THE CENTRE DEMO Bellefonte and Vicinity The Local Happenings Short in collector company, Miss Bessie Showers ot H 4 Philad hundred ais 5 = added other names home in Gettysburg, on Mon having spent two week n evangelistic work, On Suaday evening he held a farewell service in the ourt house which was attended by a large audience composed of members of all churches and such as were members of no church, and preached a sermon of great power with illustrations upon the new birth and prodigal son that riveted the closest attention of the audience for The in which the audience over an hour music by the choir joined, was fine, At the close of the service the audience testified to Dr, Sieber’'s work by an un angimous rising vote, the doctor to The people desire come again, and he has consented to serve the vacant Lutheran charge for an indefinite period, and will most likely preach in the church Sunday, June 4th, morning and evening. Paragraphs iterpret it The population of on the increase by late and Mrs, Corl are glade rival of a little respon home; and at Mr, and fer's the music of a lately arrived little | minutes Bellef mite rival far AITIVAIS. Janes lened by the ar sibility at their Mrs. Paul Shef daughter adds cheer to their household, while Mr. and Mrs. Wn little daughter-—their f and make them happy The hospital corps : ment is now located in | bers of the corps are Dr State College; and W, W, Gephart Ed. Keichline, J. H Hayes and Hugh Crider Claude Hayes as surgeon bulance taken to Diehl repaired and freshly they will be ready for camp at Erie this and the beginning of operations within a summer, R. Russel 1, Jodon have a irst to Next care i the Fifth regi Mem- | Robinson, of Smith, lellefonte steward, Blair, Robb, Edmund with Dr, R. G They had their am s shop to have it painted so that fore RAT, B rain nipping -J. DD. Wagner is on Reynold a RECENT DEATHS Mus, | Barn . died ry suddenly at Monday aftern ), of case, Mrs arn w hose Bellefonte Miss Ann on the Jerse Shore yeart d home Is Was ting her daughter a Barnet While streets suddet hat place taken carried to a she was ill and near by Was doctor's office where she expired in a few The deconatd was aged 59 years, 6 months and 21 days. She was a member of the Evangelical church She is survived by the followin child ren: Anna, of Jersey Shore; Eimer, of Charleston. W. Va.; Thomas, of Hub lersburg: John, of Altoona; Mrs. Mabel Atkey, Ellery, W m and Perry, of Bellefonte. The funeral will take place from the residence on North Spring street, Bellefonte, Friday afternoon. In terment in the Union cemetery Dr. E. H, Leffler, of Millersburg and James Aarons of Resting, were at Beech Creek the of Everything is fa vorable to the installation of the plant past week in the interest the new water works short time, ury people are n tended to cone the B. \ M donated to the M. D. Kelley Italy and Mr. and Mrs cated from by church will be de A very quiet wedding was solemnized the hom= of Mr Mrs. PW Port Mati on the evening of May 20th, when Marshall of State College and Miss Williams of Port Matilda, were lage Rev. A. C. Lathrop It generally known that the wedding was soon but at Young, of and da, Harry Ada B nited in mart by the Was to be only a few immediate friends knew The f E. H. Marshall of State The bride is a daughter of Mr, and Mrs James B of Port Matilda, Both bride and groom are very mu h esteemed” and many friends wish them a when groom is A son College Williams Hong and happy life. By ADJOINING COUNTIES. Brice for $60,000 ym Hopkins & Wey Detweiller es Keller. Brown 3! Nis the the Lancaster county, and Dallet and Frismuth heirs of New York and Philadelphia A young man of high society in Pitts ) burg is being sued by a St, Louis girl $20, 000 f {OF promise od damages alleged breach of } She also sues his family for a like amount for the reason, as she states that the family influenced the son. It appears that she went to visit her hance parents and they turned against her be she was lazy and ause they found that ndolent and did not get u of which breakfast All goes 10 prove that mothers who bring up their daugh ters like petted and pampered dolls to act as pretty ornaments are on the wrong track. Even the rich do not care marry girls who are playthings, and nothing more to | toc; onions per bunc Paags Absolutely Pure HAS NO SUBSTITUTE THE EASTERN WAR — w— RIGHT TIME TO CURE CATARRH S. Ki NNY 4A WORD AD) MARKET QUOTATION Bellefonte--Produce The following prevailed morning The following prices are paid by Sp Co. for produee Reg» per dorm Lard, per pound Tallow, per pound Butter. per pound “ide pet pound Shoulder, per pound Bellefonte—Grain, The following prices are paid by CU. ¥. Wao sen Tor grain | heat, old Wheat, new 0s fariey Kye orn Shelled -— Core new prices Thursday HLER & Lock Naven Markets. ¢ following were the ruling prices on the curb market, Wednes- orning Butter per 1b 20 to 250; eggs per dos 17 to 18¢, dressed chickens per Ib 18 to 20¢ applebutter per gal, soc honey per Ib 18 to 20¢; lard per Ib, 11 to 120; pola toes, per bu 35 to soc; live chickens per Ib 12 to 140; apples per peck § toroc; ‘cabs bage 1 to 6c; rhubarb per bunch § to 1pc; beets per bunch se; oats, pat bu goc: horseradish, per bunch ge; lets tuce per head 100; asparagus, per, bunch 5c. — or 1%