THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT BELLEFONTE PA... AUGUST 21, 1904, KE. P, IRVIN, L. C. IRVIN. THE RACKET Remnants of Wool Dress Goods al Cost and Less We have Wool a number of Rem Dress Goods nants ol ’ f we want to get out of the way before our large stock of Fall Dress Goods comes in. These Remnants are good lengths, enough for a skirt and some have a full dress pattern in, Desirable goods in staple colors and prices are extreme ly low. Ask to see them. Racket Store Co. Correspondents’ Department. Coburn. - —— lish People Allow a cough to run anti! it gets beyond the reach of medicine, They often say * Oh, It wif) wearaway,” but in most oases It will wear them away. Could they be induesd to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam whieh Is sold on a poniiive guaranties to ours hey would immediately see the sxosllont of © after faking the first dose. Price Po and Trial size FREE, At all druggists tf Some Foo Moshannon. place has returned week with her son Agne Stover. of Millheim, her sister, Mrs, David Musser 1 spent a day at the county Potter Twp. ¥ ig it through foot P. C. Auman and fan Mrs. Stump and daughter, Victor Auman and family alllspent Sunday in Georgesvalley at the home of |. |. Jamison who {s on the sick list, The farmers are done cutting their oats, and aré glad as it was in « terrible shape to cut Pine Crove Mills. O on Saturday ]. B. Ard and for a short { 3 Sadie Goss and Bert Ward were elected i + wi A \ | 8) | *y . delegates t id the X. VP. E. 5. cot vention at Centre Hall next week Ureorge Bowers ladeiphia, is Niagara Falls Excursions. The Peansyivania Raliroad Company has se ecied the following dates for 11a popular ten days excursions to Niagara Falls from Wash ington and Baltimore: July 5 and 22, August 12and 3, Reptembar 9 and ZL and October 14 On these dates the special train will leave Wi lamsport 2% p mm, Lock Haven 3 8p m , ar riving Niagara Falls at Excursion tieketa, good Tor return DAMSAR® OD AD regu iar train, exclusive of Timited express tralos within ten days. will ba sold at #7.4) from Ty Ge 8 @Blrom Bellefonte ; 95.9 from Sanbury and Wilkesbarre: $5.75 from Wil and proportionate rates from orincipal points A stopover will be allowed at Buffalo mit of ticket returning —— Bp m famsport ; at within i Cregg Twp. Fish on a Prolonged Drunk the Lattle M A Necessity IN THE HOME | CF tal Greens Bel ie for te, + Pa. 29000000 REPAIRINC OF All Kinds of Machinery ! If mower smooth, lawn and you want your run easy ground at to get it Gerberich Bros. Opp. Big Spring. SILVER PASTE, A paste that will make your silver look Ike pew. It is easily appied, effect Is remarks | ble, and It is lasting. This preparation is CUARANTEED BY US After a thorough test which it I» applied 2% buys a (lwo Be'lefonte by F. P. BLAIR & CO., Brockerhoff Block. to plate any article on | winee bottle, Sold only In SECHLER & CO Linen Shoes, are the CooLes that any man or w hem in high and low cut Canvas and Linen Shoes by all odds the prettiest Sam not expensive either, can be fitted, FOR ALL PURPOSES man The White Shoes are particularly swagger. everybody likes them. mer Shoe that ean be worn Any lady, gentleman, boy or girl Try a pair during the hot weather. Mingle’s Shoe Store, BELLEEONTE. Canvas Shoes, CLEANEST, NEaTEST Summer CAN Wear, We have are no longer a fad-they are rd Reduced Rates to Portland, Ore REDUCED RATES TO SAN FRANCISCO, On account of the American Mining Cos Wrens held at Portland, Or August Via Penna. Rai road, Ac 7. the Pennsylvania Raliro 10 ount Meeting of Knights Templer and 1. 0.0, | Ml Compiny w to Portiand fron Hnes, from August 14, 10 pg withiu six ound trip tickets ms on its y days, including date at reduced rates For napply to ticket agents Ja dist Encampment & Exhibition of the Patrons bf Husbandry of Central Pennsylvania, Grange Park, Centre Hall, Pa., Sept. 17th to 23rd, Inclusive Encampmant opens Sept. 17th. Exhibition opens Monday, Sept. 19th. { farmers ¢ lent a nui armers and for Ang The largest and bast fair 10 Centra! Pennsylvania, by “ight acres are devoted to camping and exhibition purposes all desiring to camp A large display of farm stock and pou try, also fam production of farm and garden The Pennsylvania State College will State Experiment Station ADMISSION FREE GRO. Dany IB DAUBRRMAX GRO. GINGERICH GG. L. GOODH ART make x large disg LEONARD KH NSS NSNSNSANSANSN NSLS NSN NSS NEW FALL OPENING! Clothing, Hats, Shirts, and Neckwear. $15.00 $7.50 Made-to-order Suits, Ready-made Suits, - - Guyer and No-Name Hats, Manhattan & New Columbia Shirts, James R. Keiser’s Neckwear. CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SUITS A SPECIALTY MONTGOMERY & COMPYY, Merchant Talloring in all its Branches, ~~ INS We beg to state that our buyer, Mr. A. Katz, is at present in the East- ern markets purchasing Fall our and Winter stock. We have a let- ter from him that says: “You may rest assured that Katz & Co's stock will be larger and better than ever before.” Watch for special Mil- linery advertisement la- ter on, KATZ & CO.