ree! THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE®PA., JUNE 1905 8he ¢ ratte Bemorta ———————— CHAS. R. KURTZ, - FRED KURTZ, SR, CHAS. R, KURTZ, "i. PROPRIETOR (eoiToRs CIRCULATION OVER 4000 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SUBSCRIPTION - - $1.50 PER YEAR Persons who send or bring the n oney to the office, and pay in advance, $1 per year, CENTRE DEMOCRAT ¢lubs with N.Y. 3t-w World for PERIL « $1.8 Pittsburg Stockman for . $1.N Tribune Farmer atbissetensiasns gas ens . $125 The date your subseription expires is $ plainly printed on the label bearing your ng Ame All credits are given by a change of label the JSirst Issue of each month, Watch that, after you remit We send no receipts unless by special request. Watch date on your label Subseribers changing postomes address, and pot notifying us, are lable for same Subscriptions will be otherwise directed We employ no collector. You aree Xpected to send or bring the money to this oMe continued unless EDITORIAL. THe Baltimore Sun thinks that Rockefeller f the thing senior swallowed 1d the told .- GRAFT IS UNKNOWN IN JAPAN —- GRAFT'S APPALLING RISE any Reg held control Shenandoah municipal affairs, notwith. standing the fact that town is nominally strongly Democratic As the day's develop ments, George Holvey and David Feist well-known leaders and prominent mem. bers of the School under arrest andoah's most has long been cha Committee of the School Board result of the Board, were placed of Shen and Holvey is "one respected citizens rman of the Building The people seem to be rising up in The Mayor and other arms against the grafters of Philadelphia set the communities are getting means well for the people p——— It is often hard to keep up our interest in things, especially mortgages. zn. pad ] awake It OFFER DEMOCRATIC REMEDIES. The republican administration recom mended that commission be given power to fix and That was the interstate commerce control railroad freight rates, in accordance with the democratic plat forms for at least three presidential cam paigns, says the Commoner. The republican commissioner recom- nended that ‘‘corporations engaged in must show clean SINEesSs OuUlLsl enforcemer Sherman anti-trust law, which democrats have been contendi for several years And now the republican se supplies 1 retary war, by directing that canal bought in urope because the charged by American tariff excessive, has turned his back , 1ade claim that th Was ct nas at | A SIGN OF THE TIMES — DON'T SNUB tis planned ! y (ire to Y : A remarkable the wounded on the story oncerning is said that at the opening of the fight wo men were killed and wounded, and that the groans and shrieks of the wo und. an effect on the ed exercised so harmful crew that it was decided to throw the mortally wounded into the sea. One hundred and thrown overboard wounded were then forty, it is sald, were Those slightly fastened to the mast to prevent their interference with the fighting of the ship, It is tain any mation of this story, but later reports in. crew of the Orel fought impossible to o confir. dicate that the with desperate bravery throughout the day previous to thei The hull of the vessel is and many of her guns are smashed and dis. | mounted surrender shell marked RECENT DEATHS, r Mrs, Resecca Mover wife of Henry Moyer, died at her home near Penn Hall, Sunday night, 28 ult,, aged s6 years She has left to survive a husband and two children, a son and daughter, Fun eral services were held Wednesday morn ing, : Mis, SUSAN STROHECKER ~widow of Col. R. H. Strohecker, died of incident to old age at the son Samuel Strohecker, Tue 5 Y and 11 months She has left to sur Sa J F diseases home of her in Miles town morning, aged B86 year HHeral service widow | home ter, Mrs. Jesse ot, Monday morning l had weeks, Water from which for the past eight daughter of Charles Sinnett, of R She was 1 preceded ago oie 18 survived by and four brother been Ni narried to Jacob Rea her to the grave three Vers daughters in the U ry this Thursday afternoon Jou Thursday Renovo, was born in ) Grove, of Paradise Mrs the D. P home of Meyer + A morning age busine a 1 Jour LK Ge and wa nan tice of the place thi Mess Roop bur moni: Miss in came and forty (O'Leary 1860 they to Bellef: of Shilo; Mrs, P. W, Sara, of of Lemont ment at Pine Hall cemetery Squike WILLIAM SELLEKS lied a : sc" . : is » n. 14 A atu av 1 ng 5 daughter Mrs, AE | metime during ihe loren al J Hall, on Tuesday f distre the little red.breas ract- ¥, The deceased was J years of | ed the attention of Mrs W 1 : WAR § ominent y 1 or “ 3 Lie ha oes Jo eg years va on, 00 locking around ue Scored Japanese IF this Thursday morning de trees in front of her house. The William Allen, of Spring | from the socket in it ndeavors to : TanvIng re and ant Oppose Sunday Mail, many Hartsock Louisiana Inte Peculiar Incident. One of the most peculiar bird accidents ever observed by the writer happened 1 [’ to a robi las > rday norning Sometime duriz the forenoon the chip ’ Mrs, A. | 1 lesaay § years of W. H. armer and he of distress of the little red Teast & attract The funera ir Lewistown neighbor In House PRVIDY - Just JAP-0-LAC and SAP-0-LIN Furniture Polish Pictures, Framing, Roam Mould. ings, Paints. Oils Window Shades Rods Ete Eckenroth Brothers Painters. Paperhangers d Decorators, BUSH ARCADE. Glass, Sash E Any Man Can Get Satisfactory Clothes And Save Money at Sim’s Copyright 1905 by Hart Schaffner & Marx For Men You pay $9 te $0 's Suits elsewhere FOR MEN'S SUITS Youd pay $14 00d $18 elsewhere $7.00 $1: e-hreasted sacks and ng FOR MEN'S SUITS You'd pay $12 we FOR MEN'S SUITS oud pay $17 te 519 elsewhere 12.80 elsewhere $1 Single ar ” $15 . d ) shades Cut with more shinden AOD Ther " ¢ ton suit and retain their shape until worn tored throughout by hand i h - ted sacks worste hreasts sacks of Doe RliOre w Kis hroad shoulders road Pants with belt lox pe snd peg-top or semi. peg Four Great Values In Men's Black and Serge Suits Back of every Sim Sait is the guarantee of alwolntely fast o $8.5 81 WY Guaranteed fast color ngle and only | in black clay blue serge $1 Single and double-breasted coats, diagonal) thibet, sOTR® | front | J ors and satisfactory wear FOR MEN'SSUITS You'd pay S18 elsewhere for Men's Suits You'd pay $10 slsewhere single-breasted coats double-breasted sacks of an ex diagonal, hiack thibet and cellent tamolda of black worsted in diagonal, French back, thibet, unfinished serge. Hand felled collars and fronts — $1 FOR MEN'S SUITS You'd pay $18 elsewhere Ringle andjdouble breasted sacks of an extra fine quality material ; hand tailored throughout. Men's Two-piece Outing Suits $7.50 10 $20.00 The Bim Two-piece Suits (cont and pants fof tropieal weight Worsteds, Canadian Crash, Irish Home. spun and Striped Flannels, are ideal summer suite. They are light,] cool and comfortable, and they're tai loved in a manner that insures good fit and service blue nob-breakable worsted and FOR MEN'S SUITS You'd pay $12 elsewhere in bisck unfinished worsted and blue broad concave shoulders, stationary stiff mediom as well as light weights in all