§ THE CENTRE DuM .n OCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, NOVEMBER 5, 1903, Pace 7. CORRESPONDENTS’ DEPARTMENT Happenings of a Week Over Cen- | tre County THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR PAGE | What Has Transpired in the Various Localities—Compiled by a Corps of Alert and Able Writers—Is Your Section Rpresented ? Kellerville. Hello, here we are again, we are not dead nor gone on a vacation to the city, | but I am thinking scribe, No. 2 visits the city of Centre Hall too frequently ; how about it Will ? yourself away. Mrs. Susan Koch spent Tuesday after. | noon with Mollie Ishler. James A. Keller attended the funeral | ri. ALAN of William Colyer, rsday. Wonder what has become of the Colyer | He must be dead or sleeping or | scribe? else the spirit does not move yery often. Misses Bessie Kooney and Annie Weaver were to Centre Hall Friday doing some shopping. Rumor afloat of another wedding ; boys be on the lookout. Elmer Ishler was one among many | who attended the colt sale Friday, also | brought home with him two fine Ken- tucky bells, Quite a number of young folks from this place attended preaching seryices at the Union church, Sunday evening, The Hallow-evers were very about here, Geo, Brian, wife and son Charles, were visiting at the home of John Taylor's on Sunday. Mr. Neese and family, of Penn Hall, spent Sunday at the home of G. W. Koch. Mrs. Eliza Stump and daughter Annie spent Sunday evening at J. J. Taylor's. Miss Rosa Taylor, who had been stay- ing at the home of D. IL. Bartges is home to stay. William James and John Lingle spent Sunday with friends in Georges Valley. Edward and Herman Royer made a flying trip to Nittany valley last Sunday morning. Monday is the first day of rabbit sea- son and I suppose the boys will make Rood use of it poor bunuie, Plum Grove. Jobn Corman, wife and family spent Sunday at the home of P. A. Auman. U. A. Auman, wife and son Carl spent Sunday at Zion. Rosa Taylor, who the past summer had been living with D. L. Bartges at Earlystown returned to her home at this place. Ezra Breon and Ray Weber, from Rebersburg, were seen in this vicinity, A. Zerby and family spent Sunday at the home of the former's parents in Brushvalley. Gertrude Auman spent several days in Aaronsburg and reported having a fine time. Seen Kelleryille scribe advertised for two young sports, W. H. Hosterman and family spent Sunday at N. B. Shaffer's. The rumor is that the Kellerville scribe left for Shamokin. Smullton. Mrs. Wm. Waite and Mrs. A. BE Stray- er are visiting relatives and friends in Union county, Among the visitors in this place we noticed the followimg : David Wance and wife, of Philipsburg; Geo. Limbert, wife and mother, of Bellevue, O : Luther Guisewite and children, of Harrisburg: Adam Winters, ard children, of Feidler: Edwin Winter, wife and son, of Mill. heim; Henry Winkleblech and daughter Sallie, of Renova. James Detwiler, of Johnsonburg, was here to attend his father’s funeral Last Tuesday morning at 4 o'clock Henry Detwiler, Sr, of this place, died He had been ailing for over a year with diabetis. For obituary notice, see column of deaths, Wolfs Store. Corn husking is all the go now. John Hoover's moved to Lamar last Tuesday—sorry to see them go, Wm. Minnich wears a broad smile—it is a girl. Daniel Corman and son are on the sick list ; hope they may soon recover. Robert Auman, wife and child, were visitors at John Beck's Sunday, Benj. Beck and wife spent Sanday with | ! their son Henry in Sugar valley, James Zeigler and wife, of Danville, | are visiting at Cyrus Zeigler's, NATURE'S OWN CURE. Hyomel Cures Catarrh Without Dan- gerous Drugging of the Stomach Not until Hyomei was discovered has it been possible to truthfully say that a remedy for catarrh was known. This remedy is breathed through the Hyomel inhaler for a few minutes four times a day, and during that time every particle of airtaken into the air passages | and lungs Is impregnated with the germ killing and health giving Hyomel, It is the only treatment that cures catarrh. Stomach drugging often causes disor- dered digestion or brings on some other | diseases and never makes a permanent | care of catarrh., Hyomei not only kills the germs in the throat and nose but etrates to the minutest air cells in the ungs and enters the blood with the oxy gen killing the germs in the blood, It rees the mucous membrane from ous membrane and gives perfect health, A complete outfit costs but $1.00, and includes an Inbaler, dropper and suffi: clent Hyomel for several weeks treat ment, 8. Krumrine had so much faith in th merit of Hyomei that he agrees to return the to any purchaser who may b dissatisfied, ase r Next time do not give | | Millheim. | ——— | Hollowe'en was observed by the young folks in throwing corn and other sports Mrs. Ed. Musser is on a visit to rela. tives at Wilkensburg, Wm. Myers and Boalsburg on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Weaver, of Philadelphia, attended the funeral of her father Jacob ! Breon and returned this Thursday after visiting a number of relatives and friends J. C. Smith, of State College, spent Sunday with his family, Mrs 34 15 Linden Hall family visited at Houtz and children went to on Sunday, Sadie Hartman is visiting at Pittsburg. J. H. Reifsuyder sold one of his prop- erties on Main street to Chas. McClellan. Jacob J. Gentzel, of Sober, had busi ness in town on Saturday, he said his corn was all housed in good shape. The hunting season and mountain fires { are in full blast, J. W. Stover returned from his eastern { trip with his fall and winter stock of goods. Harry, son of David Shull, has re- turned from Freeport, Ill., where he has been employed for some time. { Ellery O. Brown and children are visiting his brother Edward and sister | Mrs, Wm. Hartman, at Osceola. James C. Fehl has commenced house keeping on Ninth street, The U. Evangelicals are putting down a stone wall in front of their church. M:s. Julia A. W. Deininger came home on Monday with the expectation of spending the winter here. North Gregg. J. G. Hoy came back from his work from Centre Hall; he reports Dr. Lee has a nice home. Jared and Thomas Fredericks are as busy as bees at hasking corn for F, A. Yearick and son ; they said corn is turn- ing out fairly well. quiet | The boys were out playing tricks on Friday night up the valley : upset the outhouses at school houses and threw a lot of wood in the public road : look out boys, you had better leave good enough | alone, We are glad to hear G. Wise is teaching | & SINE ciass in our winter The Mt Cals were we sup neighborhoo Union The apple not v Ww J.G Mr burg, cry KE X E. K Hoy Kreps and paid a Sunday. Harry Rishel, fom Madisonburg, made a call on Reuben Rishe! on Sun- day ; call again, Harry. Rock Grove. Hello, Lamar scribe, did you go on your wedding tour or why dom’t you make your appearance? Let's hear from you. Vergea and Pear! Kritzer spent last Thursday at Colyer, Wbo was that sporty youmg couple that crossed the mountain Sunday ? Perry Stiver, of Freeport, Ill, spent a day last week with Jerry Brown Florence Kritzer took up her residence at Jonas B. Royer's near Centre Hill, Geo, Bitner and wife spent Sunday at Potters Mills Effie Ishler who returned from the Lewisburg Music school spent Sunday | with Mrs. Anna Kritzer, Mrs. Annie Kritzer is on the sick list The farmers are nearly through husk ing corp, eller and wife were visitin $ on Sunday afternoon wife, from Madison visit to Calvin Rishel on Penn Cave. Ham Schreckengast caught another coon in Brush mountain the other night which weighed 53 pounds John Grenoble moved in |. B house and is looking for a cook. Ream's The Wert company went to the Bear Meadows for deer and bear. Prof. W. White is going to take a course through college next spring, to study bookkeeping. There was a whirlwind through the west end of ‘Brush valley, and upset all small bulldings and people’s cord wood. House cleaning aud 2pple butter boil- ing are about over, Prof. Geo. Wise is having a singing class in Muarray school house anda if bere are any that would like to attend singing, call on him. Five new voters in north precinct, | Gregg—all democrats, Potter Twp, Sam’l Slack #s able to be about again, The Henry Sankey farm will be ten- anted by Elmer Ishler, Levi Stump will be a retired farmer— | he served in the harness quite a long | time, Landlord Shauver is improved from | his attack of pneumonia The Potters bank hunting clubs have | opened the campaign and you bet there will be some “booming.” There will be dear meat and deer meet, ~Kruwrine’s Instantanions Headache | Powders will relieve the most obstinate cases of nervous and sick headache. 10 cents, tf Deafness Cannot be Cured. By local applications, as they cannot roach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to eure Deafness and that Is by eon. stitutional remedies, Deafness is oaused by | ap inflamed condition of the mucous lining | of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im perfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed Deafness Is the result, and unless the Inflammation ean be taken out and this tube restored to lis normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine oases out of ten, are caused by entarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed conditite of the m sur fnoes, We will give One Hundred Dollars for an ease of Deafness §hiined by eatharrh) thar fannot BS 4ursd by I's Catarrh Cure, Send eireulars, Pad 741% 1 this | free. Fi. ENEY & 00, Toledo, 0, drug a are thobaal= PICTORIAL PUZZLE. ! | | WHAT UNION ANSWER TO LAST WEEK's PuzzLe .— Nittany. Mrs. Jno. Woomer, of Bellefonte, was | visiting ber many friends at this place | the past week. We are glad to say that Mrs. Rachel | Rossman, who had been so critically ill} for some time is much better. Misses Orpha Pletcher and Miss Con. do, of Howard, were guests of Miss Mit. | tie Winkleman over Sunday. We are having beautiful weather for this time of the year. Miss Alma Crape, of Lamar, was the 1 on QO. Gibbony Rev, A.A in Tyrone and Mrs Bellefonte Margaret Mothersbaugh and Beulah Fortney were to Centre Hall this week. | Black and w Hun ] LingaGor spent Monday in Andrew Hunter, who is employed in | the tube mills of New Castle, is at pres | ent on a visit to his mother here, | Edward Myers and wife, of Bellefonte, | spent Sunday in town Mrs. John Milier and daughter, Belle, of Pine Hall, spent Sunday here Claudia Wieland Centre Hall. Mrs. P. H. Meyer and daughter Dora, of Bellefonte, visited friends bere last week. Prof. Gramley spent home in Spring Mills. spent Saturday at Sanday at his Livonia. Oar genial and jolly postmaster, Geo B. Stover, raised his potato crop this week, he reports a poor turnout, John Delong finished week seeding this Our farmers are getting in shape for | the winter as the goosebone man pre. dicts a hard winter, Nathan Haugh our venerable lumber. man had his sawmill in fall blast this | week. Visitors in camp this week ; Kernell, Mrs. J. H Sayder, J]. E. Swarm, Pete Wirt, C. P. Sampsel, of Reedsville, comer in camp this week Mrs. Etta Kerstetter, F. E. Irwin Fredrick, is a new Our nimrods bave gone where farmers raise more turkeys as they cannot keep up their reputation as hanters here on wild or tame turkeys Loop. Well, those merry makers of the Loop again have arrived makiog the home of Charles Fracer ring with a surprise party for Arthur Commings. Come again. I must say through the death of Mr, | Colyer the Loop has almost to be buried; everything seems to be at a standstill and it looks blue; the men have about all gone to other works. Arthur Lee is at home under the fath. er's wing again-—better stay, Mrs. Katie Bradford and family were home over Sunday at her father’s, John Lee's. John Horner is expected to whip the Loop this fall for big hogs. Come and see them, Lookout for cotton tails there are about two hunters to one rabbit, Ferguson Township. Geo. E. Ryder lost a valuable cow from choking on apples, The farmers here are almost through husking corn, On the sick list in our community are Mrs. Geo. Harpster, Mrs, Jacob Crones. ter, Mra. Geo, Gensimer and Mrs, Wm. Cupp. Clyde Beck had a little daughter left at his home by the stork. The gunving season thus far shows J. C. Harper killed eight squirrels, and Bd. Isenberg eleven in one day, John Saus serman got ten, N. J Kiebs eight squir. rels, one grouse srd wood chuck, J. D, Near had eight squirrels. Ed. Reed a 20 pcund gobbler Neri ied 020 srind puthies, Hatry squirrels, | returned home from a vi [| day to do a week's repairing on the lon | the foundry, has caused some delay | , which is expected to be overcome shortly. | GENERAL IS REPRESENTED? Slocum. Milesburg. George Moore and family, of Renova, also Homer Noll, of Tyrone, are spend ing their hard earned vacation with Geo. { Noll and family. Wm. Smith and family, of Oak Grove, are visiting his wife's parents, Frank Let- | terman and wife. Mrs. Wilson Heaton and son Armore, sit to Clearfield, Brookville, and other places of interest { among friends Mrs. Wm Oona, are visiting Smith and chil of Al. A dren, 5 Mt. Eagle. Dory Bathurst has been very sick the last week, The telephone men left here on Satur £ distance line There is quite & lively time here, par- ties getting ready to go hunting. J. R. Pheasant had some sheep killed; we see the auditors were around to ap- praise them; there are still some sheep dogs about here that should be killed, James Lucas, from Boggs township, was in town on business last Thursday. J. 8. Bathurst has left our town; he has a position at Tyrone Mrs F. Dietz was laid up with cramp on Friday. Wonder why Martin Gales has the light burning so long every Saturday night. Lott Neff, son of Thos. Neff home with a cut leg last week Florence and Frasie Leathers took a pleasure trip to Howard on Sunday Madisonburg. Newton Brumgard, of Smaliton, 0. LL. Buck, of Rebersburg, Rev T. 1, Wentz, of Allentown, and Rev. #. C Bierly, of Spring Mills, spent a few hours in our burg Saturday Mrs. K A Miller Sunday, after a few months’ her husband at Shawville, Pa D. C. Carls wife aad little son, spest Sunday at Mill Hall, Sara Bierly spent Sunday at Rebers burg. Myrtie Bennet, of Brookville, Pa., is a guest of her aunt Mrs. Noll, Mrs. Israel Wolfe is visiting daughter at Pleasant Gap. Jos. Bierly, returned home on Monday | after a visit with his son Rev. Bierly at | Spring Mills. G. R. Lambert wife and mother, of | Flat Rock, O., are visiting friends and | retatives here, Centre Hall. | Elsie Geiss spent a few days visiting her brother, Wagner Geiss and family, | in Bellefonte. i The death of Wm. Colyer takes from | our midst a citizen who will be missed, | Fine weather suits house cleaners and | corn huskers. i The election went off quietly. The recent eastern flood having des. troved much property for the New York firm that is interested in the revival of | came ) Rev returned home on stay with ber | Unionville. | Mrs. Clyde Lever and her two daugh | ter, of Johnstown, are visiting at the home of the tormer’s mother, Mrs. Bing, \ustin Hoover, of Monongehala City, Is visiting friends in this section, Charles G pumpkin that tipped the scales more or ess, Hall brought a large field yellow as gold, the writer, y 7 lr at Roy Alexander shot hawk that measured tip to tip of its wir 18 a sign he will After four weeks’ iting frien« Philipsburg, Pauline Smith home on Saturday ey ening an immense fish ES, and be married soon, is in returned vi Clayt Stover, who has been working at Philipsburg at and painting during the past summer, came home on Saturday evening br uring with him a very companionable young man in the person of Will Wafel, Harry Buhler, of Delmar, N ]., Ger. trude Gulick, of Clearfield, and Mrs. Adam Stover and her daughter, Olive, of Chadwick, Il, are having a jolly time at the Stover home below town, Mrs J H. Stover and her daughter Stella know bow to make people happy that hang up their wraps in their home. Mrs. Keatly, after several months’ visit to her son George at Pittsburg, re- turned home on Saturday, and Wm. her husband, after putting in a “straight” into the ballot box, left for Ebensburg where he has engaged work for the win. ter, | Jos. A. Gill said he shot a gray squirrel that weighed 7 pounds and the A in his name don’t stand for Annanias either. Mrs. E. M. Griest gave a ‘Pitt’ party | Monday evening at her residence. Its a new game introduced by Mary E. Griest and Mrs. E. M. and they say there's bushels of fuu in it Alex Hoover’ the Daniel Boone, of Patton twp, shot 7 wild turkeys this sea- son, one of his boys 3, and another 1 making in all 11 tarkeys family. 10 or Griest for one Mrs. Riley Pratt has been ser during the past week, we are to say she is sow convalescing but that could procure n Mouday p usualy Every man and boy A gun went i report th s from a Clayt ur Yan re a i mids before he tock a buggy y L shop over tothe brid but "Lindy" was on to them and made them take it back; they threw a cabbage bead through a window in the P. O ding; they threw a stone through a large window glass in Dan'l Buck's parlor; upset Sam Holts out building. pulled up several posts along Joe Barton's lot and Joe hasn't found them yet and he's mad about it; they smeared and bedaubed half the windows in town causiug bours of labor for the owners to clean them. Now, everybody likes to see young folks enjoy themselves and have lots of mnnocent fun, but when it comes to doing damage to property they will antagonize the entire communi ty. There were a lot of boy's in the crowd that ought to have known better, but they did many things that made them liable to ar est for malicious mischief and we would counsel them to be more care ful in the future iouna i indemuth’s bu Pleasant Gap. Mrs. Rachel Stine among her friends Mrs. Harvey Barnard Hall to mak a visit Henry Kersteter, for the cic spent a f went Wm rey and were Twitmyer, WwW. .B ion all A cave has been discovered missioner Miller's ing the curiosity peopl Elsie Miller spent few davs visiting her many friends at State College IL. H Wian and family and Harry Gehret and family Sandayed at Sidoey Miller's, farm which i of the ec Dix. - ———— | We have been having lovely indian ) summer weather lately, | Mrs. Decker visited her daughter at | Spruce Creek last week. Jerry Weaver and wife, of Altoona, spent Sunday with relatives at this place. Miss Verna Sharer, of Tyrone, spent Sunday at this place. Rabbit season came in Monday morn. ing and our nimrods were in the woods early. If every shot had meant a rabbit | there would have been few left till eyen fog | Sue Andrews, the Hickory Bottom | “school man,’ spent Saturday and San day with friends in Tyrone. Jacoh Walk and wife, of Mt. Pleasant, | spent Monday at Weslie Weavers John Spittier and Alex Beamer who have been employed putting up tele phone wires through the B. K. V. have returned to their homes {all his made re, some ing for your v 21 11 n you buy / Pb a little VO Mt. Hill, Wingar tarted for Be dows on Sunday Wm , who Lock Haven, came his wife who surp: ar Mea. Snavely was employed at Monday to visit ith a young y | carpente ; Wm. Auman ing with 1} day. visit- Smithtown. Juite a goad many from this ti nded the Bartges sale at Centre Hill; F. Smith was the anctioneer. pe Sex Oo The mountain fire made a good ! work Henry Keen expects to make sale of farm implements in the near future look for bills W. H. Musser and Har! Stover up to Centre Hall to see the colts mules and also attended sale were and the Bartges Pigs are all in demand a person can see the crates on the wagons daily, I notice that Ceas | bave his short-horn must have sold her 1 now wmand now rankeanberger don’t in the field; he such cactie are in Jw as It is ru we will get 2 is to My mored ‘hat Car horses ar heim in the near fulur FOR SUNDAY DRESS wear a dressy Black Suit and White Waistcoat bearing this famous mark Jed fenjaminz MAKERS if NEW YORK Black Suits in serges, cheviots, thibets, vicunas, unfinished worsteds; guaranteed all pure wool and fast color, Style, fit, fabric, and tailoring are here in a happy combination that none but BENJAMIN (tailors have ever seemed able to produce. BENJAMIN Clothes differ from exclusive custom- made only in price; but this price-difference makes all the difference in the world to economical dressers. The price is right. Your money back if anything goes wrong We alone in this city sell this famous apparel, MONTGOMERY & Co. BELLEFONTE, PA. a \ PAIN. SORENESS. LANENLSS, SWELLING» IN: » « HAMLINS WIZARD rok RKEUMATISH. LAME BACK NEURALGIAS HEADACHE, EARACHE, CUTS, WOUNDS" NY CLAN LY BN ARR YA VA IA SORE THROAT. DIPHTHERIA. SORES, ULCERS {1} LANNATION 50