2 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. APRIL 23, 1903, SORA IN ERIE WRECK Between | | the | Company, Flames Followed Crash Trains at Red House, N. Y. CAUSE OF ACCIDENT IN DISPUTE | Five Cars Were Con: sumed of Expr Fire Burned B Css by and Seven Passen Recogni Debris Bight thres LR yond Wi gers were tion—Trac Strewn th Jamestoy ] | +2] person njured a J collision train and ¢ men train have Meadvi Jamest mi unident two known to st1 Ing IRISH LAND BILL SAFE Amendments Convent an Adopted Ww ua t Amr 18 By National | Be Accepted ™ \ I t : =n Na In int has adjourned ing ter i the Both ti : it po i to have ¢ iH fargraves, which ne he Atlantic the init 318 bar host bore Discovered Oil Richmond, Va, Kent Court House ports the discovery of oll In an aban doned artesian well sunk about 17 yoars ago at Talleyaville, New. Kent county. A good Bow is expected, In Virginia. April 18.--A New Va, mpecial re | land | $10 at | { HIN MAY PAY DIVIDENDS Decree Against Northern Securities Modified by Judge Sanborn. Paul, Minn, April 21.—The United circuit court here has granted petition of the Northern Securities asking that the recent de- againgt the company be so modi filed as to permit the payment of divi- the constituent Securities Company granting the petition was an 1 by Jud Sanborn, after argu wide for tt Nt States gree dend by Ol counsel and the Rallway Company the United I'he regular by company States May Hi) | released id next mors finally VANDERBILT CAN MARRY AGAIN New York vorce sreme Cour fies Di N | FOUND DEAD ON RAILROAD Norrist Pa., Police Believe John Mood Was Murdered and Robbed own the + arrested ' Hen n yf knowing somethin anner of the man's at Port where the deat) station Providence, Bf . from body was | lice two lea In a WAS discovered 3 pools of blood and a trail of bl re the body was four chest nearby a spike hamn on which thers Saturday. an ft at i to whi in » blox wa hamms on t RPike thrown re It Was run over Stricken While Preaching : The Rey A 8p al had been | when his nt and he tot i ppers v } iT his Was Ie to his } moved where he died wi Dr and be thout re H fore charges at 0. and Ean Was Ing neg n OUNTIONR rton 8 years of to this AE ™ Ok and Provi dence Farm Help In South Jersey Scarce §. J. A if farm ahle 1 and would jump minutes of Sal what help they were io gt AR acre in ) re a bother snid prominent man he This question of this » tion Any every lay or so ago ing solldlllers y more than fainln is prababl of the permanent empl O88 ACTeRgE”e Is now tl for years secured in other part becats man ww, ment In As under cenit} tior cause help cannot at advanced YY be be avyen WaRgon Fell Dead at Mer Son's Grave. Hager Md., April 20 Mra. Catharine Focssnoer fell dead In Rose Cemetery Hagerstown, while gassing at the grave of her son, the late Harry M. Roessner. Her death wus due to heart fallure. Mrs. Rosssuer was 80 years old, and had beon grief stricken ever since the death of her son, several years ago. Hhe visited the cemetery froquently, usually se sompanied by some member of her family. town rallroads to | | a 20 per cent A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED, Wednesday, April 15, The Bouthern Association of News: paper Publishers was organized in At. lanta, Ga., for mutual benefit The bank deposits of Kansas are now over $£50.000.000, over $3 000,000 more than at any previous time Christian Senf, of Louisville, Ky., is under arrest at San Francisco eharged | with embezzling $20,000 tradition papers Two men were killed and two jured in a dynamite explosion at Mount Washington tunnel of the Wa Railroad near Pittsburg employes of the mill, the largest plant of in the United Btates, demand increase In wages Thursday, April 16, Frenca, a facturer of Ans from he The Pope King Edwar after the | § Reuben Wag: Mahanoy City from {ll health shooting The of her of awaiting ex- in bash The (Pa.) its Kind lace mii Conn [eil ds ionaire man onia, art diseg consented to rece Lerman empre phy idea a mpanying fam Italy Governor Penny fan has ab Emp« to DA | Jam of yania inte of Haz ment of April farts f ina ; turns « een abd | naltreated sent home Tuesday, The postoffice Towanda Pa of 3) ) April 21 Herr br near at kville Was in Ken int an other robbed stamps and property The imn Pacifi Meat C Wash., was destr $200,000 Two-yearold wdelphin ernse packing ‘anny rank Arge quantit fled a few of wintergreen While clear R 4 ver Prager, of New versity studs Dav mbia Us mt. accid ally shot and les. Gener officers In for aim guns at F GENERAL MARKETS Philadeiphia, Pa was steady winter 2.90: Pennsylvania - city mi Rye flour was quiet barrel sylvania red No. 2 quiet grades timothy steady firm fF 15 ters April 20 superfine pd roller, clear, $3 10 extra, $2956 at $3 15@G3 20 per Wheat was firm; No. 2 Penn new. 82 Corn was firn yellow, local, 49% Oats were No 2 whits clipp d, 41 lower LL Hay was steady: No. 1 $21 for large bales Beef was beef hams, $19620. Pork was family, $2050 Live poultry, 14 for hens, and 10¢, for old roos Dressed pouitry, at 13% for chaolee fowls and 10c. for old roosters utter was steady, creamery, 27c. per pound | were steady New York and Pennsylvania, 15¢. per dozen. Po tatoos were steady. cholee, 688 Tix per bushel Live Stock Markets, East Liberty, Pa., April 20 were sionds choloe 530 © L400. rime, $6 15005 26 good LA) 1090 p10 fogs Prime he avy, 37.0007 .56 me dinms, $7.4 heavy Yorkers {i 106) 1.56 light Yorkers and pigs, 37.260 7.20 roughsa, $567 Sheep Bent wethers. $6606.10; culls and common, $2413 cholee lambs, 36.700 6.90; calves, $4406.50 East Buffalo. N. Y.. April 20 were steady: prime sloers heifers $1605. cows, 1.50, y 3 26404.50. Veals woe awer. 2581 1.50; common to good = no 1.10 Cattle 5.40; anlt i Hoge wore active, heay 1.566 14 mixed medium, 3 4 T2067.36; ples, Jouhs, T0720; slags, ba Were lower; top rd 38 50 a So HL Lab, Sea onclings #03 ta Ex ul ‘Sod Rised 25.300 6.75; culls to a the | Wilkesbarre | international Life Cattle In everybody's foot there is one weak spot. The toes are strong, the ball of the foot is firm, the heel is unyielding, but the weak spot. supported ; ANNAN AANA AANA NNN PANNING INNING NINN NN NNN NANNING A INNS NANANSNINSNINSNINTNINININSNINS NIN NINSNI SSNS NTNI NINN NS NINSNS NNN a ra A YY NN ARCH of the foot, under the instaep, is Being arched, it is wholly un- being a weak place, it is the one place that gets tired. You stretch it at every step. But ali the same, it is the muscle by which you walk. It i8 the one part of the foot that needs to be helped. The Cross Shoe Sup- ports the Arch of the Foot by a special curved shank between the in- ner and the low: its shape and supports the foot. ralk twice try a pair. outer as soles, 8 exactly the arch of the foot. This shank fol- It holds You can far without fatigue. Yeager & Davis The Shoe Money Savers, Bellefonte AV w aD Philipsburg. MORPHINE Opium, Laudanum, Cocaine and all Drug Habits perman ently irs tion beca prepared t f a x0 eminent WE GUARANTEE Confidential correspondence, A CURE ve the causes of disease. especially with physicians, vss, leaving no craving yetems fo medy in oad } hysical s Ahomer FREE TRIAL TREATMENT solicited Write today Manhattan Therapeutic Association Dept. » 1135 Broadway, New York City NeW Insurance Agency. THE PUBLI nave 14 my Ins pames, & Guaranty Company, 1 he New Company York Life the old st pany in the world, governments, | to have a from my friends, and ki a share of the business SO ial irance | he United Stat patronage Yours re spectfully, Il man m The Insurance and Insurance supervised by §9 would be pleased or business call larges Com. ndly solici ol your S. E. GOSS. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Alwass relinble. Safe, CHICHESTER, ENGL | PENNYROYAL PILLS voal | "ed sod Gold metallic bores, sealed wiik Blue hi CHICHESTER ONEMIOAL 00. M00 Madison Syanre, Mention PHILA, PA Cs Fide lity | Union Casualty & Surety Company, and {in E House Painting Inferior Decorating Picture Framing, An mn f W i Paper RDG Decora Skilled Yori ll Let au ns know your wants and our repre NUE NOSS. branches of the | sentative will eall on you R. B. Montgomery, | Bellefonte, Pa. Crieer's Stone Bldg PoRGOGREM SAPS IePrATel aDeD adem an ’ MONAEALTR AT" & TRUST CO, barry, ma. * II ITeew a A ’ GARMAN HOUSE... High Street, opposite Court House, Bellefonte, Entirely New. New Furniture. Steam Heat. Electric Light, and all modern improvements, C.M & C. B, GARMAN Preprs { I | quested Lo make Peiaims wo | | | | EGAL ADVERTISEMENTS, ] EXkecv TOR'S NOTIC K The Fatal Spot | Estate of JULIA A. BROWN, late of Walker township, deceased Lottery demamentary upon the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, and all persons Indebled to the sald estate are re- payment, and those having present the sams, duly authenties ted, lor settlement : BE. P.HOCKEMAN r to Kline Woodring, att y JE CY TORS of JOHN Kx'r, Mingoville, NOTICE. WOLF deceased, late of sald estate Register of Wi Persons hav. 5 knewing them as the sane was sel his wid J shine B and appraisement of Jeremiah ver as Lhe same w Rosa KE. Stover Lewis of the ate of was sel apart nven reonal § wt Gregg tw to his w decd of the ate was set ry and appraisement of samuel H.G dec'd. as the same dow Rebecca F.Glossner inventory and appraisement of the ff Jacob Carver, late of dec'd. as the same was sel yw 1 retta Carver ONSET o his w of the Bowersox, late was set aside raisement Anpral nt hanie As Lhe same if the ate of i apart as the nD Syivis i per eo of apart of the jos. P an the r Oat HEY ALEX AR PROF. J. ANGEL The well known Specialist of Williamsport, TWO DAYS we AY YB —— Brockerhoff House, BELLEFONTE, PA. Monday and Tuesday, APRIL 27 AND 28 HOURS-HS® AM rool. M At State College Hotel, Wednesday, April 29. At Holter Brothers’ Store, Howard, Thurs. April 30. Prof. Angel's reputation for his ability and workmanshio Iv well established in Bellefonte and vicinity, He gives universal satisfaction, Those who want the best treatment for head noha, weak of defective ayesight, should go to "no other but walt for him.