Paor 6. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTEMPA., JANUARY 28, 1004; "} ¢ MANTEL ADORNMENT., Original and Artistic Scheme Easily Carried Into Effect, Ipiece adornment more less a difficult matter, and since one is apt to get a little tired nowadays of the ordinary the following suggestions for may be of use, us they are original and art The the with art canvas, w 1 tacked on r from rod, shaken Mantel Is always or a change distinctly sketel wall can About Home Tones, “Yo u “ht 4 home, tl} ily as manner who oper furnishis an day domi I woni compass u own work of an errand t voleed, apart: adverti my w mid the hb tan with person about of ! mn rss oll utes, mas particle astonixl Ww hoy sorbed by the h pee It disappear almost ns it is applied, If tl patiently intelligently and for fifteen minutes at a time the hands will begin to plump out and the skin to pretty again The hands should not washed aft erward, for the oll will sink In if well massaged nnd ns fast amazing is Is done and he be surely Floor Wax, To make wax for a floor shave a pound of beeswax very mix It In a gallon of turpentine aml the whole stand overnight. The wax wil) thus become thoroughly Incorporated with the turpentine. Apply it when if 18 a smooth, even mixture to the floor and polish the Soor afterward with a heavy rough cloth or a waxing brush which comes for the purpose. Success in the work depends upon the thorough polishing done after the preparation of wax Is applied. nant ———— A —— thin, let overmantel | I moni ] draped | De « ther | | Ing sudd TRY IT ANYWAY. If the Plan Does Not Succeed, You Are Not beautiful by the pentant, upon Then to Blame, that gly sapient wile 1 her half still belliger here had been A nn on re husband one n time il tify, m had burst In upon the dor and lghtni inom bot! whi | tures | wel | ears ANSWY and w | ting his rea Dear upon th {| ed with te most or, | slight fro: { In | “A soft answ and try ron -t your heart and yet the » gra Ne To Serve Peas, OTYVe We tos Mri ped as an on 4 out with a cooky of bread from cutter n ordinary sized Men Love the Neat Woman, Fine Laundry I whic! are ean Tce rown on ti sources and having no special talent knowledge of the ir starching, lace cleaning and they started In with some handkerchiefs, collars and cuffs sent by a few Interested friends. At the end of a few months they were overtaxed with orders and able to employ a couple of assistants and a delivery boy. In addition to fine underwear, they also admitted bables' clothes until now thelr exclusive estab. Hshment Is known best as the “bables’ laundry.” beyond a thoros art of cle fine fine and IRN ironing, dollies Soap Jelly, To make soap jelly gather together all the bits of soap from the wash. stands and dry them. Put them In a plece of muslin and ponnd them to powder, Put on the stove with enough water to cover them and add one ta. blespoonful of olive ofl to one cup of powdered soap. Heat all together. Pour Into a wide mouthed jar to cool into Jelly. If the jelly becomes too Ir reheat It and add a Httle more olive oll. Keep a Jar of this soap jelly on the washstand and use oc caslonally when you want a good lather for hands, arms or neck, Loe 4 Epi w =F TH 7 2) F RS | No, 410, -Geographienl Queries, Whitt ipe in South America 1s tll. ~Terminntions, v ni tly guessed, 3. Found i112. ~Geographlieal Acrostie, Yorkshire ne In No between Nor the north of y Wa o only it they wi No, 418. «Anagram, A pleasant season. 417 ~A Literary Passle, IS~Triangles In Quadrangle C ; BE 9 Q QO 3 No, 41h tC urtallmenis, Curtall a shelter and ve she Curtall part of n to wedge In Curtail to dwel to order, Curtall to repel and have a marsh ter chimney and have I and have Marked Down, Madge Nelile says she is four. Marjorie—~Yes; twenty-four marked flown from thirty-nine. Judge twenty Key to the Pursler, No. 403.-8yncopations: 1. Ruble. 3. Wield, 4. Resin. No. 404. ~1Nustrated Primal Acrostic: Clover. 1. Cotton, 2. Ledger. 4, Vallse. 5, Ermine. 6. Rabbit, No, 405. Additions: Mill, Wall, Walton. Boss, Boston, Croton, No. 406, -Arithmograph: ehlld dreads the fire, No. i.~Anagram miles. Daniel, nailed mal. No. 408. Terminations: 1. Traet. 2 Fact. 3. Enact. 4 Pact. 5. Tact. 6 Impact 7. Contract. RB Exact. © Refract. 10, Detract. 11, Retract. No. 409.-Crossword Enigma: Enlg ma. Crow, Verse: Limes, Claimed, deci 2 | Milton. | A burnt | 3. Orange : | Can Youn Write an Note Well? A young girl can quisite accomplishment than the abil Ity to write a thoroughly graceful note Much of our social Intercourse is car ried this know to and to the and herself in sending an invita tion or w accepts or decli one herself Not long ago | heard a lady of mid Ange herself for not having written a note of ackno edgment on in way, one how Xpress clearly nes wl y 8 Or no, Write + are in trou n some good en them Margaret r's Young People. notes The n't the one that antomobile that is tirele there gets Mince Meat Sechler & Co. ] - - eed + Green's Pharmacy. y Bush Hi Block BELLEFONTE PPA 6600000600000 000000 000 Special Sale STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! READ!) Mime 0000000000000 C0OLOO000OOCEOTORODEDOPLTPRPIPONOIGGDEOIOOS POPP OP0000CPOOOPOPOIGVOOOORIDHITOTRDPRNRITOPOOOCOROPODOOO Riciidntdi tiseditiaiaditititss Sleighs and Sleds have no more ex- | FROM $12.00 to $60.60. One Good Range and lot of pipe, with extra shelf that cost $4.50 and wa- ter back cost $4.00, in good condition, for $12.50. We are agents for the cele- ted inns Buggy Co. work; also for the Milburn Wagon Co., the best heavy wagon on earth. Blick Swing & har Mig COMPANY, FACTORY: MILESBURC, PA i i | should | LLLLLALCLEAAARAA ALA AALY ELAR LIARS AALLAAAALAAA ALAR AARAARAAAAAAAAARRA CARES LAALARAARRRRRREEEELL] TTTYITIIRYY " m ' mm na Putting Money is spending money ' ‘ aav gett Wbhikbddbbidiitiidii good antag H TITTY, gt Stove Woo didbbiddibbidtiisiiidibbittiiditg LS ibbiididiasd McCALMONT & CO, Into Good Fuel Bellefonte, Pa. Ahbhbibbd hbbibhbbbbbbidbbldb bb bbbibbbbt bbb bbidi Shbbidibhedbbbibidiibbibbibbiitibbbibbbiiabitbidi iat thitinddtist Redbddtibedididisad LAARRERILL “ MINGLE ‘irs First Boys’ Rubber Boots, Wom:n's Strong Calf Shoes, quality Buckle Arctics (GANS, piano cased [AL B lightly u Re TL mber vou wi i the BARGAINS we All tandard makes “Wheeler "') Wi leon,” “Ih and others, at spec ially low pr Violing, Gu tars, Banjos, Music and supplies. Call, phone or address SPEC date 3 " MesLc, story—THE IN. "MENTS MUS FOR THEM offering Sew g Machi CR, AS the “White,” “Eldridge” ieee, and terms to suit Mandolins, Strings. Sheet M. C. GEPHART, 29 S. Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa. Teas, Teas, Teas. It you are not altogether pleased with the Tea you are using, try some of our goods and you will get satisfaction. We carry a line of the Lipton Teas, packed by the selebra. ted yachtsman who didn’t lift the cup. Packed in half pound metal iri nite 3 Lkigw and fine goods. Seahlor & Co. When the little folks take colds and coughs, don't neglect them and let them strain the tender membranes of their lungs, Give them Shiloh'’s Consumptio Cure ot It will cure a and It is pleasant to take, Prices, 28¢., 80c., and $1.00. §