Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 25, 1904, Image 7

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Paor 7.
Happenings of a Week Over Cen-
tre County
{ spend sometime with her niece in Milroy,
What Has Transpired in the Various
Localities—Compiled by a Corps of
Alert and Able Writers—Is Your
Section Represented ?
S. G. Rote is running
day and night to { e1
has: highest price paid for all
tis ; . oa}
C. B. Finkle is doing a good busines |
in his store,
H. Confer and Perry Wingerd are
. 1 for . J i Inge!
cutting paper wood i
Ella thinks it 18 ¢
should change her
Ella wait a while yet Fritz i
and you can wait § ile yet.
There will be a good many chang
Penn township this spring
Tuesday, the 16, wasa very
for election, but hot enough for
the candidates that were so sure of their
election. Poor Tommy had to go up
Salt river; he packed his kvapsack and
started off on Wedr morning with
republicauvs, x and 1 pro-
he had 3 tes in all. Now
) 1y, if you will ain, take my
advice and do not yourself so
much in the papers, etter
material on the road ior
and give toofers instead
ers, and announce yourself
Almanac, then you are sure to win,
The scribe of Highvalley came down
on election day and he said he would
not miss an election on account ol the
cold, and if it would be so cold that the
horns would freeze {from a muiey Cow's
head, and on Wednesday morning he
was down again to see poor Tommy
A certain man from near Georgetown
old day
some of
of penny wink
in Barkers
has a good bit to say about the George-
Now |
town scribe, but nothing good.
brother, you used to preach the gospel
and show the people the road to heaven,
and does not the second Commandment
say, love thy neighbors as thy self: do
thou likewise then all is well.
The funeral of Foster Poorman, whose
death occurred at the home of his daugh-
ter, Mrs. Thos
tery. A number of friends of this place
attended. Mr. Poorman was formerly a
resident of this place.
Mrs. Rebecca Watson is ill
daughter's, Mrs. W. F. Pownells.
Miss Kathryn Malone returned from
Milesburg, where she has been the past
three weeks.
at her
his grist mill |
fill the orders that he |
kinds of |
{ the week with his brother
{ him; if you look at the election
Zimmerman at Munson, |
took place Saturday at the Advent ceme- |
i en pox; Bell
Arthur Lee and wife, of Tusseyville.
spent a few days with Mrs. Swabb,
mother of Mrs. Lee,
Charles Smull and two daughters, of
Smullton, and Mrs. Emma Bower and
grand. daughter, of Millheim, Sundayed
at the residence of Jesse Wert,
Mrs, Elizabeth McDowell has gone to
Wesley Wyle attended his uncle Fred
Reigels funeral, on Monday, at Vicks-
Prof. EE. 8. Stover and family Sanday
ed with Mrs, Stovers parents at Wood
John Grenoble and wife, of Spring
Mills, Sundayed at the home of John C.
Dr. D. K. Musser, of Bellefonte, spent
Sunday with his aged mother.
A. 8S. Stover spent the greater part of
in-law at Fair.
Mrs. Thos. Frank entertained a num.
friends on last Tuesday
evening 1a a very pea :T, Aller
spending a few hours in a social way,
with refreshments
ber of her lady
re served
00 E
od to be left alone
»r had a severe spell of nose
{ week, at
*r again,
are, ho is emploved at
t a few days with his family
on Main street
Miss Blanche Burd has
a few weeks with C. A
: WW. R
mother and
na g n
gone to
le AVE!
Monday at
itty well cl
u Huey has the
bas the quinsy;
few others are complaining of having no
pain—I am one of them
Oar sick list has got p
ed up now : Gord
Jared Evey is spending a week among
friends in Pennsvalley.
We had rain on Sunday which made it
very disagreeable traveling,
Well, I will try and give you the news
of our little town the best I can. What
I cannot think and see No. 2 will surely
{ send you, as he has lots of time to gather
| up
| work;
the news, it suits him better than
when you shoot into a flock of
birds the one that is hit is the one that
flutters. No. 2 did the finttering.
Scribe No. 2 says the boys have it in for
from the N. P. of Benner, you will see
by the majority W. G. Saxton had.
were out sleighing on Sunday.
Gray Kephart bas returned home from
Williamsport where he spent a week
among friends.
The protracted meeting at this place
has not been very well attended on ac
| count of the bad weather,
Mrs. Harriet Johnson, of Somerset, and |
Miss Maggie Woods, of Boalsburg. visit.
ed their sister, Mrs. Chas. Klinger.
Martin Fetzer returned home Saturday
suffering from grippe.
John Poorman
attended the tuneral of
visited their old
1d wife, of Hughsville,
! his father and
Parents’ Day was very fittingly obsery
ed in the schoo! bh
of patrons were present. Mr
is an efficient teacher and all
pleased with the progress made
Miss Mary Croft i
Miss Viola Kline,
Sunday at home.
Mrs. Jacob Heaton, of Gorton Heights,
is visiting friends here
Chas. Klinger who is employed at
Youngwood spent a few days with his
scem well
by the
on the sick list
of Bellefonte, spent
Friday, of last week, was observed as
Parents’ day inthis place. The rooms
were filled and the exercises commenced
with music by the school, after which we
were favored by choice recitations, and
dialogues, among which were : “Trouble
in a Mormon family,” "Joaquini Pro
posal,” and “Taking the train to (Mor-
row),”” after which an interesting debate
was given by pupils of the high school;
subject ‘‘Resolved, that Macbeth was
worse than lady Macbeth.” The way
this subject was discussed showed a great
amount of talent, and that there had
been considerable thinking done. They
deserve credit from all interested in
educational work
At the ele in Bush Creek last
week it was decided by a vote of 55 to 17
to bond the borough at seven per cent
for the purpose of building a new school
As the winter has been very good for
lumbermen, H., F. Kessinger has a large
stock of logs tosaw this summer
Cost Nothing if They Fail to Cure.
These pills bave cured thousands of
the most obstinate cases of Kiduey
Trouble, aud they will cure you. Sidney
Krumrine (Druggist) is anthorized to pay |
back your money if your are not cared
or benefitted.
Pains in the back and lions, insufficient
or excessive urine, scalding or burning
urine, headache, nervousness, sleepless.
ness, iritability, sallow-muddy looking
complexion, swelling of the feet and
ankles are all evidences that the kidoeys |
are not performing their function proper.
all the organs; they have more work to
hence it is only vatural that they need
help first; they filter the blood and keep
removing the poisons from this most vital
fluid. If the kidneys are kept in a
healthy condition many diseases may be
Krine's Kidney Pills are a scientific
preparation of powerful yet harmless
drugs. We guarantee every box, which
contains one month’s treatment, to cure
any case of kiduey or urinary trouble.
ber you are your own judge aud
if you are not benefitted they cost you
nothing. Price one dollar, For sale at
Krumfine’s Pharmacy.
There was a young man in our town on
Saturday evening that bad to take back
i a Jot of talk be had done about some peo
| ple.
Quite a number |
| meeting at this ;
! much better than the Penn
! does his.
It would be a good thing if some
more of the fellows that take delight in
talking about others were brought up to
face it: better horses
Farmers Mills.
fa'k about
We certainly had wintry
ast week
The calithum;
Friday night
J. H. Rishe!, our upto date merchant,
is still improving as fast as can be ex.
Rev. |
weather the
made quite a raid,
M. Rearick started protracted
lace last week
Mrs. Lucy Ream is spending a few
days with friends at Millheim.
The singing class is well attended
The Penn Cave scribe stated in his last
| issue thas the Farmers Mills scribe would
beiter attend to bis own traps; but the
reason is that he don’t deal in trapping
{ or he certainly would attend to them. |
don't believe that he could attend them
Cave scribe
Thomas Moyer, wife and son Paul, of
Millheim, spent Sunday with J. H.
H. D. Hagan and family
day with T. P. Duck’
A number of our people will move in
the spring ; among them are Albert
Bradford, Samuel! Frederick, Ammon
Decker and Dasiel Immel.
spent Sun-
in Brush valley.
Catarrh and
Just Breathe It.
Hyomei is nature's own method for
curing catarrh, colds, coughs and dis
eases of the respiratory organs, It is
the only natural treatment for the cure
of these troubles,
Breathed through the neat pocket in-
haler that comes with every outfit, the
air that passes into the throat and lungs,
is identical with that on the mountsins,
where it is laden with healing aud health.
giving balsams, t searches out and
kills disease germs in the most remote
and minute air cells of the head, throat
and lungs, it soothes and heals all irrita-
tion of the mucous membrane,
Hyomei is prescribed by physicians
generally. Many of them use it them.
selves to break up a cold and prevent
The complete Hyomei outfit consists
of a neat inhaler, that is so small and
convenient that it can be carried in the
pocket or purse, a medicine dropper and
a bottle of Hyomei, This costs but $1,
Lures Coughs,
: | and it will cure any ordinary case of ca-
The kidneys are the most important of |
tarrh. In chronic and deep seated con:
ditions, longer use is necessary and extra
do than any other organ im the body; | bottles of Hyomel can be obtained for
soc, making it a most economical treat.
ment for this disease.
8 Kmamrioe has so much confidence
in the power of Hyomel to cure catarrh
and other diseases of the throat and
lungs that he sells it under his personal
guarantee to refund the money to any
purchaser in case it fails to give satisfac.
tion. He takes all the risk himself, and
Hyomel costs you absolutely nothing un.
less it does you good.
A woman Is never quite sure of her
hustand’s whereabouts, even after he is
y Of Georgetown, tr
yusiness in town last week
Harry Auman, of Pittsburg
his parents Ww. A. Auman,
G. W. Wolf, of Piedler, was in town
S. K. Faust and Wallace Bierly
Smuliton were in town on Saturday
Harvey Wert, of West Brush
had business in town, Saturday
Daniel Krater, of Coburn, was in town
Thursday ; he reports tenant houses very
scarce at that place.
The hosiery mill has made an increase
in wages
Frank Knarr had a skate on ¢
down the hill last
downs on the icy pavement
week—only three
F. H. Hackenbery, of Coburn, was in
town last week and bought another home
on R. R. Avenue
Mis. E.E
Mrs. L. E. St and son Albert,
spent several davs with ber parents,
Frank Hackman's at Madisonburg.
H. C. Rishe!, of Altoona,
her parents, J. D. Keens
Noll, of Lewisburg, was a
visitor in last week
are visiting
The public sale and col
is now open and will Jast
part of March
There is some talk of
ing opened at this place
A. M. Harter, of Hart
in town last week ; he and
turn this
Mrs. w
The election passed off very quietly,
only aboat one half of the voters
the polls claiming they were tired voting
for one set of fellows all the time ;
the kicking should be done at the prim
aries and keep them off of the ticket.
Reuben E
Sarah Fox is still suffering with dropsy:
her condition is not encouraging.
While hauling logs for Dr. Bowersox,
Joe Swanger had the misfortune to freeze
his hands and feet, which causes him
great suffering.
Boyd Musser, who was in Illinois dur.
ing the past year, is at present visiting
his parents, but expects to leave for the
west again in a few weeks,
Adam Winters is getting ready
move to Wolf's Store in the spring.
=Wolf & Son are selling off their winter
goods at greatly reduced prices.
whoo! bell
it, just as well as other
Wolf's school is in need of a
and should have
Sam’! Boyer is very happy because of
the arrival of a little daughter on Satur
Chas. and James Andrews entertained
a flinch and pit party at their home on
High street on Saturday evening, We
all understand they all had quite an en-
joyable time.
There was vo trouble in getting sled
loads up on Friday evening to go to in-
stitute al Unionville
Frank Davis, who has been ill with
pneumonia, at the West Penn hospital,
Pittsburg, is improving speedily and ex-
pects to be around in a few days again.
+ Calvin Hale, who was recently married,
has taken up housekeeping in T. A.
Ardell’s house; at east of town,
Miss Helen Woomer, who is staying
with her grandmother of this place, was
on the sick list last week, but was able
to go with the sledding . arty.
Mr. Bechtel, of the Gale Mfg. Co., call |
ed in town the last week looking up those
who wanted farm implements,
Win, Smith was busy all week hauling |
in telephone poles from the ridge, and
has the railroad yard pretty well filled
Thomas Bastley has lost his Scotch
collie dog and offers a reward of five
dollars for its return, Address Hublers.
Miss Grace Markel contemplates mak
ing a visit to Pitcairn in the near future,
There was a lar, y on Saturda
evening at the house of Flas Devrer y
valley, |
| EAYE® AD «
Musser is housed up with'
{ cordially invited to join
| tiation severe ;
oads came 11 an
and Milesburg
m Fort
Her H n he var
itieriy beyona eritd the
piece or
¥ Were
As the
most iy
eral verdict was She's t grand
audience was
eaving th iareh on
the street, no less than 2 persons,
and fe
three at once wi
ladies, slipped on the |
some times two or
nol nt among the bo
tally. On Saturday Teachers
convened in same room
“hh caused
tie merrime ys who kept
wal Institute
and, we have
imber of those pres
been in
that It
formed bya n
was the most interesting and
i here, Profess
EZR were In attendant
that was ev we Gramiey,
went with aasled nionvil
the mountain t
wesawa No
and on
ne, large
on the
Sprains and Bruises
Burns and Scalds
Cuts and Wounds
tried a bottle
Jonun Surru
Sata Parbars, Cal
4 pon a hot stove
ia of {ace severely
yi, when we come |
8 Wizard O11, The pain waa
irtes and the burns healed In
WwW. L. Sram.
There is only one
blown in the bottle, S
zard Of Hamline name
igtatare *" Hamiin P os." on
Take nd substitute
Hamlins Cough Balsam
Soothes the Throat. Stops the Cough. 25¢, Be.
Hamlins Blood & Liver
Act Gently and Without Pain, 28¢. +
{ the mountain and were soon lost to sight,
! hard for the advancement
| no person wa
{twelve or fifteen
{ consolidated
| lodge at present has four members, name-
il kKerflump, i
0. Afew |
old John Moran farm In the monntaing, They
were quietly feeding on grass near the house,
which, of course, Is vacant, but on our “pe
poor Turks have had a hard winter of it and we
{ would not blame them If they moved to the |
i Horrid
Zone Washington's birthday enter
talnment was given by the Lite
the Grammar school on last
and was a most enjoyabletreat., An
patrons and
Friday afternoon
supt. Gramiey were present, The
and speakers tied Ves
with much honor to themselve
thelr teacher, James Pratt, who has
of hi
close of the Prof Gramle
nteresting and en
and it
: iver ciung to
ally got the horses stopped;
hurt but all were scared;
people were on the s
ky little driver the
Penn Hall can boast of one |
4 ioe
dge, the
of tradesmen. This
ly,a barber, a watchmaker, a portrait
copyist, and a tinker, Alltradesmen are
5 no fees bat ini.
for information call at the
office of the lodge at Penn Hall, Pa
The |
rary soclety of |
imber of {
themselves |
and credit to |
Habored |
s pupils. Atthe |
Miss Kate
at Yarnell.
Harry Jodon, who was hart at
's lime quarry
Malone is
od fon
ahle to s
with Mrs
nt Wednesday
rd and
A~ OW can we measure the importance
to mankind of the discovery
of an
absolute cure for catarrh, that dreaded
the mucous
membrane or delicate underlining of
the skin of the body.
The disease which for years has
the disease
000,000 men and womer: sufferers in
malady which attacks
discouraged scientists
the United States alone.
The heads of great hospitals, where scores of cas
tarrhal patients are treated each year, are perhaps in the
best position to appreciate the value of a remedy, which
working along scientific, intelligent lines, brings perma
nent cure to even the chronic sufferer.
The staff of physicians of the Suffolk Hospital and
Dispensary in Boston, where in less than two years
83,271 patients have registered, do not hesitate to pro-
nounce Rexall Mucu-Tone the best cure for catarrh they
have ever used.
Albert C. Smith is the president and treasurer and
the Hon. Chas, J. Noyes and the Hon. James Stevens are
and the superintendeat is W. C. Clarke, M. D.
President Smith's letter should be read by every
catarrh sufferer.
We print it in full:
The secretary is F. H. Wallace, M. D,,
“It gives me great satisfaction to report to you that after a most careful
trial of Rexall Mucu-Tone, the corps of physicians of our institution agree
that this compound is the best cure for catarrh which we have ever used,
“In all catarrhal diseases of the bronchial and nasal passages ; catarrh of
the stomach, intestines, kidneys and bladder ; catarrhal troubles of the gener-
ative organs of women, etc, Mucu-Tone has effected remarkable permanent
“ Mucu-Tone seems to act immediately upon the blood and mucous
membranes, strengthens their cells and healing the inflammation
“We shall continue to use this valuable pre
compare with it in the treatment of catarrh and its kis
to give it a chance to speak for itself.
“ Yours very truly,
paration, for nothing can
d troubles
A. C. SMITH, President”
Certainly such testimony as this must convince even
the most skeptical —certzinly it will justify us in request-
ing catarrh sufferers to give Rexall Mucu-Tone a trial;
we know you will covtinue taking it until cured.
Rexall Mucu-Tone is unlike all other catarrh rem-
edies. It works through the bloodvessels, going direct
to the affected part whether in head, throat, stomach,
kidneys or bladder; driving out the poisons and healing
all inflammations of the mucous membranes. From the
very first dose its strengthening influence will be felt
and from four to six bottles will effect a complete cure
of the worst cases. Your money back if not more than
Sold only at our store. Large bottle, 89 cents.
If you will do this