THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., OCTOBER 12, 1905. desde sfeoleofooleeedooieodededee desde deideodededeode deol deedfedeodededee odd de dodo bo db db dd dob dob Correspondents’ The news in condensed form from all parts of Centre County Department Bhd db dd ddd ddd ddd ddddodddd ddd dddbdd db bbb ddd ddd bbb bp be JULIAN. Aaron Myers, who has been on the | sick list for several weeks, is improving slowly Amanda Myers came home during her father’s illness, and will stay for a short time. Art Irwin visited our town over day. An old man giving his name as Mr Palmer, dropped in our town one evening last week, | a very sanctimoniou expres worn face, and in d for a el or boarding house. Chas, Bover to Mi nom t 5 wil 54 son on nis quire { , convey . who keeps } i We ada alter a rt « ver — BEECH CREEK The quilt that was sold by the ladies ofthe ¥ PF hes roh . hol rg Anna Be and noo gd hev al they a MT. EAGLE. A BENNER TWP, AY Are u IsKing corn ADDIE DUtter Wallace White's thrasher is in view at present our Mrs. Herb Smull is visiting her sister Mayme Wolf Mrs. Agnes Tate is visiting her par | ents, Henry Fishburn John Grove is all smiles; he says it is another corn husker i We do not have a very good turn out at our grammar school so far, Mi % Carolyn He Philadelphia, Wm. Keen Gap Orrie Mullbarger has left Frank Mar. | tin's, i a To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tab | ois. All draggists refund the money If it tats | to eure, y 1s going toschool in Is working at Pleasant KE W.Grove's signature is on each box, Be, Sun- |! ton, Del, er, Mrs, |) PINE GLENN, Miss Dora Askey. of Bellefonte, is vis- iting her parents, Robt, Askey's. Miss Flo Holt, of Peale, visited at her uncle's, George Bower, the latter part of the week. The Moshannon scribe wished to know iow to keep the Pine Glenn boys out of H. Beates, wife and son, of Wilming l., are visiting the former's moth. Beates, Miss Virginia Hawkins, of Keewaydin, ! Beates home at the 1 held " Al Nei al ta yalurday ey M: : nig apd wife dt i) vi frente te iro % -—— S TWP, MILE started tc » Have be has a cx I would lik an beat that were ou Ss MKS Sunday and SMULLTON, vife are spend 84) attended I'viersville ce Hacks 0 Saturday n K! Miller ends and 10 Aarons Jennie and Lizzie Winters are relatives in Renovo guest of , Wednesday ting I! Wm Brindle was e Perry Winter Fairy Stover and Lodie Weber spent Sunday with their friend Nora Douty, Charles Drumn spent several days with his cousin in Bellefonte, the his James Gramley, of Madisonburg, vis. | ited his mother on Sunday — " Special Notice. For the information of merchants jw The recent ruling of the Revenue Dep't regarding proprietary medicines does not in any way affect the sale of VIN.-TE. NA. This remedy does not contain any distilled apitits and the quality and Quantity of drugs used in its manufac ture, positively beverage. prevent its use as a Prxx Curmicar Co, fi ——— To the cannibal any girl is sweet enough to eat AAS A dead give-away-—a will, it a few hours with Mre Charles before smoing to their n Wa lace, WOODWARD. | { Franklin Guiswite and family spent Sunday at the home of papa Glantz. {| Mrs. H, K. Summers and daughter Annie, from Aaronsburg, spent Sunday {at the home of C, W. Hosterman, The show entitled * Peter Huntz and | wife Jian! held in the Woodward { school house was well attended. { . " | The Woodward House looks quite im- | | proved of late by the new porch around | { the building. Miss Marion Keaster accompanied by { Miss Blanch Weaver, from Aaronsburg, | Sundayed at the home of Wm, Keaster. D. J. Benner and family attended the { connty fair at Bellefonte, Thursday, | J. W. Goodman and Reuben Sheesley i | i i i IH i | attended the Bellefonte fair their town; we reply, just have a festival in Pine Glenn | L. D, Orndorf purchosed the Motz | | store building at this place and expects to open up in the near future with a full line of goods of all kinds, The Motz and Stover lum! 111 bloom now wer 3 The distillery at thls place Eby opened up Tuesday I ph, W V the YARNELL, : visit Walk as ret a with friends at Clearfield monin pending t A Week t her hon ir fora Pai a ne Jaylor and last Wednesday ne's, Confer visited over Sun. her sister Mrs. Wm. Walker at Milesburg Wm. Shank, of Bradford at this place last week Miller, of Beech Creek. Sun QO. Miller's Isaac Heaton of | was a caller ) 0 ear ke George dayed at H Mrs ‘eima wees little daught rorton Heights who spent the at). L retu i er Croft's, red 3} - attended the Baptist bh convened at Milesb: 194 vid Shawley % and two children, " ad last week with irs. Ory Fetzer who is ’ ) typhoid fever i “ay lane AUR 1s typhoid fe of of + Place +f this Kee waydin, is a for at t Wilsor Jerome ( day at Romola, Heaton onfer fit Milesburg, and place spent Sun. ol - IS YOUR BACK ALLRIGMT. If It Isn't the Chances Are That Your Kidneys Are Calling For Aid. he kidney's are the most important of all the organs; they have more work to perform than any other, hence the necessity of heeding the first symptoms of their derangement. They flter or {strain the biood, thus removing the im- | Miss Clara Hastings, of Bellefonte, is 2. f Milesburg, MILESBURG. Geo, W dren of I've McMullen, wife and two chil. one, after visiting his parents and attending the fair, returned home Also Herbert Campbell Charles Sheckler, of 11 yrone Rev, and Mrs. E. C. Houck, after at tending the Baptists Association held ast week, also visiting their friends, re- turned home : also Howard Carter and wife, of Tyrone, The Centre laptist association here last week was well attended ; delegates from different parts of stitte were in attendance, David Reese and wife days with W, S. Walker, Alfred Green, of Altoona, after visit- ing his niece Mrs. Mary Borleau tending the Association, Mrs Shope 18 visiting | ler Mrs Mollie Shope ny “ Har d Clyd and held 125 the fe spent a w and at returned home Mary old ar eD “a - NITTANY. i e 4 Sumber of our young j ic uded the sociable at Jac 3 irday night and report Miss Mins ft on M y fo $a iy Joh Brindle moved to W. J] Smith seed which is busy | 1 is plenty in this seclion Lewis Dorman is improving again Miss Mary Spigelmyer is visiting her | sister, Mrs, David Dorman, ! | William Boob is suffering with boils at present, ew WAR : J ' f purities and powons from this vatal fluid. | Farmers are all busy husking corn y keeping these greatest of Blood Puri- | Which is very fine and plentiful fying organs in good health, many dis | enses are prevented, | Pains in the back and loins are evi | dence that the kidneys are affected, and {they in return will affect the Nerves, | causing nervousness, sleeplessness, rest. lessness, irritability, etc. Infrequent or too frequent urination excessive, painful or scanty urinary passage are all con. | elusive proof that de kidneys need as | sistance For any of these troubles Krines Kid. ney Pills area positive cure and for them { to fall to do what they were Susigfied to do would be like reversing the law of cause and effect. These pills are sold and guaranteed at Krumrine's Ji store, If you are not benefited your money back by asking for 1 | We are glad to note that Marion town. { ship captured the prize award to the best | school exhibit, hk ws that A. A. | Pletcher occups Jacksonville this term, we congratulate teacher and pupils on their success, Their present teacher was my first teach. er and also a citizen here for many terms Well do we remember the old-time spell- ing bees we attended, teacher securing sleds and hauling us two miles above Howard to down his own brother and mates; Man} time we met as high as eleven schools in contest and we won, What is our loss is Howard's gain, Don't try to sit on a fellow who ls too sharp for you, es the grammar school at | MOSHANNON, sick Hist, x Mrs, on the 1. jellefonte this wes Jarger is Veaver tran ik b ISiNness k Vernon Etters is now house vacated by J. Hockenbury. occupying J. T. Lucas is doing a rushing busine on his new saw mill and ment to several men who were idle, ng employ. hitherto TIVES Biv Frank Culver is again home from Wi burne. Perl Etters, of Mrs. H. B. Norman Quick, who is Kane, visited his parents this week. of Cherrytree, was Croft this week, a gue mploved empi yea Thomas E. Fleming, of Cataract sometime with his friends M. Hoover, of Karthaus, was pleasant caller i here - ROLAND. - WINGATE. pains in ¢ bronchitis, and similar signs of a cold on the lungs, can be quickly relieved and cured by HAMLINS WIZARD No time should be lost, because lung trouble may easily develop into pneumonia or consumption. Hamlings Wizard Oil, applied to the chest, relieves the pain and in. flammation, loosens up the cough | and soon cures the disease. “My little girl’ writes Rich. W. Thornton of Quray, Colo, “‘suffered more or less with a cold | on the lungs since her birth, and | finally the trouble became serious. No remedies gave relief, until we tried Hamlins Wizard Oil, one bot. | tle of which permanently cured her."" Price 60c and $1.00, Sold and recommended by pache, th pa t Buy Hair at Auction? At any rate, you seem to be getting rid of it on auction-sale principles: *“‘going, going, g-o-n-e!” Stop the auction with Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It checks falling hair,and always restores color to gray hair. A splendid dressing also. Sold for over sixty years, Whe {on iid AR wl Be vi 1 did wr 1 thought | would give ompietely stopped Medo by 4.0. Ayer Co., Lows, Muss Aino manufacturers of SARSAPARILLA. 3 ers RE PECTORAL. Sechler & Co., PURE FOOD and Fine Groceries. Baker's Steel Cut Coffee is above comparison with any goods on the market, and is well worth the attention of ev- ery good house-keeper. Everybody wants good pure Vinegar; our Darby goods please you sure. large, fat, Salt Mack eral, boneless, They're beaut’s, not altogether suited on Lard, try the goods light in If you are is good, pure and sweet Lard. After a long search we have made a find in Dried Beef. It is properly cured and properly sliced; try itt Our Hams and Bacon are fine, “Sea SECHLER & CO., Pure Food and Fine Groceries. A. E. Schad - Fine Sanitary Plumbing (ras Fitting Furnace, Steam and Hot Wa- ter Heating. ae Lidddidadatinad abot shad tht dtaad dodidsdideding] Slating, Tin Roofing, Spout ing. All kinds of Tinware made to order. - Estimates Cheerfully Fur- nished. Both Telephones, Eagle Block, Belletonte. G. F. JODON, Auctioneer, Bellefonte, Pa. Offers his services to the public as an auctioneer. Farm sales a specialty, x4s