THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA AVGUST 21, 1905. Pace 3 Continued from page 2 panking firm of Kean, & Co. of New York. At the present time trolley lines are being built from Rochester to Buffalo and from Buffalo to Cleveland, while lines are already under operation from Cleveland to and from to Detroit. The present purpose of the company Is to control the terminal fa cllities in the lake cities. Lines lu and around Buffalo have a mileage in Detroit of 536 and In Toledo of 112, and it Is now predicted that within two years there will be a continuous trolley line from New York to Detroit Three men control the vast interests thus merged {in the Tractional company They are Louis Boisevain Kear Van Cortlandt & Co, Henry J. P of Buffalo and Nelson Robinson B. Schley and T. De Witt Cuyler also directors Henry J. Plerce been chosen president of the new col pany and Nelson Rob dent. Yan vortmnu, Toledo Toledo y BED of Sob, G inson vice presi Trading Stamps Attacked. The Retall Merchants’ Pennsyvivania while in Philadelphia applauded sentiments of one of Its the trading p business ta race He said that the an unmixed evil was ness Association of convention at heartily member stam stamps » ti and that an unnatural way of doing Price of Diamonds Still Hi gher, New York diamond ir wrter that an advance of 5 per cent made ugh ston the London syn ally a that the Transvaal, mond m close govered on the r worl new the ne of any m only ace tho d on works ances ix gating years the ad arcity of The road for shows $1,304,104 This lef $1.137.328 tinued J. J. Hil to show 1 1 4 Cuts Rates. Mout 1 th + y ! Ana neapols, ai rd as compared with the Canadian roads He said that if the Canadians aet this rate he would go lower Louisville Bank Closed. The Western Nationa ville, Ky., has been Bank » Gould Head of Wabash. It w! George J id bad acting president of road and that he would Ity accept wl unin Joseph Ram 10UD Vas ant (30 Hh nr ne pre DAS remail ted ef sey. J INDUSTRIAL Corn Still In the Lead. After Water The over of the a wel root stopp is found Of Automobile to Deliver Papers. The Eur York Herald at its adopted the big automobile from Paris to Trouville distance of 132 miles was made in two and a Cotton Mill Air Bad. That workers In cotton mills are In danger from lack of ventilation Is ex. plained by E. ©. Willey In the Tech. nical World He says that frictional heat generated from machinery, oll and unclean cotton makes the alr foul and enervating to operators, thus decreas Ing the amount and quality of the work. teen feet undergr n «dition of the New serve break iast, of with Deauville, a The first trip half hours eit Paris, in order to FeUIRT TFesaders at Las expedient nding = jonded papers pre—————————— SPORTING EVE NTS | Alrship Over New York, For the first time the people of New York have witnessed a practical dem. onstration of aerial navigation by means of the dirigible balloon con structed and operated by Roy Konaben. shue of Toledo, 0, who first became famous by navigating the airship Ar- [row at the Worlas rair AST year, Starting from his tent inclosure in a vacant lot west of Central Park, Mr, Knabenshue made a trial flight as far a8 the Times building at Forty-second street and Broadway and back, and later performed maneuvers over Broad way as far south as the Flatiron build ing, returning each time to the park without mishap An lmmense crowd of people was nd teh the novel experiment in alr naygigation, had ddl of ex eitement on account its commercial object A had of the experi an dodge by having num be r $100 on hn to wi which onal sourde of viper 0s un local | made use mel advertising f 1 from he flew and return ns streets housetops of the ¢ trip the airship made } a pretty stiff wind Writing of his benshue that remars ROTIeS BUgrestive H) He the 5.000 feet, at bear nothing of ing to the effect on his ear drums curred to him be for On his idway against Mr. Kona encountered a exper he of ¢ hop iy HCY, said Cross currents sea in a storm maximum beight of which point he could the city's sounds ow- of the The thought it ¢ hance it to air oc rarefied wi! would New of nun enen steal into Yrist ’ i arop st (9 Ward Ho and Wright Still Champions. SOCIOLOGICAL Are Women Crow Men? ding Lis th will gave him in the struggle for survival.” phys il streng Manchester's Street Car Experience. fF nn p ing When olored south, but found It necessary last twenty years, as book, ‘Up From Slavery, contact with therance of my in the south.” all the the have people, when In during stated In Mm to come into the fur work In ways 1 do not white people In MISCE L LANE ous Checking the Yellow Fever, The first month of the yellow fever in the south, which ended Aug. 21, disclosed a record of 1355 cases and 196 deaths in 311 alities, mainly In Louisiana, Texas and Mississippl, The average death rate was 14.1 per cent and 173 persons were discharged as eured. The authorities have adopted everywhere the practice of killing the fever breeding mosquitoes in the lar val stage and by fumigation. New Orleans, the center of Infection, has placed herself under rigid sanitation and dally Inspection, with the result that the progress of the disease is well under control. The most pitiful fea ture of the situation now appears to be the plight of the smaller towns along the coast. where sclentific meth ods have not been applied. At the lit tle village of Leesville, La, with a population of 10,000, 170 were reported down with the yellow fever and 200 more with the dengue fever. Rellef expeditions were sent from New Or leans. The have reached the conclusion that Itallans are more lia ble to take the disease than any other race and that their high mortality Is due to their mode of life. The statis tics show that women are paratively safe, the deaths from yel- low fever being five times great among males as among females. All the ev to confirm the mos quito theory reported north doctors also com. as idence goes One ¢ wis Mo nfection 15 as far as Gregory, Accidents. The up consideral 21, tall buildings shaken and the most and extended linols, tucky Joud alarmed rushed Into The deadly grade other horror Mont Miss! sgippl valley shaken ly by an earthquake Aug Ng ndows rattled noted for mw over a wide 1 Tennessee and was be rocked, doors It ny Aren Ww Wis severe Years of 1} Missouri, Ken The shock rumbling the was preceded by 8 that many 10l8e greatly eonle of whom people, the streets crossing has car ¢ wert Injured The Baralor the I grow: I'L Helg! Pottss O00) ne out of w 1 the lose © than Co — TOUR TO PACIFIC COANT including Yellowstone Par k, Lewis and Clark Exposition and Rocky Mit» Penney ooe-half days the Owslone LArs when the flee hotels now in servies in Lhe Clreat Preserve will be utitised. The teen rtianag ie y sicie-traeked f t'o roe riptive phamp et time of necting ira and farther informal fpply nearest ticket ppent Guu, WW. Boyd ! yg Broad Street or ssrenger Agent "hilade Iphia NNEDY’'S FAVORITE Dr. KE REMEDY oousiss., Pleasant to take, Powerful to Cure, And Welcome In every Mome, KIDNEY and LIVER cure. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy 1x adapted to all ages and both sees, affording per manent relief in all cases cansed hy Impurity « f the ood, such as Kidney, Hiadder and Liver (OB plain tm, ¢ Tnatipation, and weaknesses peenlise to on ocessful for © years. Prepared Ie BR. BD KENNEDY & SONS, Rondont, ¥. ¥. 0100 all drugs, ix bo When B00, PISOS CURE FOR CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Bast Cough Syrup. Tastes Coed. Use In tims, Sold by druggists CONSUMPTION add ress B van Regimen mal : 5 ATTENTION, VETERANS. Wim A Krise, Kling Hale, Win J 8 Marine Frigate Minnesown, MeCoy, UK Navy Gen Jumes Irvin, Navel | Dr, Roland 1 6 Curtin N Geo W Koel, loo 111 V | ’ Ifany the been pul UBN ates, in ia Vol his History of the that Pennsyl- the 101st line (16th Cavalry) COMm- | ded by Col, 1. Irv of Cen- | part in Cen- ot store nvel Keeper inteers Store Koepe t of the states of soldiers whose names ha n Gregg, ished in Huts of the mill ted in bad served ot ans ime ino thelr friends wi tLe ting ther commu Lhe 01 reatly ol reg 1at [4 Are commun there r ve tin wands LEGAL ADVER QirHANS COUKT B I wh J. Ja tute of i } TISEME ALE Wn ~ "n Holand BK Elias Heck Daniel Fr § Jousx W_Barnuonst, § Wa. Hari, Snow Shoe, | eM LIN ry NT N. ure Spices. “Symonds Inn Spices’ Green's Pharmacy Co., THE REXALL STORE. BEEZER We kee “ he Des ality of BEEF. PORK, MUTTON, SLICED WM PHILIF BEEZE S MEAT MARKET. AM R En a a a eed 32d Annual Encampment and Exhibition of the Pairons of Husbandry of Central Pennsylvania GRANGE PARK, CENTRE WALL, PA., SEPT. 16 TO 22, INGLUSIVE. eampment Opens Sept, 16, Kahibition Opens Monday, Sept, r farms CR or ADMISKION FRES GINGEKICH GOODHART DALE LEONARD RRONE, Ghalrman. tera ad MOH BIOL IORI ISILON Bellefonte Trust Co. s & Co OCH N, ASTIN Capital $125,000. OFFICERS J. L. Bpangler Hoss O Hickok , Lil John PP, Harris, . Isaac Mitchel) DIRE y Cochran, ngler Gierberieh John V TORS A.C Mingle Clande Cooke Hoss O, Hickok, Harris Pryesiden J. Hen ¢ President 4. 1 Treasurer Od Asst. Treas Interest pald on time deposits Uotleetions made on all points on favorable terms, Acts as Administrator, Guardian, Assignee, Receiver and Trustee, Prompt attention given to all banking tiers entrusted to it, POPPPPPPPPRY | RAILROAD SCHEDULE. ENNSYLVANL PR oh Fralnsarrive ant as 10i0Ow HAILIBOAD, i effect May 28, 1906 aepart from BELLEFONTE FTYROWE Mi Mi Simon. a Lf LLL Krumrine State College Struble Rloomsdort Fine Grove Trains from Mobtandon Hamsport, Lock Haven and Tyrone, conneet with train No for tate Ooliege Trains from State College connect with Penna Rallroad at Bellefonte for points east and west H.TroMAs Supt, | 5 * 5 * » ’ i ‘0 5 Te Lewisburg, Wii BELLEFONT Ir fe & SNOW SHOE BRANCH t Nov. 0. 18% Mix I Mix | Miz Mix A 5 ~Bellefonte 5 10! 300 Milesbut w Shee STATIONS Ny nt. House oe HA AN "ot gna) WW. ATTERNUNRY Gen'l Mgr CORR Week days only. J. R. Woan, Gen'l Pass Apt, Dr. J. |. KILPATRICK, Dentist, . Bellefonte, Pa. TempleCourt, over Postofos, | Mpeoial attention given to artificial iakts. x