Page 4. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. , JULY 20, 1905, The Centre Democrat, CHAS, R, KURTZ, - - - PROPRIETOR FRED KURTZ, SR, {gpiTORS. CHAS. R. KURTZ. } CIRCULATION OVER 4000 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SUBSCRIPTION - $1.50 PER YEAR label given each mon We send 1 Wateh Subseribhers changing not notifying us, are Subs riptions otherwise directed printed credits are first ssue of you remit special request Hi U are expecte 11s off We employ no col to send or bring the EDITORIAL. ——— IMPORTANT DECISIONS — New Law for Sheriff's Deeds nwealth Il acknowledge. ill be before \ Prot an be made on any year excepting Sunday and hol Another new law is ny very important feature of ni f recording suc that o the past it has been the practice 8 ’ mark all deeds after acknowledgement in the office of the Prothonotary but hence forth they will [simply be placed in docket of that office continuance then regularly filed in a separate ¢ book to be kept by the Recorder will revolutionize things generally a the offices of Recorder, Sheriff and Pro thonotary ———————— - The Wheat Crop In Kansas Stories from the Kansas wheat thres "no ing breaker, show this year's crop to be a General Passenger Black, of the Sante Fe, has receive tice of a yield of ninety he Ford county, Of vourse, thi but many fields report a 3 | he : heaviest yield and ception, over fifty bushels an acre able fact is that the finestjberry are found in Western Kan sas, In hundreds of instances the wheat cropharvested this year is worth three or four land, times the present value of the LAW ON OUTLINES. juestion of what is law in regard of outlines has been asked we print the law in regard — A HIGH PRIEST FALLS Heat was Intense. Mon lay and Tue Wy we experien of the his rays down Season intil the and 96 in larger cit es it Ing up to ge Bellefonte the was )8 and close to 99. The result was many prostrations and deaths, while the suf fering among the thickly populated tene ment districts was severe. A refresh ng rain came on Wednesday that was effective in breaking the hot spell There were fifteen deaths on Tue sday from heat in New York. six in Pittsburg three in central Pennsylvania, one in Philadelphia and one in Delaw are ——— How the Elks Grow. Accordig to the report of Grand Secs the B.P O lodges retary Robindon. of the order now Elks with a membership of 200,040, a gain of to.000 members during the past year. Fifty five new lodges were installed during the year, In n AS » AN INQUIRY NEEDED. The t Citizens, and statement often is made by prom those in a Pr wr boro finances Irrowing ded to th A Pie Ties up Railroad. | up the Santa Fe ra t he int —— Coal F elds Opened. entra! Rails Medix Run Lr _— Tadpole Crop Ruined yin anmgnt, partment is “Byron ’ rate 0 propagate — A ——— the rottenness of DIC places 4 wing : IK expos Honest re p aution and astounding, ans are getting their eyes open and ec that what the omplained of these many founded. If number of 1" wii Clearly MoCrats s only 1] ’ eeted 00 Justice is n and more | well out the prisons pent tent peed be aries 1 doubled an A — I —— “Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer." The secret is out and Bellefonte can go on living just as if the riddle dad never been anked, No it con't either, Bellefonte is not going to be what it was before. Its houses are going to be brighter ; ita people a little more prosperons--they are going to have some of their money left to buy other things with, The answer to the riddle is this: yon ean paint a building with fewer uallons of Devoe Lead and Zine paint than with mix. od paints, and it will wear several times as long as a building painted with lesd and oll mixed by hand There's proof abundant of it all over the United States. There will soon he proof abupdant of it in Bellefonte What will people do with the rel of their money ? » tion to Philipsburg abou ceased wa RECENT DEATHS. WiLriam H., BENNER miller, after t six weeks, died ced al t 20 A aged about 59 Hors day ever Some Horse, “Don'ts. —- How Me Won water, but mee w AK the } variety much prefers some other ———s REMEDY FOR MAY FEVER, After Trying Other Treatments, Myomei Was Used with Perfect Success. 1. F. Forbes, a well known Western railroad man, whose home is at McCook Nebraska, writes ‘lI have never had any relief from any remedy for hay fev. er, even temporarily, until I discovered e merits of Hyomei, 1 always recom mend it when occasion requires.” There is no offensive or dangerous tomach dosing when Hyomel is used [his reliable remedy for the cure of all the respiratory organs is breathed through a neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit, so that the air taken into the throat and longs is like that of the White Mountains or her health resorts, where hay fever is nknown I'he fact that Sidney Krumrine agrees to refund the money to any hay fever sufferer who uses Hyomel without success, should inspire confidence in its power to cure, A complete outfit costs only $1.00 and extra bottles but coc, diseases of 1 ADJOINING COUNTIES. How to Exterminate a Pest. : | ‘eh JA wemington dog GILLEN’S ash Grocery. SATURDAY, JULY 22: CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Cash Paid for Butter and Eggs. fas Cou - GILLEN, CASH GROCER, Use in time Soid © CONSUMPTION Allegheny St. Bellefonte, Pa. ) EEEEEEEEEER Ww Ww PA nw (EEE EE EEE EEE EEE CECE EECEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEE CEES - EEEEFTEEEEEEEEEEE EE ERE ES, NN THE REDUCTION ON All Men’s Suits Still Continues. Positively the greatest money-saving opportu- nity you have ever been offered. TO SEE IS TO BUY. Em im, Clothier 333333333333333333333333" 3333333333333 3333333333333 3333333333333333333333333 a0 . 33