THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. NOVEMBER 6, 1902. SHIRTS | | | New Neckwear--Aiways Medium length, stiff bosom--neat black and white figures, stripes and fjures set be- This time it's a prac tic al Tie—three tween stripes. Good fitt ng. Faultless and ties in one, Ties nicely into Four-in- Eclipse makes. 9 Hand {ispl 1, Ascot and English Square ; as- display sorted I colors, See window display, Sorr Bosom SuirTs—Colors woven ] EMP | O R i DRESS GIL WES Dents and straight through. Stripes and figures in pink, L C U » PR . ; We : blue, black, tan—cut fall-—three pear! but- Fowne make, know of ne bet- tons in front—an unusually good shirt. .580¢C ter, UNDERWEAR You Know Where BECOMING HATS 75¢ Men's heavy Cotton Fleece-lined ; colors gray, brown, black ; sizes 34 to 46 ; one dollar a suit and more at other stores ; our price the suit—shirt and drawers, to I 3u y $1 0 Men's Heavy Blue Ribbed Underwear ; Shirts satin $ f to $3. faced ; Drawers double scat and suspender tapes ; the suit—shirt and drawers FOR MOST ANY HEAD, Look at the big store you have helped to build—at the busi- ness you have given us—more than any one store in Central Penn. $1 0 Men's Woolen Shirts or Drawers ; Scarlet (pure med- sylvania, Could we have grown to our present size—with the wee Seems as though it's useless to talk icated) ; natural ; fleece lined ; heavy ribbed ; must bit of a store we commenced with a little over two years ago—if any color. Buying only in case lots of 60 dozen each explains : the unusual good quality at ans van sys 2p 00 25¢ Clilidren's F eee etter goods ) NRT ' man or young man in Centre county hadn't done our work faithfully? If we hadn't acted las. : ’ fairly and liberally with you? If our clothing and our price right? Speaking particularly about prices, it isnt price an th make Sim's Clothing better than any other; nor quality, n nor fit, nor variety, nor more 50c¢ Sweaters for man or boy-—dow ) age 3—in plain l- those, and thi ors and all ts of Strip heavy ribl nd double The dates 4na ail ini Men warm ; a big Medium Length Dress Coats Price : $7.50 $5.00 Single & Double- breasted Sack Suits Ni, | A Special All-Wool Overcoat Plain colo $7.75 Stylish Long Coats br Wns seem \ . A ai lor hrst place ‘ull of snap; fifteen dollar suits, But how [| . . could we expect to grow 1 * didn't give you more than $12.50 where Single & Double-breasted Sack Suits ne GS Smart Coats Suits bearing the stamp of character and refinement more tone to tien than the ordinary tailor even attempts to put in a suit, Colors modest and neat patterns, and » light, dashing colors for you young man, If you're a man who is 1 o getting your clothes made, come here and slip into one of these suit ‘ou’ll be satisfied with the results, Hand-tailored not in price. Of English Covert cloth-——Vicunas, Meltons, fine Kerseys—neat. any length from 34 to §6 inches ; hand felled collars and front; hand made but- ton holes, peaked or narrow lapels, cqual ir ery respect to the custom tailor made-—all but the A ce Plenty of coats at £15 and upward: $15.00 $13.00 HEAVY WEARABLES BOYS’ CLOTHING Slim Men! Stout Men ! You tall, lean fellow, we know you've often a lot of You'll find » » ore pi 5 take s' : a . For Outdoor Work ou’ll find more time—more pains taken for boys’ wants in trouble in getting clothes ready to wear to fit you properly. this store than most stores, But it's not just the care we exercise We've a lot of Suits made especially for lanky fellows—long Men's Heavy Gray mixed, Covert, Rain proof double breast- while you're buying, its the clothes themseives—well made, Not a skirts in coats, long seams ; pants narrow waist from say 3 to ed coats, blanket lined, corduroy ccllar, best. $1.75. : i 40, inscam 34 to 38. Also the short, fat man encounters trouble scam but what is sewn doubly with silk—and every seam is taped. with ready-to-wear clothes—coats too long, sleeves too long, Above styles not as heavy, men's size... . $1.25—Boys’ $1.00. Materials of staunchest, firmest nature—and all fairly priced—no pants too small at waist, and the inseam never short enough. Its ' ' rit se fellows here ; plenty of clothes to fit you. Heavy Woolen Hose- made by Rich's at Woolrich, , .. | 25¢ mother has done her duty to herself or her son who has skipped this Stiffetert.with these fellows hare ; plenty ny Working Mittens, Gloves, lined or unlined—soc other places, clothing store. All wool Norfolk Suits, size 234 to 16, $2.50, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 SPECIAL bi bbed hidta Blouse Suits, brown and blue Serge, Oxfords, Olive Green, Blue, We have somewhere in the neighborhood of sixty or seventy Heavy blue ribbed overshirts, . , , mixtures . $2.50 to $5 00 : : pairs of Corduroy Pants—all shades and narrow and wide wales, Flannel Shirts in Blue brown and gray. .., ... 50. Two-piece double breasted coats . $2.50 to $5.00 Bought at a bargain. They go to you the same way. Every one guaranteed not to rip or split between the cords ; if they do, a new pair, or your money for the asking. Three and four dol- Overalls and Blouses—heavy, with bib or without bib; any color, Boys’ full back Ov Onions and Mixtiizes Mit Boo : : better than others at 50¢ $2.50 to 85. lars is always the price of such cords. Special — Canvass Gloves with leather tips, 10c per pair, .....3 pairs 25¢ Rich's (Woolrich) home-made, Gray mixed shirts Three-piece, single breasted coats and vests ,.. ..... $1.75 to $6.00 Boys’ Military, with hood or Cape—Blue, Black and Brown : . Cloth, Cordutoy and Plush Caps. ...... ....... .... . tetsu ranviisin sasaneansisnsiiansiney soe 3800 and $6.00 : $2.00 and $2.50