Pack 8 ———————— — BP. IRVIN, L. Q, IRVIN. THE RACKET We have a special value in fine Torchon Lace at 5 cents a yard. You can always buy lace at 5 cents but not like this. Also a bargain in Hamburg Edging and Insertions at 12 cents. Our line of Lacesand Insertions is very complete and are noted for wearing qualities and We sell for cash. We don’t do business any other beauty of design. way ;: we can't afford to. Neither can you. RACKET STORE CO. Correspondents Department Continued from page 7. Colyer. Howard Shadow and mother spent a day at Milroy where they were the guests of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Treaster, Claud Wert and lady friend, Miss Bell Fleisher, were returning home from church one evening last week, they had the misfortune of having an upset, but no one injured. Miss Carrie Bodtorf left on Thursday for Yeagertown where she will spend severnl weeks with her brother, Charley, at that place. A number of the members of the I. O. 0. F., of this place, on last Saturday evening went to Boalsburg to attend a meeting of the same and on returning home the snow being drifted and it being stormy they had quite a difficalt time in reaching home, at different places were obliged to make path for the horses and lift the sled. Jacob the next time get out then yon will not need to be lifted out. this place, took a »dsville one day | James Runkle, of load of potatoes to last week. Among the sick are Mrs and Myra Horner, | some, Ree | Henry Moyer ut are improving » of the Highvalley | scribe did not see | any time, are you scared abou * col 1id you freeze? Br of Miirc me with his friend, Samue wn, is spending sume 1 Wm. Reiber, Chas. Housman, of Penn Hall, spent a | day with his bro i oT, Samuel, last week Ferguson Twp Samuel Felty, of Altoona, has been shakiocg band t eighbors, W. A. Tanyer fell on the ic ceived ipjuries which him house for a few days On account Miiler bas resigued Oak Grove school. J finishing the term ~ and re. kept in the Bell the | is health Miss as teacher of I. Duslap of ill John Everh farm the Jobn Gates will id and at A. 8 attended the home of F. people held bie by Rev. Campbell e have been well much good is being done, ral Mrs. Ellen Harsh. Port Matilda was beid at urg on Tuesday afternoon of last wee D was a daughter of the late Samue Harpster, at Graysvy and ol ceased Gatesburg. This has heen the coldest tis part, and were ont winter we ever dry as most of the far water until we got the welcome rain last week. There be many changes made in mmunity na oO! wi to have sale are sorry he 18 going to quit, for he good neighbor Henry Bloom is mu back to his father's farm { R Lemon, is goivg to start farmiog on | the Grazier farm, they say; we wish | him success Levi Garber going to farm the |] Krider farm Our cash | grocer, 8 E. Dearmit, has bought out Levi Garber and is going to run a bust ling business Dirayer is going we is a ving Jar Supt. | » 1% = J.B. Hastings and family got vaccinated and are baving a serious time of it. Oar farmer, O. M. Sheets, is wishing for warm wealher to finish busking corn. Mr. Confer is leaving the J. Rider farm and Henry Kvle is moving on the farm, : Houserville. The meeting in the the U. B. church is still in progress, Rev. Miller is assisting the pastor, Rev. May Whitehead in con. ducting the services. Mrs. Elmer Clarke spent several days at the home of J. O. Clarke. Miss Marion Taylor, of Buffalo Run, is sojourning in town at present. Luther Dale and family, accompanied by Mrs. Reuben Houser and son Harry, of Pleasant Gap, spent a day in town last week. G. W. Scholl transacted business at the county seat on Monday. | Yarnell. Messrs, Sidoey and John Walters Arthar Confer, Misses Ella Confer and Tessie Sliker, Sundayed at grandfather Confer's. Miss Mary Croft returned home Mon day. Homer Fetzer has returned rom Port Matilda where he was employed. Martin Fetzer spent Sunday at home, Mrs. Chas. Klinger returned home frem a visit with her father at Boalsburg, Potter Twp, LOOPY. Some people were wondering what became of the old Loop scribe, He must have goae to Fruittown and the Fruittown scribe put him out of the busi. pess. Any one finding him dead or alive, please notify me and receive a re- ward. There is some moving in this commun- ity: Alvin Klinefelter moved on the G, R. Miess farm, and James K. Norris from the Miess farm on Zion Hill, Miss Sadie Lee is speading some time visiting with her brother, Jacob Lee, at Milton, Pa. Mrs. Wm, Cummings spent a few days at the home of her parents, John Fraizer, at Linden Hall. The revival held by Rev, Bierly of the Ev. association has closed. Amoug the sick are: John R. Lee, Mira, daughter of Rev. A. |. Horner, and infant son of Franklin Lingle. G. R. Miess is still in the butchering business. He kills a great many hogs and takes them to Lewistown, He has in his employ Jacob Royer for head butcher and J. J. Weayer for assistant, Lawrence Runkle and bride were visi. tors at the home of Mrs. Sallie Horner, on Sunday. The Democratic caucus, at Centre Hill, was not so well attended on Satur- day on account of the bad roads. Some of the defeated candidates wore long faces coming home. We hae some people here that never go tova caucus unless they are after an office. Yoters, think over it ; mark them, Miss Ida Miller is on the sick list. (ROCK GROVE) Miss May Kritzer, who has been ill for a few weeks is convalescing. Hello, Fruittown scribe, been fishing ? ves? Next time I will call on you to carry the fish, if it don’t rain, snow or is fair, Geo. Ishler and daughter Effie, of Tus. seyville, made a call in our town on Tuesday. E. J. Housman is spending a weeks with Mrs. Annie Kritzer, Mrs. Geo. Bittner spent Sunday with Samuel Slack’s. few | | his acceptance or hers i caller at Geo will have David, Bower's on Wednesday. That the young fellow from Potters Millis, who made those frequent calls in times past mast have Edward Brown is Mr. on the sick li McCoy, of Potters Mills, Bitner's one day ls TRAVELER'S GAP, Lots of visitors in our town on Sunday. Rev. W. C. Beirly had his regular preaching services, again in the new church at Pocabhantus, On Monday morning L. P. Smith took charge of his cooper shop again, I wonder what became of the Sober scribe that he don’t bring out his weekly questions to have them worked out for him, It wondered me this good while why brother Highvalley scribe is not prompt any more in his record, but I'm aware of it vow, he had a very serious accident while going up Jabob's ladder a few weeks ago; when he attempted to crawl up the ladder, east of Coburn, the ladder broke and down came Highvalley; of course it was broken and he was com and that scared him, since he is unable to scribe, his companion was rescued west of Coburn under some borse blankets, High water and ice on Penns creek, caused Route No. 2 to be blocked; driver had to go back, Mrs. Jacob Breon, from Pine Creek, was visiting at Ben, Breon’s last week. W. W. Jamison went to democratic cancus on Saturday and did not return until Sunday at 8 o'clock; be said it was a job to elect the officers. Miss Lettie Breon was quilting at W, G. Auman's last week, Mrs Zerby, wife of Andrew Zerby, moved from W. GG. Auman’'s to Ben. Breon's. H. A. Gentzel returned from Run where he was working. Sober scribe, where were yon drowned. High valley scribe, we are finding the secret of the Wabash railroads, which is to go to High valley to bring down the news and also take scribe up salt river, and bring him back again; it's to be a double track one to go up and the other to come down. (HOY'S SCHOOL DISTRICT Bru Messrs fy th Miss Susie Bodgan visited at William either exhausted Wm. Hettinge a8 who at On the 19th day of February the school a al large gues and ited. day of dialk | are cordially inv speeches ; Romola. Touer R. Robb has just returned home from a week's visit with his brother, at Pittsburg. J. H. Bechdel lost'a valuable horse last | Week, Robert Feringer livg a few days with his mother, Mrs Eliza Fering- er, of this place. Clyde and Clarence depaited on Mon- day for the woods where they expect to remain for some time D Confer savs he would give $5 to ny one telling him who took his syrup pie is spend R bovs e from him. Look out Buntie Clyde says be has an idea of learning the blacksmith trade with Wm. Wensel John Confer and business tri ip to Be David Sayers made a efoute on Monday. Joseph Loder, of Howard, spent San day with his hest girl For bargains go to E treats you right and fame B. Robb's he his prices are the Centre Hall. | Water was short last week, interfering | somewhat with machine power, Keep pushing for the success of preity town. The ‘pushers’ of years | ago did much towards the business | growth of our village ; havn't we got the material of same solid staff to continue their good work ? our | Frank E Arney, while assisting in the moulding room of the Luse Mauufactaur- | ing company’s establishment at Centre | Hall, wasseverely burned recently about one of hig eyes by melted metal He was in the act of opering the outlet of | | the cupola to draw metal for casting par. poses, when for some unknown reason the melted metal spurted fa all directions, a portion of which struck him in the eye Fillmore. Sales are all next spring L. H. Musser is going to leave us in the spring and move to Bellefonte. you can hear about for Say, boys, the next time you go sled riding you mast take pity for the girls and don't upset, If there was a pool room in our town there would be all the gambling sets there is out. F D. Young says he never felt as he did when the boys all clapped ibeir hands. There wiil be preaching at the M. E. church, Saturday evening, Jan. joth. H. C. Huey'’s family is on the sick list. Many people were scarce of water, but surely all the cisterns are full now, It is rather strange that grandmother didn’t take a chill after the roast she got. A mistake occurred in our last week's items—-instead of 8. K. Wisser it is L. H. Musser that is going to move to Belle. fonte, We did not get any mall on last Fri day owing to the bad roads. Perrie Wallislagle feels quite sporty siuce he got 4 pair of glasses, Blanchard. The sons of the old soldiers of this place are making an effort to organize a Sons of Veteran post. This is a good move and should have the support of the entire community. Bert Robb of this place, had an arm broke In two places last week, while at work In the woods, 16 Is hoped that he may get along nioely and recover soon, We are sorry to say that there ware more | scribe is] | him and did him ap Thos. Malone spent a couple days in Bellefonte last week. candidates out for oMee last Saturday evening han could be nominated, ‘ g Was ast Sunday evening VALLEY ) We had a soft spell which caused a snow of melt and the Peans creck was washed into the road between Beaver dam and Coburn, which made traveling imposible, (GEORGES here last about a foot to week ice on Ezra Harter has got some corn to husk yet, Jeremiah Zettle, who is trapping be. low Wolf Store, spent Sunday with his | family. Geo. Rishel bought horses at t horse sale on The Cain farm was soid to Mr. Walker for $1400. Frank Herman and fam recently sick with sma place Altoona MT. UNION two fine black Tuesday he wm Saturday for Hello! here I am but where is that West Brushvalley scribe? They say he bas returned from Starvation Hollow and is very weak yet Big meeting at the St full blast Paul is in There are some people in this sect they talk more than the truth where the North Gregg I believe those wild cats caught on [ wonder Isreal Rachau was on the sick list, C. BR. Duck was in Green Gap again on Sunday night, Belleview. IULIAN FP A new scribe (8) Hello! Another fine show on Tuesday, Mrs. Phulip Straw is on the sick but is improving list Misses Olive and Edna Straw have re turned to school after a short illness of about a week, Joseph Swisher 1s on the sick list James Perkins, wife and little son, Mack, and the former's mother, visited relatives in this vicimity. Sylvester Williams is all smiles since a little baby girl came to his place. The protracied meeting which is be- ing conducted by Rey. Durkey, is well attended Martin Fleck and wife visited rela- lives at Belllefonte and Pleasant Gap. James Turner gone on the mountain road and returned home. Miss Nora Williams is visiting rela- tives in Ohlo. Miss Elizabeth Turner is staying with her grandmother, who has been on the rick list the past week, James Davis, of Altoona, spent Sunday with his parents here, Grant M. Harbridge is on the sick list. Mrs. John Gregg is slowly Improving. Mrs. Howard Turner spent Sunday in Unionville. Marsell Kelley, of Bellefonte, spent Sunday with Bernice Irvin here. Look out for another wedding on Cab. bage street, The next new sign will be Walter G. Tallbhelm, Justice of the Peace. Some Foolish People Allow a cough te run until it gots beyond the reach of medicine, They often say “Oh, It will wearaway,” but In most cases It will wear them away. Could they be induced to try th sucoessful medicine called Kemp's Balsam whieh Is sold on a positive guarantes to cure, they would immedistely see the excellent ef foot after taking the first dose. Price Se and (00. Trial size FREER. At all druggists. & of pelled to crawl up on hands and feet, | { have a man that will copstruct a proper | twenty thousand { with some of the council it appears that they { do not know anjithing about { tion Slate | and Martin Fleck, started to Philipsburg, but before they | bad gone far were toid the sledding was | Millheim. Michael Hess, of Fiedler, had business in town Saturday ' Noah Cronmiller and B. ¥. Burd, of Aarons burg, were in town Saturday. L. J. Noll returned from his trip to Dewart Saturday. F. A. Yeariek one of Madisonburg's business men, was in town last week, Juecob Newdig, of Woodward, was In town Saturday looking the pleture of health, Mrs. Henry Breon, after visiting her son Ed, at Osceola and friends at Altoona, returned home, Geo, Zerby moved from north street to the Emanuel Evert property In Penn township. J. C.8mith with his fumily Gossip has it that a wedding 18 to take place suit, The fellow who was under the impression that he was In conversation with the bank president sald he was greatly disappointed to find out that it was only the spittoon cleaner, The Water company council pret -nds to plant and furnish a full, sufficient and sbundant sup- ply of water for the months at an estimated cost of from fifteen to but borough within eighteen dollars; upon Inquiry the financial standing and In fact never saw the man which shows It to be another scheme by the grafters to deceive the people and it is perfectly redicu lous to think that a wan whose assessed val of real and property amounts to $2.40 would attempt plant at the cost mentioned 1a personal only to putin a and under the proposed contract and Its conditions and is simply another deception, Mm, F friends Friday evening. A. O. Denlinger of Hughesville, is visiting {| relatives ana friends here last | week ? did you have to leap or are you | Brush Valley. The roads through here are in a bad shape. Mrs. Ertel is not improving. The Geo, protracted meeting is progressing. Shook, one of Penn Hall's most accomplished young men, spent Satur. day eve in S.ack Hawk PF. P. Duck spent several counly scat ast week. days at the in this OXes On AC A number of our folks had to move their mal section ouput be ha $ on account of his tri] He pair of ' I'd advise few weeks ago a sorm a ott woul making Miss Celesta Beck i Rachau A. Yearick shipplog iumber, working lor S the lumberman, is busy Agnew Limbert is selling saw dust for the Sugar valley saw mill, Go and see his samples Runville. Miss Lulu Rockview for her home at this Mrs. Eo visited rela last week. i Bottorf, wife and child, is vigitiog reiatives here.y who , has Lacas has been some pace time returned « YTS weline Hugg, of Philips ives at this place a few days Edwar tsburg, or of P Claud Lucas, of Batts station, was seen on our streets last Friday evening Mis. Hanah Kanes and Mrs. Mary Poorman, who have been on the sick list, are much better a! this writing Mrs. Mary Smith, of Milesburg, visit ed her sister, Mrs H. A. Witherite, Mon. day and Tuesday of this week. Wm. Reasver and wife, of Bellefonte, visited friends at this place last Moaday John Stewart, of friends over Sunday Mrs. Frank Wetzler, of Milesburg, spent one day last week at this place Munson, visited A protracted meeting is being beld in the U. B. church at this place. All are invited to attend and beip along in the good work Joe Alexander, who is employed at Pittsburg, spent a few days at his home at this place HOW HYOMEI HELPS THE HEALTH. Kills the Germs of Grip, Catarrh and Co ds, “Cost Nothing if it Fails.” of state Collewe, spent Sunday | 0. Hosterman entertained her lady | HerbTea | among the living yet. Now that Hyomei can be obtained in | nearly every town and city in the coun. t.y, it is possible to buy from druggists a | health giving climate, to be carried in the | purse or pocket | few minutes four times a day you can By breathing in it a soon cure grip, coughs, colds and even the worst and most chronic cases catarrh S. Krumrine has seen so many re of | markable cures made by the Hyomei | treatment, that he can sell it with the positive agreement to return the money | of it fails to cure, A complete outfit costs but fi, consists of the pocket inhaler, medicine dropper and safficient Hyomel to last several weeks, It effects a cure in the worst catarrhal and | ! troubles and if breathed at the com. | mencement of a cold or the grip, will check it quickly and prevent sickness. Extra bottles of Hyomei can be obtained for soc. When breathed through the inhaler, the germ killing and health giving Hyo- mel goes to the most remote cells of the throat and Jungs, killing all the catar- thal germs, soothing the irritated mucous membrane and vitalizing the blood with ozone, At this season of the year, every one should have a Hyomel outfit to prevent and cure catarrhal troubles, and ward off attacks of grip, pneumonia and simi. lar germ diseases, x4 Ex Judge Gordon and Harry Boulton, of Houtzdale, have formed a law part. nership, with their office in Clearfield. The supply is always greater than the demand where advice is concerned, | address by P, L. M. Kerstetter a short time ago kill. ed a large catamount, The animal was captured on Brush mountain by means of a trap. Jacob Stamm, a prominent citizen of Loganton, is reported to be seriously ill. The officers of camp 318, P.O. 8. of A. at Tylersville were installed Saturday evening. The program of exercises in. cluded an address of welcome by G, K. Miller, slogging by the Misses Maud and Celesta Weaver, address by O A. Caris, singing by Miss Pearl Schreckengast P. Grennioger, recita- tion by Miss Effie Fantz, Miss Maud Weaver, Master Bright Mechtly, address | by President Shaffer and John Ritch fe. { shortly w be followed by a breach of promise | Zion. Chas. says if he can’t cut notice around | Howard Best end lady friend, oyfler supper on Saturday evening On Sunday evenivg a young gentleman called at the howe of our supe:visor, we supposed that he came to inform him of the bad roads, he did pot get home until morning. It is rumored that bought the 8. F Henry Gerbrick Dorman bome in Zion, Womanly Health, Strength and Beauty trengt! an depend entirely kK her best AY 8 metits ine ' of ber ft fr { ¢ lexiot AUNT DINAH'S OLD VIRGINIA | the girls be will cut eyes out of pumpkias, | Miss | Detrich, from Hublersburg, attended the | Makes Strong and Beautiful Women. | | prop business. 1" LT wire Fhe HAMLINS COUGH BALSAM HAMLINS BLOO Act Gentiv and ¥ y for | 2 | young men missed { they went in Unionville. Arthur Hall, after spending several mouths visiting friends in the east left for his home at Donebrook, North Da- kota, on Tuesday. Mr, Pergrin, wife and son, of Columbus O., his mother, Mrs. Rothers, of Sherl- danville, Pa., and Miss Aona Yothers of Julian, Sundayed at the home of Wm. B. Turner. Fisie Bing found a number of Demo cratic Watchmans dated 18656 which were stored in an old trunk by his father, the late John Bing, and now he puts in a good portion of his time pera. ing them and says they furnish spiey reading. Mrs. A. J. St, Clair is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Bullick, at Punxsa- tawney and in her absence Dan. Wil. llams, a veteran of Venison Regiment, has taken charge of the culinary and sanitary affairs of the house, Mrs, Ed. Wrye, of Loveville, with ber little daughter, Blanch, is visiting her mother, Mrs, Cora Krebs, across the creek. Mrs. Mollie Holt entertained the needle and thimble brigade on Tuesday. I think she called 1t a quilting party. William Sensor, of Tyrone, brought the body of his infant child to this place on Sunday morning, and it was buried in the upper cemetery in the afternoon. One of the most delightful social enter- tainments of the season was given by Mrs. P. |. McDonnell on last Friday evening at ber home on Walnut street. The game of flinch being supplemented with ice cream, cake, coffee, etc., to- gether with cart loads of fun. 'Twas a happy crowd of married ladies. Robert Flick purchased the Johm Harpster farm in Union township at sheriff's sale on Monday, for $557.00. Penn Hall. Mt. Union scribe is not dead, he is Hull Hering is busily engaged in the The other Sunday evening two certain i to get from the sled when they passed their house and then is it at ware how ent 8 alr wJ ton ? sew ion ' Porto Rico Coffee D& LIVER PILLS | ved a new of Port Rico Coffee. [it 50 per oh I the Sechler & Co. ras, al WEEK BEF( IR NN NNN EA AN A A A A A AN SN NSA A A A A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ed — PAPAIN ANANSI NIN NANNING NANA back an order in every instance. satisfactory. SARA 386. and 0G. a Yard. LAST WE Our New Spring Importation Of GInghams Every day the mails brought us letters and postals re- questing samples of these Ginghams A AARARRAA AANA NNN NA NT rr ved a new line it all new de- WANNA NINN NINN NN INNING NING INN INN the other. yds, for they are ADVERTISED NN INNING INN The result was this —there was not one letter sent out but what brought us It pays you if you can’t come in person to send for samples, and it pays us also Our Mail Order Department has grown to be quite a feature in our business. We know of people who cannot come to our store in person who have already sent us an open order, goods we think you would like and we try to please you We only pick out Remember, always your money back if goods are not | Katz &Go..alletonis §