Pgae 8 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., JULY 1905 N SOME MORE ON MILL HALL. t tore. Dont yu Mi R81 a false prevarikater near or 0000000090000 0090000000% GREGG TWP, POTTER TWP HOWARD, E. P. IRVIN. L. C IRVIN, HE RACKET. RE —— Hot Weather GOODS 'hings you NORTH PRECINCT Miss Kathryn Roy spent a few days at Misses Bessie Taylor, | Jennie OTHE ana S The Murray make a long name in last Dong (ye0 on RACKET STORE CO. + : hr " + Hy + + : + Pobrdedobddeded bbb ddd id Rh Correspondents’ : Department : 2 de | oe + a» oe + + a bbb bbb bbb bbb bbb bbe COBURN McAllister Hall, 1.F F FPA Ha w f the WM, H. HOUSEL, Prop ONLY A FEW OF OU} | Special Drives! — BUFFALO RUN Bargains In 2d Hand Machinery —— JULIAN, ' : " "ALR At the Factory \ FRACTION ENGIN) SEPARATOR CLOVER HUI ) 0 iH. P, Port AW MILD whos ) loved ] : ) y followit ent : v : ¢ i f wi h both "Ww At Bellefonte ins Sadie Turner who has b he hb A thy, Wilson | 10 such cases the advi HE kan Tutl om | gine Our Price Tags tell the tale. Our Newspa- ng the m yf rot N N i \ ' val be i" _ ’ .... al ec —— One ON. PF. 0 os : : ’ » " Howard Tusmer y R {rot WOODWARD. One SIL, FP. Poerioss | on whi per advertisements only invite Howar dt . lis ’ i a : v One xe Peerle LF] CPArator : led by windstacker you to look. (ine Viv ’ ' ) ding sta ke little water inch Jd, 1.0 | is visiting at M burg . i YOO of XK Ii ot out wind stacker Charley Andrew and friend {ins ’ hi : vind Under the lay John Stump, | : Tus vvil pent sushels of grin: ner spent the 4th at Altoona uld be kil ’ lo frat tage | Sunday at the hon 0 I will be refused : ‘ IL. D. Oradord 11 One MW ineh Diston elise i a — . n ‘ 5 ’ Hao ar ri : una ¥ IAW iniawiui t i " Stock constantly changing i agent, is Going « 1¢ A rushing kines og . Rev, John L. Leilich, pastor u til Octo 1 tir hd . : at the present time Call on or write your wants to East Main Street M. | lames Auman Haven, died Sunday morning of dia y i a r captured «¢ ’ A " ! t Underw : summer wood on the 4 Ah District Agent for Gelser Mig. Co betes, complicated with blood poisoning No last week Belletonte, Penn's