Pace 4. Whe Centre Pemocral, CHAS. R. KURTZ, - - - PROPRIETOR FREDKURTZ SR, { en1TORS CHAS. R. KURTZ, CIRCULATION OVER 4000 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SUBSCRIPTION - $1.50 PER YEAR Persons who s« bring the money to the office, and pay In ad \ $1 per Year Work SLook) N.Y.3t-w Pittsburg Tribune F The date printed on the credits an Arst 1881 you remit Send speci Wat Subscribers changing postofee not notifying u Subseriptions will ¢ continued otherwise directed We employ no col Are expected to send or bring the money to this offer mont ihrequest vddres ¢ for same EDITORIAL. 1obor orgat - A QUESTION OF RESTITUTION. ve the China, wi for her population. This is by others on the ground that since it is tity) stipu vpuia be used modern educa criticised conceded that the money belongs to Ch na. we cannot impose conditions in re storing her property A — I —— PHILADELPHIA'S GAS STEAL. The Philadelphia City Councils have accepted the proposal of the United Gas Improvement Company for taking over the municipal gas plant for seventy-five years. This action, which means a loss of millions upon millions of dollars to the city, against the protest of the Committee of Nine, the mittee of Seventy, the newspapers and the honest citizenship of Philadel phia, It was a ring victory, a triumph of “graft” for the extension of grab But Philadelphia is entitled to no sym pathy. She has received the reward of her own persistency in electing and re- electing the men of whom she had every reason to expect the worst, Whar Com. THE NEW GAME LAW, The recent new game law as passed by the legislature makes radical 4 some changes from the old law and sportsmen I should make note of the changes 1" In al 3 the open season shall includ ate mentioned, bu » mentioned 1 to Dec. 1, 10 in one —- PENNSYLVANIA'S WEALTH, —_— EVERYBODY WANTS YOUR MONEY 1 met two yi ungsters piayit ne hailed me with icket for our chu ment, went home and there met three ies each tarrying for my ar 1, respectively wititing for :—A | for small contribution to purchase a ticket for our City Wouldn't I give a dollar to purchase a ittle the missionary society. a minister for a trip to Atlantic new carpet for our lecture room Wearied, | layed down to take a nap, and heard the door bell ring three or four times at intervals of half an hour and thinking there might be something to ring-out.pocket, 1 permitted a snoose to have the better of me, for the balance | of the day A ——— Tux Democratic Primaries are a little more than a week distant, and for that reason it is importamt that every demo. erat should carefully look the field over and select from the list of candidates those men who will torm the strongest and best ticket possible, should have the success of the party at heart, above personal considerations. Go | to the primary election, r THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, In voting you | BELLEFONTE, PA., MAY 25, 1905, INFORMATION FOR DEMOGRATIC VOTERS The Call Issued for Primaries and the Convention, THE REGISTERED - CANDIDATES Vari- ous Voting Districts--Primaries will be Held Saturday June 3rd--Con- Apportionment of Delegates to vention, Tuesday, June 68th, Democratic Primary Election and Con- vention, 3 entre county will ding the fl election dis y Lo ¢ Under holding ee Commitiee On BAT! UNE t1 i pit gates to he Minty : vention Meer for primaries of th man and two as | sch district. and wk the election it Jo at Lie fonte, on Tt andy noon [rea i Re 4 order Democratic County Committee for 19056 { J.C. H hart. Centre Hall Spangler, Tusseyy Hue Wadd Smith, Min Frank Phitipsbu p Fred Wilkinson, Munson fp fohn T. Lorigan Retort Shoe & p Lawrence tedding, Snow Sh wp Tames Culver Moshannon np C. H Heisler Bellefonte Pp John Muifinger, Pleas't Gap wp John L. Dunlap Bellefonte Taylor F. A. Hoover, Port Matilda {'nlon Tohn ©. Peters, Fleming Walker ep Solomon Peck, Nittany : mp John McAuley, Hublersburg ’ wp Tohn Cole Zion Worth LA. Williams, Port Matilda > H 8 TAYLOR County Chalrman, NOT WITHDRAWN, Snow Spring . To the Democratic voters («In My CANVAS this week I find that a report ls clreulated that I have withdrawn as a eandidate for County Commissioner. That is not correct. 1 will be a candidate until the nomination is made James J Graviey May 24th 10 p———— Tur whipping post law,” passed by the Oregon Legislature January last for the punishment of wife beaters went into effect last week. The new law pro: | vides that a man convicted of wife beat. {ing may be punished with whipping According to the new law, the whipping is conducted withiz the walls of the | county or city jail, and by the sheriff of | | the county or by a regularly appointed | policeman, as the case may be, ATTENTION, VETERANS, In order to secure absolute accuracy in the names and spelling thereof on our so)- diers’ mooument, we will publish from time to time the lists of certain companies #0 a8 to enable those who are interested to suggest changes in initials or spelling, and also to suggest the names of Any persons who may have been omitted from the rolls This is the last opportunity which will be given to our people and to the survivors or friends of deceased soldiers who served trom Centre county to have these name corrected he immittee, Ltherelore np peals very earnestly to all who are inter ested in the subject to carefully scan all the names to ascertain Int, and whether nny } Jud already contained in the rolls are Hed Iti have omitted the wen whether names of those properly Ie also very important that the names who of the of soldiers enlisted in organization should be secured, in order that they may find their outside county or State place among the nation’s defenders upon the monument. This is perbaps the most important thing which the Committee has in charge, the organization from our own county being already well known. If therefore, any in or out of the person coun. ty, has knowledge of a citizen of Centre coouty who enlisted out in organizations ide of the county and State, it is especially Hnportant that their names should be as certained, so that Dey may a place swong those who enlisted at home Auy communications in regard Gen. John Bellefonte M 1a Ammerman Grorge WW, Dacey Alfred Weston Henry Cushard I hiro. Blevenson Tramiel Nia tory 6 M. Test A CKaof Bry BW Hast Davia Aston Henry Brooks David ¥ Cong Willtam + . Ntephen rrecher Iaeob DMuges FY. Imughe Michael Des tomer Fagar eo augh Henry Kris James M. Lucas Nelson Lucas Phares Lepley John W Ni nich Reuben Oswalt Reuben Peters Heury Rossman Franklin H. Rosw Henry C. Smith Winfield 8 Tate Robert M. Waltz Calvin waliz aniel ©. Walter David C. Walter ContPany “H Willlam W. Brown Robert B, Barger Alex'r D. Tanyar 8. i. dennison ames HH, Rankin William T. Brisbin Henry Roy Witllam FP. Curwin " James J Bristin nd Irvin Alexander Ist Sergt James M Purden “ “ John Halderman Adolph Lingleton Cyrus Strick land ¥) ederiok Senson Elisha J. Smith H. PF. BRialr John Starr Josiah Holmes Joseph Piper Thomas Ammerman John H Farber David BR. PF. Gil) Theodore Lucas Daniel O'Brien George Swinehart John Bunker Henry Blake James H Blake William T. Bennett Josiah Beatty Samuel Barr William L Bricker Robert ¥, Bialr Lewis Curvin Wiliam Culver Harrison Calhoun bth Captain ist Heut Rergt Corp Musielan Private William Dewitt, Jr, Wilham Dewitt, Sr, George D, Ewing George Kokley John Kmeriok Henry Fanver Willi HPF John Frais id Miller Hooven David Hoover Audrew Hutehinson Frederick Hoover John T. Hoover Daniel Rompal Daniel Bwartz Wiiham Bil: er Samuel WW, shope | Samuel Hainer ; tobert Hall Charles Hoop Charles 1. Hahn cal David Koen “ Mlewar Bur samuel Koon r William: Kreme: p James F. Lu Georges W, 1a Thomas Lightner Or andot Lucas enjamin Lucas rivate fri Bamuel H Daniel Switzer Isaiah BH John M, Stratton Anron K. 8 Ihon An Nloey Joseph swyer Jerse Williams John Weaver Caleb K Way Joha Ward Abraham Willas David Young Kieer age COMPANY | REGIMEN ilams, Capt, pr. frm. Mu Cook Ist Lieut n W. Wells, Zn Aeut aries Marrow Edward T. Long lames Roush Balvuel Boyer Wilson Barber wrt WW, Bel Halnes ’ Private y Fenn Weather Report. TEMPEEATI Max : POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Dent Ww lelin Pot John Heed John N. Sones Is all we ask, for your inter- est as much as ours. QUALITY ASSORTMENT | STYLE PRICE IN you'll find this showing of Good Clothes to go be yond your highest expectations. You'll find no such an assortment of really Good Clothes elsewhere. By really Good Clothes we mean more than just good wearing clothes. Style, Fit, Perfection of Tailoring--clothes that- will retain their shape. Style and good looks until you're ready to discard them. They're the sort of Clothes we sell, the kind we believe you'd like to wear. A look=-its all we ask---you'll find such clothes here, and yet the prices are even lower than the us- ual sort of Clothes. SIM, THE CLOTHIER, LARGEST --BEST STORE.