THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA" JULY 30, 1902," CORRESPONDENTS’ | DEPARTMENT Happenings of a Week Over Cen- tre County. THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR PAGE What has Transpired in the Various Localities—Compiled by a Corps of Alert and Able Writers—-Is Your Section Represented ? “ Port Matilda. Clark Marks, of Altoona, was a pleas. ant visitor at the home of George Price, a few days since. Miss Bella Bennett, employed at Philipsburg, was at home a few days since, suffering from an ulcerated foot, A. 8S. Price,whom we mentioned in last weeks items as being quite poorly from a severe attack of pneumonia, is improve. ing slowly. Rev. W. R. Dillen, pastor of the U. B, charch at this place, was in attendance at a ministerial institute held at Winber, which was in session from the 21st to the 24 of July. An article appeared in the columus of the Howard Hustler of July 1gth, 1902, under the head of Port Matilda news, which article is simply an unjust thrust at the retiring cabinet officers of the Ep- worth League, or at least a portion of that body whose names were known to the writer of the article, and they being unable to be present at that particular session, feel a deep injustice done them considering ther untiring efforts to ad- vale: the interests of the M. E. charch at all times and often under adverse cir- cumstances. While Port Matilda's regu. lar correspondent stands guiltless to the chaige he would advise giving justice to those who merit it, and honor to whom honor is due, thereby creating a much needed harmony. We are just a little curious to know why Capt. S——, of Half Moon valley, makes frequent trips to Port Matilda ? We might find out by gently asking Bella. Thanks to you Miss Minnie for the useful present. The Misses Fannie and Della Cowher have added a beautiful organ to their many parlor attractions. J. H. Patton, the enterprising merchant of the Willow tree store, has concluded to abandon the mercantile business and take a trip west ; with that end in view he is selling out to H. A. McKimuney and Gilbert Eller, two energetic men of our town, who will hereafter conduct the store in an up-to-date manner, accommo- dating all customers. The annual Sabbath school picnic of the U. B. church at Black Oak, will be held near that place in a grove on August 9. Everybody invited, The Port Matilda base ball team played the Stormstown boys on Saturday last, doing them up in good shape; the e stood 12t0 1 in favor of the Port Mali da boys, The U. B. Sabbath school Pleasant, will hold their annual August the 2ud, in the picnic grove near the church—a general invitation is ex- tended. Lawrence Moore purchased a of the Henry Melcher farm near Oak. Miss Merlie Crain and Daisy of our town, took in the picnic Mont Park ou th Mrs Cowher, poor health, is visiting Bella Woodring, Hotel ia t ace Miss Emma } Tyrone, of Black Osman, at Lake D I his p ’ } : sy] 1 ir rice, who 1s employe u add 1a in a grove y Half Moon ° Y., came home a few parents, Mr. Mrs. J place Minnie says Geor rides on frei; his big girl. Port Matilda base festival in the Golden Es i the evening of July 26; the ds g towards fitting them out as t.class team. Miss | was a visi in since, Henry Cowher and Harrison Crain received some painful injuries a few days ago trying to catch a ball on a fly A poition of the membership of the B. church at Black Oak held a box socia in the evening of July 26, at the residence of J]. W. Wilson ; the proceeds to help in the erection of a more comfortable place of rship near the site where Black Oak) bape! now stands, Our junior base ball team of this place played the Loveville team on Saturday, July 26, in Halfmoon valley; score stand. ing 175 in favor of Port Matilda J $A hh Myers and wife, of near Julian, visite the correspondent ou Sabbath last; Joe is a veteran of the late civil war and is always wade welcome Prof. and George in driving home from Bellefonte on Saturday night last, fell asleep and the result was George lost his bat (that is all.) Miss May Osman made a trip to Cur. wensville to visit her sisters, Mrs. Zora and Susie Baer Yarnell. Miss Bertha'Breon who has been seri. ously {11 for some time is recovering. George Walker is on the sick list, paving been threatened with fever, Mrs. Annie Issop, of Pittsburg is visit- ing ber aunt Mrs, Breon, Miss Ida Bell, of Bellefonte, visited oven Sanday with Gertrude Confer, Miss Marie Croft, of Clarence, Is visit. | ing her parents here, Mrs. Jonathan Packer is at Reynolds. ville attending the Free Methodist camp meeting to be held this week. Mrs. Rachel Butler and Gertrude Con. fer will leave this week for a visit to their brother at DuBois, also at Jeffer- county Rachel Walker, of Cato, is visit. this vicinity. T. Marks, ¢ is reckless that he rone 0 see Bellefonte, few days ith Zimmern our town He - Linden Hall. Squire John Miller and daughter, of Rock Springs, visited Mrs, F, KE. Wie. land last week. Miss Lizzie Zeigler returned from an extended trip to Lock Haven, James Worrall and son Ed ployed at Reedsville. Mrs. |. W. Keller attended the funeral of her brother-in-law Robt, Wolf, of Woodward. Newton Yarnell lost his best horse last week by colic. Mrs. Franklin Sharp spent a few days with friends at Penn Hall and Coburn, Rev. Ward Shultz, of Centre Hall, called at the Wieland farm Saturday. Curtin Musser and family returned to their home at Altoona Monday. Mrs. Daisy Sweeney, of Kansas, being pleasantly entertained here, are eme- 18 Thomas Rouch, of Milton, was a visit. or in our town Thursday. The stork visited at the home of John Harshbarger last week, The *‘official board” of the Ev. church met here last Saturday to devise ways and means for a charge picnic and vil- lage camp meeting in the near future, Eugene Humes and family, of Osceo- la, are guests at the Hess home, Two rather painful accidents occurred in the large saw mill here last week. John Harshbarger had his thumb badly lacerated while W. C. Raymond bad one of his bicep muscles cut in twain. It is a sorry fact taat a few of our peo- ple are kept so busy gossiping that they scarce find time for anything else, and this is no joke. Geo. Rowe and family, of George's valley, are here visiting. Mrs. J. M. Lieb, of Bellefonte, is visit. ing the Worrall fgmily, Misses Anna Fortney and Anna Mus- ser, of Pine Grove, spent a few days at the home of J. H. Ross. Mrs. Newton Yarnell is spending a week at Spring Mills. Messrs. C. C. Gettig, of Pitcairn, and H. C. Gettig, of East McKeesport, are spending a short vacation with their mother here, Mrs. Andrew Gregg, of Lemont, spending a week or two here, Miss Luella Kerstetter, of Coburn, is visiting her parents. Mrs. Belle Worral visiting friends here. Art Kimport, of Bellefonte, transacted business here last week Arthur Bradford. Mrs. W. Sharp, of Buena Vista, Va., formerly of this place, is visiting her par. ents at Penn Hall; this being her first visit In seven years. Miss Freda Hess entertained the Misses Bartol, of Lewisburg, and Fisher, of New Jersey, last week. Misses Valerie and Lizzie Gettig spent Monday at State College Elmer Lowder, one of Oak Hall's rep resentative young men, was in town Sun day. The Boalsburg scribe left for a lengthy walking tour on Saturday, but was great lv delayed by his long conversation with J. G. Bat he finally reached his destina is of Reedsville, is Lee, of Colyer, visited Philip We wish 4 inds of some, f the Centre De State Coll of some Some of the place have arrange Penn Cave, Saturday young 3 Lemont. 2 end Miss Ida Irvin, of ing a few weeks with her sister, Mrs Elmer Ross; that is the reason why John Bathgate is in town every evening Howard, is s; James Lytle has purchased a farm pear Centre Hall, we hear he is going to move on it in the spring James Williams, spent Sunday in our town Miss Nell Lytle, of the ast week at the home of J The social which was given Ralstons was largely attended; body enjoyed themselves, Harry 1.., and Belle M John I. Williams, of Oak Hall, is ping in our town Mrs. J]. B. Mayes pnzamonia of State Cx Branch every especially stop bad an attack of Ora Barnes, of Altoona, is visiting John Coble, of this place Jacob Weaver, of Boaisburg, is paint ing in our town, George Rothymal, of Sunbury, was a caller in our town Sunday; now we are looking for his license—how about it Ella’ Oscar Osman is on the sick list John Lucas is moving to Cambria county, Miss Ina Payne is visiting in Tyrone. The show which was held on Friday and Saturday evening, was very well at. | tended, Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the sar, There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by eonstity tional remedion, Deafness is a] by an In flamed condition of the mucous lining of the | Eustachian Tube, When this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or (me perfect hearing, and when It Is sntirely ele Deat. ness is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed ten arg caused by for | nine onses arrh, which 1% nothin but an inflamed eon: Ain ote pacts tacks, iar or an ease of (aponed by cutnr) Tua oa Bop be cured . Cure, Send roulars, #) KY & 00. Toledo, 0, oi pg | taneral of R. M. Wolfe, | Recommends Chamberlain's EELIT IZ ES UT Th SF ~. AT MYCE FARK CORNER, LONDON, AFT THE ZANOING, THEY THAT "BLAWS TED" TM ORO GH FARE. TRY IO A TERICANIZE SR ABROAD, Highvalley. The grain is cut and barned; Jess will ship a car of pulp, whenever he has of ready | Dr. Snyder says he fully believes that his corn will ear in the ground. H.C. Kulp and family, from Milroy, spent a few days with Emanuel Eisen. huth, Mrs. Kulp's parents. Mr. Kulp | is a republican, but is honest to say | that he can’t support Quav's goveraor aad fully believes that Pattison will gain the day—as the old saying is, what will second will third, The lumbermen are idle; have no sale | un accouut of the coal stril not pay to cut the timber into pulp wood | aud sell it for $4.25 per cord of 160 feet. | By all a full crop coming right along The Pine Creek scribe mentions night visitors would better stay at they that is 50 the valley will have and buckwheat appearance potato is that | home | what ntr niro before I say. root Ht Jess is so 3 ckieberrying that | the scribe has to make his fence to save his buckwheat; this world has all kinds of people. busy Notice to the Georgetown scribe, that | there will be some whip-poor will snits left for him; the crop is better than was | expected Rumor from east end says that Jess | Sayder will leave the valley; if the rumor is correct the valley will its cial ; sorry oe wal of Out of 17 voters in Highvalley, there is otie Pennypacker « | i would and the one is doubtful ne, Io aKin have been five News came that the vene | y raker for ja ago | of Bellefonte, took Tarbert's pl | stubbles {spent a few days at bh jed an | church on Sunday. {old age as be was 58 years and 14 | Sheeder | them we noticed 1" is HI FOURIRTR Coburn. Guy Vonada, of Reading, spent several days last week with his father, R. T. Von ada. Wm. Tarbert, who had charge of the creamery at this place for several years, moved to Connecticut and John A. Miller, ace in the creamery, On Thursday while raking in the wheat Wm. Barty horse Lingle's g on the required several stitches = kicked shin, lo join Chas and it | the torn parts, Mrs. T.C.Hosterman and children vis ited Mrs, Eliza Stover last week J. Wilbur Kooney, of North Bend, me last week Mrs. Daisy Lose, of Centre Hall, visit. ed her friend Miss Nora Kling, on Satur- {day. Howard Stover and visited relatives and friends in wife, of Bellefonte, this com. | munity. in the B. Kern He preach- the Lutheran Kev. John Kern, who resides south, is visiting his brother | and other old acquaintances able sermon in weurred the Michae! Stov- of his death was davs. Luth- Rev Last Saturday evening death of our oldest citizen, er. The chief cause the by Funeral services were held in eran church Aaronsbhurg m Tuesday. in the fun Among wife, T W. Hosterman and 5, 1] sd W. I]. Hart terman and B. Meyer Wm. C ber bu Many of our people attended eral of R. M. Wolfe fy MIS Hos Mrs. A 1 showers on are Huckleberries in the Hass, Are SCarce spring Howard Rr i 's fi reve ) he ares Bud D are a fine for us, this year Mitche Ane YOO w 1 married Weaver, home on a few weeks Saturday and was | serenaded that night » | at A prominent chant and a good changed time with cen eet n A child of the Woodward : three buria uno N. W. Eby has On our st Ezra Harter was buried in cemetery, which makes week sent in his suspension notice to cease operation on the 9th, having warehoused a lot of Eby's best Mr. Eby not being in as stout and hearty condition as some he has con. cluded to sell his plant, having noticed an ad in the Philadelphia Record; this is a fine chance for some one. This is | the finest place in the district, pure, fresh spring water and an abundance of it, and a large rectifier, The picnic and festival on Saturday, held bythe P. O. 8S. of A, was a grand success, music was produced hy the Penn Hall Challenge Cornet band. The proceeds of the eve was £103 00. Services were suspended in the United Evangelical church on account of the peopie A WELL KNOWN ALBANY MAN Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy About eighteen months ago Mr, W. 8, Manning, of Albany, N. Y., widely known in trade circles as the represen. tative of the Albany Chemical Co., was suffering from a protracted attack of diarrhoea. “I tried Chamberlain's Colle, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,” he says, “and obtained immediate relief, 1 cheerfully recommend this to Green medicine those similarly afficted.” Sold by 's Pharmacy. ince the death of Wm. Robb, his son aCe as store keeper post office : he Wward takes bh {i in the +4 intends pg a cheap cash store and postmaster He A little daughter came Al Packer Sunday Henry Probis we al fe keep as a good wife is attentive deserves the home of ou and wife and Ino Brown. of Lock Haven, were iting a B. Poorman's last week Lot Thompson wife, of Howard, tors at John Hense!l's Sunday Lewis Robb, of Altoona, preach. Reformed church here last : i and ' 1 vis and were vm Rev ed in tke Sunday Jacob Welch must attraction near Yarne! Clayton Poorman is emploved on the Lieces sawmill near Mapes Mitchel Weaver intends bullding on his pew farm in the near future, Mrs. John McCloskey, of Cross Forks, have a continued | and Mrs. Elsada Green, of Washington, were visitors here last week. Misses Lizzie Poorman and Mar Craver are emploved at Howai« present The teachers for our schools have not been chosen yet. at George Weaver's looking glass field | looks promising this year for buckwheat, | Frank is on a big study--which one Frank? Maize and son, of Howard, erected a fine large tombstone on Irvin Wensel's grave last week, Now at Hand, The season for diarrhoea and dysen. tery is now on and many are interested in knowing how to get quick relief, There Is one remedy that never fails and in t to take. Read what Mr, W, I. Story, of Union, Ala. saysof it: “I had an attack of flux (dysentery) which lasted about two days, when | a bot. tie of Chamberlain's Colic, and Diarrhoea Remedy and was cured by two doses of it." This remedy Is for Green's Pharmacy. | toona on Saturday | with friends, | Francis, come again; | you. | the home of Mr | and Sunday. | next month, | dings. | 12th and | have not got yet, | 18 visiting her sister, Mrs. aret | | visited their son, Wm, | week. R. K. Wilson, of Farransville, attend. Fillmore. F.D. Young was home over Sunday with his family. Foster has been ployed at Scotia for the last three as carpenter eu. years from Al. spent Sunday the festival, we are glad to came down and iso attended Francis Musser CO Reed Runyon was a pleasant caller at Kephait's, on Saturday Come again Reed, Oh boys, get your cow bell there will three wed The scribe has a card for the 20th. There are two others | ready for be Mrs. Davis Rumbarger, of Philipsburg, Johu Meckley, of this place. The festival evening was a £47 and cleared Saturday in held here SUCCESS, on They about half, Ook Oats is coming on fast the appearance of ¢ son. Some farmers claim their are in the ground, others taking the second growth, caused by wet weather, } Mrs. John Lucas, of the home of C week. potatoes are the roiting Tyrone, visit H. Kephart's, The "Friendly Five met on Friday night and the “Sociable Six’ on Tuesday night, at the cross roads and talked matters over. The topic of the evening was : "She told me, and I did not say such thiogs; Mrs. So and So told me that So and So said, that So and 86 said she saw So and So. The strangest thing of all was one Mrs. would not say anything, I can’t tell the reason why, for it is not natural, Miss So and So said that Mrs. So and So had told her lots of other worse things, but Mrs. So ana So said it was a lie,” ete. At 7:30 they all adjourned, after promising not to speak of each other again. They all went home singing ‘God be with us till we meet again We mentioned no names this time Miss Carrie visited her last week el Bellefonte, Tressler of Anna Miller, friend Miss Attie Homer Stine was on the sick list for a few days recently, Joseph Tressler, her daughter iva, and last Saturday risit friends in Boyd, left Altoona Spring Mills. son to The festival on gotten up by the Saturday evening last, y the ladies of the Lutheran church for the benefit of their building fund, was largely attended About everyth was disposed of, and of course the sum realized proved highly satisfac- tory Quite a lively sociable assembled atl the residence of |. F. Breon, on Friday even last, as a surprise party to Mrs, Breon, it! K 64th birthday. Sup- per was asnounced at g o'clock, and the party entered the diniog room and en. he The o avery B10Y ) , RI her joyed a meal fit casion wa a reasonab ing Mrs Middle parcnts and son, of with his terman spent Sunday TIAN has bee: some time who for on. N 5 vacal and Chas Yeagert And festival at t Guisewile wi to attend his place and Ralph Haines, employed at Manesson, returned home last week The P. 0.8. of A wi attended, A Dice sum Blwood Ormadorf who had been festival realized and they Picnic WAS AN {Rie in the Narrows folks had their (y1 and fortunes told sies were camping some of our young The funeral of R. M. Wolfe was the largest ever held in this place Arthur Runkle and wife have spending several days with his parents, Isreal Runkie's, been Some of the visitors in our town over Sunday, were: Dan Rogie and wife of lLoganton, Harvey Wise and wife of Wolfe's Store; Oscar Meyer and wife, Bertha Hosterman, Al. Harter and wife, Cyrus Meyer, Mr. Kaler, all of Coburn; Ralph Stover and wife, lottie Kiester, Katie Frank, and Mamie Crouse, of Aaronsburg Walker. Mr. Lowery and wife of Buffalo Run, and family last ed the funeral of John Hoy, Sr. David Long met with an accident last | week while taking in wheat at C. M Foxe's, the board broke on the hay ladder, throwing him under the wagon, a wheel passing over his body and the | itch fork went into his chin ; otherwise was uninjured, Mrs. Bert Tate, of Pitcaiin, is visiting | her parents, Enos Ertley's; also their grasduon, Ralph, of Windber, is visiting | Prof. J. C. Hockenberg, of N. J., and brother Frank, of Va., Dr, Toss and sister, Mrs. Parks, attended the faneral of John Hoy, Sr. Mrs. J. 8. Condo and daughter, Blanche, are visiting relatives near Aaronsburg. Fhe far weather ha Henry went to | latter’s bn very sich Mrs. Diat Ohio, ¥ Mrs, Crossms Win. Bailey dale, vi ho ever cream, cake Come every as proceed Roland. Penn Cave. Miss Estie Mu visited friends at on Sunday John Ross: the valley must be Lovd Mi Eivia Rou Sholl's, on SOE stra wagon and they had they had daughter, Mrs on Sunday Mr a short Sunday Stiuey Several ( Pen: Mrs. M Monday for Ohio D. Weaver C. WW. Li <3 She SAFI Strong Wor Used by A.W pepsia Park the 1 Paul and ( September Rates | Washingt penses th PETSONS OC A prelis ing the var repara SOON As W. Boyd, A Agent, Pem Sireet Sta of § in hxed i urray Sunday started at last Chase's Nerve every town and village may be had, the Mica Axle Grease