THE CE NTR E DE MOC RAT, Continued from page tained. Twelve new directors, chosen by the Ryan trustees to represent the policy holders, were accepted July 14 Demand For Structural Steel. Accord the Iron Age sure for of stru has been so great in the last that prem mis are delivery The ing to deliveries orders are any alone took orders Western roads CAIs the wire fi Frick's $20,000 dings. H. C. Frick announced Pitts spend S10.000.000 In ie utlding and as otel to be calle both of world. a new | «1 the proposes to mid ings the finest in the ike Lawson In the West. Thomas W. Lawson of Boston beg his speech campaign at Ottawa, July 8, and after two days gave out, but, with rest and treatment, his tour was resumed, and he was Kan his volo able hear , proposed should mself of FONE) over 000, or an in last year. The condition of the crop up to July 1 was 11 polots better. Winter and spring wheat year. Other cereals are up to t are abead age 1 less ba« } IS ENS Through Subway Beg & trains subw nort! i ’ tion at Bowling Green r Brakes For All Freight Cars. New Long Distance Train Record. SOCIOLOGICAL of Tru Jerome's Defense rece New will I ’ C01 ) dress the Ottawa Chautaugu 2 L told mate struck a ) he fluand ests of the i 3 hurt selves. He ade ti II this talk about trusts i= mostly and declared “that nothing Ia this country has ever touched by a trust that has not gr ind Improved He asked If the men at the crossroads were not doing exactly ns Rockefeller had done, and sald further: “This is business nnd business Is commerce and this Is competition. It Is war and strife. 1 do not that this Is moral It Is Immoral. Don't tell me that If the men at the cross roads had more power they would not use it to thelr own advantage or that they would use it any more gently than Rockefeller uses it.” Finally Mr Jerome sald that the side upon which the trusts were wrong and upon which they should be checked was that they debauch our public life by buying legislatures, judges and administrative officers Rockefeller Versus Tarbell, Virgil P. Kline of Cleveland, the well known attorney of the Standard Ol company, gave to the press a state ment, last week, taking Issue with one part of Miss Tarbell's sketch of John D. Rockefeller in the July MeClure's, wid they nter they them nonsense Lwveon) wn ny war. This Is the account of the between Mr. Rocke feller and one of his debtors, Mr, Cor gan of Cleveland, Is partial and mis ling. Miss Ta that Mi mined his He legal charges that controversy rhell's account makes Tox friend n kefeller deliber n order y Cou hold qecret chose to mergies to perpetuating ‘or his own personal bene the that direct public standing efforts in reatly experience 100 aroused lew Miss Ta action toward the Golden Rule rbell sald she EDUCATIONAL ucational Autocrac) be self perpetuating and self govern ing and w Wl have absolute control over the 1360 ’ a : we to S140 Miss HH “ny that for Savings Banks SPORTING EVE Doherty Keeps T sie Tita 1" May Sutton Tennis Chamg MISCELLANEOUS To Pay the War of 1812 Debt Inst the sending out checks fo sary several whic the war of 1812, aesasion red led by the men for to refund money expen juipped with interest siates bh oe Accidents, An explosion of gas in the coal mi at Pontypridd, Wales, July 7, entomb od 18) men, of whom 124 could not rescued, The 100 pounds of rock powder in a blast near Harrisburg, Pa, death of eight. One man was killed and women and children were in a tornado wrecked n Warwick, N. Y., July 8 The report that of the French submarine torpedo boat Farfa det at Bigerta, Tunis, had been rescued was contradicted Inter he vessel had gone down again 1 hawser which had lifted it to the surface broke Deaths. Walter Kittredge, anthor of “Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground,” dled at his home at Reedsferry, N. H., July 8, aged seventy-one Professor Edward 8 Wood of the Harvard Medical school died at his home in Pocasset, Mass, July 12, aged fifty-nine. nes he premature explosion of caused the of ured when tent at HOOT OR circus the crew when Xx Tle Re. N— THE BLUE ASTER, Are Captivating Faney. Azure Hloomws the Its Popular ’ should where seri son it boon this desirable the prove n north: at vary nt the 50 ra. ’ i : OY ix 1 : irrigating Strawn herries tmlifornia Privet Pure Water Helps Romi fruit rowers 1 ‘ good practice rior y Spt g trees the destru with k« tion of the the dis « water helps to first spray The rote proie woolly {rees Ww ster wash away the ennbliug the Kerosene ne In contact with the American Cult) tive covering emulsion to « aphis and kill it valor Gnte, annoyed tl not keep our and en yard gates « lose] until 1 put some five cent screen door springs put them on the gates hey self and much is avoided,” remarks a correspondent in an exchange Shutting the Garden could were great) garden chick haned and are how closing inconvenience Wild Goose Plum Not Bearing. For a wild soose plum that does not bear a frujt the wood growth by summer growth and « root, = other the same time pl needed for poll check the tn advises to back the grower cutting atting blo ted near by Hing riety ning at mny he ne Morning Glory, This fine fashioned has been much neglected by modern ama teurs and professional gardeners There are many m ignificent new vari eties In the market, and they are useful for many purposes old climber BELLEF INTE, PA, JU om LY DAHLIA CULTURE. Contrary to the general the thine to bener, plant June | rruir AND FLOWER NOTES inter dahlias, I be had es and bushes and apply on the the Of “1 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ) : ITRATO} July 4 rden Ma DMI? vi Leslie A ; Of t gnzine ind Georgian Cantaloupes, Asters From Seed, It Delights the Growers ae W. WW, Racua Belly we ON. RBoren. Columbus, Ohio ' , flattened; Mus Carvin Hane, Sammerbill, Pa LA . u ROoreERT Hontsox se. Ohlo womewhat Vilas : ! ¥ NY Ha Dr. KENREDY’'S FAVORITE REMEDY Pleasant to take, oa erful to Cure, And Welcome In every Home, KIDNEY and LIVER cure. edr's Var KREANND UA = BONS Ks Centre County Banking Co. yner H n pr g Rireels RIVE DerosiTs, DISCOUNT NOTES ashier MM. SHUGGERT. © Pe a aR a tt he Bellefonte Trust Co. Ha N & C Capital $125,000. DIRECTORS I. Hengy ( hran A.C. Mingle i apangler Claude Cook Roms OO, Hick ris C.T.Gerberied ohn PF. Ha terms Receiver ar rs entrusted to it Et i th fa hf a 2 2 2 a a ACTA as Prompt atte ‘ te +4 RTI PIR Aaa AAAS A A AAAS Special Sale for 1 Week. inesday we will sell you a a5¢ Tooth Brus! { i ooth Ww ash of! Tooth PP owder for for Call and see the goods Tory matte + mE EE | OF Hi Wi and a HY hottie of Whe, or a 20 I 8e, at Green's Pharmacy Co. RAILROAD SCHEDULE. ILEOAD lay 2¢ I ERERERNESES sien ron . Cherry Bam coms LEROAD OF FEN TEX CENTEAI Time Tal a a TE - a "TT 3. ' a ff LE We NE \ Ia Week Dars : 5a A Klee m ¥ ound fre K . phia at £5 W.GEFH Al 1 fseners PELLEFONTE CENTRAL » Teo take effect May J RAILROAD WESTWAR BAFTW ARI me Centre Hunters Fillmore Brialy Waddle 3 Krumrine § 04 State College 410 Struble 4 15 Bloomsdort 43 _ Fine Grove Trains from Montandon, Hamsport, Lock Haven and Tyrone, connect with train No A tor tate COollege Trains from State College connect with Fenba Railroad at Bellefonte for points aast and west F. BB Tronar Supt Ee a br Be a EE EE Lewisburg, Wik BELLEFONTE & SNOW SHOE BRANCH In effect Nov, J, 18 Mix | Mix | Ao 953 Ly