THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., JUNE 8, 1905. Pace 3 Continued trom page 2, proposition was {hat the old arivers ve taken back as far as possible, but that they should not be asked to the work of other teamsters who are on strike. Most of the lumber dealers were able to resume business with nonunion drivers, and the Teaming company was more than 2.500 teams on the President Shea of the teamsters charged attempts of employers to bribe labor officers do Employers’ sald to have streets, t nna as— COMMERCIAL Chicago Car Lines Would Sell. Soon after James Dalrymple, man ager of the Glasgow municipal street car system, reached Chicago, and while he was In conference with Mayor Dunne, May 31, it became known that the Chicago traction had made a proposition to sell two street car systems of the city to the munic- ipality. This propesition includes the immediate turning over of systems and their immediate improvement by the present owners at the city's expense, the temporary passing over of ninety-nine year rights, the appraise ment of present values and the ac- ceptance of the Mueller law certifi cates in payment for the properties Until payment made the present owners are to stand as trustees Steel Pools Dissolved. The Iron Age a pools steel pl and with modities compnnies the Is 10 ir n In steel nt aff Frick Committee Makes Report. The report of t mittee. headed: | burg, wl the affair EDUCATIONAL The Hyannis School idea. A new thought i University of the United States exist ganie ngto n of OCR } i nna : “ have no required den ! n institutior higher denominations ww partisan forces, and that conseq the duty of the mn and of the National Educational association te work for the establishment of the University of the United States on the basis of the Senator Frye bill, which makes no de mand upon the public treasury, but re lies upon private endowments for its development cos that meets the Al lusion universit red truly national learning, free from ently it Is now tee MISCELLANEOUS Mra. Rogers Again Reprieved. Governor Hell of Vermont again has reprieved the death sentence of Mrs Mary Rogers for three weeks to enable her attorneys to apply to the United States supreme court for a writ of srror. Bhould this action be granted, sentence will be suspended until the supreme court decides the case. This faction was taken after Chief Judge Powell of the Vermont supreme court bad refused to grant a writ of error, Accidents, A Franch crulser brought to Sydney. Nova Ncotia, May 29, hews of the wreck of the French fishing wthooner Cousins Rennis, Bhe carried 180 men. Twenty-eight men were buried by a eave-in of dehris at the of the Gunnison tunnel, near Montrose, Colo, May 30. Tappings pipe told the party prisoned men were still alive fifty hours’ the renchoed Rix The tun government entrance the alr that the Aftor on rescuing four vork imprisoned men was the twenty-eight were dead built by the for Irrigation purposes Ihe the Tune 2 helieved nel is being Rio Grande to floods In np to msed or er had chan were have « loss of 1400 ve nil 2 of the nodistan eighty miles they mt its the original aud wiped out several towns LOO in mn el SCIEENTIFIC A Study of Cat Fear. BJ) Weir Mitchell, the famous Philadelphia specialist on nervous dis CASO, in American Medicine the fear inspired by cats In certain men and women and their power to detect the pres of at unseen unheard, finds that tics are wen N digcusses once a © when and He cat fied His Bare Nerves. 8 OUR NEW PO War of hey Wonld Wenkness In Event of Be na Sanres ry ¥ 3 aa 3 bo : " tively used w elnew hie wild exhanstiy to a de out « valu WAFr OF Dence ould do woul ty a the isl we them as decen Stranger still strategists at nd naval ington do not ap pear to have taken offense at the ad miral's bold declaration It Is report od that these strategists are now ing that they regard the distant Insular possessions as of no value in compari son with the home coasts and that on the outbreak of war with any strong naval power they should be abandoned left to whatever fate may come. Is it for this that we have expended some 700 000.000 or $800.000.000 and are be ing urged to authorize four new bat tleships and sundry other war engines annually at a cost of more than $100, 000.0007 Boston Herald tary w say Beef Yrast Accounts, If the secret of the beef trust should disclose a good sized eam palgn contribution to George n. Cortel you or for any beneficiary named by him, we hope that no false sense of delicacy will prevent the publieation of the entry. Possibly the campaign eash book Is In the seventh trunk. New York Times, Accounts UNPUNISHED TRUSTS. Executive Authority Fails the Law. to Enforce THE STATUTES OPENLY VIOLATED Method ing Hetween Good and Bad Republican of Distinguish- Monop«= In Afinirs olies~Meddling Foreign Condemned by Judge Parker, Jeffer suid In in his York Parker New “We meet to it which It faction after a ders foresee predict by division and our ranks oveg a period of « was was in years It govern easy nud preceded ght thelr rat phasized thie weutal power for parusau by the reckless and unprecedented ex- penditure of money and by demagogic appeals to interests as wide apart as the poles, We have left to us only the smallest measure of power either house of cougress, we have lost states had long « and they have done Wis eu Ise ol oy purposes, in confidence the number legislatures whose we OL manded, and su trol is surp: of governors our ric d una te under con- singly Mr, Parker ther of the gtren gt sna 4] trusts A Parker ex] erin i i him to favor overt ment of of the tions The great majority sald, were, however much honesty as to see In mundane affairs. This Id up to the discussion of trusts, which he defined as “corporations of corpora. tions” and sald there was douht that some of them had taken advan tage of the partinl and inequitable laws, while others had either secretly or openly violated statutes In order to oppress the community “Some attempt has been made even in high places to distinguish between these trusts.” sald Mr. Parker. “As an election was coming on at the time, it may be assumed from the course tak en that the bad trusts’ were those Agninst the party in power or whi h might not be Influenced in its favor, while the ‘geod trusts’ were favorable LE» some great rpora of them, he with as necustomed manag) we were no to Ita interests or amenable to infly- | fee Or prewsire “Rut what has the executive snthor tty done? It has fumed and fussed. It has thundered in the Index and falled to enforce the law, except in a few cases. At the instance of the attorney of a foreign railroad with a branch in this country, also the representative of a governor of a state, it has very properly and legally broken up a great ruilroand comb “Was {it having nation becunuse of satisfaction with suppressed bad combination that a dozen others, larger, more fla- grant In their violation of the law, each of them affecting the Interests of ten times many not been punished or even prosecuted? Is this the 1 reward of a ‘good’ trust?" To deal with these Parker sald, needed as i ns people, have tural great abuses, Mr much a rigid, honest and unyleld ing enforcement of the bath civil and crin while a effective th the trusts he nothing wis so nw, nnl, second way of dealing w WHS, sild, to take away A ties ob articles wade Ly the binations so long as they violated the law or discriminated in price against the American consumer in favor of the foreigner. What was needed now, sald Mr. Parker, was not new crusades, but and greal com wecuting officers hon popular ipport | decried on of which If we are ill not try of had ethods 1h Lint Mi MH Ant Nevada Fruan Hm 15 H tly of Mackeyville ar. Fa He imbus, Ohte * Haire Ronis oust Kisses W.R Essrxor HARRY FrLouny Jos W_HBartn Wa. Hari, Sn CrLYypr McKinney WALLACE STROUSE Epring Mills) NL Swanwm vue, Ohle M ns HOoRERTY Cary Kummer? Fa %. Vilas Hianehard, PF N. Salas Alt RAT w MNhow AD Fa Tyrone, I Altoona Benson, Neb Turn Time into Money RAILROAD SCHEDULE, PENNSYLY ANIA RAILROAD. schedule in effect May 258, 1 Tralnsarriveand depart from BELLEFONTE as follows Lid VIA. TYHO" EB Leave Bellefonte a at Tyrone 11:0 Pittsburg 6 WENTWARD m. weekdays m.., Altoona 1 Arrive p.m, $i. I spare p. 0 neytoyo sellefonte 4:44 p.m, daily, a J t1y- ) Ca p.m A Oouns p.m Alloa hit By lucation fy. w BEANTWARD eK-day ; and ou TODAY TOCK HAVEN-~BANTWARD lays, arrive + Williams yurg 5:00 phia 7:17 VIA LEWISBURG te 6:40 a.m. week Mont A 4 CRMATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, Bex 700, 8 Ve eranton, case explals : EEE TE EEE EET ETTTTT ‘ | ACETYLENE The Best and Cheapest Light "oh A$ {orLT AN TEA ——— a Aa Acetylene Generators JOHN P. LYON, DR. J. JONES, VETERINARY SURGEON, 3 . ATH THE ROSS SUPPLY C0. ANDERSON. IND rong TOO W.ATTERR Ger Ww AY ORDER QUICK BS BEEZER'S MEAT MARKET, ALLRGUENY ST, BELLEFONTE, Centre County Banking Co. Corner High and Spring Streets We keep none but the best quality of BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, SLICED HAM All Kinds of Smoked Meal, Pork Sausage, ste If you want a nies Juley Steak go to PHILIP BEEZER, Rective Derosits: Discount NoTes JM. SHUGGERT, Cashier. Dr. |. J. KILPATRICK, F422 0 0094900490002 4400 Bellefonte Trust Co. Success to Ja Ors Capital $125,000. OFFICERS 4. L Spangler Ross OM iekok ' John I, Harris fsane Mitehell President ¢ President Freatuger Asst. Thyeas Interest pald on time deposits Colleetions made on all Apts on favorable terms Acts as Administrator, Guardian, Assignee, Reoelver and Trustees, i Prompt attention given to all banking matters entrusted to it, Dentist, Bellefonte, Pa. TempleOourt, over Postoffos Speaial attention given to artificial plates, a +e GeTTiG, BOWER & ZERBY ATTORNEYS AT LAW £ Brook Rrroeroste, Pa. ¢, Ha w K rivas & Kad Sacesssars to (vis Dower 8 Orvis \ DIRK Practice in all the courts J. Renry Cochran, 4 L. Spangler CT. Gerberieh John TORN AU, Mingle Cinnde Cooke, Hoss OO, Hickok Harri i | F'RD. «MEN AND WOMEN WITH waohoo!l education, that are tired ng tor small wages, to qualify as sa w oriters of showcard writers throug'e struction by mall, Prices Jow; terms easy Books to buy, Send for cliroanlar, stating « here vou saw this ad and which position you want Linrremarional CORRESPONDENCE SUHOOLS, | seranton, Pa we