THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA.. JANUARY 98, 1904 BAILRBROAD SCHEDULE" HOME LIFE | |p soon BEANCHER In effect on and after Nov, 9 To be happy and complete requires a Trails arrive nd ! J sins at and de 1 om Belle perfect balance of health between hus- as follows vary Hom; Belictoute i %s/ 4 ho | {iE id band and wife. Many a happy home VIA. TTRONE~WEBNTWA RD 1 # iG i {i All Li Wi » 1 f 4 | . a . Leave Bellefonte © 53am. arr 3 . 1M {1 {] AVI HZAL 100 in; nes From pok ¢ 548 has been made miserable by the whims 1 053 mm, at Altoona, Tom 1: AF PHUDWE - AANA — WEEE NLTN - | . . r ' _ - . Spm ¥ | and fancies, the moodiness and ill Leave Bellefonte 1 (5p m: arrive at Tyrone temper of a dyspeptic husband or wife. 20pm; st Altoona s 10pm: at Pittsburg 3 . 3 Wh pm. d s on gainst the reaffirma Dyspepsia and other disease of the Leave Belietonte #4 pm; arrive at Tyrone ana he plato if 1800 and 1900. | stomach and its allied organs of diges- at Altoona at 6 65; at Pittsburg at 16 45 n nld e thi 1 . ‘0 VIA TYRONE ~BASTWARD tine armani 3 Pp - »: | r the hy 1 fo 5 » tion and nutrition can be cured by the y Bellefonte § 53 am, arrive at Tyrons ————— | ry in his 6 ¢ use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Me dical Dis- 1 { at Harr sburg 2 4 p mat Philadel ———————— us _— color, the I'nited States supreme court 1 (LE min ech nt Ol N ¢ . - N » 1 3 ’ i And | i Neb., PRR covery. When the diseased stomach Leave Bellefonte] 05 pm, arrive st Tyrone Legislative. on Monday reaffirmed the decision in wee By is cured. the food eaten is perfectly di- hn Harrisburg ¢ 35 p m “hil. - . —— - he case arter versus the state of n that speceh he referred to the signs 18 cured, the 1ood caten Bp y di riphi 4 pm i \ = | yg wee PP aaativitlate ariel " iv 18 i pelieionte ddd pm, arrive at Ty the exclusion of me-|of corruption in verioan life and sald gested and assimilated, and the body 1s Bclistonted 4 pm a st Tyrome Would Annex Panama. evous from wran : | Ithe cause of it was the commercial — RZ 5 made strong by nutrition, the only pos- VIA Lok } a K HAY STW ARD f : ‘ nie arrive 1 Lock ri Mg ’ . JUTIES 1D CASeS inyoe's : Ee he enn ADpenred, | Ing criminal (rges against members rit that puts a price on everything = sible source of physical stre e ont "when 3 : : i Chronic cases of dyspepsia and stom- cided that [it pay: ; - ach “trouble” which have been pro- nounced incurable have been perfectly and permanently cured by the use of "Golden Medi y.” "] “ Re " with what 1.1 troubie, 4 also const ! i ' Ay . fn oa dre n | 1 y 3 tation b) ferent d Uni that I was alm got down pound to still cor bottle following bk £ s hott 15€ the sy6~ urities, Tt*se{Te®’|TaT:TTeTY::T®S*HT TS“ TTS TAOTTST%0 « FAIRBANKS Gas and Gasoline Engines FROM 1 TO 100 HORSEPOWER PENNA Foreign. ntot Revolt © OB 06 00 08 OF OF oe rite i i i i Sh SS 0 2 ! 1. Sisday Sunday i 5 a. 1 inday y Shredders HmpPing | at Crean i“ ’ irenls Pi seping Car atlached to east Corn Shredders, pi ater, nn Depa I f ¢ i bo und rath Cy wi Rly at 11 wp m., Saws, and t any nd of machinery LNEInes are © 1d west bound from Philadelphia arn Horizon- tal Wii connect College th Penna nis east and west THOMAS Suph EE i ei i al . wsdl The Vertical Engine sells only the | A} NTHRACITE and Rrra 81 DITUMINOU S | ¢ \ Q 0 P 5 OE Write for our Engine So " Catalogue to Also all kinds of Wood, Grain, Hay, Straw and Sand, Superior screenings for lime burning. Builder's and PlasterersSand. 0000 TELEPHONE CALLS: ' : ; ool : h 4 Se e%""9% 9%" %SSSSTS"STB"™TNB™TSLTS Central - « « «. . No. 13m lea ) m rview at New York Jan. 22 | her book n n on Commercial + » ih, <7, “ na | ryan 1 that the so called | Willoug! i . d For Season reorganin the Democratic party | the first tis \ IN uffalo ! $8 I of Chicago took ac would not Ix ong enough to make alert Hillard had ti srincionl role Coal for Sale: SEND US Ass BEEZER S MEAT MARKET, closing of nearly | ————— yo. ALLEGHENY ST. BELLEFONTE. THE FAIRBANKS CO. 236 3rd !Avenue, PITTSBURG, PENNA. $7 We are also dealers in all kinds of Mill Supplies, Scales, Valves, Machine Tools, Pulleys, Shafting, Trucks. Orina nee : ’ {Vl \ awarded | [Louis expos {| f : “That M Bryan Defies Reorganizers. Frances Hodg inclined Ea a a EE ES SE / ’ ¢ 4 / / ¢ / M ¢ 4 ¢ / / M 4 / / / / / H 4 ’ / "i / / / / / / / / 4 / / ’ / 4 / / / 4 # / / ’ / / / ¢ / / ¢ ¢ 4 / | a. | ] and Criminal : 5 y theater in the elty for the rest of | o Ty — the . 4 dinance requires al SIHPE IEEE SE SOME P IEP PI II LOPE PIO PIES SEE bbe A COW a We keep none but the best quality of With the Presidential Boomers At the mines, at Clarence, by the | | BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, SLICED HAN wagon, load or car load. Feed, hay, | Steer, Bull or Home : All kinds of Smoked Meat, Pork Saasage, ete Between the untamed force of public opinion and the uncertain | grain and other produce take m in hide, Calf skin, Dog If you want a nice Juley Steak go to weather vane of party approval the presidential possibilities keep the ¥ | oyohange for coal. kin, or any other kind . pe dis BEEZIR. #tec] ! aut tie sprinkling sys tem, widening of exits and a $25.000 bond ranteeing further Improve ments befor 1g. 1, 1904. A number! of churches at lls were also closed | i easunl onlooker pretty busy. Just now the Republicans who question the { nide or skin. and let by the building inspectors 3 kb . advantage of nominating Roosevelt are ealling attention to Taft as a safe us tan | us tan it with the hair ‘ The Machen Trial, and able man who would get the Hanna following. Signs of Hanna's CHAMBERS & UZZILE, ns hg ht, od rless For Rheumatism The trial of August Machen and oth- strength in the middle west keep cropping to give life to talk of a stam x17 Clarence, Pa. | and mo th oof f r robe, go Co d pede, and in Oblo the fight over Instruction of delegates Is on ru : . id in Chest, ers for « piracy to defraud the post coat « a id - , On r gloves, office department continued at Wash. | It fs still anybody's race for the Democratic nomination, and the reor. : or Buk Brut mek our CotalomMS. Sore Muscles, brought out by the government that mand for the old jssues of 1806 and 1900. The Hearst boom is the only (he undersigned baving been sesiored to bea. Ag aN | inutructions #0 88 0 one that doesn’t openly fear the effect of this stand of the Nebraskan. by simpie means, alter ering for several ears fon, and that dread " Banal ginseng. ad aie It Keeps right on forming clubs and getting labor Indorsements, Jap 2 Comvampion, in ansicns to make knox ™e CRON stree in FUR COMPANY. - The McClellan dark horse, groomed by Tammany, has made its ap io hia fellow qu grers the means of weed ree 116 Mill Streat Rochester. N. V. " those w fe L} oe pearance behind the Cleveland and Parker booms, of charge) a copy of the prescription weed. w The prestige of Benntor Gorman suffered by his fallure to control the * i find & sure cure ov Comanmption Centre County Banking Co. LINIMENT. . 1 throat senatorial caucus in the Maryland legislature promptly, Kaas Brent ant ud! will try Corner High and Spr and Spring Streets, , Those desiring ington, d the interesting fact was ganizers have not got much harmony hope out of Mr. Bryan's deflant de , TO CONSUMPTIVES \ ving prices, and our shipping Loh de Stiff Joints ps ; . J +. . y w Machen made $20,000 a year out of his & also buy office, Bupreme Court Decisions. In the cnse of an Alabama negro named Nogers, who was indicted for murder by a Jury from which negroes had been excluded because of their bis remed IN USE OVER FIFTY YEARS. amass ssasasass soto at litt Ad al np H AT ALL DRUGGISTS. 28a, SOs, $1.00. a. . SHUGGERT, Cashier,