Page 8 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., AUGUST 31, 1905 Ld A a he a i POTTER TWP, PENN TWP, E, P. IRVIN. L. C IRVIN. HE RACKET. aa . Miss cousin | } SDet 10 spent Sunday very Boys get your cow bells 1 and | pleasantly at the home ot John P rumpets for a wedding at the ridge r wet ver Kline Ralph Haine of Woodward, and ling, Charles Frazier, Miss Alma Musser { wsser and | dren, George Nearhood, wife and daug Miss Mayme Mensch, « ill spent r, Claude Sparr, Gernie Hert, Da Tuesday night at tl ne of Corneliu ay , Elmer and Bruce Stu Musser Rev, Charl 4 School Supplies r Share The “BUTTERFLY” Skirt FRADE MARK Will Be Dame Fashion's Favorite This Fall. Walch For It At KATZ & CO’S. MILES TWP, RACKET STORE CO. S000000000000000CRRGRONS db dobobdodob bb bd bbb bb bbb bbe + i y io t+ Correspondents’ # h : Department : : + + H : 4 \ PHOILOSVHO0VBIOOVOOO0GDODIOS VIDE PVINDA000600000060CHEOS ARR AR Ran AAR REBERSBURG. GREGG TWP, — — — — Pod Pd Pd pd pe™ » .-. ¥ h = x 1d » mn x » > wy w w = 3 OOOO OOOO el el yl ye A FREE | Home Deposit Bank | FREE The Bellefonte Trust Company Announces the installation of the HOME DEPOSIT BANK SYSTEM PE ———————— — The Plan § | YO S882 Tosa | pe Rey ae w x O-0—-C I Ty * Rh bd " = - = Yd Jd pl pd pel eel Wed Youd Won yd Ty Wy x, Yel Jl Peel > a =, o-0 ey, WE KEEP THE KEY Bellefonte A x J Yok pick 0 tarmcmcmrmim of ROMOLA Sucoewsors to Jackson, Hastie GORTON HEIGHTS. ended ay : Capital $125,000 It teaches children to save \ y oe d Mar Thi and Maude it - re OF taining ! Ike Heaton and wife, Geo, Clark and Misses Cli ’ : 1d Maude 4 arm \ complaining about wife, took in the cathpmeeting at Bigler (=) + BD - NOW is the time to start snd encourages thrift and ne : OFFICERS : The plan is within the reach J. L. Spangler, President economy. Hoss O. Hickok, « Yiee President of all. Remember it is not pohn Lo Aare Rig If busy, telephone or write, Confer, who are employed at Lock Ha | their potatoes rottening } i dir ‘ ' y { their y 5 Sunday ven, are spe dir ’ "tH Elias Heckman visited the home of his homes in this place Miss Mae Richards, of Morrisdale, \ o Bb vd 8 sister. Mrs. Henry Mark, last week spending a few days with her friend yite Ma ide RB Pp as rg h . : Miss Koeda Mark Miss Olive Wiggins day for Eimo 8 IA., WHEE she expects . to teach school t } winter Weave Mrs, Francis Poorman is visiting in ba A. Da) ‘ cl ad D eaver Nittany valley John Ailey A 188. A% Miss Gertrude Breon spent one day h WwW. Robb transacted business in Belle: | \ Miss Sadie and Olive Wiggins and hii id Mir ’ ) last week with her friend Miss Loeda y Pp HN nas He : i Se day at Mark ad, Miss Richards, spent Sunday a Joseph Wierick a Charlee Bowes Were seen in our v ge last Sunday spent Saturday afternoon with her sister Mrs. Harry what you EARN, but what DIRRCTORS and our representative will + Spangler, 4 " Gerberioh, Ross © Hickok independent, Johh P. Harris of charge you SAVE that makes you 4: Heli} tahran, oll. Ming call and deliver the bank free 3 HOY SCHOOL DISTRI Misses Olive and Sadie Wiggins teok in the firemen's convention at Philips burg last week, The base ball game held last Saturday Rev. Sayder had preaching in the St at Howard, between Romola and How. I'aul church, on Sunday afternoon and M |W 5 catnod 1 ard stood 12 to 9 In favor of Romola Ww hen 1 on Sunday {: come all merri 4 ms As returnea nome , N AD HEAr im from Clymer, Indiana county I'he wit y ’ nmunity are | proving slowly C—O ) C. F. Robb and wife departed Tues f vet 1 : ¥ ; 5 Wm. Jones died in Philadelphia on day morning for their home 1n Johnson. the 19th, aged 83 years. He was one of | hyrg When a fellow is on his uppers he Lewisburg's prominent citizens and at J. R. Brickley lost a valuable horse on should do his best to get on his feet torneys for many years, Sunday again We want an account with every person in this vicinity, All business treated as confidential. C. EB. Duck spent Sundd n Green (sap Ss 4 EB) » ol tt ts eee ee 2 el el el Sel eel ee pee See pee Sel ell el etl el pel eel pee el el el el pel pel sl See en eel ee See ee ee ee See Se Sel 4