THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. JULY 20, 1905. ing of county building contracts, were reindicted July 11, upon the confession a commercial line, with Improved fa- P 0 L1 T 1 C Al L the Panama railroad be continued as ay AI TT with a double track. modern COMMERCIAL ] Sechler & Co., rolling stogk and all modern port Decision Against Book Trust, factlitios He urges retaining the To Import Canal Laborers, More Equitable Crookedness. In the United States circuit court at | gronmship line between New York and 8 of financial degra. New York the application of Beribuer | ¢slon that miracts with the Pacific | Lv , heen sounded by the dis & Sons and Bobbs-Merrill company for | sail and Routh Amerlenn non be'wats and a lke number of Japanese and closures conta ned In the evidence sul an injunction to restrain R, H. Macy eled and that the ports of Colon and Italians for a 500 day contract in order ite 0 New York's Insurance er P1 R E : O OD & Co. from selling copyright hooks be nan be opened to all lines . . to compare the! Intender meerning the hooks low the retall price fixed by the Pub n equal ter Thus he thinks Amer RE kD relative eflicien suitable Assurance lishers' association was denled This and stam int which attracted I i no ae cla] teas” tends will bo. greatly henetitd SEAT 110 or tie air cho on, acted special attention | and Hine Groceries, of one of the persons Involved The Panama canal commission is sald Still lower dept) to have decided to Import 2,000 Chinese dation have BOCIoty IC Canal Is completed oF ff [ sorts of trade mbina- id +N ferent national effects on all sorts of ide combin Report of Public Lands. fons cmine counsel were engaged . ‘ ities for canal " Russia's Sending of Witte as! tions. Eminent cou Yere engaged’ owe preliminary report of the ub ky a . on both sides. The decision was ren- : \ ‘ L | . ) work, This class tw standing that the books « he - Envov Believed to Mean dered hy Judge Ray who charged the « Fr s hash bd tppointed n . f of laborers wil ’ ani Publishers’ association with bhelng In : Lala) Juli . 4d, not be entitled $£1.000.000 That Peace Party Is As-| Violatior antitrust law. He yo-f SOIPINE LXAEY Ol a fuire, 8 fg to center the ords was added to | other charg Baker's Steel Cut Coffee is I ferred to the { b tion as a4 con : FAT, bi, " " United ’ { u of crookedness 1 $ ’ "monopolist LI 00 @ climate, i! : | mn i he grea ( ¥ r Another WV A118 f cendant—Naval Metis) Rpirgey oaBeimaiing and h ok SR xclusive of Al wenty. 1 ia" k Shots and th oh ot er ay Toa Audio above comparison with any Macy an unlawful agreement to which | "ree 8 a BE serritof ? Te fo : 1 Kine rs oh vials of wi th fror the polley holder goods on the market, and is . . ACTres ren { J Ol \ Stevens “ anf "yt thee don Sdn hn a ai 1 p sassination and Army Re-| Which they have not consented to be : been in con very that a loan of §250,000 had been | well worth the attention of ev- come bound In selling books of which Chaffee Acting Secretary ence on this and other phases of inde to the Depew lmproven they are the absolute owners ly order ¢ presider dna R. Ereat undertaking, and they are any. in which Senat volts—President, Angered Sion; wngert Newspaper In Contempt. by Crop Report Scandals,| The company publishing the Boston Will act as secretary of war in the ab- | 0 AUN Collapse Followed by As the defendants are not parties and by ery good house-keeper. [red Globe 1 boda I't residend Orders Investigation—Plan | of $200 on compa Everybody wants good pure eral Parker of Mass LS a Yor i " ans For ace Ik. Calls Canal a Humbug. I { I " \ to Import Canal Labor. tempt of curt in | hing two ai ¢ state department an hat| Former Interstate Commerce Cor pew himself yoted for the | an 88 a Vinegar; our Darby goods yg . 1 4, ticles hon ; i Ryder ® ori : . Mu Choe 1 . 4 N a. fo be JA i lies y f wrill nleace vas Depew In Equitable Graft. in the Tucker murder case before it | as tl ting ¢ of ipanese A it no ; : 4 Will please you sure. FOREIGN Be Peace Envoy. suited on Lard, try we have. It | Trial For Caleb Powers, { not irom bleaching, but from ¢ and cleanliness in render- is on , RE : Be Blooay secution, SECHLER & CO, re : ut i tive NAnY we nown New ork smart set . : h J { Bell, IM tok the crime was not so rent women This led the dis attorney Sloe] es ; For hive } ! et attorney, refused Mayer Weave: , re . 3 Pure Food and Fine Groceries. Pp the operat 0 1 CAS Gra »" =. su pa a number of the sald sut guest that Indictments be presented in ti case 3s the irand Duke Sergius, to subpoe A y i: "1 A Boat Thee Shims ¢ he. - a | oor Bs da ; } ; ro for Count Rt off was easy of ac- scribe t ye the extent of a v THE Chiel criminals in the flit : : “* 1 contrast | the toorod Blacl rt ’ M ! Fre nvens tion mntra ot r ‘ so ’ . - . 4 iam INSURANCE AGENCIES. : | #1 : . : » ‘ - " . . > : ’ Vat, - W. H. MUSSER, A Pos A New York Race War Farance Agen 2 Attorney rs 80 0s Ark » John Exeat & Co BELLEFONTE, PA Philadelphia S. B GOSS, / { 0 CID ; SURANCE NEW YORK % S78 1 doe HERT : D.atd Nia : add Bh Cl. i P i ER 2nd Foon read | Beiieion, Pa " | the mayor's cou | & IS THE GREATEST ’ BER P EXECUTIVE taventignion at am oer eve THEATRICAL 2 SHOW Paper HARRY FENLON Manes and op | houses gave evidence of mor IN THE WORLD. : oY Crop Re n NS, Ar Tu oon Fl lion nw $4.00 Per Year, Single Copy, 10 Cts FIRE ure cochear AND i SAMPLE COPY FREE. TORRAPO FRANK QUEEN PUB. CO. (Ltd NS U R A N C KE . ST, NEA , IW. TE St, New York Jno. F. Gray & Son GRANT HO LABOR + that everybody is going | : Insurance : tment Makers Out White Canvas Shoes : od 10 write large lines at we are pre & a ALSO Life and Accident Insurance. and Surety Bonds. Crider's Stone Bld, Bellefonte, 8 nt proba} I Hungary Defies Austria En ting Hungar ’ refus troons | we dual oir Les Lor of the om ! rnit parliament has been Ignored The Moroccan Agreement, The offiel ne men between * France and Gert fo nference on the siatu f M s regarded £8 a distinct triumph for Germany [LEGA GAL CRIMINAL | Milwaukee Graft Indictments, Twenty-five persons, all of whom, except five, had been indicted by the Milwaukee grand jury on charges of bribery in connection with the award: re \ HN One « betray concern) mated thus were pectio eral to that wh office « apart Ry Railroad Report. The Investigation of th the Pann missioner irs dent July the compl has been remedied adopted Feb, 1 last i i the rates charged me | « fur nished by the Pacific Mall are reasons ble and that the daiuts are not well founded. Ie recommends that Hatters to Pay Damages, prived of his ui from working ¢ For Women White Canvas Stre Cenuis. Shoe White fords, Ties, etc, £1.00 t For Men White Canvas and Duck Street Shoes, Tennis Shoes, Yachting Oxfords, e*c., 65¢. to £1.50 * For Misses and Children Canvas Oxfords and Shoes, and fine lines of Barefoot Sandals MINGLE'S EK. RHOAI e P on tie es Qui ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS COALS Also all kinds of wwe = Wood, Grain, Hay, Straw and Sand. Superior Screenings for lime runing, Builders’ and plas. erers’ Sand { Terernons Cants Sommgroial, No. 68 Central, No. 13m