wis The Centre democrat, BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1906. Editorial, Local News. 33 AA AALS BASES ssa - a FTI rT TYY™ oe oe ole oe ile ol oe ile he ol oe ol ole oe fr sss ele ole ale ole FTRETTTYTTTYTYTYTYYY POLITICAL Mr. Loomis’ Parting Shot, On formally retiring from the office of assistant secretary of state Fraucis B. Loomis gave to the press coples of correspondence between President Roosevelt and himself In regard to an alleged disagreement between the pres. {dent and the late Secretary Hay over Loomis’ conduct. In his letter to the president Mr. Loomis makes caustic reference to his former assistant, Her- bert W. Bowen, and tells of his inti- mate relations with Mr, Fay. lo reply the president says that the reports of differences between himself and Mr, Hay are false. On the contrary, be testifies that Mr. Hay had fully con- curred in the dismissal of Bowen and dissented only from the mild censure of Loomis in the Taft report. Mr. Bowen's statement of what took place at his last interview with the president is contradicted, however, by Secretary Taft, who was present, to gether with Mr. Bowen's brother. Taft says that Bowen was mistaken in bis interpretation of what the president sald—namely, that he wished the whole matter had not occurred Former Minister Bowen made retort in a statement to the press which he quoted letters from Secretary Hay commending him and repeated his as gertion that in the presen nesses just prior to his dismiss dent done a dal, ret prom wit 1 Pres Roosevelt sald he w great deal to hush tion Olney's Reply to Bryan. Wide publicity has been given to ex Secretary tat ney rticle October North Review the of raiiro rate ing in reply to : : s open let ter to the president. Olney says that n the on question mak rernioent shall be granted the | if the governine g fn a power of reguint ing railroad rates rot only rallroads, but private prop nd invest ind invest ' » « “not b » OWNErs two public irds-—-onpe repr cal interests and the terests and both antagonistic terest of the private owners ed.” These he thinks, would constant rivalry in the effort t best service at the the sure outcome would be gov ownership. This is the goal of some of the rate makers and is not feared by others esentit ther national In to the yneern be In » get the in ia smallest cost. and ernment he says, New York City Nominations. The various party organizations have made their nominations for New York city officers during the past week, and District Attorney petitions, was duly entered as an inde pendent contestant effort for antl-Tammanpy fusion baving through, the Citizens’ Union contented itself with indorsing Jerome, and the Municipal Ownership league loudly de manded that Hearst be for mayor, even after he had written a letter declining suggested honor The Tammany organization, In plete harmony and without a contest, renominated Mayor McClellan for an other term. The Republican organiza tion experienced some diticuity in find- lng an available leader for what was regarded as a forlorn hope, but final ly they aroused much enthusiasm by naming Charles E. Hughes, the insur ance Inquisitor Why Roosevelt Won't Run. In couversation with Senator Bim. mons of North Carolina President Roosevelt replied to the suggestion that the people would want him to serve another term by saying that he would not allow himself to become a cand) Aate in 1908 and that his mind had not changed In regard to this matter He explained further that the con sciousness of this unalterable resolu tion was the complement of his free dom from pledges when he entered on the office, It made him free to act as he thought was right, gave him great Jerome, with 4.000 The fallen its candidate the com his official life better than he could if be had been striving for some political ambition, President For Rate Law, To many senators, representatives | and others prominent In Republican | | having been returned against Edwin | counsels who have called at the ite House President Roosevelt has made It plain that ke will renew his fight for a raliroad rate making law at the next session of congress. It Is also understood that part of his mes sage will deal with campaign contribu tions, Mors Concessions te Chine. Duriog the meeting of the gresident’s Week's News Condensed Carefully Reviewed and Explained FTTTTTTYTTYTYTYTT yy cabinet Secretary of war Taft tola ot his contact with a number of influen- tial Chinamen while in China and urged that further concessions be made in or- der to avold serious trade compllioa- tions. Incidentally he presented to the president the memorial of Gusiness men of Shanghai asking for a modification of the exclusion laws. The secretary was not able to find out just how or by whom the Chinese boycott of Amer. ican goods was started Immediately after the meeting the president issued an order directing the immigration officials to be more care ful In the work of excluding Chinese and renewing his instructions to con sular officials in China Socialists Not “Democratic.” The New York court of appeals de cided that the so called Social Demo- cratic party could not use the word “Democratic” in its title owing to the objection of the leaders of the Demeo- cratic party on the ground of infringe ment Revision In Massachusetts. The convention of Mas- sachusetts at Boston adopted a plat- form which favors tariff revision, fed- eral cont of companies and indorses the administration. There was a split, however, on revision, and a minority report was made against It. Curtis Guild, Jr., was named for gov- ernor and E. 8, Draper for lleutenant governor | | Republican insurance | Marine Hospital Extravagant The prol Secretary of the Treasury Shaw » hands of is just at present rected aga the pit service, of which Dr Wal ter Wyman is surgeon gener fl. The secre tary finds that the Ro costing the o1 ww sake of ecot Canal! Job Goes Begging Secretar Taft gentle that the of the Panama canal project be trans ferred from the war department to the state department that Secretary than himself great work The President's Southern Trip It was pewed his sug whole administration has re wn believing as he does toot to 8 better qualified charge of this take ded that the southern trip should teru Orleans the yell improved Fr to ding the quarantine con de president's at New yw fever situa nate where tiot there Ss greatly in he | return Washington by ter plies ana wn thus a Louis) tions in states adjoining | LEGAL-CRIMINAL School Graft In Peoria. Newton C. Dougherty, for twenty-five of the has sears superintendent 41] arrest ed on the charge of forgery In connec tion with bis accounts, a shortage of $75.000 having been discovered by the grand jury, with a prospect that pecu lations extending over several years would bring the amount into the hun dreds of thousands. As soon as he had been released on $3,000 bail he ten dered his resignation as superintendent and as president of the Peoria National bank, The alleged forgery consisted of a voucher for school supplies which were never delivered Kidnaper Crowe Caught. A man arrested at Butte, Mont, turned out to be the long sought for kidnaper who planned to get money from the wealthy father of Eddy Cuda by at Omaha lo 1900. Crowe declares that the proposition of kidnaping and public schools of Peoria wen | ransom wes made to him by young satisfaction and enabled him to enjoy Cudahy himself, who actually got $6, 000 of the ransom. The boy's father says this Is not true. | Cotton Scandal Indictment. The grand jury at Washington pre sented another Indictment in connec | tion with the cotton leak scandal bills | 8. Holmes, Jr, Frederick A Peckham | and Moses Haas, Peckham and Hans | are accused of having conspired by In | ducing Holmes to divulge luformation | econcerniug crop reports in advance of publication $360,000 Bank Thief Caught. Henry A. Leonard, twenty-four years old, a “runner” for a brokerage firm | ferring securities, mainder | 0. A, was arrested by the New York | police, charged with having robbed the { National City bank of $350,000 worth | of securities by presenting a forged check. Later he made a full confession {| and declared that his purpose was to give Wall street a lesson showing how easlly any bank could be robbed on account of the lax system of trans On the night of the returned $200,000 of their rightful owner told where the re loot was, The eclew robbery he had the securities te and when caught of the which led to Leonard's arrest was a copy be had left with the stamp maker for the certification stamp. This was an old check containing the name of his employers. When arraigned In court he was held for trial in $50,000 bail. The National City bank officials decided to press the case against him, potwithstanding that the securities were for the sake of the would be thieves. recovered, example to other Ramsey's Suit Against Gould. Joseph egident of the Wabash, sued for an injunction lo St Louis to prevent the proposed annual meeting of Gould and asso clates at Toledo called for the purpose of electing an board of directors and officers for the Wabash rallroad. Ram sey alleges that the result of this meet ing would be to stifle competition in trafic between St. Louls and Kansas City He claims to own $50,000 of the Wabash bonds and 100 shares of the He alleges that Gould owns and ority of the o Mountain mnpeting ues Ramsey, Jr. asp George Btock Missouri already, | SOCIOLOGICAL | Factory Workers Vacation One f the most lntercosting exper ents of the past sea ! } el ¥V Cases lay cost bit ght » yw that the yt Ing au BE LOM Fare. rent of tent and cot snd meais £5 2 i 20 was cheap as stay for ten dave rast onls To Elavate Domestic Service ia medium A comprehensive statement of the high purposes concelved by the women who have organized the National House hold alliance is given In Good House keeping. Not only Is it the forming of for obtaining competent household and outdoor help, but an ef fort ls belng made to elevate and help ralse the standard of domestic service In bome life by encouraging mistresses to be more considerate and sympathet fc toward the reasonable needs of their helpers, and, on the other hand, encour aging intelligent and self respecting young men and young women to equip themselves for such and to successfully fill them. Headquarters are now maintained at New York, and branches are to be opened in other eities positions Causes of Tuberculesis. Tuber in II its bearings, physiological, therapeutic, preventive, te, bas been the theme of learned dis- cussion before several bundred of the world's most famous experts, compris ing the loternational Tuberculosis con gress, in nt The main conclusions of popular comprehension chief causes of this + human life destroyer are al overwork and overcrowding of the against the relaxation of pre trapsmitting bovine losis to buman or Grand UiO%is i fi session Paris. were that the wWoridwi coliolist Dr adv cau tuber venel American section against beings of the lead declared that jon was one of the most her, on« authorities red diseases If taken In time the best and simplest was far superior to the radio which be had HE Was test It scopic examination, little faith. A message from Secretary of State Root suggested that the next meeting of the congress be held in this Ss The Curative Value of Prayer, 1e — ’ AR 8 a . fessor Hy Ie re t does more to clean the strengthen the soul to over come mere incidental ewmil.enaiisin Hen any other therapeatic agent known to ms t Pr 1 a 8 : : that ¥ Fresh Air For Fire Fighters, to accept the resignation of General Charles E Chapin of Berkeley, Cal, Gomez as thelr candidate for the pres! bas luvented a respiratory apparatus for the use of firemuen which has stood some severe tests. It consists of a hood lined with olled silk and an air cylin- der strapped ou the back, carrying enough air to last an hour, The air is conducted by a rubber tube to the headpiece, the exhaled alr passing out through a valve before the mouth. Earth 8hook For Two Months. Dispatches to the Mexican govern- ment give an account of a remarkable seismic disturbance in the state of Guenero. The entire side of a prec! plee on a mountain called Cerro Dolo res suddenly ment, and es of rock loos ened by the upbeaval fell Into the val ley For fifteen the was plainly discernible, accompanied with rumbling subterraneous and for two months slight local earth quakes were of daily occurrence Gulf Btream Not Changed. M member French institute re statement of a German steamship cap tain that the gulf stream from its con He tl nomenon Is scientifically took an upward move great mas days movement noises, Crandidier of the lits the recent is deviating Irs nks such a phe y impossible without a frightful cataclysm. More over, if that had deviated a f the water It 1s barely the stream of 5 main 14x | FOREIGN | Cuban Liberals Won't Boit. At ’ f thea liberal A eating Oi & LADerai Jeaders at Havana it was dency and that they would reg- ister and take part io the elec- tions, at least until the gov. ernment should show Its atti. tude toward the police oulrages. (General mez New G0 at York, in ap In terview he de clared Cuban liberty 10 be A were corm arrived mez. nt pt, “8 re- " aia 1 peo ie WW ror it n { judges nt and police ger 3 Manhood Buffrage For Hungary. Vieuna that the rview with the Hun. had emmpow- to carry out the elee- tious In ngary on the basis of a modified universal suffrage Ker have occurred at Prague and Bruenn, In Mo- ravia. BReveral hundred persons were reported 1 several of them fata Moscow Ur 1 It inderstood at emperor in garian pren ered his ( r, Felervary, versity Closed. 1 at Russian nt being satis. sutonomy which in the bands the univer- rot 08 his sect Eee Ea EEE Eee a se aan Le eh SALA Interest pald on time dep Oo leet ions made on a1 Fy Aveta as Administrator, GG I"r mits Pt a hg ab eee a ad Bellefonte Trust Co. Capital $125,000. nts on favorable aardinn, Assignees iB terms Receiver and Trustee, a mam i ani bt a A i. A F you know good for you Suits. ity.” You can see style for yourself; quality will be more wear it. “hand-tailored”’ and overcoats made Marx. what's in Clothes, you'll jump at the chance to get one of our Hand- Tailored The style is in it and the “hand-tailored qual- the the ap- parent the longer you Fresh from the hands of a skilled corps of tail- ors comes the eream of our Clothing, the elegant suits for us by Hart, Shaffner & Clothing that stands without an equal in rea- dy to wear clothing of America. individuality is evidenc- ed in each garment. The immense showing we make should interest every man, both from a good dresser’s point and from the crit- ical eye of the strictest economist. A multitude of the choicest new fabrics in a range of all the styles in suits that you'll see the ultra- mode dresser’s wear for this season. You'll find no such clothes elsewhere. Copyright 1905 by Hart Schaffner & Marx SIM, THE CLOTHIER, Correct Dress for Man and Boy. and as active member of the Y. M.| | . The striking stand - and overcoats