2 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONT¥, FA, FEBRUARY 12, 1903. HERDERED AND ROBBED Boarding House at Portage, Pa., | Elown Up to Hide Double Crime. YWO CCAD AND TWO INJURED Fir of Bodieg After the Explosion Reverled Mygtorious Crime — Be: Cw ¥ 1d $900 Missing—Many Ot Bi 8 Damaged ) 10 A dastard Iy i ry and murder resulted in wrecking by dynamite of an Ita i mrding he ¢ at Por- t th y \ yosterday morning Iwo [ } wre dead, two are injured and a " yf others had miraculous escapes from d 1 when the explosive t go. The concussion broke the windows in all the buildings for nearly a square and did some other damage. The dead are: Tony Grillo, aged 44; Mrs. Tony Grillo, aged 41 Ralph Tellilido and Joe Destavo were seriously injured. The scene of the affair was an Ital- fan boarding house occupied by Grillo, his wife, three daughters and about 25 boarders. When the explosive let go the in- mates were hurled in all directions, but the most of them escaped serious in- Jury. The bodies of Grillo and his wife were found buried beneath the ruins of the building, which was completely demolished. The boarders are all employed about the railroad at Portage. They had no occasion to use dynamite, and none of the explosive was known to be in the house, yet persons familiar with its use say that at least 25 pounds must have been put off under the room where Grillo and his three little girls slept. It was stated that Grillo had | between $600 and $700 and his wife $200 more in the house, but none of the money has yet been found. and the theors at it was stolen by some one who killed the iple and then exploded the ynamite to cover the erin } d« ped ye terday afternoon tends to strengthen this t} The 8 ex at | osed the fact t { i » shed as if \ 5 t, and hi Further in A t 1 i were the Excl | Yerkley's Ho tels fr f S ; & Coffield Alexander W . ¥ store and Silverman & ( 5 al store The entire ation of Wn Was aro 1 St y the explosion a man wa nr AWAY A WOMAN'S AWFUL CRIME Confessed to Killing Husband and Burning Body In Kitchen Stove. Monticello, N. Y., Feb. § Mrs Lafayette Taylor, of ( treville, Sul Hvan county, ¥ ay nfessed to hav | : Aafayette Ta m Jan uary laylor disa January . i : ried h { fay i 1 A » a Cen tre ¢ man, whe not buy for fear Tavior 1 t come ba and claim it. Mrs. Taylor told him to rest easy on tha 1 K him and burned h iy ; 14-yea i da e Tay lors was asked about the story her m er had told about having killed her father St aid the Ory was true Mr Taylor was arrested. and yesterday made a full confe on Her story that her husband, who was a hard nker, came home on the night of January 25 very drunk and began to abuse her. She secured a re- | PASSED ANTITRUST BILL Measure Goes Through the House By |A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED, p. | Wednesday, February 4. The international conver tion of the i Epworth League will be hed at De tult, Mich, July 16-19, Fire destroyed six blocks in the bus Unanimous Vote, | Washington, Feb. 9—By a unani- | mous vote, 2456 to 0, the house Sat [ urday passed the anti-trust bill. The { elosing chapter was devold of excite. ment For three hours the Democrats | offered a series of amendments de t Ince “teeth” in the bill, but the ther ruled out of order or voted nohy a ict party vote, On ! { ’ { i tical ranks on It on an amendment of by M1 I Homi: i {Dem.), of lowa, to ma the filing of turns incumbent pon all corporations mandatory. On that amendment en Republicans voted with the Den rat 1 hill pi requires corpora | h Led 1! A i i file ros t 4 | ar le of incor. | ration, financial composition, condi tion, ete hh the interstate com merce commission on penalty of being r rained from engaging in interstate COMMErce Pres penalties for | false returns, ete. The commission is given authority In its discretion to call | for similar returns from existing cor { porations doing an interstate business, The commission is given power to compel the answer to questions, and a fine of not to exceed $5,000 is imposed for fallure to obey the commission in this respect. Rebates by carriers ls made punishable by a fine of not less than $1,000, and corporations violating the provisions of this section are for. bidden the use of the instrumentali- ties of Interstate commerce, Carriers are prohibited from knowingly trans. porting articles produced, manufact ured or sold In violatich of the Sher | man act. In cases of prosecutions, no | person Is excused from testifying on the ground that such testimony would tend to incriminate him, but for such testimony the witness is not to be prosecuted The circuit courts are given jurisdiction in cases of violation, and it is made the duty of distriet at | torneys to institute proceedings to pre | vent violat and indly fan aged by A 4 authori to sue PRESIDENT DECLINES Mr. Roosevelt Refuses Allies’ Invita tion to Act as Arbiter Wa r i 7 Pr lent Ro [] | nyita 4] of i 3 ats 5 qu Nn as to w y hall cel pr i 1 t atment wit 114 Wf thair lait ng Ver ela t ther ft tior He 1 : sion day aftern and it rn 1 Sect J Hay to d atch a note to the British embassy a n advising the British ambassad that eff« The mat ter, therefore, now will referre to The Hague tr 1 This will r it in t immedia al g of the block ade Immediately on r ipt of S«¢ tary Ha note yuncing t pre jent's de na H Br h aml add ad dre i a commun on Minist HB tating tha wn ifferis fre 4 atiack of & Bripg 41 wo f Mr. Bowe w all : H i Vi An env wer : n the emba wher the 1 assador explained tha wen to call for severa 1d announced the arrival of hi protocs which he was prepared t submit to Mr owen for signature Later the German minister Baron Sternberg, called on Mr. Bowen ani the 8 protocol, iminary announced arrival of hi Today's program includes pre preparations for the signing of the proto ols It developed that two pro tocols are to be signed by Mr. Bowen with the Italian ambassador, Signor | Mayor des Planches; two with the British ambassador, and two with the | German minister, Baron Spec von | Sternburg volver, which she had purchased a few | days before, and tried to frighten him He attempted to take it from her, and | ggle It went off, the bullet | py 1pINO BANDITS ROUTED m over the eye and killing She was so frightened | Fifteen Killed in Engagement With ng arrested for murder | Constabulary. that she decided to cut up the body and Maniia, Feb, 10 A force of 100 con- burn it. Her 14-year-old daughter wit- | stabulary, under Inspector Keithley, on nessed the shox 1g and helped her to | Sunday defeated a body of 200 insur cut up the iy In all es with | ents near Mariquina, a small town an axe and burn it in t} kitchen | seven miles from Manila Clty, after a stove, together with the ng of the | severe engagement, in which Inspector victim. The burnt bot We ground | Harris and one man of the constabulary fine and fed to the her he blood | were killed and two other men of the spots were covered up with paint constabulary wounded. The enemy left Mrs. Ta AYR Phe { od be-| 16 dead and three wounded, Inspector cause the : haunted her Th Harris’ home was at Atlanta, Ga daughter has not been arrested yet The body of insurgents formed the Endorse Slave Pension Bill, main force of the irreconcilable General Fort Wort ex. Fob. 9.~—At the | San Mig The constabulary were regular meeting yesterday of the R | divided into three detachments. which B. Lee Camp. United Confederate Vet. | YT scouting in the Maraquina Val erans, a refolution er Jenator ley. The detachment commanded by Hanna's bill to pension former slaves Inspector Harris came upon the enemy was Introduced by the state historian, who were In a strongly intrenched po Judge C. C. Cummings, and passed by sition Inspector Harris fell at the an ahnost unanimous vot The reso | first volley, being hit five times. The ution urges that Texas representa | detachment of constabulary, although tives in congress wport tl Hanna outnumbered, held its position until measure to the extent of res ’ | Inspector Keithley with the main force ex-slaves who remained at home, with. | arrived When the enemy were put to In the ages set .forth in the bill or | JOuL, els hendquarters ute tpt a uihe with thal \babp | tured and burned, and the constabulary gos ¢ Ab rr A Aor pry seized the records of General Han who were inl} te " in the United Staten | Miguel, who claims that he succeeded volunteer service and already are on | \° 'N® cmd of the insurrectionary the pension list, orcas when the other generals sur- rendered. He has only a handfull of Earthquake at Owensboro, Ky. | men under him, and his operations Owenshoro, Ky, Feb, 9A distinct | have been of no consequence, The earthquake shock was felt here at 6.45 o'clock last night. Plctures were shaken from walls and tables in the second stories of many houses. The shock was also felt at several other Kentucky towns and by some in [1 nos. Killed While Playing With Pistol, Wilkesbarre, Pa, Feb, 9. — While playing with a loaded revolver yester day, louis Reel shot and killed his companion, Thomas Mossip. They .re both 17 years of age and well op pected. Reel was arrested and aced in the city prison for a heaing. os —vc L | wounded Americans are all severely {njured. A Peculiar Raliroad Accident, Buffalo, Ia, Feb, 10.—F, H. Croft and his wife were seriously injured and thelr G-year-old daughter was killed in a peculiar accident here yesterday. As a Rock Island freight train, drawn by two locomo'ives, war passing, the sec. ond engiie and several cars jumped Ihrougt (he passenger station In whi bh Croft- ara his vite «ve child wr o fam i the track, «rd a osded car plung 4 | Inesg spetion of Middlebury, Vi, res terdany. Loss estimated at $150,000, A Lill providing for the abolishment of capital punishment was introduced in the New York legislature yester day By an at Marie Newell seriously explogion of nitroglycerine ita, O., yesterday Mrs, John was killed and her two sons injured Charles C. Morris a cook aboard the battleship Maine, now lying at Island Navy Yard, Philadel fell down an open hatchway and his neck. Thursaay, February 5, 100 men were caught yesters the New York police In a raid gambling in West 31st naw League phia, broke bout day by on a street house Miles terday guest of Colonel Cody In London, where the Wild West Show Is being | given. | Senator Lodge yesterday introduced | a bill authorizing the erection in Wash- | ington of a monument to John Paul | Jones, at a cost of $560,000, The Pennsylvania legislature yester- day passed a resolution for the appoint. | ment of a commission of 32 to repre- sent Pennsylvania at the St Louis Fair and appropriating $300,000 for the erection of a building. | Friday, February 6. Former United States Senator Henry L. Dawes died yesterday at Pittsfield, | Mass. { The French cruiser Tage, Admiral | Rivet, has arrived at New Orleans and | will remain 15 days | General yes was the Twelve houses at Norristown, Pa, were unroofed by the violent wind | storm of Wednesday night No one was injured The annual convention of the Repub. lean State Editorial Assoclations in the United States will be held at Wash. ington February 26 and 27 At ition was troduced in the U. 8. senate 3 rday to apj Ser ator Quay a ms er of of MAanagy f th Nat i rs’ Home to fill a vacancy Saturday, February 7. Secretary M yesterday accepted Captain R. | H i from the na Har f H f f RE We known base A ayer, wa cK and killed by a trolley car at Philadel phia yesterday Burglars dynamited the ss n the postoffice at Mainville { ia county, Pa., yesterday mu ng. They secured about $ The Philadelphia and Rea £ Rail way Company yesterday declared a semi-annua t f 2 per cent. or the first preferred ck Pre ent W yW Wil Pris n Un t vas the g of honor last At Sth a banq vf e | i \ sOcCin H i int at Baltimore Monday, February 9. The this { ‘ J. MM. M ily Ww 4 8 d : Ashey ou W 1 | i# nw r in Carl e. Pa. for the benefit of ti Y.;%.0C. A. on Fy ATS The has instr d Ben ators in o« tow for t Cuban recipr treaty and the Panama Canal bill Sparks from his pipe fell into a powder keg and John Gallow was blown to shreds In a quarry at Heller town, Pa A mob took lee Hall colored. from the jail »* Wrightaville, Ga, Saturday and lynched him, for the murder of | Sheriff Crawford i Tuesday, February 10. Colonel Charies B. Davis, of the Fifth Infantry, U. 8. A., will be retired at his own request Dr. George A. Harris, a well known | physician of Bridgeton, N. J., dropped dead In his office yesterday San Francisco medical men say there is no case of bubonic plague in that city and that all danger has long been passed President Roosevelt yesterday signed the bill appropriating $1,500,000 for a | new Department of Agricultural build. ing at Washington One man was killed and three others | fatally injured by the overturning of a ladle of molten metal at a steel plant at Pueblo, yesterday Col GENERAL MARKETS Philadelphia, Pa, Feb. 9 Flour | was steady; winter supefine, $2706 2.90; Pennsylvania roller, clear, $3.10 | fog” city mills, extra, $2953.10 Rye flour was quiet, at $3.156@ 3.20 per ; No p Penne Corn firm; DA Lg Oats were quiet; No. 2 white, clipped, 44c.; lower | grades, 42% Hay was steady: No. 1} thinothy, $18 for large bales lool was steady; beef hams, 819420. Pork was firm; family, $20, Live poultry, 1 for hens, and 9@%%e, for old roosters Divased poultry, 13%c. for cholee fowls, | and 10¢, for old roosters. Butter was steady; creamery, 28¢, per pound. Eggs | were steady. New York and Pennsyl- vania, 20c. per dozen, Potatoes were | steady; choice, 68@ 70c. per bushel, was firm. ne w, ROLee local, barrel. Wheat sylvania, red No. 2 yellow M Live Stock Markets. East Buffalo, N, Y., Feb. 8 Cattle wore active prime steers, $665.25; gown, $2.75@4; heifers, $3.5064.25 bulls, Soa frosh cows, oy per head. Veals strong; fops, @e.’ common to good, A , Fh fairly active; heavy, $7.064 7.10; mixed, $7.05; Yorkers FE $7; rou hs, $6006.25; stags, $6 lambs were steady; o Fy 06.65. Fy to food. $4.26@ 6.50; your rlin $5.200 00; ewes, $4500 op mixed Fd ied 75, as to good, $2.26 | i i | | i i | i LIVING IN A woman who is obliged to be the time because of disease is practically buried alive, This 18 peculiarly so if she has been an active woman, fond of out- door sports and pastimes. Life seems all lost to her, If at times she can creep from bed to look | on at the sports of others she feels like al phantom revis- | iting the scene of former joys. No woman need accept weakness and sickness as her lot for life. Dr. Pierce's Favor- ite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick wom- en well. It es- tablishes regularity, dries the drains that weaken women, heals inflammation and ulceration, and | cures female weakness. "Several ago I met with an | accident which caused falling of the | uterus,” writes Mrs. PP, H. McMillan, Vice-President ung Woman's Ten- | nis Club, residing at 113 Newberry | in bed + ti ( Of i all the time or most of | nd ulceration and inflammation set | ite Prescription, which cured me com. A GRAVE. Avenue, Chicago, Ills. "Did not pay any attention to it until I felt pain, in, Was so weak that I was obliged to be in bed most of the time, Luck ily for me I tried Dr. Pierce's Favor. it only a little over have had perfect and have every reason to believe that your medicine will surely cure female troubles.” Weak and sick women are ! invited to con- | sult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. All correspond- ence is held as sacredly confi- dential the written confi- dences of wom- en being guard- ed by the same strict profes- sional privacy observed by Dr. Pierce in personal consultations with sick women. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. * Pavorite Prescription " makes | weak women strong, sick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which works won- | ders for weak women, pletely after usin three months, health since, a JtE. v Ploros's Common Sense Sh, Bemis Roh Sr NNN NNN NNN NNN NN NN NNN NNN NN NON NNN NNN NONE NEON) But One Race to Run | AND LIFE IS ALL WE MAKE IT! COO000000000 HOME ! There is not a word in the scope of the English language that appeals more to the individual. Your HOME is what you make it, and there is nothing that will make your HOME happier, your children more gleeful, than the inspiration of music. Do you have a good Organ or Piano ? If not, ret us talk to you about ft. We will surprise you by our Low Prices and Easy terms. It will cost you nothing to inquire. and we will call. M. C. GEPHART, Represented by H. CG. KRAPE Drop a caro Bellefonte. ALLEGHENY 29 STREET Solesroom New Year Bargain you a happy and prosperous New Year we take In wishing Sale... this opportunity ‘to announce to our customers a 20 PER CENT. REDUCTION IN Harness, Robes, Blankels and Horse Equipments In order to fully appreciate the character of this offer, call and see the quality of these goods, REMEMBER, 20 PER CENT, they are sold subject to a slaughter sale of and the cut will last during January oxy. BIG CUT IN SKATES. We offer the entire THIRTY PER CENT. less than the regular price, Just remaining think reduction of Nearly one-third stock at it! a of McCalmont & Co. BEEZER'S MEAT MARKET, ALLEGHENY ut. BELLEFONTE We keap none but the best quality of | BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, SLICED WAM | All kinds of Smoked Meat, Fork Sausage, ote If you want a nioe Juley Steak go to PHILIP BEEZER, EVERY POST OFFICE A BRANCH BANK, You ean deposit with eS gut The high. onl rates on savings, PER CENT. On Savings Accounts, Write for hookiet explaining our plan. COMMONWEALTH REAL ESTATE A TRUST €O. Sittaburyg « Pa. 199-399-931 Fourth Avene, | RCRIve Dirostys ; PENNYROYAL PILLS Centre County Banking Co. Corner High and png Steet, Discount NoTes JM. SHUGGERT. Cashier CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH hs I —— "House Painting Interior Decorating Picture Framing, the Are busine BR, leading pictures of An iminense our wsortment of Wall Paper for your selections and the Latest ldeas for Interior Decorati We employ ony Skilled Workmen in all branches of the business. Let us Know vour wants and o ir repre- sentative will ea n you | R. B. Montgomery, Bellefonte, Pa. © risers Stone B lg. Three Fine Far arms nie Private Sale | | Estate of Jacob Garbrick, dec’d. | late of Marion twp. The undersigned executors offer the follow - | Ing Yaltaie real estate at private sale, ali of which is located in Maron township, Centre county. about I miles west of Jacksonville. NO. 1-148 ACRES ¥ ARM | known as the Jacob Garbrick homestead. NO.2-188 ACRE FARM. Adjolns the above and is known as the “Jasco Harter farm” NO. B12 ACRE FARM adjoins above and is part of the MoAuiey tract NO. & WE AGRES FIMBEELAND th of above lands « Muney mn I'he above farms ar reat N tany v . s fertile ’ soll that yields good We plete with subsiaz ih b pring and we wa ¢ churches, and handy § are desirable nr p s for ¢ » ’ nve 4 ¥ ‘ s and furth f re HeExuY Gansniox, Zion, Pa pRILIB Fe i1B 4 4 E. K. RHOADS gr his yard opp site the P R. R. Passeng ger station, sells only the best qualities ANTHRACITE and BITUMINOUS COALS. Also all kinds of Wood, Grain, Hay, Straw and Sand. Superior screenings for lime burning. Builder's and PlasterersSand 0000 | TELEPHONE CALLS: | Central ah A A « No. 1301 | Commercial - . . « = « No. 68 B Knife forkand Spoon Experience Over half a century of it is one of the reasons why goods stamped “1847 Rogers Bros.” the product of this long experience are best, They are sold by leading deal- ers. For catalogue No. 6, explaining points of in- terest to buyers, address the makers Istornattonsl Eflver Ou “pan, Mortden, Conn, hy ke fo substitute Reembor 1847 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE w Be Manns CorymiGuTs heat Anrone sending a sketch CY A [¥FORMATION WANTED: