Page 6. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA.,, DECEMBER 15, TN ay £4) FOR LITTLE ARTISANS. An Easy Way to Make an Water Level With Bottle, Thrust a long pin through a flat cork, attach a short thread to the head of the pin and, with the ald of a stick, fasten the other end of the thread with wax to the bottom of a wide mouthed bottle on the inside Pour until stretched by the the the the thread is floating bottle in watel tight cork mouth of with a Close Why Boys and Girls Should Not Be Il Mannered at Home the otl ng as to have ¢ Conundrums, wavs ised the Yew ed by ty + M Ta (ein most Maple riancholy? of being a parent? The Bobolink Route, The bol of the of on pampas of southern Brazil 700 from Cuba American coast lowing a track birds, which m link route 8 the reed bird the rice bird the waving It covers the South fol not popular with other ght be called the bobo which link middie states and the south, winters miles to in an single flight Smiling, Slip Asleep. Live, my iid, so that each day Bring 1's share of work and play; Bo that you ean truly tell There are somes who love you well} Bo that when night's shadows oreep You can, smiling, slip asleep Good night, mamma; papa too One more day they've lived for you; One more day of joy Is done, One more night of peace Is won. Now the shadows round us sweep You can, smiling, slip asleep. Into sleep we softly slide When the heart Is satisfied. Yes, you've had a happy day Cheery work and gladsoms play: And as darkness gathers deep You can, smiling —a-lf-pti-g-l-a-0-p, «Alex Jeffrey in Bt. Nicholas, NO TITLE LIKE "MOTHER." Woman Glories In It and For It, The Good Fits Hersely There “mother.” is no title more beautiful than The good woman glories in it and fits herself to be worthy of the sense Willing!y she the of the of death that she may rise al name in KOes shadow every down Into valley most glorified in her new honor Unfortunately there are many erring, selfish mo many mother thers, as well as good ones should he woman who accepts the motherhood spould discharge her duties involve sacrifice the natur rents were worthy of the who never have been crown of iithfully, e Re ul possession of every ven though they would be child if respect verence children Parents may matter whether them or not worth which it « but it the children. Their own well being de mands that they reverence father snd mother be Vy 4 As b this duty considered by parents, equally feel thelr that the the effort matters to that it does not children vement is I espect achie not osts them nding as 80 J for should their not, one of providing in early life own old Parents ning of life comes, be thelr when the pendent children, thus fering childre: A moth TASTE AND SMELL hat Woman Cultivate Two Should Every to the Senses Fullest, A It is fmpurities the sent known for drug It the not a carries all out of system and renders wh and breath sweet and pure ston pu It plexior also clears and proves the cor Beanty Ben it fy les of ever her « matron n for loveline rt k evebrows Is si: and Her Eyebrows, br ve Are thor ing over that is required is p and pinching But de ths re difficult task Intter purpose quinine n 1 : pen ecloping 1 tient grow the fective # few grains being dl in water led with balr br Nn ne will brows If } too frequently ever. A safe lotion to make them grow is a thimblef ed In hot water with a drop of melted tal low. It is brushed over the brows, fol the ind Red vaseline, with a destr Wo 1] of sweet ofl warn lowing carefully line desired left ight double portion of almond oll, Is anoth er good brow encourager. All three are bad for the eyelids, though, and should be used sparingly on oyern Nathroom Chest, A handy ddition to the equipment of a bathroom has been de vised housewife In the form which to keep a quanity of towels. This chest was evolved from a long and rather nar row box, fitted with hinges and cov ered with imitation leather in a tone of green to match the color scheme of the room and studded with nalls enam eled green. The lining of the chest was green and white watered silk Wall paper would make as desirable a Hning as the silk, and any style of cov. ering could be substituted for the im! tation leather by the woman who might feel Inclined to construct a chest such ns this, The expert In burnt wood decoration ean also find an outlet for her skill and energy In the adorn. customary by a cle of a in ver chest | ment of a box to answer as a bath. | room chest.—Brooklyn Eagle. Plane. No. An ten letters My My My My 8, 9, 200. ~Floral old fashioned flower, A Arithmograph, word of 50.06, 7 rejlation, 10, 9, 8 are a great light 10), a. 0. 1 are a female are a cleansing sub 7 are a poor little house 3, 7 are a common and use ean article of attire * 1 toy ith violence @ of plants, No. 241 .~In nd the names f Iw Woods. trees.) ods, O, a kr I ki ne for the trees nr i8 mpruce up and y ma pleads for met No, 202. ~FPostman's Parle, irdent d er 1 i] tor 200. «Disgulised Vegetables, 208 ~Ilustrated Puzzles A ——————————— No 200 ww Arithmetion]l Examples IT ~licographical Acrostic health seekers }. Og tne o - ed Stat A Recompenne “They is 0 his knife “Yes, but scissors.” ance eats with remarked he observed John cuts coupons with his Horrid Fate, In a spasm to be ght on A maiden named Lee spe It's good French i : “Just see fleur And now she i2 known Key to the sol. ~Triangie Sine 4 Toe i) Pleture Puzzle: Kingfisher Reversals: Peep Poop iM. ~Concenled Word Square: 1 2 Aloe Note ] No. 2606. ~Riddle: Story No. 200.-~Missing Rhymes: Flaws, today, say, cause, man, me, be, plan, No, 257.~Rhombold: Crosswords-1, Mogul. 2. Natal. 3. Batin. 4. Hires 6. Nadir. Down-1. M. 2 On. 8 Gas 4 Utah, B Latin. 6 Lira, 7. Ned, 8 Bl. 9 R. No. 208. Jumble: “Curfew shall not ring tonight” “Musle, when soft volces dle, vibrates In the memory." “Be wise today, "tis madness to defer.” No. 200. — Decapitations: Regret, P-lash. Paseler, Rustic 6 CC. No fon. No. No. No. Hand i § Deer 1904, An Animal Story For Mary's Little Ram of you all remember about the dear ttle schoolgirl whose mother well “up” on names and so ealled her little daughter just plain Mary and who had the little white, woolly lamb that seemed to insist going everywhere Mary chose to go? And ] the lamb aay, wandered course was not on how one when village school the and raised such a fuss that there was ty sure to be a vacation If thing tinued, the a baseball bat and gently requested h visitor to But you never heard what that lam! sald to h he into ster arrive “Shoo? 1 ’ | ' wen wimp mself as I WM i qt h e The flour red, for the some cohesion milk and be it may be as the basis of a should le baking It may sweetened i IKAr used pudding or stead of a A Big Butchering \ with LLucas Paints (Tinted Glos will hold brightness and is color, gloss The paint doesn’t fade, streak, blister, or crack, like some paints do Any paint will look well at first, but none looks well so long as Lucas Pains. Ask your dealer, John Lucas & Co Philadelphia for many years, A Tiogo county n She on 5 Ti lets to « K n load of rabbits, A Wagon Load of Rabbits, Krumrine's Instantanious . : , an came into Jersey | Powders will relieve the most obstina Friday cases of nervous and sick headache : tf re bringing with him a wa . cents y Headache te 10 To Cure a Cold In One Day. ike LAXATIVE BROMO QUININ All druggists refund the money | Before ordering PARQUET or Hardwood Flooring | CONFULT Archi, ROBT, COLE, Bellefonte, WM. H. COOLEY, Manufacturer ure W.Grove's signature i8 on each box 0 E Monroe Ke, Chicago, 111. ih dididididiiiiditiititibttttbtibittititbitiiddistitabidading TTT What is Christmas WITHOUT A GOOD DINNER? diiiidabibistidiind 5 5 TTT TET TTT TT TIT TETITTIVYITYITIYY AATYTYIIY ITY SECHLER & CO, ‘ ‘ ’ “1 ure I »OQ S re. Sadi Fhibhbidd bbb bbadbbbbdbbbibi b hd 0 hhh) bh bb hd i hb bs mm TH i Akh Akh AA AAA - e 3 x 3 : : | : : 2 : Oo ECKENROTH™S WALL PAPER Estimates on any Painting or Pa perhanging Cheertully Given E. J. ECKENROTH, Contracting Painter and Paperhanger Bush Arcade, ellef llefonte, Pa. | 20000000 OOOOOOOOCOOLOOOVOOOCOOOO0000O0OCOO0O0OCO O-0-0- 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 00-0 00-00-0000 00-00 YOO OOOO O=O=0=0~0~0 Good Printing Aids Business The Centre Democrat, - Bellefonte, Pa, OO 10 cents a copy $1.00 a year McCLURE'S MAGAZINE eanest 1 $ ¢ meatiest genera fam “THE BEST AT ANY PRICE’ : Pr xt ries in ever umber. continued stories. beat 1 pictures it and h famous writers as Ida M. Tarbell ) incoln Steffens. Ray Stannard Baker, John La Farge, William Allen White, and Ch Wagner, Get all of it right into your home by taking advantage SPECIAL OFFER Send $1.00 before January 31, 1905, for a subdeription for the year 190% and we will send you free the November and December numbers of 1904 fourteen months for $1.00 or the price of twelve. Address McClure's, 4850 East 23d Street, New York City, Write for agents’ terms. YOAr--8ix of m tify i CMOS articles by su 4 ries of this