THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. FEBRUARY 4, 1904. Pace 5. BELLEFONTE AND | VICINITY The Local Happenings Condensed in Short Paragraphs RVENTS WORTHY OF MENTION Has Transpired at the County Seat-—Movements of Our People Personal and Social Events—Lo cal Items Always Desired What —Trains are still irregular, same as all winter. Mrs. Hunter Knisely is ill with ery sipelas at her home. —Joseph Runkle is rejoicing over boy that came to his home Saturday. —Some bad blood is brewing amoung ion, local politicians, for the spring elie —Abram Valentine has been quite ill at the home of Miss Emily Natt on Curtin street. —Samue! Ard, one of Coburn’s repre sentative cilizeus, favored our sanctum with a call. —High school student's are preparing for an interesting debate next Monday afternoon. —Miss Mary Hibbs, of Philadelphia, is a guest at the home of her cousin, Mrs. E. H. Richard. —R. B. Treaster, ex-collector of Potter, attended court last week and favored the Democrat with a call. —The was attendance upon week confin and witnesses — Remember trike Mock Cour tomor: f the given in Pe 8 0 ing under the au “1 i you had bettdr settle on ¥ auctioneer at once. During tt I an average tered every day, sca State Inspector M. D. Howe, of Del mar, Pa., was in Bellefonte last week and inspected Garman’s opera bouse and other public buildings. He pronounced the opera house lo be perfectly safe. —Col. Ed. Chambers has some sport. ing blood; be now owns a fine stepper with a record scmetbhing like 2 08 Some of the old timers are likely to have dust thrown in their eyes any fine day. of —Rev. M. J. Jameson, of an Evangelical church,a of Altoona, made He is a and is pastor our sanctum a former resident known as one of the foremost pleasant call, of Gregg twp, m of that church -Mrs. G. H on Monday for will reside. Mr from Bellefonte to there Jartley and family Cleaifie Bartley was transferred d where ast September as a superintendent for the United Tele phone Company. ~Harry C. Tibbens, fonte, and a graduate of the | High school in "8g, bas accepted sition of advertising manager of formerly of Belle le . ye iit th partment store of Stone & Thomas of Wheeling, West Va Sheesiey, of Coburn, Pa, on —Wm. C his way to Durbin, W. Va., to erect a large saw mill for a lumbering firm, stopped in to see us and have the paper follow after. He was going with a party of about a dozen other this county. ’ lumbermen from —Dt, John Sebring will gnove in property Dr, ky Wm. Dawson will take the property now occupied by wke now occupied by Dr, Sebring and Philip Beezer who has purchased the Dawson on the will property opposite corner move into it, ~last Saturday the new station was started again, ations were made that have increased pumping Some alter the capacity of the plant and at present will handle more water than is required for ordinary purposes. With the addi tional wheel installed at the spring all use of steam power in the future can be avoided, «The Bellefonte goverament weather station had the following readings for the months of November, December and January: had suow on 30-light snow squalls not count. ed, aud 24 days below freezing. Seven snows, in December, total 15% inches every day in December below freezing January had seven snows, total 25 inches and every day below freezing, Some farmers are of the opinion that the wheat fields suffered somewhat by the intense cold this winter, mostly where the snow bad been blown away by high winds. However, there was no alternating of freezes and thaws, which is most injurious to the wheat plant, the frost raising the surface tears the plant from its roots. That the freeze has been a continuous has served to a good pur. pose, November one inch of ~~ Mts. Al. Garman, of Tyrone, visited friends in Bellefonte Monday. —No marriage licenses were issued this week by Register A. G, Archey. That is an unusual occurrence, Abraham Valentine, who is ill at the bome of Miss Emily Natt on Curtin street, is poorly with little hope of recovery. Mrs I.. Potter accompanied Mrs. Hastings to Harrisburg, Monday morning, where she will be her guest for Geo. a week, - Landlord Runkle, of Centre Hall, gave the Democrat a call. He purchas- ed the Kurtz lot on Church street at that place. —~Several canning factories that were to have been started in a few towns of this county, from all accounts have been ‘canned.’ Isaac Bickle, of Milesburg, appre- ciates the Centre Democrat for he always it the family do the same. keeps in advance and others of Farmer's find the Centre Democrat useful medium for Our a very announcing sales. list ‘is quite large—all their leading sales are in it, Peter Keichline purchased the Stover property on Willowbank street this week, aud will continue to occupy the same as his permanent residence. —A Mock amusing to young and Trial is highly For that first class old. Hall lots of fun, reason go to Petriken evening as there will be —George Waite, Ir., of this place, and Miss Milesburg, Methodist R.H Sadie Gray, of were last evening at the re, by Rev at Milesburg r daughter, Mrs Jame te, where Mr. and M1 The g Brockerboff oomy House fre iled by landlord Ray who appearance about the nt at night has been dispe had the froot illaminated with four addi tional strong lights and lamps on the posts. It 15 a decided im | provement. -T. A. Hosterman, active young business men, transacted business in town this week. He reports nothing startling at Coburn, farmers are grain and to see the Wabash en marketing much every body is bepelul gines throw smoke over in Highvalley The of Wm. Groh Runkle, Esq., as a candidate for District in this M1 Runkle has been actively engaged in the announcement Attorney, appears issue for some He energetic practice in the Centre Co, courts years and is thoroughly qualified, also has been a staunch and Democrat, from an old-line democratic family and is worthy of support. ~ Tuesday evening the ladies of the Reformed church held a Quaker Social a Mrs, Geo town, that was well the de wasen The hospitality of the Kaup home cannot be the home of Mr. and Kaup about a mile east of attended Large sleds conveyed guests from town and the 1 joyed, and many were present surpassed, and especially upon such oc casious. The public sale season in this coun. | ty, lasting to the end of Mach, is about to open The number of sales is arge as will be seen by the sale register in the Centre Democrat-—-mostly farmers who quit that occupation. Horses, horn cattle, swine sheep. and argricaltural ma chinery and implements, will be offered in abundance —where one farmer quits or leaves another takes his place and at. tends the sales to buy his ‘stuff’ ~Rev, Samuel E Koontz, pastor of the Evangelical charch at New Berlin, Pa., attended to legal business, on Wed nesday, relative father in-law, David M Harter, died last week, Rev, Koontz and Calvin M. Harter have been made administra. tors of the estate, Rev. Kooniz's father was pastor of the Bellefonte Evangelical to congregation some years ago and under his pastorate the church on Willow. bank street was erected, ~Thomas J. Sexton, Es«q., one of our prominent young attorneys, will leave Bellefonte on Saturday for St. Marys, Pz., where he expects to be permanently located and will continue in the legal profession associated with Francis A. Hauber, Eq , a leading attorney at that (bar. Mr, Sexton came here from Ty. rone, read law in the office of Orvis, Bow. er & Orvis, after which he was continual. ly engaged in the practice in our courts, Mr, Sexton is a steady, studious and able attorney who was considered one of the successful young practitioners at this bar, with a promising future awaiting him. We are sorry to see him make the change, and hope he will prosper In his new field, two new artistic one of Coburn's | juite | the estate of his | who | VARIETY OF LOCAL NEWS Gathered From Centre and Ad- joining Counties SHORT AND TO THE POINT Events That Have Pranspired Kecent- ly and Worthy of Mention—Items of Interest for All—Doings of Neighbors Millheim is surrounded by water yet nary a water works. not to blame, Surely nature is William Walters, of Potter twp., next spring will move to a farm pear Burn. ham, Mifflin county. The commissioners, of Clearfield, have tax rate at six and Ain't you glad yon are living in Centre county, | fixed the county three-fourth mills. G. A. Zerby, of near Wolf's Store, will leave with his family for Berrien Springs, Berrien county, Michigan, this spring, where he will engage in farming. Having sold the Boalsburg hotel to Theodore Boal, Oliver Gibbuney will | move onto the farm, near Salusburg, { Huntingdon county, he recently | chased from Dr. L E Kidder, of Boals pur | burg tomorrow | in the lumber | business down in West Virginia, is home his | expects to cat | Peter Ishler, engaged for a month's rest with ittle family He this employ some 15 Of The Hiram Cain south Spring Mi I. W. Walker, of Altoona. Mr. Walke: Miles W. Walk in Boalshurg three mii f mi feet summer which will 20 men, one mi sold cf farm of was Pri J. A 10 the board to meet next year in Belle Beaver ex'ended an invitation fonte, and the ipvitation was accepted. The poor overseer of Greene township, { Clinton county, bas brought suit against | the overseer of Halves township, Centre county, for the maintainance of Mrs. | Brine and her child, who are | {old Mr YEA. iving with Swartwood for the past several The brought before Squire W. C. Weber, but was continued for a further bearing The Aid Society, of State College, will have a fairon Friday, | Fen 1th, at the College avenue, suit was Lutheran Ladies’ Kemmerer home on The money earned will be set apart for the erection of a Lather A 1) erected an church in Lather. that ngrega State Col exe an church must soon be in vicinity, because the Pine Hall ¢ | tion is without a church buildiag i count of ire ! RW years in Lewishurg at | Wilkinsburg, one of the live and on ace Love, who resided for several He at present at bust log suburbs of Pittsburg, says in a letter he recently bad the misfortune to have one of his igers almost severed by a saw, He also states that work in that section 18 not very plenty account of the the now on and Hud is a native of Tussey vill th, Elias C of Penn township, was awakened from extreme cold weather strike e 2 Tuesday night, Zerby, his sleep by the smell of smoke, and up- that It is supposed that the chimney had burned during the night on investigation discovered his house was on fire, | and sparks dropped to the lower story | iguiting the floor close to the cook stove. The fire was extinguished just in time to save the stove from falling through the (fa or into the cellar, The damage is { small, The Tyrone Herald says The peo | ple of Tyrone and Bellefonte it is under. stood are agitating the question of better mail service on the Bald Eagle Valley railroad between Lock Haven and Ty. They will ask the department to { have a mall clerk on the train leaving fat 12:10 and also on the train leav [ing Tyrone at 12:25 A service of this | kind will be appreciated not only by the people of Lock Haven, Tyrone and | Bellefonte, but by the residents all along the line. i | rene. Daniel A. Grove had a miraculous es. cape of his life, Oa his way home from the Millhein horse sale last week, the two horses which he bought broke loose from him at Pleasant Gap toll gate, After runniog some distance they were stopped by some gentlemen until Mr, ' Grove came up and canght the excited animals by a rope balter, when the ! animals frightened and started at break. neck speed druggiog him over the frozen * ground for some forty rods when be man. aged to extricate himself and the horses ran clear over the mountain and were caught st Centre Hall. That ke was not killed outright is a wonder. A new band of twenty four pleces has been organized in Philipsburg. | Philipsburg Journal says: "It is stat. | ed that Hon. P, E. Womelsdorff, of this | city, will announce himself as a candi. | date, on the Republican ticket for the Legislature, John Rishel, farmer two miles east of Bellefonte, will petition for a free rural delivery route from Bellefonte, to cover | his section and accommodate some sixty families. There will any barely be objection, Logan Grange, of Pleasant Gap, will hold their thirteenth anniversary, Feb. | 13, at 2 p Prof, Surface, of State College, Hon. Leonard Rhone, of Centre Hall, and others will deliver addresses. The public is cordially invited. m. ““Al- len Rumberger left this morning on a several day's trip to Patton, to take the place of his brother, The Philipsburg Journal says: Ibert, who is suf. fering with tonsilitis, Ibert is employ ed with the Denling Bros. Oil Co., at Pat- ton.” They are former Bellefonte boys. sold his farm in Gregg twp , last week, to Henry Mowery, of James |]. Gramley Aaronsburg, at an advance of $1300 that he paid Mr. Smith for the property last fall. Mr. Gramley has since pur chased the Wm. Bickle farm of 125 acres and also 2g acres of timberland adj of buted over f500 towards making up the ining. Citizens Philipsburg have contri- loss sustained by Samuel Hess in the burning of his barn and contents on Wed nesday of last week r. Hess is a most his *ir sympathy by their worthy ci section and neighbors home pear L~mos afternoon, 28 ‘a at 3 o'clock of heart trouble, aged 72 7 years. The deceased the belonged to one of oid pioneer families of the county. Sarviviog are her four brothers same. | iy Alexander, Alioona ; John, Spruce Creek; Wm. and James at home, Mrs H. BATHSHEBA BROWN her bome morning, i=died at Thursday i*eceased in Canton, Ohio, Jan, 28 was years of age, and was the widow of Co Ww. Ww of Bel who died 21 years ago in Kansas Brown, formerly efonte, Col Brown was the founder of the Bellefonte Republican, to which his wife contributed many articles and poems Interment im Westlawn cemetery at Canton Mz the home BRECHT Beg REBECCA Join P 101, her Mrs Lock Haven, of of the widow ate died at P. BR. } heart fai 0 daughter nz gerald in ure, She 18 survived by Her {i leath had been hourly 18 . Mrs in Rebershurg aged 74 years two daughters ness dates from last Saturday and her « expecte Bechtol was born Centre county, but has been a resident of Lock Haven PAST 37 years W. B. Wa Wagner, d Mrs W. B chias, wife of Rev ied at her home in Ma New York, on 15h inst, death being due to falty degeneration of the heart Her age Mrs. Wagner, was Jennie Shirk, Shirk, besides her husband, who 1s a Methodist NER was about sixty two years before marriage daughter of Joseph deceased, of Potter township, and minister, four children, all married, and the following brothers and sisters sur Harry C. Shirk, Boalsburg ; Wm B. Shirk, AtlanticCity, N. J: Mrs. B. D Brisbin, Centre Hall ; Mrs. Linnie Ruble, Cleveland, Ohio. vive ALBERT Hoy (died Wednesday even ing, 27, at his bome in" State College after an illness of several months from beart and kideey trouble. Deceased was born in Spring township and was aged 72 years and 6 months, For many years be farmed in Perguson township but about ten years ago located at State College. He has been a justice of the Peace for several years, was Master of Washington Grange and a prominest member of the Reformed church, He is survived by his wife and eight children. He also leaves two brothers, John, of | Hublersbarg, and Joseph of State Col. | Also a sister, Mrs, Adam Yearick | lege. of Lamar. Interment in Pine Hall ceme. | tery, Saturday. Some Foolish People Allow a congh te run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine, They often say * Oh, it will wearaway.,” but In most oases it will wear them away. Could they be induced to try th shocoasful medicine called Kemp's Balsam whieh Is sold on a positive guarantees to cure they would immediately see the sxoellent of foot after taking the first dose. Price Me and (00, Trial size FREE. At all druggists. #4 of «The article "Russia vs Japan’ will be found on 3rd page of this issue, LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Philip Young, et ux to ¥. P ot, 23, 1894; land in Haines twp, $100 El Dorado Manley, ii al to James R Hooten, April 13, 1903 lot in Philipsburg. $850. D. C. Grove, et ux, etal to J. H..Bress ler, Jan, 2, 1904; land in Benner $137 50 Jerome Spigelmyer, et ux to Rebecca Leitzell, Aug 6, 1903: lot in Millheim fi00. David 1. Spitler, et ux Sharpless, Nov, twp. $325 8S. K. watson to Harris Poorman, Dec 19, 103; lot in Boggs twp. $1. Thomas G. McCausland to John Kelly, Dec. 22, 1902; lot in South f0 R. C. Combes’ Exrs. to Wm. C. Heinle, Jan. 18, 1904; 2 tracts in Boggs twp. $542 25 Theodore Vall to Annie Rose Walker, Jan 19, 189g; 15 tracts in Centre county 5 Rensselaer Sims to Annie er, Jan, 23, county, $1. Rensselaer Sims to Annie Rose Walker, Nov, i Snow Shoe, $150 John W. Gray to John | 1903; land in Half Moon, $6000. H. A Mark to David W. Holt, Dec. g 1903; lot in Philipsburg. $3000. Wm. Hayes, et al to James Passmore, Jan, 16 jot in Rush twp. $1400 >. 1904, John Seibert, et ux to D. A. Hotchkiss, Taylor twp Ox to Rose 18gg; 15 tracts Walk Centre 3 + 15Gg, 250 acres in Gray, Dec May 26h, 1903; land in $4000 Fannie EB Gray, et al to Thos. Tobin Oct. 6 51 ot in Half Moon. $150 Thos. July ANNOUNCEMENTS: TY the! Democratic Volers Al the coming Democratic Primary Election to be held In Ces unty. Iw date for the n or Froth I hereby respect! y solicit ye ARTHUR f Oendre County | treo be a cand) § tary. and mination vies . #. KIMPORT APMINISTRATI K&" NOTICEH Letters of a Pax r F. Reader PUBLICSALE REGISTER ements under this heading will Farties Mee reoeive 1 of sale for 50 cents. me r bills printed at this Jahn E. BK ive stock and farm yar mj Miles cme ni At Beliefonte | p ected with the ¥ k such As Tomaray, Mancu Onthe B.C. Fye farm 2 miles west of state College, ©, A. Johnson will sell 6 horses, Sea'tie, 15 hogs and farm Muplements. Wm, Goheen auet FRIDAY, MARCH 4:«Mrs, Annie E Lee will sell live stock and & full line of farming im plements and household gods, | mile west ofl Zion Sale at Yocloek., A.C. MeUlintick auct WRONESDAY Manon In Clintondale. Amos Ooerdor! will sell | horse, 2 cows, wagons im plements and household goods Wednesday . Manon 1g miles sast of Fill more, Chas Taylor will sell 2 hareas § milch cows, li head young cattle, 2 bulls, brood sow, farm implecen's and household furniture Sale | o'clock sharp. Wm. vyoheen auel, THURSDAY, Mancn | KE. H, Marshall, near Flilmore will sell § horses, 10 cows 10 young cattle, 8 brood sows and farm implements and all household furniture. Wm, Goheen auet, FRIDAY, Manon 11:«On the Adam Yeariek farm ig mile south of Walker, Pa. James J, Gramiey will sell 2 males, § horses, | cows, 6 young eattie, 5 sheep, 101 of hogs, good farm implements: A. CU. MeClintio, ane MONDAY, March 14Jacob 8, marter, 1 mile north of Wolls Store, will sell live stock and farm implements, MONDAY, Manon 14 will sell 6 horses implements, ete, 16 horn eatiie 17 hogs Tarn Hale al 10a wm, MoXDAY, Manon 14:1 mile north of Wolls Store. Jacob 8. Harter will sell & Jar e Jot of eholoe live stock and a full line of farming implements, SATURDAY, Manon 12:1 mile southwest of Roopsvurg., J. J. Garbriek will sell | horse, cow, wagons, implements, ste, Wm. A shier, auct, Sale il p,m. Pouuar Ney Sn ti i Rh Tl cn» TUAHAL MAN M-Sat miles Fb piso Sh Barker, twp. | Robison | 12, 1903, land in Rush Philipsburg. | J. B Roper, Spring twp, | 1 { mile west of Markle will sell 8 horees, ne farm implements, MeClhintie auet, WEDNEEDAY, MancH Hublersburg, W H 12 head cattie full 1 Bale at Vo clock A WEDNESDAY Mauch live stoek, imp.ements, ele ear Hublersburg., Wm, H, Markl THURKDAY Heber 4 good ho {yearling farm my H.H.M FHoRsDAY, M Mi Eagle, ») 35 sheep, 6 un sow, farm BATURDAY dence of west of Mancs Janes of Jacke spring wagon harness chairs one Estey orga bedding house MeClintie, a MONDAY Hall, Robert Aheifers and ful am a“ W Toesnay on the M m. fa Thursday, March 10: ISAAC PENNY A WORD ADV. frome jai 131s | rd for than 5 words LHY Ww each isaye MOXEY A.B MM MONEY 1 security MARKET QUOTATIONS Bellefonte The following pric day morning The tollowing prices Oo. for prodoce Kegs, por dozen Lard, per pound Tallow. per pound Butter, per pound Bide, per pound a Shoulder per pound bas Potatees, per bushel Bellefonte Gram, The following prices are paid by © NER for grain Wheat, old Froduee, s prevailed Thurs. are pald by SpcELE: & Y. Wae Dorn shelind...... Corn asw - av— - Coburn Markets. rRonUce GRATIS — FC IW heat... « Hie “dowiorm w 140 "IDI IS 190 * IDIRYE.nrn 10a * IbjBariey..... Se * Ib wssssnn HG Ji Lock Haven Curb Market. Prices at the carb market Lock Haven, yesterday morning : Butter, per pound 25 to 28¢; eggs, per dozen 35c; potatoes, per pk 20 to chickens, per pair 50 to Bo; beets, s per bead § to po fo 300; op WR 20¢; squashes, sc; turnips, Sued 20g 3 Sameage Det I. 19 20C | Sausage per per pound 10 to 12¢ ; com, per Shonlder Hueom 3 tim «53