THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, LELLEFONTE, PA. JULY 23, 1903. i LAUNDRY LINES, An Animal Story Por - Little Folks The Lazy Lion a young the flelds play PMatirons may be cleaned by rubbing them with powdered bath brick mols tened with paraflin Iron pillowslips lengthwise of crosswise If you wish to iron wrinkles out instead of in, Never pin dell clothesline without pl instead the There was once upon a time lon went out in and baseball, wing a plece of who ofter E¢ } watched the large Hons clothespin sh a lac nee long thickness of nto warm son psu Wash de To wi rst sew happy wit] enonugn n , then plunge white awh bases to pl young he was | ing al he would player he After this over he try the game anyway “I'll go off to tl and get a ball,” 8 off he went from the sandy soil Away up al round « 1 lined rinsed in fabrics i are lr 1 1 should be soaked fa vers RL sinlt water Some wari rain For very to whe to a boller half r 1 p \ creamy, then ada a ful of hour ove clothes and an nice KITCHEm~N HELPS, ic a hot water z water in and dishes i Work. h from hi In soap Lait an in PENN'A R. R. EXCURSIONS fo the Seashore An Animal Story For Little Folks The Sparrow's Revenge Fa Niagara Falls Excursions. t a Ratlroad Comp ing dates for its poy t Ar ten Niagara Fa Wash and 21, these in" leave Washington BP. Mu “PF. M. Ren Niagara Fallsat ses P good fort ¢ 1 AMS] Y M passage on at od expreas from Tour to the Pacilic Coast ft eampment of ec at San Fran Pennsylvania ronduets ace Nat eGra : ; August to 24 the mpany so, Ca Raliroad ( flers a personally. ed tour to the Pacific Coast at remarkably low tes Tour wil’ leave New York Philadelphia, Bal timore, Washington and other points on the Pennsylvania Kallroad east of Pittsburg, Thursday, August 6 by special train of the highest grade THE SPARROW AGREED, toss ground nuts, you may me Sots re tl away in the little hole In the ground in which | Round trip rate, covering all expenses for 27 I'm going to sleep this winter. If you | days, except 3 days spent in San Francisco $216 do that, 1 will let you sleep a little | two in | berth, $20 each. while.” | Roundtrip rate, covering all expenses to Lo The sparrow agreed to this, and the Angeles, including trausportation, meals in | dining ear, and visits to Grand Canyon, Pasa denn, and transportation only through Califor nia and retursing to the east by Oet, 15, via any will st em squirrel hurried down the tree trunk. Now, it happened that the sparrow had a nest in the top of the tree, and down to the squirrel Mr. Sparrow pick ed out the biggest egg In the nest, | “Throw them straight!” cried the squirrel, “I'm going to eateh them in my teeth!” And he opened his mouth | as wide as he could. | Then the sparrow dropped the egg | Reduced Rates to Baltimore, Oh, my! Oh, me! Foi She benefit of those desiring to at. It struck right square in the squir tend the edting ofthe enevoicnt an rel's mouth, and the shell was crushed Md., July 21 to 2 the P \ ’ , | : 3, the Pennsylyania into a thousand pleces. The white of | gajiroad Company will sell round-trip the egg and the yolk of the egg splash: "tickets to Baltimore from all stations on ed nll over the squirrel from head to | iis lines, eveepl Woodberry, Harrisburg, heel, and the worst of it was that his |and inte: iediate, stations, Columbia, eyes were filled with the egg and he Frederick, and intermediate stations on could no more see than a blind man. fe Nomi Cental Ralivagf, lanch. N ) frre y FAATY Urg. and inter a . Then the squirrel ran away into the Hons aad mp the. Philadephia grass, and the sparrow laughed and Baltimore and Washington Rall (ex. sald, “That servo you right for treat: | 5.0 of stations south of Towusend ing me bad” Then he closed his Ht | fel from which tickets will be sold), on tle eyes and took a nice long sleep. | July 19 and 20, good for return Chicago Tribune. until Jaly 31, inclusive, at rate of single Jase for the vound trip plus $1.00, Rates from Pittsburg will be #* less in each For full information apply to Tieket Agents, or Geo, W, Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Phila, Pa materials on the clean paper between the fabric and the | the | a double | to | to set the color before OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOO 00O000000V0OVL0OLLLVOVLVOVT A PROBLEM IN SAVING. Suppose fp man who has accumulated three hundred dollars in savings by patting away one dollar each day begins to draw out two dollars at night for each dollar he puts in the bank in the morning, how lopg will it take until his money is entirely gone? That's a problem of figures. Here's a problem of fact. If a man uses up in a day twice the strength which food supplies his body how long before he becomes bankrupt in health 7 That problem can’t be figured exactly, but the result is absolutely sure—phys- ical bankruptcy. When the normal supply of food eaten does not keep up the normal strength there must be a loss, from some cause, of the nutrition contained in the food eaten. The common cause of this loss and its resulting weakness is dis ease of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures dis- eases of the stomach and digestive and nutritive tract. It restores strength by enabling the perfect digestion and as- similation of food, which is the only source from which strength can be sup- | plied to the body. #1 cannot express my gratification in words, I had been suffering from indig audly that I could not work more t time,” writes Mr. Victor L. Hay } stone, Notto Co., Va.. "Now can work every day anything I want. Why? Because I took Dr. R. V. Pierce's Gold 1 Discovery. It has put new life and en i ny } an of me once §, now am back to 16 1d weight if nothing happens, Your medicine I cannot thank you enou O-OO0000 Way 1 eat Medi has done it all, The People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, a book containing 1008 pages, is given away. Send twenty-one one-cent efampe for expense of malling ONLY, for the book In paper covers, or thirty-one stamps for ( volume bound In cloth. Address Dr. R. Vv. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. SOOOOOOOOOOOVOOOO0VVO0000000000VVV0V00O0V0VOOVOVOVVOCOO0OVVVCVVLLLLOLLON LQ OOOO OOOO 0 THE FAMILY SHOE STORE It mat- whether We are it. ters not you want footwear for 25¢ or $5.00 or any price between, this complete shoe store has it. © P0000POOIPOCHBOST0000000POIOOOPS 00000000 P00NPO0E OPPO OOORONS EVERYTHING IN FOOTWEAR FOR EVERYBODY. All those swell and exclusive creations of Oxtords and Low Shoes are here $ | 25 to $5 for men and women, Our stock is full of Patent Kid and Patent Colt; men's and ladies shoes, from . $2 fo $5 For boys and girls the best Kid and Patent Colt Gunso fom. «+ $1.29 to $2 ” CHILDREN'S SHOES, 75¢ to $1.50. Yeager & Davis, The Shoe Money Savers, @ All styles. and We want you to make this Shoe Store Shoe Store. leathers your Bellefonte and Philipsburg. Opium, Laudanum, Cocaine and all Drug Ha rmanently cured, without pain or detention from business, leaving no craving or drugs of other stimulants, We restore the nervous and physical systems to their natural condition because we remove the causes of disease, A home remedy prepared by an eminent ER obi ' WE GUARANTEE A CURE FREE TRIAL TREATMENT Confidential correspondence, especially with physicians, solicited. Write today. Manhattan Therapeutic Association Dept. A 1135 Broadway, New York Qity BEEZER'S MEAT MARKET, ALLEGHENY ST, BELLEFONTE. POPP 0P 4 +2000 0006900 OONS TO CONSUMPTIVES. Woe on Daun vastored to hash m means, alter sullen oF sever with a Y lection and that dread diseane “ 8 anxious to make known 10 his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) & copy of the preger) need, Hu te cure for they find ( hi re at grey Tal the P the prescrpton, which wid com them nothing, Rev. ABD A. Brooklyn, New York, We keep none but the best quality of BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, SLICED HAM All kinds of Smoked Meat, Pork Sausage, ete If you want a nice Juley Steak go to PHILIP BEEZER, LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS, bits R— RAILROAD SCHEDULE, | APMINISTRAT EIX NOTICE. | Estate of JAMES BECK, deceased, | Mason township, | Alters testamentary upon sald estate hay. | Ing been granted by The Register of Wills to | Leave Bollotonia oR B--WESTWAKD { the undersigned, all persons knowing them: | 13 Oba m at Alt Dani. arrive at Tyrone | selves 10 be indebted to sald estate are request: | u & IN, at Altoona, 1.00pm; at Pittsburg ed to make Tm ediat myment, and those | having clalins, Lo presse hem for settlement, MARY KR. BECK, Ex, Walker, Pa Dtvores NOTICE ! Leave Bells CHanrLes CUNLO In Ul out om on il vhs V y Mary Cuxpo To Mary ¢ your tus: ‘ad has fled Common Pics of Cen Nov, Term Wg, prayh | YOU, BOW You are here ed LO appear in said « | any the 24th day of August iplaint of the sald AKD 102 | PENNSYLVANIA HAILROAD | BRANCHES late of | In effect ou and after May 26th ’ i dellefonte | rrive at Tyrone 285° 3 atl Pittsburg Leave De 600: at All at Tyrone burgat 1045 phia Leave B 1NeO W arle N60 «3 Leavs g ivoree against ’ rgd and request or before Mon 3, 10 answer the the said «4 from 1} fault of such apperaran have a divorce granted sheriffs Office “iv TAYLOR June 3 Bherifl 2 pin 2 k Ha 135 a rrive at @ t Loe 15 p.m. leave amsport arrive Harrist | DprYom E NOTICE KY E. 8 va C.D. Buspar. To C.D. Bundy your wile has f Ma AY J t Lewis. Leave Bellefonte y - a.m. rg at A larrisburg ied 4 Is the art of Com FO Leave Be tified and requested to r belore M ADNSWer sheriffs off Bellefonte, BRAN SCOURT BALF (iM real estate one m » "dX HN L v ax Bod edd yg SILFTR/REEIT —— LL. LE THESRESER BE YRONE KATLRO Ay 24 1¥ o- ae Fa wa Mam t( W Miss Erm AReaven J.B. LUCas, © Cres Cuas. Br DRL, O Hexny Hoover lous F.JOnsSsoN Fisuen He Disks Mus Eisin} ANNIE JOoRN WH ND Lewist QO Marks, Han: NERS Kis BE Spr ngs LOentre Hall Gregg — Anden Kei —— Oak Hall... iTAY ‘ Talat atatmom ¥ 0" ® West Decatur SRT EE: Rock ford Kan Fa --— Ismam Shawne Wy Stam THOS CRP WEEE efonte PS LE I. Scottdale, Pa RMAN, Ciearfie : Er BELLEFONTES SNOW SHOE BRANCH Time Table in effect on and after Ah Ww J J Leave Bellefonte fam and S54 p.m Arrive at Snow Shoe... ll. ¥ am 5 * 80%. Jersey Ki GRANT HOOVER. Fire, Life. Accident Insur ance. Real Estate and Loans 15 Standard Insurance Co's represented. You af. ford to 41 Leave Spow Khoe Arrive at Bellefonte For rates, maps, ete or address Thos. KE. Wat Bixth Ave Pittsburg f W. W ATTERBORY cant Gen'l. Manager Gen'l. Pass At insure yom unti GRANT HOOVER. BELLEFONTE Fa 1.4 or ae you THE CENTRAL RAILROAD OF PENNA Time Table effective Nov. 24. 19g rider's Stone Rulidine READ DOWN No.l BNI NAARANANAANANANANANANNNNNNNN : » ] i Foreign | 5 § "Ive on for - peta alata etal aged af atotet > anil EES ERS - PAT Bend r free book, KS *.° CASNOW: OPPOSITE. U.S. PATENT OFFICE ‘WASHINGTON.D.C. B® i i i i i we a ’ TE Er E FL EE » rd te TTT = (BEECH CREEK R BR Jersey Bhore......| Arr { Lve Lye ( ! Arr Phila. & Reading ry v FHILAD 2 NEW YORK. (Via Phila.) Lvelp Weeks Daves, NEW YORK Via Tamaqua) “oe Wmsport p.m. & mA n— |} | Lv. * Dally. t+ Week Days £00 p. m. Sunday i 1 10:55 a. m. Sunday. Philadelphia Sleeping Oar attached to east | bound train from Williams, at 11:30 p.m, | and west bound from Phi ATT 11:5 p.m. | JOEPHART | General Supt | + a CENTRAL RAILROAD. To take effect Apr. 3, 180%, STATIONS AM Ly Ar, 30... Bellefonte. wodloleville.. MztiEs 10 51 6 66... Hunters...... Ww oi 5! Fillmore 11 02 - »— A TRUSS i to be satistactory must be simple in construction ; efficient in retain: ing the hernia and comfortable to wear, The above truss combines these qualities to a greater extent, we Sluts than any other that we tandon, ! have handled, aud during ovr 50 TODe, CONne years experience in the drug busi: Et Hoo Pais Ooms canes allege pess we have tried a great many, Ratiroad at Bellefonte for points sast and Don’t throw your money away ¥ JH. Taomas Supt. upon some ‘‘fake’’ away from io bome come to us let us pee what we can do for you. If we cannot fit you we will tell you po, and your examioation won't State College ween NETUDIS.... ~Bloomsdort. 7 851. Pine Grove... Trains from Montandon mt ttdad ot B —————— AS AS ASAI ASN ERRTEIRITTRNEK | a a an a a is Ob = BREEZES a tk | EERSVSLLENNNTX | GARMAN HOUSE..... High Street, te Court House, Bellefonte Entirely New. New Furniture. Steam Heat. Electric Light, and all modern improvements. C. M. & C. 8, GARMAN Proprs —— BELLEFONTE, PENNA. .