Pacer 6. Their Scarlet Thread By KEITH GORDON andsome young BOT ple fession school 4 peo S0 v With 1 have horrific and Miss aller recit globe that woulk for as he of the su at a their blackboard and bristling with the celed counting the re: oe Tien the ered that Miss Was a comp difference, unadulterated love But this Beription the scrawled d thel Comve od one Atl were IX ent mm rooms to look they confront serawled upon by the can By then formula hate,” ov own names letters c¢ first the maining letters to ship, love, ind Fa tormentors canceled and the iffere had published to the Comyng's wund of fr while nee and duly world endshij for his own was not all should by any attention of beneath 18 the a » and » for wor leading roles in sg next fow play the for the and twent) the I know ‘art explanation why we can't g that those young nake us shy m that the thread of ro doesn’t through I man and a and | y right’s somew nvolved “1 do reason be friends cubs We'll show mance ran friendship between an” “As the scarlet thread through every bit of rope used by the British navy” she supplemented saucily, and then the talk reverted to school matters But the pupils of the Central High school were not slow to discover that « there was an new ease and understand Ing between the Incoming teacher of algebra and physiology and the prin eipal whom every girl In the room se eretly raved over, Once Jennle Bascom met them walk Ing In the park, and notwithstanding the fact that on this occasion they were deep In the discussion of pedagogy she described the meeting to Minnie Brown, her chum, the next morning somewhat after this fashion: “They didn't even see til I was close to them they were 50 Interested In each other. Her cheeks were all pink-—you know how lovely she looks with the eolor shining through that down on her faceo—and he was looking at her, and his eyes were shining with a great hap. | " Here Jennle dropped dream- | into the words of her Intest novel | wan WmsiDly the every wom “And words of love fell from his lips." “But how do you know? You didn’t hear them, did you?’ demanded the practical and unimaginative Minnie lear them!” was Jennie ¢corntul are Olle know tl he was propo watch the retort here don’t het things you I'l t to her finger * to hear to em of het ind watched od reward, Had under wilted at deser that from his lips? fearful disapp nent she watched og unac and heroine with bit words of | ling She was of a and oro the school and « SAW year drew with his dream of tw mit to mate ‘artright, enrt had fallen came a Napoleon and Heet Sugar Pride of Profession Mag knowr blue became the the neighborhood urg ment of Barne tion with I'a of the time when he the shelf”-but he consented to the trial of a new hand at last, and a stout youth was engaged whose broom made quick work of the leaves and litter “Yes, sir,” Barney admitted relue tantly a few mornings later when ask ed by an old friend If he did not find his assistant a good worker “yes, sir, there's no denying he's got the muscle to swing a broom in the open; but, man alive, when It comes to the fancy touches round a lamp post or ao sewer month, why, he's no good at all! inerense of years anistant look upon the sugges It savored too strongly should be “laid on Wellington as a Wie, 5 Although it eannot be sald that the Duke of Wellington shone to any great extent as a humorist, he was quite ea pable of administering a crushing retort when occasion demanded, as the fol lowing story, called from a blography of the Iron Duke, shows: Louis Phi Hppe once introduced the duke to one of the French marshals whom he had de feated In the peninsula. With unpar donable discourtesy the marshal turn. od his back on his old foe during the presentation. The king apologized with what grace he could. “Forgive him, sire,” laughed the Iron Duke, “Why, It was I who taught him |to do that in the peninsula ™ THE CENTRE DEMOCR AT, BELLEFONTE, PA, MAY 2 An Animal Story For Little Polks Tha Little Goat's Trick I pounced just when the ' mething te ¥ La H Was as swift An Animal Little The Gawtiods Gobbler Story Por Folks "THEY'RE AFTER MR" felt the of chicken Bi had been the demand on his la the stock old rooster and a forlorn turkey gob bler. One day the Rev. I. Whitewash had friends to dine and went out Int the yard for the capture of one or oth er of the lonesome pair Mr. Turkey Gobbler saw him coming “No, you don't!” he cried as he flew up on the ridgepole of the barn “They're after me.” sald the rooste a8 he slipped through the parson's fin gers, leaving a crop of tall feathers, “Git under the barn!" shrieked the gobbler, “Give me time, that's all!" the roost er cried back at him. The parson was outwitted. He poked and shooed and entreated, but both were wary At length, discouraged, he went Inte the house, Cautiously Mr. Rooster crept out and erowed up to the gobbler, “D'yer- think he's gone-for-g.0.0.4 7 And the cautious old gobbler gobbled back: “Doubtful! Doubtful! Doubtful! Doubtfull"--8t. Louis Post Dispateh, need It 80 large rder that reduced to Was now n tough THE SLOVENLY GIRL. Give Her Dainty Work to Do, and It May Cure Mer, of de and dainty taste in of laintiness {ine the best Ways veloping a girl l lv to give Lier ho | pecially i dainty irk to do o i the girl w (and « careless abou fF room of the ord r bu req drawers) material can get it for n « ol jris ve with fing PRETTY LIGHT SHADES One That Would Do For Elther Gas or Electricity it pre ery fifteen In effect on oi . : Onur lady of Nerves Ne (ake work Delleate From a new cook Ix old fashioned white cake is taken: Cream 1 ful of butter and two add slowly a cupful of sweet milk and the whites of eight eges beaten to a stiff froth. Fiopally mix In three cup- fuls of sifted flour in which have been mixed three teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Stir as little as possible. Fla vor with a teaspoonful of almond ex tract. Sometimes a cupful of blanched and chopped almonds is added at the last. When such a cake Is iced and or namented with whole blanched almonds an orthodox christening cake Is pro duced. % recipe for or delicate her a cup wetl of UEAr then CRE Cruet Stoppers. Often your prettiest cut glass vinegar cruet becomes ruined because the stop per suddenly becomes immovable and no power on earth short of breaking seems to move It. When it does stick pour a little ofl around the top. Let ft stand for ten or fifteen minutes and then try knocking the stopper gently with the back of a knife, giving It an gpward motion. Continue this knock. ing all the way ‘around the stopper This is the best chance of loosening without running any risks of breaking. Put If the stoppers of oll and vinegar eruets be exchanged every few days | 1404 Hudble will be prevented, ——— » 1905. Keep Flexible, The most graceful and beautiful wo. men the world ever seen were those of ancient Greece. Every wo man there was trained in ehildhood to take part in athletic to her sex; also to dance thmle mo tion. Clumsy and ungainly movement on the part of a woman partook of the nature of sin A woman can make greater that she too learn gymnastic a woman’ more neo Lot has games suited in rhy no nelude old y dan or mistake to » Atiffer “xor elres REMEDY Pleasant to talie, FPoweriul to Cure, And Welcome In every Home, KIDNEY and LIVER cure. Dr Kennedy' ¥ r Ki ENE DY's RON “ rug! we xi To Cure a Cold In One Day. LAXATIVE BROMO QU NIN All druggivts refund the me Lo Cure K Take E Tab els mey if 1 falls CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAI LS t Cough S Use (a time, bn Taste old by dr ] To the Sweet ! Green's Pharmacy Co.. OISISTIIEIEII NEED They Sau Our Shoes Are Ti 16 B6St BEST POSSIBLE WAY DO NOT EXIST (TIAA TNT NTT T TITTIES A. C. MINGLE, THE SHOE MAN. TINTS ITINIss 93 FITTS ITITININOT INIT ININITITINTNS . Don't in the We same have out successful « you do the Your Mark In the World satisfied to work along for low wages thousands We helped carve areers an help same If you want to change vour work, we can train you in salaried fession. can We Spare time for a position In your new pro- train you, by mail, at small expense, for any of the following positions: Mechanical Engineer; Engineer; Surveyor: Mining Engineer; Draftsman: Sign Painter; emis: Writer; Window Dresser; Bookkeeper; with Phonograph | Commercial Law Write TODAY, Mechanical Draftsman | Sanitary Eagineer; Ornamental [enigner | Stenographer | Electrical Engineer; Electrician ; Civil Architect; Architectural Show Card Writer; Ad French, German, or Spanish, stating which position interests you, fo INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools BOX 799, SCRANTON, PA. On Carr Ox Our LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE: