0~0~-0-0~0—-0—0~0~0~-0~0-0-0~ Bellefonte and Vicinity The Local Happenings Short =O OOOO =O OOOO OOO =O O=-O =O 0 O=-O=O=O=O=O—O~0 in Paragraphs up Ex-sherif past week with stomach — Noah in our sanctum down th home typhoid fever callendars we b the Prudential Hog that Was a Big Mog. L 19 alx rie movet { R I'he about £ o'clock t evening gero, and early § Ww morning it dropped to 8 below zero, a difference which dressed 27 degrees, from Saturday Sunday morning There was sleighing Sunday but it was none of the best, the roads being “sandy” as it is termned, the freeze was a severe one and was not at all helpful to the bad water conditions in most of localities, evening which four fifty pound some | rendered, This beats all returns so far and will likely leave Mr, Smoyer at the head, : «Ladies warm lined shoes that are | GATHERED OVER THE COUNTY. Weather Re port TEM Max "ERATURE mm Minimuee pt cloudy L] cloudy p, £) 1. elon cloudy 3, elear » 4, clear — i) Snow, on 10, all day, J laches: on 12 noon yg Inch —————————— A A Ladies warm lined shoes gScts, | made neat and dressy, — Yeager & Davis, Yeager & Davis, | gives ease and rest hasn't it send 50 in stamps and It will be for i wardod post-paid by Paris Medicine Oo, Bt | ADJOINING COUNTIES. lorth An r & Davis A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. Itehing, Blind, Bleeding or Protroding Piles Druggists refund money If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure any case, no matter of how long standing. ind to 14 days First applioation fe It your druggist Louis, Mo, THE CENTRE DEMOORAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., DECEMBER 15, 1904 LEGAL INTELLIGENCE, OF HEALTH Absolutely Pure HAS NO SUBSTITUTE Healthy Ad - HOW ABOUT IT? A Cough that Hangs-On isone to be afraid of — there is danger in it. You can cure it quickly with Shi. loh’s Consumption Cure. the Lung Tonic. Your money back if it doesn’t cure you. PENNY 4 WORD ADV , 50 cts, and $1.00 25 cts. F. P. Blair & Co. JEWELERS. MIKKET QUOTATIONS ny wing prieos are . Paid by Ng f prodyese HLEN & rr dogesn per sound ww, er sound Lier per po ond We per pound Shoulder, po: pound Bellefonte Grain, F. P. BLAIR & CO. Jewelers BELLEFONTE, PA. The following prices are paid by U Germia, Bower & Zenay, ”™ fo Kran ATTORNEY SAT LAW. 0] 7-0 meme —— KaoLe BLOCK HELL rONTR, PA. | Re Successors Lo in, Bower & Orvis Practice In all courts, ¥Y. Wao. wou FH EES ca