THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFON I" | I'A., FEBRUARY 12, 1663, 1 CORRESSPONDENTS' DEPARTMENT Happenings of a Week Over Cen- tre County THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR PAGE What Has Transpired in the Various Localities— Alert and Able Writers— Section Represented ? Smuliton. This week opened by a rising temperatue. Ralph W. llliog gsworth, of Arizona, occupied the pul ph here in the M. E. church, Feb. 31, and delivered a very able discourse. Evervbody was glad to see him and we hope he will agam be with us ere he leaves field of labor. Saturday will be Valentine day, will you make use ot it? H. H. Stover is spending the week at Woodward taking pictures, Harry says, Merl you ought to furnish at least one fourth the wood, or sit closer together so you need no fire, Our town has its share of seamstresses, the following comprise the lot : Marion Emerick, Mrs. A. L. Miller, Mayme Wolf, Kate Fehl and Lizzie Brindle; this shows not only that there is git-np- ‘and- get-there in the men of this place, but that the opposite sex possess a fair amount of ambition. Lewis Detwiler was spending the last two weeks with friends at Coburn and Spring mills. Operations on the immense timber tract of the Walker estate, at the east part of the valley, will begin in the spring. The timber will be taken to Union county; the logs will be cut and transported by trucks to the large mill at Laurelton. up Compiled by a Corps of | ~Is Your | High Valley. High west wind on Wednesday, so high R bat it kept Jess busy to bold the stove in the house. The prop man had to stop hauling on account of no snow, On Monday I saw the Georgetown scribe ; he says he is sorry that he had made such a mistake. I believe corn will not be as high this year as it was last year, as Samuel Alter will farm P. § Stover’s farm and he is of the corn kind ; so hurry up, afternoon farmers, don't be beat. Rumor says another new building will go up in Rankletown, shows that Rankle- | town is still on the move. The High Valley scribe got notice not to sell or give away natural gass to any of the scribes under a penalty of twenty | dollars, or to go in the goat cheese and | kuttlefleck dungeons for not less than three months. | : | privilege to sell to whom I please; for his western | A K F A. E. Strayer was to Bellefonte one | day last week. | day Newton Brungart ordered the Centre | | his last course, Democrat from the correspondent for 1 year and paid in advanced. Newton knows a good a good thing when be sees it, and the Democrat fills the bill, Samuel Wate’s oldest child sick list, By all appearance this valley will bave a band before long; arrangements in this direction having been made Why should this pot be a success. We wish you success, but don’t watch the fellow that sucks the lemon. Milesburg. Edward Peters nas been confined to his bed with inflamatory rheumatism and is some better, Mr. Metz, of Pattersen, N. J., is a guest of his cousin A. A. Kohlbecker and family. Harvey White, of Mil! cent visitor tb his sister, Wallace. Robt. Proudfoot, late home with his mother, Altoona. John A. Whiteman furnished an oyster supper for 30 persons, on Wednesday, the 4th. Oa Thursday evening Mae Wharton gave a is on the Hall, was a re. Mrs. Lottie of will at in DuBois, ocate the sth, Miss birthday party in Gentlemen, the High Valley scribe is not born in the woods to get scared by owls ; I have a charter that gives me the now don't get scared and buy worthless corn but get the genuine. Have no news from Owl hollow, only saw Harry come in to Ingleby with two poles and two big bays. John Galer is in the same boat as the scribe ; we have the timber to the road ready to go to the R. R. but no snow. George Eisenhuth was down on Pine creek visiting his daughter, Mrs, Martin. Thomas Nail remodeled the west end of the fallen house and moved in, and sets there like a king in his palace. I saw in the Democrat, on 22 of Janu ary, that all those who are out of stamps should notify the office and they wonld be sent promptly. Please sead a few to Georgetown, as the High valley scribe just sold gass and don’t need any now ; if you have any on hand send a few to the Coburn scribe, so I hear from him. The Pine Creek milling company is doing a roaring business, runing day and night and two hours between times. Coburn. Randall Harter returned home Satur. from Keller's business college, Lewisburg, Pa., where he has completed Sam’l Ard is hope he will the victim of rheumatism, soon be out again It would be gafer for some of oar boys, as well as the pub ic in general, to carr) walking insteaa of cautious boys Wm. |]. Rote, champion fisherman of the season, he caught a sucker eighteen inches long, weight one and one half Ibs sticks pisiols; be Slew day ard Harter returned home Thurs- from Keller's Business College, | Lewisburg | pets, can show fifty honor of her father, Rev, Richard Whar. | ton, being his 63rd anniversary of his birth. The officials of th M. E charch presented him a beantiful reclining Mor. ris chair, costing $11. Rev. Crouch his ints mate friend, with his wife, were guests at the party of j0 present, John Morris, Miss Julia Morris, of Johnstown, and Mrs. Sarah Buffington, | | §The birthday party at G of Tyrone, were recent guests of their | brother, J. Irvic Morris, Eq. Henry Kohlbecker left on Saturday for Newark, N. J. Richard Adams and wife, of Philips | burg, attended the funeral of the late Jacob P. Shope. Miss Lida Smith, of Snow Shoe, was a recent guest of her aunt, Annie Smith, William Billet, of Nittany, was a re- | Loop that Nah Chronmilier sold a Ply cent guest of Levi Grubb, McClellan Fulton Sundayed burg and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs, Clande W. Fulton, of Esplain, lost their infant aged 14 months, after an illness of one month ; the re mains were brought to this place for in. terment ; the funeral took place from the residence of the grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. Fulton, in the Gregg Twp. Luther Zettle, of Orangevil le, IIL, is visiting his aged mother and brother. Herbert Gobble is iil with scarlet fever, Harry Gentzel will move on his father's farm in Penns valley in the spring. John Hosterman who has been ill since last fall, is able to be around again, C. P. Long purchased the white pine trees, from Jessie long on the Penn Cave farm. Some of the trees measured five feet across the stump. Ouoe of the trees was one hundred and fifty feet long. Wheat fields look all right generally, Harvey Rider, who had recently been employed by Beilbheimer Bros, Milroy, is spending a few davs with his relatives and friends at this place Everett's store, the place for fine car- different designs in full room form with the latest improved carpet displa. er, do not fail to see them Jacob Kerstetter, Jr., one of our many fishermen, returned home from Beaver dam Wednesday last with a foe string of suckers, but reports the water being pretty cold. How about it Jacob? Wm. Witmver and wife will Senor after their sale, whic intend to make their Philip St , who bas been housed up for some with neuralgia, is out again enjoying the fresh air Stop, for they leave bh place future home ver time look and listen, for the coming horse race the latter part of next week Em! Eisenbuth and J B. Rishel will speed their fast horses from Coburn to Milibeim. Mr. Eisenhath is very coa- ident that he will win, Stakes fi10 B. Shaffer's 1m honor of their son Warren, was large. lv attended. All report having spent a pleasant evening Mrs. P. H Stover and Mrs R. F Vonada were to the funeral of Reuben Gramely, on Monday, at Rebersburg. Pine Creek Mills. J. W. Goodman our ex-miller, spent Sunday with (riends near here. The groundbog’s cold weather started in all right. ALL RUN DOWN, An Every day Story, No Appetite, No Ambi- tion, Constant Headaches, No Rest, No Sleep, Listless, Languid, All Played out, A Bellefonte Citizens Gives the Curse. The Aaronshurg scribe stated last moth Rock chicken which weighed Sibs, Mrs. E M Kerstetter bas sold one which weighed 10 Ibs. Whe can beat this ? Der Koey Draveled olly uocht iver de hivia und de oner nocht bot are en mon gasana una cubb, ve is sel Koey ? W. H. Harter purchased a power machine and will start drilling for coal 50 ft. west of his lime kilns. P. S. Kerstetter made a flying trip to Aaronsburg last week Quite a number of our pecple were at. tending protracted meeting in Aarons. burg. W. H. Bressler returned home for the rest of the winter, J. B. Rishel is hauling logs for the Meyer & Vonada Lumber Co., near Coburn. Orvis says it was very unpleasant on Sunday morning 0 walk a distance of about 4 miles, T. C. Miller spent Sunday with his mother at this place. Tospectors say that natural gas could be found 30 ft east of J B. Rishel’s smoke house ~ We notice that the High valley scribe is still as jolly and as full of tricks as ever, W. H, Bressler and family and W. H. : Harter spent Sunday at Aaronsbarg, : Soloman Garrett, of No. 31 Allegheny street, | Bellefonte, Pa. says: “1 had been feeling very mueh run down and poorly for a long time My head ached a great deal and I fele tired all | over Stonlght. Teaw Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills 80 highly recommended I got & box at Krum. rine's drug store and they did me a great deal of good, I felt first rate after using them and have no hesitation In recommending them t others.” Dr. A. W. Ohase’'s Nerve Pills are sold at Soe a box at dealers or Dr. A, W, Chase Medicine Co. Buffalo, N.Y. Seo that portrait and signa ture of A. W._ Chase, M. DD, are on every pack 1 Ae. A «To cure a cough or cold in one day ake Krumtine’s Compound Syrup of Tar, a5 cents, I was also bothered with sleeplessness | i Meril says that the report stated in last week's news is not cotrect, H. G. Miller was kept busy shippin flour last week y ¥ippug Mrs Gertrude Winkleblech spent San- | day with ber husband at Linden Hall, Mrs. H. G. Miller is on the sick list, Miss 1 zzie Soyder is a pleasant visitor at J. B. Rishel's, JO ee undersigned ha : To A inease is ous to make Ty Comune Sh those who desire it, he will hove send (1) ) a copy of the PheseriGuion used, iL Ane 1) AY FIND THE THE WEELITTLES IN CHICAGO. At the bear Park the Bruin ¢ hing d Le in Garfie ro watch 0 free. KEEPER. Colyer. Howard Shadow received his new stove which he had sent to Chicago for; be also bought a handsome chamber Wm. C. Bunvell ; Howard, what does all | this mean, you buying all this fine fur. of it; will grow there this summer. Mrs. J. H. Mover, and Miss Smith, visited at P. B Jordan's one day last week ; Wm. Mulbarger was also a caller at tie same place. Wm. Mulbarger and David Fortney had quite an experience whi'e inspecting some hay on the mow of Wm. Bair, one day last week. Wm M-—how about the cook, and what about the old w ? James K Norris wi on Saturday, 14th, Em Jordan's The same old Mrs. Peter Philips and daughter, Miss Ella visited at Fr ank Brown's, Saturday Misses Pear! and Virgie Krotze sited their coustn on Sunday, Miss Blanche Housman. John H. Sheesly, of Boyer, sent in his subscription for the Centre Democrat Wm. Bair will quit working for Rockey the 28th of this month in order to move to Potters Mills and work for Mr. Alli son Mr. Bair will offer at public sale : wagon, buggy, and his “hundred and seventy-five granger sleigh,” with R. | K., as auctioneer and Wm. Mulbarger as clerk—with a free granger dinner for all. Wm. T. Royer, of McConnell, Iii, son of Samuel Royer, deceased, visited with his cousin, Jacob F. Royer, of this place Mrs. Annie Kritzer and ber Mrs Mary |] Baoey, visit with Mrs. Bavey’s brother, J. S man Miss May » from Potters Mills, up home Tuesday evening of last we Ask John Curry how May boots ; where was time ; "harrah Squire W. M transacted have public sale met Jordan auct. favorite way." Emmet music piece of ed last Friday Hous was ck likes Centre Hall by 10 wear that Grove, fre some ym Centre HU important business our community, Friday of last week. Wm. L. Royer and daughter, Mrs, Jacob Lied, of McConnell, Iil., and Mr. and Mrs. John Dashem, of the Red Mil, visited through here last Friday, and took supper at | H. Mover's. Mr. Rover and daoghter, after a six week's visit in Pennsvivania, will return next week to their [illinois home. Mrs. Lied admits to be charmed with the kindness of our people, vet prefers Illinois to our hilly country as a howe. Mrs. Ammon Babb spent last with her parents, Mr at Potters Mills. Mrs. Annie Krotzer and family enter tained a number of friends Saturday evening. Mrs. James Swabb, of Aaronsburg, 1s visiting her daughter; Mrs. A B, Lee, Wm. Stump was to Bellefonte, Thursday. Some of the young men who work a Reichley’'s lumber camp have “Christ mas’ every week, It has been requested that we should mention that it is a false report that Har. vey Smith, of Penn Ha'l, who was injured on Reichley’s lumber job, got no pay; the company paid his doctor bill and sent him a check of £30. Squire | 8 Housman attended conrt at Bellefonte Monday and Tuesday of last week, returning home Tuesday evening, a surprise to their musical party and al. 80 a surprise 10 the Squire himself Squire Housman will preach in the Zion Evangelical church, on Sunday at 10 a. m, How about Jacob L's retreat, did the widow woman drive too fast and leave you in the shade? surely they should bave had a driver, Tuesday evening of last week the home of Squire J. 8. Housman was a scene of merriment; Fred Brown, a fine and noble boy, (son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown) furnished the music with hs graphophone, he has fourteen records, some of the finest music ever produced ; but one record was a mystery, it went ahead of its manager to the above named place, telling them he was coming. Sey, Uncle Dan, you know anything about it? Well Fred, that record is allright, so is “Jim and Sarah” those who were present and listened to the fine instru. ment were: Emmet Jordan, wife avd son Floyd, Frank Brown and sons Fred and Boice, Mn. J. H Mover and daugh Kh ay and Blanche, D. F, and Mag. oun ordan, Harry Fees and leslie Treaster Sav girls, what 1 you so? that von came running in pale and trembling ? Oh! Leslie, you are a naughty boy. Sad pews from the Middleburg Post : “A hog of Charles Roush died Sunday night.” A girl fsn’t really a belle unless she is in week . and Mrs. Wilkison on tolled so. suit at A. B. Lee's and a fine organ from | niture ? surely your mother has vo need | but, how about that path across the | bottom to John I.——'s surely no grass | Ella mother, | Howard. H. C Holter, one of our prominent | citizens, transac ed basiness in Bellefonte {on Monday. Harry Wilson aud wife, of Lock | Haven, were the guests of his parents | over Sunday Miss Mary Yeager, who has been vis | iting her sister, returned Morday to ber | home in Bellefonte Miss Mary Wilson is visiting her brother David, at Lewisburg. Our new postmaster, Mr. fully established in his new profession We hope be will make as our late 1 as onvliging teresting ‘stag’ Sa‘urday nig! then good a one postmaster ar Quite an in held here seemed to enjoy ] {his f an hour he He soon Erin rtaiped them It was good 1PRNY and the r and sot ed hn rova ac qua tes chief ILE ens Hy until! time for ele sauce past showed the of his wife Musi was feature of the latter part and some beautiful hymuas were rendered. A when the time of parting came and wish him many more pleasant birthdays remains of Mis Greth The burg, hrought here on wee] A held mp e488 of the eYening were BOTTY . of Pitts Monday Cathoiu adirining known by and her death We tender our those viving ng "e'e $e 7 viICes the bh, and interment in the She was we many of the people here was a shock to many heartfelt sympathy to oer were cemetery Ferguson Twp The R instity held in KE Spt counted among the best county ng farmers’ yet Luther Sanday will become tenant on the recently soid Meyers farm Mrs. Benjamin Corl, of Pine Hall, very low with caocer of the stomach, Kreps & Bro. are their Pine Grove store, growing business J. B. White had his cut off at Houser's saw mill, ago While engaeed in putting in a side about to eniarge required by their left foot nearly a short time track at Powlev's Crossing, J]. H. Heber. | ling had one of his fingers badly mash ed. The P. R. Co. is putting in this new track 10 accommodate Mr. Barett in loading, telepone poles. The venerable Andrew Glenn is laid up at his home, on the Branch, on ac count of a badly bruised shoulder, as well as inte'nal injuries received from a tum. ble down stairs Prosserville. We boast of having a lady who has the | if you don't | bartender in | courage of Carry Nation believe it, ask a certain Bellefonte The Evey family are all on the mend. of Romola, is visit. Mr and Mrs. Netty McCloskey, ing at her grand parents, McCloskey Grandpap MCloskey was seen on our streets this morning, after being absent several days on a visit to his friends at Romola ; he says there is no place like bome and the meeting of your old school mates, Confer is as | r the | | propriate service 10 be held in the 1 | the evening a J 14 | with the former's cousin, Wolf s Store. C. J. Greninger aud family spent last Saturday avd Sunday visiting friends at loganton Harry Watte, of Pitcairn, this place, who speut the in this section visiting, will wor k sometime this week of those merry fe smile for every ong, formerly of return to his Valentine day comes Saturday of week. Besure to get your mali on day win The sad iptelligence Sunday of the death of Nathaniel Bower sox, of Rebershurg. Mr. Borersox wa long a resident of this place, and his {uneral attended by many of ou that ’o reached us or Was i 1‘ op eC. store room he name but we are We are informed that the at this place has been rented, yi the party earn, assured that by first we did not Apni slore we wi 151 Class genera At this wiitiog there is no applicant for the blacksmith stand; some one will a rare chance as this is a number country stand. C. M Stove will not move to Nittany as be contemplated, A M. Harter, of the firm of Harter Bros., at Coburn, was over this way on business one day last week. William Gilbert, one of our industrious young men, thinks of going to West Vir. ginla to work for Harter Bros. at lumber- ing. The firm can feel proud if they secure his service. A little over six weeks and April fool will be here. How swift time flies, Next Tuesday is election day and every voter should remember that this is one of man's {ree privileges. Quite a sumber of young men from Rebersburg were out last Saturday skat- ingon D. B. Weaver's dam. Next will be public sales, hot coffee and doughnuts, on Tuesday to attend the horse sale. Loganton. Wop F. M i bold an Ev Sngeiistic meeting in the ited Evangelical church in this place _—. | commen cing on Sunday evening the 15th 0 contin for an indefinite time Rev, ue Baumgardner is bold meeting at Tylersville this ] A Danlap is a holding meeting at Booaevilie 10 conli cw weeks, ing a reviva week Rev fA TEVivVAa for a 80 nue Brungard g the bome Heck al church for this Boyer of the Evangeiu ached his farewell sermon on ference year on Sunday. On the 28 hh of February the joth anni- versary of the institution of the [OOF will be celebrated at this place with aj aited church in the afternoon. In viol sessionofl the I O. O F. with the Silver Leal No. 216 Rebecca odge will be heid in the lodge we with a grand banquet in the ban The meeting in the afternoon Meyer, of Robt Evangelical uet room is to be addressed by | C liefonte and Grand Warden Graham, of Philadelphia. The home of Mrs. John Morris, at Ilo was agiow a few evenings casion of the yma, 0 Harry Pa. Mr: Be ganton it being the ber daughter, En Wilkesbarre painter and Rev. |. L mony The Wilkesharre the future ARO marniage Mc Neal, of is pag Bove? brid 3 WE ang , where they Rock View. The groundbog is a good prophet; it is beginniog with cold and snow storms Miss Irena Walters, of spent Sanday with her friend, Swartz Miss Pear! day with their nacle and Hov's, near Pleasant Gap. Axemann, Prudence and Grace Hoy spent Sun aunt, S. H Some certain young men in our vicini. {ty said they would go to Pittsburg or bust, and work for twenty cents an hour; but then they stopped to think, but not much to eat. So they are glad to put up with the farmers again, for they know the farmers have enongh to eat. Harry Dinges and son Ralph, of Cen tre Hall, spent a few hours un Harvey Sun day. Rockview Sunday schoo! will next Sunday at 1o0o0'clock a m West Brushvalley. be held Mrs. John Brian is quite ill with stom ach trouble and other complications of diseases, Grenoble Bro's have their saw mill operation running at full blast Rev. O 1, Buck, of Rebersburg, has protracted meeting in the Evangelical church Gurney Deckard, of Georgesealley, g as the guestof Chas 8 Wise last Friday in last two weeks | Hatry is one | ows and alwavs has a | this | aa. | have a mss | onc { | tation and Brickley, of Johnstown, | room 1! , Sunday | [15 1. MONTEONERY, HD. In a Carefully Prepared Ar- ticle recommends Dr. D. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. of : 1and Hy the N we are us Tribe exams ination of the chemical and al ex. New York Magazine of Bani Hygiene, In fact, after the most search nung tests and ri grid ir ny ury 10 to the record of Dr. David Kennedy's Pa. vorite Remedy, it becomes a duty to re. eommend its use in unequivocal term to every reader of this journal whose com. plaint comes within the list of ailments which this remedy is advertised to cure, We have obtained such overwhelmi proof of the effi of this specific—bave eo satisfactorily demonstrated its curative wers personal experiments t a care for the interests of our readers leads us tocall attentiontoitagreat values, ** JAMES H. MONTGOMERY, M. D. It is for sale by all druggists in the New 50 Oent 8ixe wd the regular $1.00 size bottles— less than a cent a dose, Sample bottle —enowgh for trial, [free by mail, Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Yo “Pr. David Kennedy's Cherry Balsam best for perts of the | Colds, Coughs, Consumption. ®o, Bic, $L00, Many of our people were to Millheim | and Saturday Both young are musicians { and receive great credit for their musical skill, Wm. Rachau last Saturday bert, after ‘gals’ nit ¢ Quite an aco) !ast Saturday c¢vening. While calling in his best friend he his pocket knife. $5 00 reward for returuing same to the above PROFIT of the absent also H. 8. Lim. was among evening, jent befell Harry Ream JOS matter of feed is - The . . tremendous 1m r ‘3 i Wror MW tt's Emulsion 1s a mixed od Liver Oil in it makes flesh, blood and muscle, the Lime and Soda make bone standard It is the food and brain. for delicate Send for free sample. 1 his picture in n the oh a label » ery bottle S¢ oft & Bowne CHEMISTS, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. S50c. and $y all druggists, L USED INTERNALLY AND FX Tel AR HAM Miss Bila Smith and Mary | INS W MATISHM, |ZARD, CK.» LAME BACK,