent most of his life as associate editor of the Watchman at this place where he friends Furey, who had been ill for has many John Given, of Pittsburg, few days of the past week in Bellefonte For several years he was connected with the N.Y, Sun doing reportorial work in Wall street, but of late has been giving some attention to the management of the H. J. Heintz & Co. plant at Pittsburg, his father-in-law being the founder and operator «John Brackbill, son of the late J. C and Margaret Brachbill, formerly of Bellefonte, and Miss Sarah C. Sims, daughter of Mr, and Mm. John I, Sims, where married at noon Thursday, Oct, sth, at the home of the bride, soq4 Rural Avenues, Williamsport, They will re side at 725 Elmira street, «William Johnson has bought the blacksmith shop of Jacob 8. Knisely, the latter with his brother Andrew, of Shamokin, intending to go to State Col money. acted business in { day. © 12 pages —most news for the least --W, Harrison Walker, Esq., trans Harrisburg, Wednes- —Ten Australians from Snow Shoe township were naturalized by the court on Tuesday. | —Miss Margera Knowles left yester- | day morning for her home, after a pleas ant visit with Mrs. Flora Dale. the public —The W, U that they wishes to inform | will not have any Star Lecture course this winter, grove, M. preach -Rev. L will Daubenspeck, of Selins- in the Lutheran church of this place next Sabbath, morn ing and evening, at the usual hour, with place P counties over the with the gen farm team defeated Al place, agentiRombarger spent al | Mills; L 'H Hughe's co Irvin Gettig has resigned his position L. C. Gettig of this his fi has gone to brother his and with leasant Gap where they will reside, Mac Heinle, f Alli , Ohio, Bell 1 oua now a resident o informed relatives in lay that he « i nd son. In conseque grandparents 1 | ‘his may be sai state, all were favored delightful weather, We know fall SO for had with bright f no previous year that a srally favored Kies, work and ot lings —The Bellefonte Academy foot the Snow Shoe by the Saturday ww She 1 eleven afternoon Next one Same It is to High School and the Il play at St that the 1 ¢ \ Will play wr ademy another gan vhole town would turn Its themsel re Geet wlieve they cs ons e¢ Hal r Tey r | 4 § prepara thi Lis and handed it to station On ‘examination | over N Ast week went left her town or received from Miss Lyon in which we stated that she had Mc lays married James Holl Recent callers J A lames. Jr 0 Blanchard; Henry Rossman, of ‘1 vill ussSey e, an old and esteemed friend: S. S Stump and wife, Mrs. Eliza Stump and Mrs. D. K. Keller, of Centre Hall; John Page, Rebersburg; Ct Musser of Woodward, David and wife. of Spring Mills; Thos, all AS Bartges B of Stormstown: C Way and son Collins, P. Reese, of Snow Shoe; D, M, Neidigh, of State Col lege; John I. Williams, of Juniata; Cyrus Huey, of Fillmore; |. H. Zerby and wife of Spring Mills; J. H. Messimer, of Spring Mills; Miss Kritzer, of Spring H. Stover and wife, of Coburn, attending fair; Cleveland Vonada, of Woodward; D. W. Garner and George Lutz, both of State College; J. M. Wil. Hams, of Port Matilda; Jacob Kerstetter, of Coburn; Heltman, of Mackey- ville; Prof. James Gregg, now teacher in Tyrone; J. RK. Rute, of Salona; D, A Ertel and wife, of Spring Mills; W. H, Crebs, of Madisooburg; Geo. A Yh ite and son Thurman, of Clarence; N, H Johnson, wife and daughter .; of Blanchard; Michael! Kerstetter, of Pleas ant Gap, who gets around a great deal, reports democratic prospects bright; Dr, 8S. Braucht, of Spring Mills; Mrs, Daniel Hess, of Linden Hall ss som———— W. A. SBandoe, of Centre Hall, made sale of his surplus real estate in order to Chas lege and open a pool and billiard room | | go to his new home at Ingram, a suburb and cigar store combined in a room in ‘he new hotel building. The change will place just as soon as the room at Colege 1s ready. | of Pittsburg. A —— 5. 3h Prorie who want thirdterms dont know when to quit, | by Rev, | in the stall, and was found dead, having i > strangled itself, up OVER THE COUNTY. Cyrus Huey, of Fillmore, boasts of a | | tomato vine, 4 to 5 feet high, on which | | Mrs. Huey counted 77 fine tomatoes of | 1 i various sizes, That's hard to beat. Mrs. Ellen J. Nelson, an aged and much respected resident of Philipsburg, died last Sunday night, aged almost 77 years, She is survived by three sons, all living in the west, Ek At the home of Samuel C anpbe. of | Milesburg, Pa., Miss Florence T. Camp- | bell and Homer G. McKinley, united in holy matrimony Oct. 5, M. C. Pifer A valuable horse owned by Daniel | were | 1905 Grove, of College township, got tangled | It was a young animal, | recently shipped from the west, J. H. Messimer, of Gregg, stands high for apples are whoppers ; we took the meas- large apples ; his twenty.ounce ure of one and found it nigh 15 inches in circumference Such stock is worth taking to any fair ball team de at Harris to oon Saturday 10 Various The Carlisle Indian foot feated the State College team superior Rebersburg, of Metro- irance company i Mrs. Jeanette Dun. formerly of the Woodward again by Mr, Eby ex 1g the whole distillery at up ollector was ened and startec Dzputy C Of Reese Aurit The , United States It paign Ooga county that the c Ami 1d there are cross wor 1s ‘ephas M. Gramley, one of the township, read Late E+) ie ne when ball Bellefon ing way to town he found the pocketbook 3! ana f is Fyve b he 5 fled 5 nts result that two 18 RE lesburg Howard Lolliege different sections of the office rm us that ounty calling at the mocrat 1 the past two weeks | ceased. The had been g n a mild way for the nog ot several and did not if in and yet sound remain so the weeks affect crop very largely, hence the tubers gathered supply will be large and this ndcessary This will farmers be reasotiable f for food in price prove well consumers and The the average and will at least stand to an average, if the rot crop was above does not set in again which is not Gardner-Courter. Miss Emma, daughter of Willham H Gardoer, was married Wednesday even- ing 4th by Rev G. 8S, West at the bride's home in Blanchard, to Thomas Courter, son of Squire William Courter, also of Blanchard, The groom is the popular leader of the Blanchard cornet band. They were given an old-fashioned sere- | nade in the evening, and yesterday morn- ing the happy couple left on the Beech Creek train west for a welling trip. ———— Holter-Steele. On Thursday sth at 11 am., at the | home of Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Steels, Robert Bower Holter, and Miss Julia Steele, their daughter were married by Rev. J. A. Wood, Jr., of the Methodist church, The ushers were Charles Rockey and A. C, Longee while Miss | Margaret Crider was the ring bearer. They will locate at Johnsonburg where | the groom holds a good position with an | express company. | the end of the calendar year; and SEC, HINDMAN RESIGNS. B, Hindman has tender {ed his resignation to the Bellefonte Y. | M. C. A. to take effect January 1st 1906, | after which time he Secretary L. will likely move to | Brooklyn and engage in real estate busi- | ness The following resolutions were passed by the association : Whereas, L. B. Hindman, General Secretary of the Y.M,C.A. of Bellefonte, has deemed it advisable because of un- | controllable circumstances to tender his | | resignation, the same to take effect at | Whereas, he has rendered a faithful, | devoted and efficient service to the Y. | M.C A. as far as the facilities at his command would permit, and Whereas, he has responded very { cheerfully to e very call made upon him matter from and Whereas, he has at all times conduct- ed himself as a Christian gentleman aud citizen during his brief sojourn in Belle fonte, Therefore, for Christian what source the service, no call came; je it resolved that the Di- rectors of the Y. M. . A., of Bellefonte fully appreciate his exemplary life and untiring efforts in behalf of the young men, and accept with sincere reluctance and regret the tendered resignat Be it further re that the cordial sympathies wi be: st wishe rd of Directors Mr. Hind. BelOTA in all the 10 relat R Darn dy and on, and olved : most ollow wile ons Hucues Warre, GERBERT a RECENT DEATHS, McWiLLiams Huntingdon died of i a Sunday after an ill two weeks, 80 years old last February and fifrv : fifty years had lived in Graysvil Mus. tJames P. Frank home in Rebersbur Tuesday rd, to consur ion, The 1s survived by her sband and Samuel, of Ha clerk betwee and Orv burg Evizasern f Graysville, 1 f v —f resis aty morning, She was § y 0T Ove Yor ae cou meuamoni ness of le at her evening des LWO SOS died o " 5 Gue eased railroad mail PALIT THA : D ork and Pittsburg; at Bloon 5 » L¥ NEW 2 4] is, & school teacher home { of his afternoon, He WAS WAS & son of Ann Luse,of Mill year eumoni: nd Mary was 32 age double dwelling house in Lock Hav eet secapied by Andrew Reeder and EA ph Grande Italian, who was ¢. the victim of which hter sentenced Was Mayer, of Lx : underye mn ; at ergo : wk Haven wis burne« ear's tobacco crop, which had been by John Probst of The building and contents to { ol inknown, but is supposed to ed and harvested Lock Haven were reduced ashes. The cause the fire is bave beet the work of There an incendiary was an insurance of $500 on the building and $700 on the contents of Mifflinburg, Union to Harrisburg a most It is a tea box was owned by Mary Harris, daughter of John Harris, the founder of Harrisburg, and is about 150 years old It came into the possession of Mrs, Dief. | fenbach some years ago and was placed in the custody of the Harrisburg Tele graph for exhibition during “Old Home Week,” after which it will be presented to the State museum at the request of the owner. ——————— Weather Repor L Weekly report— Bellefonte Station. DATE TEMPERATURE Maximum Minimom 0 a C. Dieffenback, county, has sent interesting historic relic which jon 5, clear. 6, clear... i 7, clear... LN | [] | JSR i oolear....... 10, CIGAR. ovr mmiss sumsisinn TP HH, cloudy woos wih Baln 1 On 11 began early morn, 59 | EE e. a» ] | ! kJ ow a Mo neh APMINISTRATOR'S N¢ NOTICE. Natal of any CO, BAvRGART, Inte of Miles | tre county, deceased administration Ay the above estate Si le ed all Soi i "to preseat CE { 27th, | one of the back roads bet | and State College {lic meeting and is arranged | t "| the SAVE THE ORCHARDS. The first practi al demonstration of { the most approved and successful method lof fighting the San Jose Scale which is destroying #0 many orchards in this state will be given October from ten to orchard of Col miles southwest on Friday, eleven.t W.F of iirty am, in the a few Reynolds, B ween Belle fonts ellefonte, This will be a pub two for the | purposes of showing practi al orchardists it how it is present in the the presence of who may wish to atten to treat h orchards e San Jose Scale whet n and of illustrating methods of this practical work in the | orchard demonstrators who will at twenty-one that in time the be taking special instructions Pennsylvania State College, preparatory to opening the gen- eral campaign against the scale all over state of Pennsylvania about October {f Prof, H A | oi ist of the State : under the d Surface Depar 10 rections ’ E« onomic 4LH0i Agric second tment of the October irface, § Botany Some features of orcharding Kunisely's pool room all same o R Lay ia the ETC La ei +) SALE REGISTER. of THORSDAY, OCTORER | one hall mite east Colyer, KEY. A. J. HONK will sell household goods. a Lp. mW SATURDAY UCTORER ie. PrTERS Will sell pm at Milesburg bousehold gods Cuan at Fripay, Ocvronex Ith near Runville post office. THoMas GRIFFITH wili sell. 3 horses 3 head oeattle, 4 sheep ® hogs, feed and full line of farm Implements Sale at m David Weasel, auet " MARTIN other live Tuunsnay, Nov. 2 :=near Unlonvi) HOGAN will sell horses callie and stock. 8 K. Emerick. auet * THURADAY NOVEMERR 10TH On the Furs farm. Manion Twp. 5 miles east of Bellefonte Peace w | farm impliments and live stock TRUSSDAY NovEMAEs 14th pear Sober sta thon. Manny V Gexrzel will sell a large jot of live stack and farm Implements HH Miller auct WORKMAN'S Bargain House New Store in the Me Bride Buliding, 30-32 SOUTH ALLECHENY ST. BIG BARGAINS are always awaiting careful buyers We give the most value for the least money, Our Fall Line of CLOTHING and Gents' Furnishings are complete We also have a full line of BOOTS and SHOES Come and learn our prices, they will surprise you. No trouble to show ds Rox STORE CLOSED Friday at 6 p.m. and Joining closed untl Saturday I pm Bet sth; and will be closed Oot until 6 p.m, "nh : Remember the right place || in the McBride Building, South LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. MARRIAGE LICEN R. Bowers Holter - Julia D, Steele Jone McClenahen . lettie Landis , A. Vonada Mary E. Bressler Michael L. Kelley - i Alice C, Murray { Charles J. Geesey Edith M. Bair - Millheim Jide s Shoffner Philipsburg Flora D. Smith - . " Boyd A. Spicher Mary E. Tressler . SES, Howard Bellefonte Trollers, ND Potters Mills Madisonburg Snow Shoe Philadelphia New York . Pleasant Gap KEAL John N. Homan, Etters. Oct, 4. 190%; State College. $2800 Mrs. Mary M. Love Oct. 2, house and lot $900. Sarah ‘Collin ESTATE TRANSFERS Lillie g 1 ang ux to Ouse H.L Brion, in Sprit oo tw ng iwp. to 190¢ LOST Pailade=iphia eber } \ Fa » {Here n same WANTED i tion 10 tTave ary h J ses advanoeq [ ote Pa uable FORK SALE of Sve sin and one the rm f be PES Li very ormat upon Johnston ty. Be Ady or gentleman of fair « for Brm of 82% OX YPAr, payable Woekly address Geo. UG. LUlows wi estate consisting ble house, s Luale elonte. Pa. will be sold reasonable price. For in Mrs. Lecking on, ord. K. elonte, Fa dl rea dou a r : : : : Located in Marion Twp bh Harter farm; 40 acres, tivation, with good spring water: also timberland. Inquire tu MARKET QUOTATIONS Beliefonte--Produce The following prices prevailed Thursday morning The following prices are paid by SECHLER & Co. tor yroduce Eggs. per dozen Lard, per pound Tallow, per pound Butter, per pound “ide per pound Shoulder, per pound Bellefonte Gram, The following prices are paid by U. ¥. Wao “En for grain Wheat, old. R - - ore Shelled .... Oore new s——— - . Coburn Markets, PRODICR GRAIN Putter... 1% per ib per Plo s ¥ BRE ccesns. § nO Rew. Ham. w- po Khoulder... BACON oven Potatoes Wheat wean a “ EE —_— The following were the rulin of produce on the curb market, day morning Butter per 1b 18 to 25c; eggs per dos 23 to 250, Pressed chickens per Ibis to ie honey pet Ib 18 to soc; lard alee 11 to 12¢ ; potatoes, per bu so to live chickens 32 14¢; cabbage 3to 6c; beets per bunch gc; oats, per ba 4oc; letuce Re potatoes p. pk 12 to 15¢; radishes p. bunch 5c; bean in pod per peck 10 to 1 sel shelled per quart Fis peas a >. I a a Tox 0 1. 10 to 15¢; blackberries endl od peck 100; i Allegheny St, BELLEFONTE, PA. 55