Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 08, 1903, Image 5

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\ den, of Bellefoute,
The Local Happenings Condensed
in Short Paragraphs
What Has Transpired at the County
Seat-—Movements of our People—
Personal and Social Events—Lo-
cal Items Always Desired
~You will find several additions to
our sale register this week.
~Ward Fleming went back to Swarth-
more College, Monday afternoon,
~-Misses Kate Shugert and Anna
McCoy returned to Bryn Mawr, Monday
~-Mrs. Josephine Cruse is at Wilkins-
burg visiting her son, Temp G. Cruse of
that city,
~Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kurtz, Jr., of
Lewisburg, were visitors over Sunday at
this place.
~All the typhoid fever cases in this
community appear to be recovering and
no new ones are reported.
—Miss Elizabeth Gephart has return-
ed to Waterburg, Coun., to resume her
studies at St. Margaret school.
~Druggist Kramrine put out some
exceedingly fine calendars this season,
that are truly artistic in effect.
~—Miss Elsie Geiss, of Centre Hall
spent a few days here, visiting the fam-
ily of her brother, Wagner Geiss.
-~The engagement of Rev. R Critten-
and Mrs. Emily
A. Van Billiard, of Bethlehem, is an-
~—Miss Margaret Sechler returned
Monday to Baltimore to resume her
duties as a nurse in the Johas Hor
—~Capt. Urban, of the loca! Salvation
Army, owing to illness, has been unable
to fill a number of appointments during
the past week.
~Mrs. C. M. Garman and son, Daniel,
are at West Hoboken, N. J., where they
will visit Mrs. Garman’s father for the
next few weeks.
—Prof. Paul Fortney, who spent the
holiday week at bis bome, returned Sat-
urday to Halifax, Pa., where he is prin-
cipal of the public schools.
—Semi-Annual Clearance Sale of
Overcoats aud Suits i off: Overcoats and
Suits !{ off; Overcoats and Suits 4 off —
Montgomery & Co., Clothiers.
—Semi-Annbual Clearance Sale of
Overcouts and Suits off : Overcoats
and Suits '4 off ; Overcoats and Suits 4
off —-Montgomery & Co., Clothiers.
~~Last Friday's coat of ice was so dan-
EETOuS as to cause many slips on account
of the slipperyness. Joseph Ceader pot
a tumble that bruised his head
—Kline Royer, of Philadelphia, called
on Monday to have his paper changed
to Pittsburg, and is with Drake, Stratton
& Co., as bookkeeper. His former home
was at Rebersburg.
—Isaac Frain, who was again ré.
lected president of the Patrons Iasur.
nce Company on Tuesday, paid us a
hort call and was as usual brim full of
isiness and energy.
~It is now Ex-sheriff Brungart and
riff Taylor. The first goes out hav.
a good record behind. The latter
with a good name and will bear
atil be goes out to be an Ex.
Among the most useful calendars
a business office, is that of the New
gland Mutual Life Ins Co., repre.
ted by Robert F. Hunter. His sup-
was limited, but we got one.
~Grant Hoover not only favored us
with some attractive calendars but put
put some very useful pocket manuals
filled with useful information. What.
ever he does you can depend upon
being about right,
Mrs. Alkens wishes to announce
that her White Muslin sale has been in.
angurated and will continue for the next
six weeks. Ready made muslin under.
garments, in great variety are now
ready for vour Inspection; prices are
down, x3
~We do hope that the public will re.
member, as we have repeatedly an-
nounced the same : We will not publish
any Resolutions of Respect or Obituary
Poems, unless paid at regular advertis-
ing rates, 10 cents per line. We treat
one and all alike.
~McCalmont & Company make an
portant announcement in their adver.
nt this week. They have de.
4 & big cut mn prices on many
icles. McCalmont & Co's pew store
certainly carrying a fine stock and
doing a better business than ever.
Linn street,
"formerly occupied by Frank Warfield,
~HEsq. Rishel, of Gregg, was in town
~(us Sun Minstrels will be here on
Friday evening. They have a good
~Dr., Holloway will administer the
Lord's Supper in the Lutheran church
next Sabbath, morning and evening.
-Mr. and Mrs. Merill Barber, of
Mifflinburg, are guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs F, Potts Green the past
—Mrs. 8S. W. Kerstetter and little
daughter Sara, of Curwensville, are vis.
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris
W. Furey.
~Sheriff Taylor starts in for January
term of court with a slim lot of sales, in
fact the smallest we have ever known,
only one and that a small onc,
~Mrs., J. L. Ripka, who spent last
week visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James A, Ott, of East High street, re-
turned to her home at Mill Hall, Friday,
Last week a lot of young people had
a postponed sleighing party at the Old
Fort. Snow being scarce they finally se.
the trip in carriages.
tisement on page 8 of this issue it does
not look as though they intended to leave
to injure their business,
~Gen. Hastings was taken ill on Sun.
day with an attack of pleurisy and his
condition is such as to give some concern
to his friends. The attending physicians
state that his illness is not serious,
—Bellefonte's New Year day was an
improvement on former ones, Inebriety
was dowu to a low notch we were pleased
to observe; let hope this ‘bettering
condition'’ wi'l not only be maintained,
but simmer down to complete and last-
ing soberness.
~The marnage of Miss Bella K. Ran-
kin, youngest daughter of Mrs. Barbara
Rankin, Frank McFarlage,
Boalsburg, is to take place on Wednes.
14th, at the home of Mrs
Daniel H. Hastings, the bride's
and of
day, January
It will be a prominent social event.
The Centre Democrat is turning out
some mighty
bills this week,
We use good material,
do good work and ask reasonable prices.
We are not *‘Cheap Johas"
rob you, but give a square dea! the whole
year this
fine and attractive
nor will we
round when you patronize
Katz & Co. emphatically deny the
rumor that they contemplate discontinu-
ing their store at this place, and an.
pounce that it was started by an envious
competitor They say they are here to
stay. When they are doing an immense
business it would be strange for them
to close up
~On Saturday J. A. B. Miller, Beq ,
underwent an operation in the Belle
fonte Hospital for appendicitis that was
satisfactory and since then his condition
has been favorabl: f r complete recovery
The operation that he had
frequently from the same
There bave been Light snowialls the
past few days, of just enough to white
wash the surface. At Coburn there were
two inches of snow Tuesday morning,
while up this way there was scarce half
an ioch ; Tuesday evening it came close
to an inch. The sky keeps portending
snow, however, and several inches fell
~W. Hariison Wa'ker, Bsq, junior
member of the law firm of Fortney &
Walker, is the anthorized local agent and
attorney for the American Bonding Com.
pany of Baltimore, whose business is to
bond administrators, trustees, executors,
guardians, officials and all forms of
guarantees. This form of bond is safer
and preferable to that of individuals and
can be obtained at exceptionally reason
able rates,
+This week Col. J. L. Spangler and
wife will close their home on Allegheny
street 10 be gone for several mouths.
They will be in Philadelphia for several
weeks, and expect to attend the com-
mencement exercises at Annapolis Naval
Academy, Feb, 2, where Alfred Brisbin
will be a member of the graduating
class. Soon after they will start on a
cruise to the tropics, visiting Jamaica,
Santiago and Nassau, which will be an
extended trip,
=~On the evening of January 1st, the
"Bellefonte Athletic Club” held their
4th annual banquet at the Brocke:hoff
House, where an elaborate feast was
prepared by Landlord Ray for their en.
joyment. The club is composed of some
of Bellefonte’s cleverest young men,
who are a jolly crowd and always have
a good time. The bead of the table was
occupied by Robert Valentine as Toust-
master who has the born grace of a
Chesterfield. The regular toasts of the
evening were responded to as follows :
Russell Blair—The Ladies; Lewis Dag:
gett—Clab Life ; Guy McEntire—Athlet.
lected a day, ordered a lay out and made |
From the size of Katz & Co's adver.
town, as has been reported, as it seems, |
~Now it's Fort Taylor for the next
three years,
~Typhoid fever has abated generclly,
in Bellefonte and elsewhere,
Fort, were Bellefoute visitors, Monday,
—Hatry Fenlon departed Monday
afternoon on a brief visit to his home at
~Mrs, Ella Fredricks, of this place,
is very poorly with poeumonia, at her
home on Quaker Hill,
-~Harris Sourbeck left Tuesday for
New York to resume his studies in St,
Francis school of that city.
~—Miss Margaret Thomas has return-
ed to Wilson College after a two weeks’
vacation spent at Bellefonte,
=). N. Orndorf, L. D. Orndorf and J.
M. Weaver, of Woodward, transacted
business in Bellefonte Tuesday.
~Bellefonte's fire department made a
| prompt response to the alarm on
[day morning, at the McBride corner.
| ~That dilapidated mass of fire ruins
[along Water street should be cleared
[away As it is an eye sore to the town,
Robert Burns of the State Colle Ke
| Thess continues his expeditions to Belle. |
{ fonte.
ed by Miss Maude Greib, of State Col.
Powders will relieve the most obstinate
cases of nervous and sick headache. 10
| cents, tf
| —Frank Warfield moved on Monday
| y ’
| Krumrine's Instantanious Headache
{into the Robert Valentine house, corner |
{Allegheny and Curtin streets which he
recently purchased,
—There was considerable swearing
| done in town within a few days—all the
| standing they are a good set.
Clothing buyers will ind an
esting announcement in another part of
Of this issue from Sim the Cother. In
bis clearance sale he has made some de-
cided cust,
Bellefonte's Laureate got
much attention,
BO one
two brilliant week
attracted and
would have ever suspected our ex coun.
ty treasurer of being the offender,
Francis Speer, the Gazette scribe,
had a bad fall in front of Potter & Hoy's
hardware Saturday and
wrenched bis right leg. He was unable
to move about for over a day, and some
of the young scamps about town were
resting easy.
~Robt. F. Hunter expects to leave
again ou Saturday for Joplin, Mo. to
on badly
which be is interested
trip for local capital, and new compan
ies have been organized to operate same
~ Jacob Kerstetter, a representative
citizen of Coburn, with his brother Eman-
uel, of near same place, trapsacted busi
pess in Tuesday Mau is a
boss in catching suckers, for big ones
aud many. A short time ago, and in a
short space of time, he hasled out five
suckers, witk a
Early Sunday morning fire was dis
covered in the McBride building, corner
of Bishop and Allegheny streets, in the
town on
combined length of 72
er. The fire companies
promptly and in a few minutes extin.
guished the fire which did little damage,
but the contents of the room are ruined
by fire and smoke, The stock was in.
sured. The origin of the fire is unknown.
~Xdtras. Monday some of our
county's celebrities had the degree of X,
conferred upon them by common usage,
not by the stale college proceedure. In
consequence we now have X.commission.-
er Daniel Heckman; X-sheriff Cyrus
Brungart; X treasurer W. T. Speer;
Xorecorder N. BE. Robb; X.commis-
sioners’ clerk Boyd Musser. The next
crop of degrees may be looked for in
June when there will be the usual big
crop of D. D's, LL. D's, Pu. D.'s
among scrabbs and worthies, wheat and
~Prof James Hughes is very much in.
terested at present in raising a fund to
build a gywmoasinm for the Bellefonte
Academy. Two persons have already
subscribed $3000 on condition that $7000
more be secured before July 1st, That
would erect and equip a'fine building
that would be appreciated by students.
The gymnasium would not be strictly
for the Academy as provision would be
made for young men of the town secur.
ing special privileges for a small annual
down like a streak of greased lightning.
Their velocity was great enough to
up Allegheny street
~Joseph Katz is visiting friends in |
C. Keller and wife, of near Old |
Sun- |
We hope he can report progress.
~Joseph Katz has resigned as organist |
of the Methodist church and is succeed- |
new county officials being in It—notwith-
inter. |
off |
look afte: the several zipe properties in |
Several proper
ties were purchased by him on bis last |
millinery room occupied by Mrs, Yeag- |
responded |
~Minstrel to-morrow evening, *
~Miss May Crider is in Philadelphia,
| visiting friends.
guest at the home of Witmer Smith,
—Mrs, I, B. Hindman left yesterday
| to remain in West Virginia until April,
{ ~—Mrs, Shooter, of Williamsport, is a
| =Mrs. George Grimm has gone to
| Pittsburg and Rochester to visit friends,
Peter Jones, colored, was taken this
morning to the Danville Insane Asylum
for treatment,
—We can print your sale bills at short
notice. We pride in doing good work at
reasonable prices.
~—Mrs. J, A. Aikens left yesterday for
New York City. From there she is go-
ing to Chicago to visit her sisters,
—Announce your sale in the Centre
Democrat and it will be read by over
3000 farmers in Centre county,
~Frank Waltz has secured employ-
ment at Johvstown with Allen Twitmire
who is in the tinware business at that
The Howard
{ have purchased some property near that
{ town and intend to commence the erec-
tion of extensive brick works as soon as
| the weather permits,
| writes us from Kane,
“Your paper reaches us here
Friday and a welcome
The cual famine don’t bother us up here,
We use patural gas for heating and
lighting at 15 cents per M. I have
| two stoves and two jets in my house
{and my gas bill for November was $2.85.
Pa., as follows:
| Last summer my gas bill was as low as |
45 cents per month. Just think of it, no
coal to carry, no ashes to take out in the
| morning, no wood to cut no dirt. You
just light a match and throw in, turn on
| the gas and you soon have a good hot
| ire."
Officers Elected.
The logan Fire Co, at their regular
meeting held Tuesday evening in their
| commodious hall in the Public building
| elected the following officers for the en-
| suing year
Cassidy; Rec
Pres G Archer; V. Pres
WwW. C
Sec. ~—~Harry ?
fackson; Fin.
Eberhart; Treas.—Jas. Sei.
| bert; Chief-—Ben Tate; 1st A. C.~john
| Bower, and A. C.—John Morrison; 3rd
A. C.—~R. A. Beck; sth A. C.—Allen
Weight; C. E.~James Seibert; 1st Ast —
Thos. Caldwell; 20d Ast.—Harry Au-
| man; iPlugmen —Sam’l Guisewhite and
Orrin Miller; Trustees—Ben Tate, Thos.
Shaughoessy, Harry Kerns;
Frank C
ito State
| Williams; Delegate to
Con. ~—Ben Tate
Monday evening the regular session
aut matters considered
of boro council was The import
were the report
of the board of health, which reviewed
the smallpox case and the typhoid fever
“The Board of Health took samples of
a dairymaus mi'k and also of the boro
water and sent same to Dr. Weddinger,
of Williamsport. His avalysis showed
that the milk coutained 100 times as
much bacteria as was necessary to pro
duce typhoid fever. The Board of
| Health stopped the sale of the milk in
the boro and the epidemic is now sub
siding. The avalyis of the boro water
showed it to be atwolutely pure and free
| from any taiot
An ordinance was submitted regulating
peddling in the town. The water com.
mittee reported that they were not satis.
fied that the new water wheel was pump
ing, as much water as claimed by the
contract and were authorized to test
same by meter,
w -
Last week the following was publish-
ed by us:
“United Steel,” “Lake Superior,’
"Blue Jacket,” and zinc in general were
the topics frequently discussed by our
local capitalists during the holiday sea.
son. Not all went up, but some did.
Not every fellow had the “blues,” but
plenty did,
The inference taken by some from the
above was that the “Blue Jacket” and
other zinc companies, organized at this
place, were on the decline. Such was
not the intention, as the facts are the
opposite. All parties holding local zinc
stock, during the past week have been
reatly elated for two remsons : First,
that the properties are showing band.
some results in large dividends. Second,
they gave an option to a syndicate of
New York capitalists, for ninety days,
by which the value of all investments
made will be doubled. For that reason
no holders of zince stock are "“blue’’
while some unfortunate fellows holding
chunks of “United Steel” and “Lake
Superior” were exceedingly blue and
have not recovered ‘either, at this writ
ing. Hercafter when we throw out a
“Jolly” an explanation will accompany
it so no one will go wrong, on account of
our denseness,
Weather Report.
Weekly report Bellefonte Station.
Maximun Minimum
da. Bb CRORE. .ocovviiiiimmmns $i
2 LL | LTE ——— “©
3, CIOMAY commmrses sss ves «
& SU worms 1 a
SIORAY orien rss: +
6, Pteloudy.. wo. ii 88
7, cloudy
—————— =»
i 3.5 3 1 JOON
Jain: on 2 day. non 0, on T,00m
Fire Brick company |
~Harry Rine, formerly of Bellefonte,
visitor, |
Harry H, Ishler . .
Yalina I. Gettig
James C. Oswalt
Emma Butler .
{ J. W. Thomas
Mary Anon Way
Wm. H. Snyder
Myrtle V, Gares
Ray Allison . Howard
Mary B. Loder . . "
« «+ Millheim
Centre Hall
§ Jos. Reifse yder .
{ Katharyne E. Weaver
Mary F' Gates administrator to Carrie
M. Cowher, Dec. 24, 1902; lot in Spring
township. $600.
mes M. Lytle's trustees to Henry
Lytle, Dec. 1g, 1902 ; iract in Half Moon
of 5 acres. fis
{ Wm. M. Grove et ux to Adam J. Gots.
{ hall, Dec. 15, 1902 ; tracts in Gregg and
| Potter of 12g acres 5 perches. £1500,
| George Gingerich et ux to Wm. M.
| Grove, Dec. 15, 1902 ; tract in Gregg and
| Potter of 424 acres. $s,
J. L. Roush et al to BE. H. Zeigler, Oct
24, 1902 ; 37 acres 20 perches in Gregg
Andrew Zerby's exrs. to J. |. Gentzel,
| Dec. 5, 1902; 2g acres 18 perches in Penn,
E. M. Shuey etal to’H. H. Tresler, Dec.
27, 1903 ; house and lot in College twp,
W. J. Harter et ux et al to the Laurel.
ton Lumber Co., July 1, 1992; tracts in
Miles and Haines of 34 acres 49 perches.
W. ] Harter et ux et al to the Laurel.
ton Lumber Co., July 1, 1902; tract in
| Miles twp. 43 acres 63 perches. $226.
| W. J. Harter et ux et al to the Laurel.
Inmber Co. July 1, 1902; two tracts
in Miles twp, $300.
{| Wilbur F. Reeder et ux to Margery 8
Oliger, Oct. 31, 1902; 25 acres in Benner
twp. $175
Cyrus Brungart
Dougherty, Dec
twp. $300
Thomas |. §
Mrs. Margery S
ol in Benner twp
JO 2
to John RE.
lot in Spring
xton Guardian et al
Oliger, Dec. 1,
sheriff to John RB
. 1902; lot in Spring
Cyrus Brungart
Dougherty, Dex
twp. Fix
Matilda Allport
Holt, July 187
twp. $5
Sarah E
Dec 1, 1902
§ 300
Celinda Hosterman et baron to Edson
Fultz, Sep. 23, 19 perches in
Hainestwp., $i
al to Catharine
tracts in Patton
Force to Mary E. Hahn,
20 acres in Burnside twp
(sheriff) to J. L
Van Pelt, Aug. 21
Joha Spangler (sheriff) to J. L
lerand H. D. Van Pelt, Aug. 2
lot in Bellefonte Boro. $160
F. Potts Green et ux to John A. Alkens,
March 28 it mm Bellefonte Boro
JLB Irishand W
torpeys in Fact to
John Spangler
lerand H. D
lot in Bellefonte Boro.
H. McCausland At.
Estelle Pardu Erd
man, «ft al Oct 8, 1902; Jot in Rash twp
of § 35 too acres. $217 so
John A. Aikevs 10 J. I. Spangler. May
12, 1585 | Jot in Bellefonte Boro. $400
Jobm P. Harris, trustee, to Catharine
M Hamptos, Nov. 11, 19 A in Spring
twp | SFL
john P. Harris
E. Hampton, Jan, 2
twp. fas
James M. Weaver,
Commonwealth of Penna ,
S49 acres in Halves twp. $824 73
Lydia Aus Gramley, et baron
Emma Mancrva McMurtry, Nov. ¢
tract in Gregg of 6 acres and
02; |
ot in
uses, 10
: Sarin g
Or opring
el ux
Dec. 1
Marriage Licenses
goz2, A G. Archey,
the reg ster, issued 383 marriage licenses,
During the previous year, igot, there
were 383, which indicates that the matri
monial market has been booming. It is
in order to remark that the supply bas
| by no means been depleted. Instead of
351 it might have been 500, and no one
| to complain
During the year
The regular bills were |
Notioes of sale under this heading 0 cents
| Parties having sale hills printed st this office
| Will receive notice free,
As 350 copies of the Centre Demoerat are
printed each week and nearly ali circulated in
Centre sounty, this is the manner to make
that fact known and draw bidders to your sale
TUBDAY, MARCH 3:2 miles west of Jack.
sonvilie, J. J. Hoy will sell | horse § cows
Ishort horn bulls and farm implements
Fripay, Mancu 6 John Meckiey, | mile
south of Fillmore, farm stock and imple
meats. Wm, Goheen, Anet. Sale at 0am
hoon, the following personal pre
horse, buggy. wagon, harness and
bold goods SEMavuRL M. Suvxy
THURSDAY, Manon 12: <Harry Bowersox will
sell | mile west of State College, at Krum
rine Station, 0a. m6 , ¥ cows, hogs
and farm implements. Wm. Goheen Aunet.
TUmsDAY, Manon 3:-Near Pleasant Gap, at
Wa m, J. A Struak will sell 5 horses, 9
Cows, & young oattle and fall line farm im.
plementa m. Gohesn Anet,
FRIDAY, Manon Lewis Mensch will sell 8
cows, 11 shoats, young cattle and a full line
of farming implements at his ,
Asromsburg leat ip. m,
Frivay, Manon 27 «1 mile east of Linden
Hall, on Geo. Van Tries farm-—-Henry Zelg
lor will sell 2 horses, § cows, I young esttle,
baherp, « shoats and farm implements,
—— Add brpitriri hy A Ee
ne consider dhate sfatiive than 0 ak Rilie
Charge $000: x
pvrac BALK
uson township on the
THURSDAY, MARCH 19th at ¥ a.m,
Will sell ihe following
Elmira, N Y. |
Port Matilda |
| Notice is hereby given that sundry eftizens
of the county of Centre. will present thelr pe.
tition to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Cen
tre county, on Saturday, the 7th duy of Febro-
| ary, at ten o'clock ua m., re rervnuting that the
Belletonte, Aaronsburg al Fouagug that tu
| Turnpike Koad Company, beginning at what
| Is known as the Old Fort Hotel in cotter town
| ship, Centre county where the same (of erseets
With the Centre and Kishac quilias 1 urnpike
Road Company. and extending eastward
| through the township of Potter, snd village of
| Spring Mills, through Gregg township and
| borough of Millbeim. Penn township and
| Hadnes township. through the villages of
Asronsburg and Woodward, to what is known
as the summit on Four Mie Bun, in sald last
named township, and belong at the boundary
Hoe between Centre and Union counties, is for
the satiredistance above named, located in the
county of Centre, avd that it would be for the
best interests of people of the county for said
turnpike to become a Public Koad, free from
tolls and toll-gates, and praying the Court to
! Sppuint A jury of five reputable citizens under
the provisions of the Act of Assembly spprov
ed the 2nd day of June, A. D.,
several supplements: said jury to view and
condemn sald turnpike for public free
from tolls spd toll gates, and to assess the
| damages to which the owners of said turnpike
may be entitled
and its
x! AIL'Y for Petitioners
in the Orphan's (
In the matter of the estat
late of Ferguson 1
above ment |
of the funds in 1
and among
the gatne, wil
altend to the duties
office No. 11 Kast H
on Friday the nd day
al Wo'elotk Iu the
place all per
their claims or
in ons
Estate of JOHN B
By virtue of at
phans’ Court o
rected there w
the premises, | % In
in Marion township, Centre county, Pa
o'clock p.m. on
The lollowis ¥
X ow
John 8
John Nhefler
three degrees
sasd Joho 8. Hoy
grees west fifty seve
middie of 3
Digg. conta
ares and
sory Irame
ven minules
bh perches herry
{f same and
eight perches
thence along
ry eight
stone. the
ope hundred
Che, wu or
west sixtern and five
tree: thenee a
south fifty
to stone in midd g $ road
the maddie of public road, » i
degrees west
place of ng nit
and S1iydhres acres and six pe
lens The reon erected a 2
bank bain and ole tbuildings
degrees va
Both of «aid farms have good chards, run
DIRE walter, are heavy productive soll under
high state of cultivation, located in the heart
of & tertile valley close to churches and schools
and convenient good markets, Either
would make an deal home or a profitable In
Terms oF Sam: 10 per cent of purchase
money to be paid on day of sale; balance of
the one third on confirmation of sale ; one third
[in one year and remaining one third in two
years with interest ;: deferred payments to be
secured by bond and mortgage on the prem-
LW. Hoy
J. A. Hoy,
Exeeutors of John 8, Hoy, dee 'd
N.B Spangler, Att'y, Beliefonte
Advertisements loss than 5 words, from
subseribers, one issue free. Additional Issues
2 osnts. Kate to others. peony & word for
| oneh Issue
| MONEY TO Y OAN on approved security. J
| AB Miller, Atty. Belisfonte, Pa u
On approved real estate
: 1 } LOAN
MOREY 10 140A lietonte tt
security. N. BR Spangler,
MM SALE OR RENT: «Farm situated in
PR tw). Centre sount) moar Tayior Ore,
Bank, containing about 195 acres, cleared
good stone houses and bank barn, and 40d
orchard. suitable for dairy farms. Only three
miles from Bellefonte, Anna J. Valentine,
Bellefonte, Pa uo
Bellefonte Produce,
The followin, ~*ices prevailed Wed.
morning :
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