THE CENTRE DEMO AN AWPLL EXPLOSION Scores of People Enveloped In Bura- ing Oi! While Viewing Fire, TWENTY-TWO BODIESRECOVERED Freig!t Wreck On Erie Road Was Fol- lowed By Fire, Which Caused Tank | Cars tc Explode—~Many Bodies In | cireratea. N. Y., March 10 A BCOre Wie killed and a were by an explosion night A Olean, or more pe numba of oil train on the were injured last freight near nere Erie, mad of tani filled oll, brol 4 two 1 ILM Was HNOsL In hted up peopl of the for left fire While tracks } The lames with and a third other in rapid 100K flame shot out in all of people were ca of the fire and enveloped in the flames, Men and ran screaming down the tracks with their clothing a mass of flames they stood, overcome by heat Just Known, incinerate Sydney Fish, a man 4 rned from the s ight vid thi quickly and a s¢ followed the other tanks explosion each ssion Sheets of directions boys Others fell where the awful were of the how many as many busine ene of “I was pt firs prominent the 30 Half a tracks re : hear their from where distance threw them elling efforts to extinguish the fla they lay still, some of t scious, I don't know how many were killed, but I counted 20 bodies before | came away.” Word was sent at police headquarters Erovy franti Then uncon in he dited in their mes Olean he 1 : (31 DY telephone Once tn amt he ambu the i (roe Every doctor and ance in wagons Were press i! City was mmaone ery and carriag: all kinds I rything possi Was Eaths face ly scanned to the bullding on art-rending scenes were hen « WAS reco father or a mother or a fit was wit} "culty were erating Twenty two bodies have been taken from the wreckage. It will be dif cult to ascertain the names of the dead, as of their bodies were burned to ashes in the Intense heat BURGLAR SHOT BY COMPANION AR me of the blis by a poor ize d brother that restrain invading the op FOWTY mont Dispute Over Division of Plunder Will | End Fatally. New Brunswick, N. J.. March 9 A supposed burglar was fatally shot near here yesterday by a companion in the course of a the of | of shooting other men, entered a land Park, and during made them refused panions, they ordered to the place. As they passed out of the door one of them drew a pistol and shot the man who the valuables through the head, after which he and the third man fled and disappeared. The wounded man was taken uncon. scious hospital, where it was found that a bullet had lodged in his brain. On him were found six watches, & revolver and a bunch of skeleton keys. The trio are supposed to have formed the gang who have commit ted many recent burglaries in this vicinity dispute division of the lunder The saloon at High which frequent reference wan which one of with his com to some property to share were had to a Unique Conscience Contribution. Washington, March The tary of the treasury has re elved from &n unknown person a unique con sclence contribution in the shape of a watch, with a goldfiiled case The walch came In a package postmarked Pittsfield, Mass. The sender says in an accompanying letter: “Such as | have | give unto you for the conscience fund. The money I gave for the watch is more than 1 consider | owe the gov. ernment.” : 19 secre Director Merriam Resigns. Washington, March 9.Governor Merriam, director of the census, has placed his resignation in the hands of the President. It will take effect on May 15. Governor Merriam resigns to accept the vice presidency of the In. ternational Mercantile Agency of New York, and will remove from Washing ton to that city. larger | ip prineipally cond | Scores | ght within the zone | POLICEMAN MURDERED Trolley Car at Waterbury, Conn. At tackod By Masked Men, Waterbury, Conn, March 9. ~ lence in its anew Vio- £ in connection with he Coagecticut Rallway and Light. bp This time it is murder, Policeman Paul Mendelsohn is the : W. Chambers, a non- Ay. victim Jonn | conductor, Weberndorfer, was into insensibility 1 was at Forest North Main an Isolated reached the made prep trip Imme George | po ie almost T hie we of the terminus of the The tne car crew return nductor pot waen Hne the Lhe ater the « ior motorman re | worst form has broken out in Waterbury as a result of the the | motormen and conductors ion motorman, was injured, and his | turned the ed men ! by the road and discharged ry man b Mendelsohn fell at and a later that the first pletced his heart. Th as al entered th ar revolvers. eve Officer hot : examination shot was fatal and leaped from t pain while a a cry of oilowed him 1 thelr Hi the car Some o the ren to the « fl ain turns toy atiention Was thrown to the floor and pounded and kicked 1 The him and joined their outslde he was almost unconscious then left panions The conductor regained his foet dim and to the wo officer, but he saw dead with the r i that the hi went side o ind offl« erndor ard ly able } and City POPE'S REAL CONDITION Said the Only Thing the Matter th Him is a Stubborn Cold. A Spe al dispatch ser in mnl emni- day Ous'y pontiff the rrespond fact, the audiences and recent so of stimu- the to have the med t the the vital for of ties sos lating man have His chief sources been the giving of work h we Vatican. with audier ' of 1 the Dr. Lapponi the greatest anxiety is a slight disorder of and intestinal functions. Fo ent catarrh with which bas been suffering is slowly cently "the pres. the the pope but con- | tinuously improving.” and | : persons | REPORT ON CANAL Senate Committee Approves Treaty With Colombia. Washington, March 10.— When Senate met yesterday a letter was read from President pro tempore Frye ap- pointing Mr. Kean (N. J.) as presiding the | legislative apparently over | victim | accompanied by two | alter a violent dispute, | | Cuban reciprocity treaty | most leave | this big event officer in his absence. There being no to transact, the Senate went into executive session Mr. Cullom, of the Forelgn Relations Committee, then favorably reported the Colombian Canal Treaty, and it was read at length, as the rules of the Sen- ate required. Under the rules an ob- carried the treaty over for one day before it could be considered. and Senator Morgan objected to its consid- eration. No action was taken on the business jection It is pretty well understood here that of the Democratic senators will obey the dictum of their new leader Senator Gorman, to the éffect that the Panama Canal treaty must not fall of ratification through their opposition. Will Enter Henley Regatta. Philadelphia, March 10.-At a moet Ing last night of the Vesper Boat Club it was decided to send the famous oarsman, James B. Juvenal, to Eng land next summer to participate in the Henley regatta. It is the intention to have him compete ag the representa tive of Philadeiphia in the race Zor the diamond sculls. Although several Americans have ondeavored to win Ned Ten Eyck, of the Massachusetts Hoat Club, pf Worces ter, Masa, Is the only oarsman who ever succeeded Will Paint Henderson's Portrait. Washington, March 9 Colonel Freeman Thorp has been commis sloned to paint the portrait of ex. Speaker Henderson, to be hung In the lobby of the house of representa. tives. It is customary to have the portrait of cach speaker added to the collection, already In the lobby, of previous presiding officers of the house. Fatally Injured by Son, Richmond, Va, March 10,—J. M. Webb, a prominent farmer of Floyd county, And his son had an altercation, which resulted in the son's shooting the father twice and fatally wounding | him, Youg Webb has fled. ing | tho | # WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED. Wednesday, March 4, i Two trainmen were killed 4n a col Heion on the Chesapeake and Ohio | Railroad uear Huntington, W. Va. yesterdey, Arbor Daye In Pennsylvania will’ be observed on April 3 and 17, in accord. | ance with Governor Pennypeacksr's proclamation, ! Dave Johnson, one of the beat known bookmakers in New York, says he lost $1,000,000 in the last few years, and Will quit the turf for good, The Olive Stove Company's plant at Rochester, N. Y., was completely de stroyed by fire Loss, $756,000. One employe was fatally burned Thursday, March 85, Six persons were hurt, two seriously, in a collision on the Manhattan Ele vated Railroad in New York aay Fire unknown origin destroyed the four-story house of M. Abenhelm ville, Va. Loss, $7i Robert B. Arm vate Lo Se terday | yoester of terday yo tobacco ware & Co y O00 at Farm trong, formerly pri ecretary retary Shaw, yes took the oath of office as as sistant secretary of the treasury A spark from a miner's lamp fell into a keg of powder at Big Mountain colliery at Shamokin, Pa. yesterday causing an explosion in which two miners were horribly burned In a bloody fight near Huntersville, Ala., yesterday between the Taylor boys and Buckleys, one person was killed agd three others seriously in- Jured Friday, March 6. The playing season of the American | Base Ball will on April 20, with Philadelphia at Boston A person identity is vealed has given Barnard College Yori $1,000,004 ] 1 MW 0H League open whose not New to purchase land ad re ning The « arre, Pa, was des strike at Wilke lared off yesterday They Wages and an returning to work today rease in Saturday, March water Ire was instantly kille The plan mili of Billmyer Small, at Y Pa lamag fire yesterday the extent of $15.0 Secretary of State Hay and have gon Ti sville their daughter and infant daughte Captain Wil the prominent g n cials in the 1 at Omaha, Nel therdn-law WAS wif tov Whitne ile, Ga » v Payne one of most vernment am went He of Admiral Dewey Monday, March 0. Poe | at E yesterday ri aattan Was Te pers General Booth, the § rallied York for ndon Saturday A strike fields has bee Union and the operators signing a wage agreement for one year Edwin 1. Breinlg. a farmer of Egypt, Lehigh county, Pa, scratched his hand with a pin recently. and you terday died in great agony from blood poisoning Tuesday, March 10, The general officers of the W. OC. T U. have selected Cincinnati as this year's convention city The Jdorth Carolina general assembly has appropriated $10,000 for an ex- hibit at the 8t. Louis Exposition Emperor William, of Germany, yeos- terday received President Francis, of the St. Louls Exposition. in audience Joseph I. Williams. who served four years as mayor of Cape May, N. J. died at his home there yesterday, aged 78 yoirs i The post office at Elizabeth, Tenn, | was entered by hurglars early yostor. day morning and $800 In cash and stamps were stolen William Smith, of Manchester, Conn. | slashed his wife three times with arm i zor and then took a dose of laudanum, | The woman may recover Balvs Hlinois soft coal 1 averted by the Miners GENERAL MARKETS - Philadelphia, Pa., March 9. - Flour was steady: winter superfine, $2.700 2.90. Pennsylvania roller, clear, $3.10 | 3.25; city mills, extr 2.950 3.10 ye flour was quiet, at $3.15@3.20 per barrel. Wheat was firm; No. 2 Penn- sylvania, red, new, Hie was firm; No. 2 y Oats were quiet; } 43%¢c.. lower grades, 42%¢ steady. No timothy, les. Heof was steady: 19@20. Pork was firm: - faulty. #igc. for old roosters. Dressed poul- try. at 13%e. for cholce fowls, and 10¢ ! for old roosters. Butter w steady; creamery, 2c, per pound KES were Steady. New York and Pennsylvania 17% per dozen. Potatoes steady: cholce, 884 70c. per bushel, Live Stock Markets, East Buffalo, N. Y., March # Cattle were steady. prime steors, $5.26618. heifers, 2 Sods 60: COWS, kit iis. 33. @4.25; Rod to chole per head, Veals st 50; common to CRAT, BELLEFONT!, VA., MARCH 12, 1908 It shows the inherent desire of a woman to be helpful that her chief complaint against suffering is often that she cannot work, What must such a condition mean to the woman who must work if she would live? There is no woman so independent of spirit as a working woman, And yet there are many self-depend- ent women struggling on day by day, knowing that they must soon break down and become depend. ent on others, For weak, run-down, over worked women there is new life and new strength in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It cures backache, headache, Nervousness, sleeplessness and other conse. quences of womanly diseases, by curing the diseases which cause these ills. It establishes regu larity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulcera- tion, and cures female weakness. "I suffered from female weakness for three years so that I could not work,” writes Miss Clara Peterson, of Manhattan, Ill. {Box 253). "Was all run-down, only weighing ninety pounds (used to weigh one hundred yn thirteen pounds). I used your * Favorite Prescriptd and one” box of your ' Lotion Tablets,’ and can now do all kinds of work, thanks to Dr. Pierce's medicines.” Dr. Pierce's Common Sénse Medical Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr, R. V, Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. “| SUFFERED FOR THREE YEARS SO THAT 1 COULD NOT WORK“ 01d Only By Y6a06r & Davis. The Shoe Money Savers, Belletonte and Phillipsburg, Pa. | BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, SLICED WAM | | All kinds of Smoked M ALLEGHENY ST, BELLEFONTE. WWe keep none but the best quality of | Fork Sausage, Steak go to PHILIP BEEZER, If you want a nice J REAL ESTATE & TRUST co. Capital and Surplus, $2,500,000, Millions do not save money Decanse are far » from banks, We have met amenity” Onder our system of mall banking EVERY POST OFFICE A BRANCH BANK. PER CENT. On Savings Accounts, Write ft Vklet xplatuing . * unk Avene, Fire, Life, Accident Insur ance, Real Fetate and Loans 15 Standard Insurance Co's represented. You can't af ford to insure your buildings or life until you see GRANT HOOVER. Urider's Stone Bulldine. BELLEPON TR. ra We prom obtain U, B and Foreign PATENTS “ \ ol | | Ti] LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE, All persons who have bills against the Road | Supervisors, of Howard twp, or hold notes bearing interest against said department are Botified Lo present them at once Lo the super. Vinors or auditors. WINE BurLex, MiCnarl Cosren, supervisors Howard township EX ECUTOR'S ROTICE Estate of MARGARET DALEY, decensed | of Bellefonte boro | Letters testamentary upon sald estate hay. | Ig been granted by the Register of Wills to the undersigned, all persons knowing them | Selves 10 be lpdebled Lo sald estate are re. guested 10 make Immediate payment, and | those having claims, to present them for set | tement PHILIP BEEZER, Ey xls Bellefonte, Pa | ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIOK Estate of LUCY BRIAN Gregg township Letters of administrat granted on the al | speottully request all persons reives indebtsd (0 the | #16 payment and those Lhe same to present ther for settlement Toe gnnd 5 AVPITOR'S XOTIC) | { In the Orphans’ Court of « entre ( | In the matter of the estate of Anaw JO | late of Haines townsh Pp, deceased. The | Mgned, an Auditor appointed by the Ory ! Court of Centre County, “to make | of the balance in the hands of the | as showy inthe secount filed , | those } Ate { will ent at | office of Fortney & Walker, in 4 | Pa. on Wednesday, the sth. aay of Apri | D195, at 10 a. m., when and where all parties | Interested may attend and present tnelr claims | or be forever debarred from comir gin on sald funds aisirn noe 1.V1010oR Roven A! DITOR'S NOTICE bands of the ads Bd among those 1 attend "HANS COURT SALE Border of the rehans’ Court iy. Pennsyivania, w» be sold on the premises in Patton tows pin sald county on SATURDAY, MARCH 14h, 19 { he toll i real estate { AA ie that ¢ in Fatle syivania, bounded i described as fo Beginning at a post * Buffalo Run thence by sald road and land of Wm north 79 degrees east 41-10 rods wo thence by land of Rachel Stine north 14 de west 10 rods 10 a post; thence by land « Waddle north » 4 degrees west os p thenee by land of Ch auth ¥ degrees sast rods to 3 i the premises B.T. HARRIS Atl ¥ Administrator Ww RIT IN PARTITION To the heirs ana legal representatives of i Sarah Schreck, late of Uoliege townsh Pp, de ceased | Take notice that in pursuance of an order of | the Orphans’ Court of Centre county, Penasy! Vania, s writin partition has been issued from said Court to the Sheriff of said county, return able on Monday the Sth day of April, 1W3 and ibat an inquest be held for the purpose of {| Making partition of the real estate of said de cedent on THURSDAY, MARCH, 24, 1903 ATW AM al the late residence of the decedent, at which time and piace you can be Beant if you see Jioper mma Rishel, Alfred Rishel Belle onte, Pa.: Wm. Schreck, Lemant Pa. Sallie { Moore, Kobi. #. Moore, Phiipsbarg. Pa: | Alice Lucas, John N. Lucas, Kyler {town, Pa. John Schreck, Kylertown, Pa Ellen Ledwig, Pelix Ludwig, Piteairn. Pa Geo MeBath Kylertown, Pa: Edward Me Bath Frank McSath, May McBath, Boyd Me- | Bath, Elizabeth Mc Bath, Anna Me Bath, Made | MeBath, all of Kylertown, Clearfied Co. Pa | W. W._ Sohreck, Gde. of Elizabeth MeBath | Anna MeBath and Maud McBath 1 No. 1 All that certain messgage, tegement | and tract of woodland situate on the north | side of Nittany mountain in Oollege township, | county of Centre and state of Pennsyivania. ! bounded and deserioed a« follows Beginning | 8l a stane corner of land of Christian Houts, ji thenee by land of Christian Dale north 8 ig de. | grees east 143 55-1090 porebhes 1o a stone. thenoe { by land of Robert, Valentine north 31%° west 81% perches to stone. thence by land of same South HRLL° west 103 5.000 perches to stone, thence by land of Christian Houts south 315,° east Il perehes Lo the place of beginning, eon. taining 20 acres and 45 perches. It being the same Secinihes which Felix Shuey ot ux by their deed dated the 24h day of April A. D INS, granted the same unto Sarah Schreck. No 2 All those two certaln messuages, tens ments, plantations and two several tracts of land situate in the township of Spring (now College) county of Centre and sta Fenn. sylvania, bounded and described as follows: © larger thereof, inning at a stone corner of J Houser's land thence along the same south 72 % east 132 perches fo a white oak, oh corner of land of which this Is « part intended to be conveyed to Abraham Holder. man, thenoe Along the same the fonr following courses and distances, tow! : south 5 Tens west 15 perches 1o a post, thenoe north 7) de. rees west 16 perches to a white oak, thence th 42 degress west 62 2 10 perches 10 4 stone, a corner in line of George Whitehill's lands thence along the same n 5504 “west 38 perch. ox to stone, a corner of George Oobels land, thence along the same north 2 degrees east 79 perches to the place of beginning, containing 4 nores and 5 perches, No. 3 The other thereof ina line of Werts land th th J3dogtens K er, thence a £ the oorn- South © t da post. in Ww