Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 12, 1903, Image 7

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12, 1903.
Happenings of a Week Over Cen-
tre County
What Has Transpired in the Various
Localities—Compiled by a Corps of
Alert and Able Writers—Is Your
Section Represented ?
Arthur Thomas 'eft last week for El.
mira, where he expects to spend a few
R. H. Reed transacted
Bellefonte, on Saturday last.
John Sellars and sister Fannie, of
Dungaron, are spending a few days with
friends at this place,
If all reports are tine we think we will
have a livery stable in our tewn before
J. W. Baisor, our general merchant,
spent Thursday of last week in Tyrone
So far the public sales have been well
On Thursday evening of last week
quite a number of our young people at.
tended a birthday surprise party at the
home of Mrs. Elizabeth Musser, at Pleas.
ant Hill, given in honor of her daughter,
Blanche ; after games were played a
royal supper was served : a large num-
ber was present, and all 1eport a most
delightful evening.
Last Saturday evening a birthday sur.
prise party was held at the home of
business ia
Thomas Duey and wife, gotten up by |
Mr. Duey and some of the neighbors, in
honor of Mrs. Duey. Not a word leaked
ut until 8 o'clock, when the
She received many presents,
evening was pleasantly spent. Elegant
refreshments were served ; all departed |
wishing her many more happy birthdays.
Mrs. Ella Bartley and
Stover, are visiting in
Nittany valley.
Wm. Munick and wife, J. D
and Newton Boyer, made a business trip
to Hickory Corners in Northamberland
While attending the public sale of
Wm. Homan, last week, Mr. Walizer, of
Salona, became seriously ill.
brother D
Wm. Homan and family left last Mon. |
day for Scotland, S. D., where they will
make their future home. Mr. Homan is
a first class farmer, and will follow that |
pursuit in his western home. May pros-
perity and happiness be theirs.
G. W. Wolf sent the engine of the re- |
cently burned stave mill, away to have
it repaired They are busy getting
ready to erect a new mill,
Rain and mud.
Don’t forget the ice cream social at
the home of W. M. Marks, next Satur.
day evening, 14
H. P. Zerby and wife spent Tharsday
at Howard.
Mrs. W. M. McKibben and children,
of Mill Hall, were guests of her mother,
Mrs. H. Emerick Monday.
Annie R. Minnick spent Sunday with
ber brothers at Hablersburg.
Geo. McCauley and wife, of Hublers-
burg, visited the latter's home last week.
Cora and Annie Mionick gave a party
to their many young friends last Thurs. |
day and all had an enjoyable time,
Did you ask whether Harry was fish-
ing on Monday? Well, I guess, and he
caught some too.
Henry Bartholomew moved out of the
Murry house into Charley Beck's house,
Mrs. T. 8. Vearick is visiting her
daughter Mrs. W. M. Tobias, who is
seriously ill at Mackeyville.
Lucas County 5
FRA®K J. Cuexey makes oath that he is the
senior partner of the frm of F. J. Cunsey &
Co. doing busin: ss In the City of Toledo, Coun~
ty and State aforesaid, and that said firm will
lor each and every case of Catarrh that cannot
De cured by the use of HALL'S CaTaRxy CURE.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, this ith day of December, A. D. 1884,
os Notary Public,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally and
acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of thy system. Send for testimonials, free
F.J. CHENEY &00,, Toledo. 0,
#8. .80ld by Druggists, 75.
Hall's Family Pills are the best
Good old spring weather has come
The boys are all wishing for the snow
banks t0'go away and the roads to dry, |
80 they can ride bicycles.
Any one wanting a good whee! or re-
pairs should call on C. N. Fisher,
Kyle, the next time take better care so
&8 not to break Dorman’s expensive show
case down,
Wonder what Chas. 8. and Joel's at.
traction is at Hublersburg ?
Chas. Rockey, Chas. Fisher, John Cor
man and Bunl were down to Hublersburg
to see the Yankee detective,
Luther Musser is all over smiles since |
the arrival of a littie daughter,
EVERY CHURCH or tostitution ups
portea by voluntary contribution w
given a liberal quantity of the Long.
n & re Paints whenever
; paint.
OTH (Have done so for twenty.
seven years. Tens of millions of gallons
cost then about $1.25 a gallon,
wr n,n
invited |
uests filled the house and great was the |
Mrs. Duey was 49 years old, |
and the |
Mud, yes mud’s plenty, the public
roads are in a dreadful condition,
Our constable P. C. Frank, of Centre
Hill, took dinner at our law office one
day last week. By all appearance he is
having a great deal of business in our
Wm. Mulbarger is a frequent caller at
Wm. Bairs,
James Moyer and Wm, Stump, of this
place, ineluding about thirty five of the
Boalsburg initiation team of the 1.O O
F. assisted the Millbheim lodge in receiv
Ing new members on Tuesday evening,
concluding with a banquet,
Rev. Rearick was visiting through here
last week,
Miss Lizzie Runkel visited her brother
Jobin L. last week
Miss Blanche Housman and Miss
Kathryn Boal were doing some shoppiug
and cailiog at Centre Hall one day last
A.J. Weaver and David Fye were to
Spring Mills, Saturday.
Rockey's pew
along splendid.
Myrtal Fleisher, who had been visit
ing her sister Mrs. |. B. Wagner, at
Coburn returned home,
Mrs. Wm, Bair, who had to undergo
an operation to have a tumorous growth
removed from her right side is improv.
ing very much. The operation was per
formed by Dr. Kitter, from Boalsburg,
and Dr. Emerick, from Centre Hall.
Our community was greatly shocked
by the news of the unexpected death of
Mrs. Sarah Detwiler, wife of Edward
Detwiler, of Reedsville. Her death belong
due to a surgical operation performed in
a Philadelphia hospital.
Miss Carrie Bodtorf, of State, is home
with her fathér, A. S Bodtorf, but will
gO to Potters Mills to live with Mis
| Reish at the hotel,
Frank McClellan, of Ill., paid his
| mother a visit and attended the funeral
buckster is getting
{ of his sister Mrs. Sarah Detwiler.
Mrs. Thomas Fleisher is visiting ker
| daughter Mrs. J. B. Wagner at Coburn.
Who was that young man that called
jon a young lady of Williamsport, who
was visiting in our community
time ago, and asked her for her com
pany. Why she said I am marrieq,
well indeed I am very sorry you are
Wake up “X Road" scribe and Rive
us the latest from that place.
How is “Cupid” getting along with
his work, wil! he soon have accomplish
ed a wedding ?
E. C. Houseman, of Penn Hall, visited
his brother and other friends here last
Mrs. Margaret Barr an expert seam
| Stress is assisting Miss Mary Farner, who
always bas a great surplus of work.
Miss Ella Philips went to Milroy last
week to work in the kniting factory
Rev. Kershoer preached his farewell
sermon on Sunday, he will quit the
| ministery and take a position in the gov-
ernment service, all are sorry to have
him leave,
Last week parties were through the
west precinct of Potter township with a
| petition to get signers for free rural mail
delivery. When - your “scribe saw the
| list there were quite a good many names
on it; parties from Sprig Mills were
also through some parts to sell boxes,
the lower end appeared to favor Spring
Mills as the delivery office, but we do
| not" favor that, singe it delays our mail
mailer at least twenty-four bours later,
than to have it distributed, from Cen-
{ tre Hall. The latter place is what meets
with almost universal! satisfaction, if our
{ mail matters will be distributed from
Centre Hall, and arrangements could be
made that the morning train going east
| would bring the western mall, instead of
{the aflernocon train then we would |e
better served, in that way we would get
both the western as well as the eastern
mail the same day, otherwise our west.
ern mail would la over at Centre Hall
until the next day. I don’t see any rea.
son why Potter township should not have
free delivery as well as other places. It
ranks among the best in agriculture, in
wealth, and io population, and taxation
This is a pues on that every emergetic
man should take an interest in, and our
county publications is the place to dis-
cuss the subject, if there is more than one
side to the issue; it is true parties living
rear the postoffice, and especially post-
office loafers may object, but take the
mail receiving class in general, and it it
| would be put to a vote it would be car
| ried by a large majority in favor of free
delivery and if there are any that are
| dissatisfied let us hear from you.
W.B. Mingle, Esq.,W. M. Grove, Esq ,
| were through bere a few days ago, lease
ing the lands, for prospecting for drill.
| ing for petroleum, gas or minerals. This
| move to find out if there is any hidden
| wealth in the bosom of mother earth, for
| Pennsvalley. Hope they may be success
| ful, in finding oil or coal. Gas we have
| but unfortunately it wan't ignite,
The Renova hotel was robbed Monday
| night of silverware and other articles.
| There is a clue to the robbers’ identity,
Methodists of Salona intend re-
wmodeling their church,
| Those ou the sick list are: James
| Wilson, Harrison Gray, and Mrs. H. 8.
| Bricker,
| Mrs. Elizabeth Reish, wife of the late
{ Isaac Reish, is building a barn on the
place where her sou Edward lives.
Strong Words, Honestly and Intelligently
Used by one who Knows the Merits of Dr.
A. Wi Chase's Nerve Pills in Nervous Dys-
Calvin Bmigh of No. 1527 MiMin St. Hunt
Ingdon, Pa, says: “1 had been having a good
deal of trouble and annoyance from a nervous
dyspepsia. My appetite was not good and the
fermentation of my food and formation of gas
onused me a good deal of distress. 1got a box
of Dr, A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills and was great.
Iy benefited by thelr use. They relieved me of
the distress and toned up the digestive organs.
I can recommend them highly.”
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills are sold at 800
A box at dealers or Dr. A. W, Chase Medicine
Buffalo, N. ¥. See that portrait and sig
bature of A. W, Obase, M. D). are on every
4 wo +B at Krumrine's Drug Store. §
Port Matilda
Miss Lida Adams is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Ed. Sharer, at O via.
A rural delivery route, starting from
Port Matilda, encircling about 100 fami.
lies in Worth and Tavior towuships, has
been inspected by the route
aud the examination for
held in Port Matilda, Thursday,
sth; taking that for evidence,
soon have free mal
The Shady Dell school in Reese Hol.
low is being taught by Gordon Williams,
who, we pleased to note, is giving
general satisfaction althoagh vouthial
his work is demonst
ment of his pupils
we will
rated Dy the a
Mrs. John Reese and
visited friends in Osceo
Miss Cora Marks,
gave sour
days since
Mis Robt, Robison, of Jersey
with her interesting baby Edith, are vis
iting mother and grandmother, Mrs.
Belia Woodring, of the Central Hotel, in
this place
C. Reese, of Reese Hollow, is cutting
logs 10 stock a sawmill which he will
daughter E sie
a this week
Cleat field,
a few
inate of
Correspondent a call
bave constructed on his timber lands; be |
will aiso have a job of wood cut for the |
purpose of making charcoal; a chance
for a collier.
Quite a number of our
housed up at this writing, among them
are Mrs. Wm. Iowry, Mrs, David Orr,
Wm Orr's little daughter, Mr. and Mrs
Samuel Aley and Jacob Yearick
John Yearick and wife were seen in
our vicinity; they expect to move back to
his old home in the sprieg, above Jack
Don't forget to attend G
large sale on Tuesday, March 17. Mr.
Glossoer is one of Nittany valley's best
and ap to date farmers and has the fin.
est stock and farm implements in the
Messrs. From and White are working
at Steubenville, O., instead of Brad.
dock, as reported in last issue,
A social gathering was held last week
at the home of G |D. Glossner. We need
not say they had an esjoyable time for
Mr. and Mrs. Glossner know how to en-
tertain their friends
Col. J. P. Coburn, of Bellefonte, spent
Sunday in his mansion on Main street.
Miss Cordelia Acker, primary teacher
at Potters Mills, was warmly welcomed
by her friends on Friday evening; she
returned to her duties again on Monday.
Miss Hettie Smull bas gone to spend a
few months with Prof. W. T. Meyer, at
C. A. Weaver, J. P, of Coburn, made
a business trip 10 the burg one day last
W. H. Philips and wife were to Suy-
der county to attend a funeral of one of
Mrs. Philip's nieces.
Clarence Stover and Miss Jennie
Meyer, of Penn Hall, were martied at
the Lutheran parsonage by Rev, Sheed.
er ou Sunday evening.
The Misses Catherine
Bower are visiting their
Bower at Northumberland,
Geo. Weaver and wife spent one day
last week with Mrs, Weaver's sister at
Dr. D. K. Musser, of Bellefonte, spent
Sunday with his aged mother,
Linden Hall
Louella Ross who has been spending
the winter among friends at Altoona, re-
turned home last week.
Mutsy Leitzell spent Sunday at Sun-
bury with his parents,
Adam Zeigler and sister Lizzie, at-
tended the Ev. conference at Baltimore
a few days last week,
Henry Mover and bride spent Sunday
at the home of J. M. Ross.
Edwin Carper and Wilfred Fry left for
Pittsburg Tuesday where they expect to
stay this summer,
and Nora
uncle John
inspector |
Shore, |
people are
D. Glossner's |
a AZ dr
Lowi :
7, of Tha 1a i
The Weelirtles pass through
Herald 5 uare - the center
of New York's Activiry.
On Sunday morviog the church bell
tolled giving notice of the death of H. W
| Sus der, usually called, Dr. Savder.
| The poor unfortunate man
| without the assistance of a doctor for no
{earthly reason but that he was unfortu
nately poor. Is that reason enough in a
civilized country, or are the doctors get. |
wo inhumanp-—practicing only for
boodle that is in it, rather than
I think it a disgrace for our
| rave
community ;
David §
on ia
Monesfon ¢
BE. ( -
hope It never
' Yeagertown
g 10 hire
for the
gol one,
| grind shops,
J. D. Suydes
and T. D. Bowersox con
ite going to Bornktam in the near
future to obtain work of some kind
work some place else
Cleve Snyder intends going away to
some specialist on fits. He is in a piti-
able condition. He may
{ be relieved from the plague
Howard Bowersox returped
after working on the telephone
few months
line a
Austic Cartin returned home on Fri
The sick are all better at this writing
| Henry Shaitz left on Thursday for
| Baltimore to attend conference, we dont
know whether be will get an appoint.
ment or not
i Mrs
{of Austin Curtin
Rev. Boggs preached his farewell
mon on Sunday night
Jennie Carlin visited at the home
Edward Glenn, who left for Cleveland,
returned bome on Monday, where he
will make his bome with his brother
John Barger, who was on the sick list
for a few weeks, is around again.
Spriog is here, the robius are around
A parade passed the depot on Satur.
day eve, it was made up of cows, women
and children.
Soup still goes 10 Howard every Sat.
urday and stays two or three days. If
he don't soon quit going so often they
will have a board bill against him
The boys of this place caught many
fish last week,
Penn Hall X Roads.
8. P. Gramley was home over Sunday.
Flittings and sales are in season.
bouse Tuesday.
F. F. Zerby was over to Sober last
Saturday on business
E. C. Housman was to Colyer visiting
Our trapper and his best half left our
midst for a few days, visiting the lady's
sister at Colyer—but not to trap.
Saturday evening, 14 inst, the chal
lenge band of Penn Hall, will have an
amusement in the band hall. It is fun
for all. Hope it will be well patronized.
The early bird catches the worm, and
the early boy got the bird, but not till
way down the valley, last Sunday morn:
ing before breakfast.
J. G. Wolker bought a fine span of
mules at Mr, Homac's sale.
I wonder how it is some of our young
men say, that the last time they have
been to Brush valley, they on the
wrong road, and the first thing the
knew, they were at the gap. Come bac
again George,
——— MB ———
The man whose children are not glad
to see him ‘when he comes home in the
evening is not to be trusted any further
than you can throw a barnyard by the
bad’ to diel I also saw the No
| Work at this piace is diminishing there- |
our working men must lookout for |
be cured and
W. R. Mesmer will move in his own |
High Valley.
Robins and blue birds are coming by
Oar High Valley flittings will take
place on the first of Apri: Sawuel
Alter on the P. 8. Stover farm, Jess
Snyder on the Sam. Alter farm, George
Rider in where Jess Savder vac.t gs. :
On last Wednesday the first flock of |
wild geese crowded the valley,
Jess Close butchered on last Tuesday
and will now spend his time on the
Alter farm, raising sweet potatoes, fish |
bait, ete
The High valley scribe don’t need a
substitute as he considers himself able 10 |
wipe out one doZ+n more such owls,
The Cobutn scribe No. 1, took a job |
that I think will be a failure, like the
| one he took to set the High valley on a |
| cabbage head , as monkey hatching is as |
| bard a road to travel as the High Valley |
peak, unless he is a better seiter than
| most of the roosters
I saw Mr Scribe from Georgetown , 1
holiored ; “Hello scribe, how is busi
{ness in torn sivce the rigmorole :'' his
| face began (0 wrinkle and he said © Bad,
ithe drum mejor's cow swallowed my
| grindstone. Sorry.
J B. Rishel said be will make an end
to the sea ats, this year, as he knows
| where rat poison can be bad for a song ;
| all required is a brass wecktie to wan
| him of danger, while he is on duty at |
Jess Suyder said there is more money
| io Winchester rifles than in medicine, as |
he bad two and sold both, and could sell
more, but has none on hand : likely as |
{ pot he will order some
| '‘Stop asd listen,” said the No. 2 scribe
| of Coburn, when he mentioned the horse |
| race ; Charley Stonebraker said that was
| foolish talk by a professor.
1 scribe of Coburn ;
| be is tickled pearly to death that he
managed to get the No. 2 scribe to attack
the High valley peak and gass well,
Notice to George Rider be need not
| trouble to get a team to fetch bugs in
High Valley, alley is overloaded
with that kind of gentlemen and ladies
as the ¥
bappen |
Peter Kesler and wife,
of Mrs
of Rebers
R. FP.
were guests Vouada last
The C
T. U. is
iu their
| production a spec
doing a flour
new sla
P. H. Stover, who had the misfortune
of a broken leg and dislocated ankle, in
Collins, W. Va., is improving.
J. B. Rishel sold his mated black team
last Tuesday to vm. Sayder of Usion
Anybody in need of a barber chair
will plese call on Wm. Rote, Coburn,
Mrs. Luther Weaver and daaghter, of
| Woodward, spent Sunday with A. J
Everett and family,
Mrs J. W. Meyer is on the sick list.
T. F. Meyer and family, of Milibeim,
| spent Sanday with Daniel Krader,
Chas Stonebreaker, Chas. Bisenbuth
Noah Lingle and Steward Keen, depart.
ed for Senor at which place they secured
The Coburn scribe No. 2, wishes fo re-
turn thanks to the High valley scribe for
correcting his mistakes in past issues,
and furthermore, do think that the High
valiey scribe has made a grave mistake
hitus If by purchasing the kuttlefleck
and cheese industry from the George.
Liywa scri e, as the bulifrogs will not sing
and dance under poor management, vor
will they spit kuttiefleck gravy in his
face. It may be duvock ; the moruing
of his new purchase was no doubt the
{ Hivilest time he ever "experienced. It
was certainly a sight to sce; first, the |
beavy loaded wagons, and then the pa
| rade, with the scribe at the head lead.
jing the procession. The scribe was
whistling Yankee Doodle and the bull.
| frogs were dancing sagtime.
Oae of our little gents bad the mis
| fortune of getting his coat muddy on the
back on Saturday evening on ss way
| home.
| Boalsburg.
Sam Kaup, our accommodating hack-
driver, has sold out his entire stock to
Dr. IL, E. Kidder, and will remove w
Renovo where be will engage in railroad
work and will make that place his fature
Last Friday evening about 50 friends
and neighbors of Mrs. E. W. Sweeny,
took that lady by surprise by comiug un-
announced, each one bearing their luach
basket, it being Mrs. Sweeny’s birthday,
They took full possession of the house,
and later spread a roval feast of which
all did hearti'y partake. Games were
ed, all seemiog Ww have a real enjoyable
Mrs. Leisher, of Renovo, is visiting at
the home of Samuel Kaup
Hammond Sechler, of Bellefonte, was
in town for the purpose of renting his
farm near by.
Some days we are upon the point of
being a mining town, a rich vein of coal
about to be found on the Reitz property,
next day, pethaps, it may bave crept
farther into the dark recesses of the
Mrs. Theodore Boal is at present on a
visit to Denver, Col,
| hours, if it has a sediment
| constipation,
| played and puzzling questions propound. |
A Sure Sign of Kidney
Trouble. br. Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy will
cure you,
Pain in the back is a never failing sign
of kidney disease ;
the condition of the urine; if you havéa
pain in the back then look to the condition
of your urine
another sure sign is
Take a glass tumbler and
fill it with urine ; after it has stood 24
if it is milky or
, i
i red nov
red, stringy orropy,
cloudy, paleordiscolo
your kidneys and bladder are in a danger.
ous condition and need immediate atten.
tion, consequences may J
F.C. Wil
Hartford, Conn., says
“I had
rove fatal
ox of 550 New Britain ave.
a frightful pain in my back
t of 1a tre My
an seemed powerless to relieve
ned to try Dr. David
Favorite Remedy; it
I determi
4 edy’s
time cured me completely.”
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
Is the one medicine that really cures all
diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and
blood, rheumatism, dyspepsia and chronic
It is wonderful bow it
makes that pain in the back disappear,
| how it relieves the desire to urinate often,
especially at night, and drives away that
scalding pain in passing water and makes
you well and strong.
It is for sale by all druggists in the
New B80 Oent Size aud the regular
$1.00 size bottles—less than a cent a dose.
Sample bottle —~enonugh for trial, free by mail.
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N.Y.
"Dr. David Kennedy's Rose Jelly radical oure
Catarrh, Hay Fever and Cold in Head. Sc,
Michael Eby, ©
USIDECSS Cai'er al be
ia Con
We noticed
Georgetown items Chat
home of
1 Mike
Werk »
Was 2
t William
sue in
one of Penn town-
ring of
shir ‘Ss schox ieachers OOK A
BMICKETS a0Ong Apprase
bis family and
household is to P.ne Creek last Mon-
W. D Zerby, of Be .
father of this plabe over Sunday
Miss Mabe! KE.
Maggie were ne
Auman'son saturda
E C Ripka
Hall, made a *
on Wednesday
over Sunday
03S of Flesh
When you can’t eat break-
fast, take Scott's Emulsion.
When you can't eaf bread
cond butter, take Scott's
Cmulsion. When you have
been living on a milk diet and
want something a little more
nourishing, take Scott's
To get fat you must eat
fat. Scott's Emulsion is a
great fattener, a great
strength giver.
Those who have lost flesh
want to increase all body
tissues, not only fat. Scott's
Emulsion increases them all,
bone, flesh, blood and
For invalids, for con-
valescents, for consumptives,
for weak children, for all
who need flesh, Scott's
Emulsion is a rich and com-
fortable food, and a natural
tonic. |
Scott's Emulsion for bone,
flesh, blood and nerve.
We will send you
a free sample,
Be sure that this picture
in the form of a label is on
i Ho Ra ots
409 Pearl St., N.Y.
S0c. and $1 all druggists.
2 O0(
Yoonada and sisthr
vome visitors st A. L.
af 1
Peel) *
{ wl
n " eT Wo Vs Tad o
i ‘FB | - “. Tra
¥ hb)
1. 4
WAY 72.72%)
1 Are
Ee _