Page 4. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., DECEMBER 15, 1904. Whe ¢ inte Democrat, : Lo oe i) ‘ APPALLING INCREASE OF CRIME. According to statistics compiled by the Chi CHAS R. KURTZ, - - - PROPRIETOR s "Pribuns Myre A vot I rr — = 8 | Christmas Buying at CIRCULATION OVER 4000 Li meee EER | the Sim Store SUBSCRIPTION - - $150 PER YEAR Our aim is that it shall be a pleasure to you—to the vast throng that will choose this as their Holiday Shop- ping Store. And how well this store merits their selec- Subscriptions will be continued otherwise directed Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church. ues, what are we coming to tion as their Christmas store. From the smallest article of We employ no collector You are expects to send or bring th money o this oe : Toindmadny o uy necessity to the highest luxury---whatever men or boys EDITORIAL A GREAT SACRIFICE, RE-DEDICATION OF corruption and the prostitution of the wear---we show what is newest and in best style, what TromAs Lawson, the millionaire stock | The battle raging at Port Arthur be AN 0l D CHURCH eo . - is safe and trustworthy in quality, and prices that are magnate, gave Wall street several severe the Japs and Russians last Warr most moderate. jolts in the past week. He certainly is | will go into the world's history as « ¢ Dav Continued from page |. in the limelight the greatest horro — most bloody, life destroying f Women can safely select here, for men’s gifts. When asked, opinions as to size or taste will be ex- Tue Mormon question is up again be- | history records, The Japs were mowed Pexns Ci INGREGATION d you can't get a pass (le fore congress with promise of more spicy | down like grass in the efforts to ake th »| This congregation was organized ir Te I oy oct! a oes ESE A D : pressed that shall lead to the best selection for them. pment lead bodies to meet a similar fate, until gations of the Aaronsburg charge. The YSpEpSia Any purchase not satisfactory in any way---no reasons Mlarink Ir POSSE Do y a ore By congregation Wo gueps pind es Is an indication that. the asked or necessary--we shall exchange or refund the ducted the “safe and sane” campaign balls of all sizes and descriptions that | when it was bought jointly by ! ~ stomach and other digestive money after Christmas. BO a Tn Lair ro Orzans ate wedk, Lifed or get out of it h of missiles was contiguous with the | shiped in this edifice for about yeu! debited. I 235s 3 We have made no mention in the list below of is most. common where Men's Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats, and Boys’ Suits peckle bolt, their meals and | and Overcoats. The reputation of this store, for these oy hi d a they goods we believe is known to all. Best qualities at low- Hood's Sarsaparilla cures dyspepsia—it. has ‘‘a magictouch '’ in this disease. For testimonials of remarkable cures send for Book on Dyspepsia, No. 5. Ne ckwear Hosiery est prices. C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass, 14) 3 1 x GED. AY Fancy Vests 4 £ ADD i ns ha with the court when the time haat ex- ) re " Nia yor TTA ; , Neckwear, while our 50¢ line pired Monday evening ns : er 1% : Bt on: ; § oy os 1 : iy shot \ he ngregation. 1 ! ju ¥f reial "oy } ’ Ha ARET Wi AV ( GIFTS Smoking Jackets, Lounging Robes, FIT TO GIVE Bath Robes. Wi PERFUMERY ZELLER & SON. aad dA ALLL LLL ELLE ALLEL LL) » “The ing’s est” FLOUR. Every Sack Guaranteed. tent The New State Capitol, pt thle it dent wikevelt nto lent it nls p avar ast week the new capitol « : 33:32:11. y } ’ » ¥ t 11 . p . fore beg ving his second te will put | modification © s tariff and will sit | was in session at Harrisburg and authot : the fourth-class ofhice under protec Sim, the Clothier, Bellefonte’s Largest, Best Store. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT McCALMONT & CO, Distributors for BELLEFONTE and VICINITY down on the trusts, That would be! ized the announcement to be made that tion of the Civil Servite law, "There is| democratic. and to it all democrats | the legislative vals and committee rooms no meaner exhibition of the spoils system | would say, Amen will be ready for the legislature when it than the removal of rural postmasters on a assembles in January The further in party grounds”, as happened so often in| An Arozona man has written the Post. | formation is volunteered that thé com Centre county in recent years, Carrying office department to know whether he | pleted building will be turned over to out the above program would relieve our | can legally advertise to sell to women | the state, October 1, 1908. What is still | GEO. H. LU M, Solomon Dresser, as well as other con- | 2500 chances at $1 per chance, when he more gratifying ip the Sonlslon's as | Clearfield, Penn'a. i : “et " ? ¥ s . frosisae Solomons,” of much worry | will raffle himself off, the lucky woman bon irk Reno og fogigian Sales Agent for Pennsylvania, STORE OPEN LATER EVENINGS NEXT WEEK. greedy outs who are sighing for the to take him for a husband and get the | puiding can be finished without exceed places of the ins. | oo 4 _ LUSEE ' money too, ing the appropriation already made.