Page 4. he Dentve @emorcrat, PEACE DEGLARED Ch ¢ 2 EASTERN WAR OVER Curtin Township vs. Beech Creek, in Which Latter comes out Victorious. The following item from the Lock Ha ven Express, should be of interest to far- Total, both sides ennserrsssannensne 1.040.000 | 10 apg it seemed to do the most damage, With. Cost of the war to Russia $1,0 0,000,000 ¢ sti . roy and i If le Cost of the war to Japan .... B00 000,000 During the summer of 1904, Henry 0 8 distance of two and a half miles of CIRCULATION OVER 4000 = | Potter, a farmer of Beech Creek town. Fillmore seven barns were unroofed POtRlsis oes . sinner ess snesns §1,800.000,000 i . 1 hed | 1 In ships the losses have been as follows ; ship, ' Clinton Co., had several head of and rn up, sheds by the dozen were ussin. Japan. | cattle in the mountains, after the custom | blown down, orchards and fences were BattiaahiipBes. saver immense ) 2 leveled, fruit and grain and corn and Cruisers par BEANS ap saw i% Coast defense Boats... 4 Special service vessels Destroyers. .... Gunboats...... PRR Wn Forpedo boats { I _— Transports ........ . I'he THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, AUGUST 31, 1905. HISTORICAL REVIEW OF GENTRE GOUNTY Continued from page 1, AT LAW OVER A BULL. ——————— CHAS. R. KURTZ, - - ~ PROPRIETOR Continued from page 1. Japanese forees in the field vee oom 700,000 FRED KURTZ, SR, (eoiToRs. CHAS. R. KURTZ, Free..SHOES..Free TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION of owners of cattle. A bull straved SUBSCRIPTION - - $1.50 PER YEAR Persons who send or bring the money to the office, and pay In advance, §l per year vegetables beaten into the ground, the A Chance to Get Your Winter Shoes for Nothing, 4 ] away, and Potter hunted the mountains 1 roads filled wi Het } ¢ 3 everywhere, hiring men and spending 14 | FOAGS filled with fallen ti 3 fields pd days of his own time in vain search, | washed, and the entire strip of country CENTRE DEMOCRAT elubs with isited by it almost N. Y.3-t-w World for....cccuasscesnrsns Pittsburg Stockman for ‘ THDUNRE PREMIO sesninmssisssssessssimsmasssasins of March last, he heard in Totals... ia directly at a sale, that his bull was at |@ half mile Lessons of the War, the farm of Berdine Butler, several miles | S10N€S measur lly it has been epox h-making, above mol: on Marsh Creek The | WeTe PX ked The date your subscription expires is plainly ed from frui printed on the label bearing your name. All credits are given by a change of label the Ha \ : Arst 1ssue of each month. Wateh that, after Eas has recast the commercial and | ng send Butler $8 for keeping the you remit We send no receipts unless by special request. Watch date on your label Subseribers changing postofice address, and world not notifying us, are liable for same Subscriptions will be continued, unless otherwise directed, We employ no collector. You are expected to send or bring the money to this office — fhere is no sucl HIS, beyond question, is the greatest chance AY were striped com ever offered by any Shoe House in the State. y. On across the Barrens, by the St: It is simply this: On a certain day during the Potter felt satisfied that he | Lollege, Lemont, and Boalsburg, month of September every purchase made at our store; no matter how small or how large it may be, WILL BE FREE. What day it is nobody knows. The way it is done is very simple. Twenty- A ay | ay the cr of cot or a lrmompeon's ¥ he destructio five envelopes, each containing a number that cor- s Of e irse, the mal during the winter, or § Eutjer | Ewansel 3 uster's bars, and + ght responds with the week days of the month of Sep- ng of the Ja aid it got into his cornfield in August | LHS AN "i . tember (Sundays and Labor day omitted) were put in a hat and well shaken up. Mr. John Shug- ert, cashier of the Centre County Bank, of Belle- fonte, selected one of the envelopes and has placed the same in the vault at the bank. Mr. Shugart does not know what number the envelope contained —we don’t know---you don’t. s changed the map of the Far next day Potter went up a iter agree- thirty feet hig! political relations of the whole Oriental | Pull, the latter consented give the J ilitary sense, it was masmuch it advertised the animal swept leaving epoch-making, for it included the three greatest land battles and the greatest sea rthe $8. Hencea law- vdwin 8S. Mobley Fri » verde : le ’ 1" } fortress, that the best can be Cay at bee reex Butlet brought t 1 battle ever fought, It has taught Democratic State Ticket. For State Treasurer, WILLIAM H. BERRY, of Delaware county For Justice of the Supreme Court, JOHN STEWART, of Franklin county For Judge of the Superior Court JOHN B. HEAD, of Westmoreland county County Ticket, For Sherif! ELLIS 8B. SHAFFER, of Miles Twp For Treas : DR. FRANK K. WHITF. of Philipsburg For Register HARRY J. JACKSON, of Bellefonte ORs c mew oar, : 2 4 On the Ist day of October the envelope will be For Commissioners. Apc di NEE hi the ang id © wile Aes oF "a a | . 3 ite tim Had opened and every person who has purchased Shoes JOHN L. DUNLAP, of Spring’ SO hiya ee Ol j : Phil 1 ; tha: Net rian . . ; C. A. WEAVER. of Penn To on the day that corresponds with the number that the envelope contained, will have the amount of money they spent returned to them. We keep a For A tors, JAMES W. SWABB, of Harrls record of each sale made during the month. 8. H. HOY [ Benner Tw For Coroner, DR. P. 8S. FISHER, of Walker Twp EDITORIAL. Now let us see how lucky you are. If you need any Shoes you cannot afford to miss this chance of getting them for nothing. FOR CASH ONLY. YEAGER AND PAV THE SHOE MONEY SAVERS. S— NEW PARTY FORMED. Party to Fight Graft in Penr sylvar A. fice at Harnshurg. Wednes: + : 1 ent ITAA TTT TAT gaia Tag FALL OLOTHING ILS Top Goats Raln Goaws Possibly Too Early To Buy. Not To Early To Look. — BUFFALO RUN SIS TITID J AFTER PLUMMER, Why the Prohibitionists Endorse Berry for Treasurer, ———— HARMLESS PREVARICATIONS The Clothing We Show IS the Product 0 the Best Talent In America. GILLEN'S ADJOINING COUNTIES. he state P. O, 8S, of A. held their an. sal convention at DuBois last week, I. Swope, Esq., of Clearfield, Pa , was elected president of the order The veterans of the civil war are rapidly passing away and in a few more years they will be but a memory. Dur. ing the past year 19 Clinton county vet. erans have answered to the last roll call. Joseph Sechrist, who is accused of robbing George Coffey, the clerk of the Hotel Clinton, in Mill Hall, of $57 on the night of July 21, 1904, was arrested at Charleston, W. Va, A large frame shanty used by the laborers employed on the straightening of the Pennsylvania railroad tracks at Tyrone was destroyed by fire on Thurs day. Over $1,500 in money was burned up. Contractor H. 8, Kerbaugh's lous is $500. The fire was caused in a peculiar manner. A gasoline lamp burning in the shanty was blown out, The next man to come in struck a match and the escaping gas was ignited, cqusing an ex- | plosion, ’ Rong | 1 ese lines, and askis of the Citizens of the state to strike down not alone the graft which has been closed in Philadelphia and other places, but the saloon, which is such an able lieutenant to the grafters in their work of plunder”, “We declare that in our judgment the occasion is ripe for a special effort on the part of all honest voters of this state to tear from the grasp of the present in- competent and dishonest Re -™ state organization the only office which they have held with bold pertinacity since the Civil War, and without which they could not exist o - —— -— —— Died in Livery Stable Last Sunday night Georgé Cook, a? young man of Beech Creek township, died suddenly in the office of the De- Haas livery at Beech Creek, It appears that Mr, Cook and John Martz had been attending camp meeting at Booneville, After putting away the horse, Cook ask. ed the privilege to lie down in the office After Cook had retired but a short time he was heard to make a peculiar sound or groan and on going to him, he was found to be unconscious and could not be aroused, Assistance was called, but nothing could be done to revive him and the body was removed to his home, The deceased was 1 years of age. Cash Grocery. f Lo argue that jot the truth, but Tom Har ter, { th last issue of we Gazette, by in ation, which is meaner than Swartz's al offence, tries to uphold Swartz's arications C. E. Convention, The convention of the Centre County Christian Endeavor Union will be held at Lemont, Wednesday and Thursday. September 6th and jth. The opening session will be called at 2:30 pm, The speakers Wednesday evening will be Rev. 8. S. Bergen, of Petersburg, and Rev, E. O. Irvin, of Lock Haven Thursday morning will be devoted to practical C, E, works by the Endeavor. ers. Inthe afternoon Rev. DeYoe will talk on junior work and Rev. Lathrop, of Milesburg, on temperance work The closing session on, Thursday evening will be addressed by Rev. Kennedy. of Everett, and Rev. Luther DeYoe, of Philadelphia, ———————— The cabbage may be excused for have ing a big head for it knows itcan't be beet, : : | : 3 € on « : - } (sroceries jor SATURDAY, AUG 26: Five gallons Headlight Onl regu. lar price 7tc. 25 Ibs. Whitefish $1.38; regula: $1 (0 Soda 2¢ a package Macaroni 8¢; regular price 2 Ib. box Oat Flake § lbs Washing Soda 25« 28 Ibs. Dairy Salt 200; reg, price 25¢. | 7 cakes of Laundry Soap, 25¢ Chocolate, 18¢c a cake; reg. price 25¢ 17 Ibs. of A Sugar $1; regular amount given 15 lbs, Our leading brand of Flour at cost, $1.21; regular price $1.35. Loose Coffee per 1b. 14¢; 15¢ 1 boxes Banner Lye 2c Baking Powder 2 boxes for s« Fine Cut Corn 10¢ a can, 3 cans for gs0; regular 1244¢ corn, A Fine Green Tea-per Ib, joc; regu lar price 40« Fine Table Syrup per gal. 28¢c; regu. jar price 4oc, Mason Jars--quarts ssc a dos, regular price All other goods at reduced rates, Cash Paid for Butter and Eggs. GILLEN, CASH GROCER, Allegheny St. Bellefonte, Pa IIIT IGIT STII GIES IE GI SETI GIFT IITIIIIS. 7 3: are lower than the ordinary 6001 SuILS ol, Te GIOEhIEP Bellefonte's Largest, Best Clothing Store. FOTN ITIsInsss. Hand-tailored in all essential parts, and yet prices You can’t help but be appreciative when you see the garments, Fall BIOGkS In SO0Tt and Stiff Hats That Will Stand The “Knocks.” “put tggether clothing WITT TITS TTI TINTING T ITT TITITITITITIIII INI NIssys.