4 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. JULY 31, 1902, The Centre Democrat] CHAS. R. KURTZ, - = - PROPRIETOR FRED KURTZ. SR. | epi TORS. CHAS. R. KURTZ, CIRCULATION OVER TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : 3000. SUBSCRIPTION - - $1.50 PER YEAR Persons who send or bring the money to the office, and pay in advance, §1 per year, The date your subseription expires is plain. ly printed on the label bearing your name. All eredits ure given by a ehange of label the first issue of each month. Watch that after you re mit. We send no receipts unless by special request. Watch date on your label, Subscribers changing postoffice address, and not notifying us, are lable for same Subscriptions wil continued, otherwise directed We employ no collector. You are expected to send the money to this office he unless DEMOCRATIC TICKE I. Governor—RORERT E. PATTISON, of Phila delphia. Govr.—- GEO, gheny Sec. Internal Affaire—J AMES NOLAN, Berks, ( Wx. C. HEINLE, Bellefonte Senale— Subject to decision Distriet Cons 1 ference Legisiature— 1g . RB WEEE Belle loute, Sheriff—H. 8. TAYLOR, Bellefonte, Register— A. G. ARCHERY, Ferguson, Recorder—Jx0. C. Rowe, Philipsburg. Treasurer—W, J, CARLIN, Miles { P. H. Meyer, Harris, { E. A. HoMPrOoN, Snow Shoe, $ J. H. Beck, Walker Auditors | \y '§i Tinsexs, College. Lieut. W. GUTHRIE, of Alle Commissioners EDITORIAL, IT 1s significant that whenever Bryan makes a speech the imperialist organs make an uneasy-like note of the fact, but neglect to print his facts. —————— PENNSYLVANIA Grit, of Will its 20th iamsport, recently celebrated anniversary building finest with the opening of their new which publishing plants in of the largest and the st oue Grit has the the best ily ate, ndertul the made wi reason that it is one of published. rogress fc Tr papers It has succeeded purely upon merit, Ture is admirable modesty about the Rev. Johu Thompson, of Rockford, Iii. who declines to use the *‘D. D."” recently conferred on him because he believes that the title should be tainments or have accomplished great things in their work.” This man’s good sense is wonderful and is more valuable than scholarly attainments, p——— THE Wisconsin republicans held their state convention last week. The great mass of them are opposed to the beet sugar trust which was championed by their able senator, Mr. Spooner, along with other measures that the farmers of Wisconsin do not approve. In their platform these republicans endorse Spooner for re-election to the senate, pro- vided, he comes down from his position on the monopolistic measures and “reserved for men | who have displayed extraordinary at. |; | thracite coal regions, Wednesday | led and { the engine swe rved in rounding a : DR. WOLF'S RE-UNION. All arrangements have been perfected and celebration of the fif- tieth anniversary of the work of Dr. D. M Wolf as an his for the reunion educator, Advices from former pupils indicate a very large attend- the 7th of August at Allison's grove, Spring Mills, Pa. auce upon this occasion, Efforts are being made to secure excur- sion rates between Bellefonte and Rising Springs and Coburn and Rising Springs and it possible a special return train will be secured from Rising Springs to Belle- fonte. There is perhaps no one in Central Penn- sylvania who has contributed so largely to the advancement of human character and of men as has Dr the elevation Wol in the minds of some of his pupils is a very young f, and the project which has originated fitting tribute to the splendid work he has been doing in the last halt century A Correction. Through false reports, a misunderstand ing has been cast over the conntry concern- at the Dr. Wolf he corrected, ing the boarding house Reunion, which should The refreshments privilege of furnishing meals and from the Wolf Re- This band new red Dr has been se different committees on the union by the Penn Hall Band has just purchased a set of instro- taking advantage of this py them and the Het return for the committee's kindness ments and are unds to occasion to raise | music for inion in Meals are to tarnish will be furnished at 25 cents ROBERT SMITH rif gements, Pa Chairman of Committee of Ar Spring Mills - FRIGHTFUL WRECK. A fast mail train on the Penn. 3 was wrecked along the Conemaugh Wednesday. The at an unusual speed ear Bolivar was running when curve, lunged into a solid rock, exploded and Pp | rebounded down a 200 fool precipi the Conemaugh river, The enginee fireman were instantly killed, they from Altoona. The balance of the t wreckage, consist Charles M. mail was reduced to mere ing entirely of mail cars. , of State Colle the tr rail in the rear car Foster way re, clerk, was on fortunately and escaped without any in- juries. He lost his the front car. RIOT ain, valise and clothes in AT SHENANDOAH. The striking coal miners participated in an ugly riot at Shenandoah in the an The result isa nephew of the sheriff was kil. many received wounds from revolvers As the result of the riot, and the city | police being unable to cope with the nob, Governor Stone has ordered the Sh and 12th regiments, of Gobin's brigade, | and the Governors troops lo the scene, champions the cause of the anti-trust peo- | pie. If not, then they do not want him. The coming of the comet will be watched with Jserest whether Spooner will “‘eome down.’ - IMPERIALIST organs about the democrats criticizing the con- duct of the war inthe Phillipines. Not one of these organs has had the courage to tell its readers that the most bitter and telling speech against the mannver of conducting the war in the Phillipines, was delivered in the senate by the oldest and ablest member on the floor, Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts No one las undertaken to reply to Mr. Hoar's ar. raigument of the administration's con- duct of the war. And further, ex speak er Reed has said much harder things | about the Phiilipine war than any demo- cral. It is no easy matter for these or- gans "to jaw"’ tract attention from the mitted in the war, keep babbling Wrongs com- but the solid and truthful and scathing remarks of Hoar, | Reed, and other republican leaders, are kept from the eyes of the people so far as these organs can hide them. PENNYPACKER has resigned his seat on the bench, and Quay will have him take the stump when the campaign opens. This event is looked forward to with much amusement and some inter. est, to see how the Judge will explain his assertion that “Pennsylvania has no evils to complain of,” and what good he can adjudge in the infamous doings of the machine legislature, whose iniquity start. led the whole country. How he will be able to apologize for the willful neglect to pass the sacredly promised ballot reform legislation? How he will explain the meaning of the charge of Elkin that “by some mysterious power’’ were gotten from him the night before the convention nominated Peunypacker, and by which he (Elkin) was defeated? And last but not least, opposing the elec. | time it went into effect, | the stations on the division {ed by C. A. Preston, the successor of the ! late E. : | - Horse Taken From Stable. Liveryman George C. Haney, of Mill Hall, writes George Beezer of this place as follows: ‘‘My bav horse, in right eye, bobbed tailed, mane clip- ped, hind feet white, weight about g25 Ibs., hitched in top buggy, taken from my barn July 21st by man crippled in hand giving name as Frank Blair. Look out for him and let me know if you see or hear any- thing from hie. to blind was and uses crutches and Agents Not Their Own Bosses. Bearing the date of July at which a new order of st, #8 ring :nt nature has been sent to each of superintend- B. Westfall. station agent to obtain permission from It requires every | the superintendent before leaving his | town for any reasom. at the democrats, to dis. The barn of William Arnold, of Clear- field county, was struck by lightning on Saturday and destroyed with all this year's crop of wheat and hay. Mr. Ar. nold and his father were in the barn, but escaped uninjured. A mule hitched to a cart was knocked down, but with pro- verbial stubbornness refused to get hurt, although the cart and harness were greatly damaged. The Methodists of Windber dedicated their new house of worship on Sunday. The new church was begun seven mapths ago and cost £4,000; it was dedi. cated free of debt, : — - The Pennsylvania legislature unan- fmously passed a resolution at the two last sessions declaring In favor of the election of United States senators by the vote of the people. What have the people now to say of Quay and Pen- his delegates | rose, who both dodged the vote on the question? It is easy to understand why such senators are not willing to ! risk thelr ease with the people, but, if the people have any spunk they will eall on them to explain why they re tion of Gen, Beaver and making speeches | fused to obey their wishes as expressed for Stewart the nominee of the independ. | by thelr representatives In the legls- ents. We repeat, these things it will be | amusing to hear Penuypacker explain, now that he is the clown in the Quay cir | Valuable Time Saved, : 3 | lature. Penrose not only refused to support the measure, but attached an amendment to make sare of killing it. I the citizens of Pennsylvania mean representatives Slight injuries often disable a man and that they want thelr senators to sup- several days’ they the opportunity this fall to resent the insult of Quay and his man not only refusing to support VARIETY OF LOCAL NEWS from Centre and Ad- joining Counties. SHORT AND TO THE POINT. Gathered Recent. Items Doing of Events that Have Transpired ly and Worthy of Mention of Interest for All Neighbors. OVER THE COUNTY. All kinds of berries have been plenty this season. The recent rains have been severe on the roads, Whooping cough is prevalent in some parts of the county, the recent rains, Cousiderable wheat on shock in field has sprouted under the Owing to frequent rains, Spring creek has beeu kept muddy or clouded all sum. mer thus far, The Colyer band will hold another of its grass festivals Saturday evening, Au. gust 2, at Zion Hill. Grange Eacampment opens at Centre Hall, Monday, September 15th and con. tinues during the week. Daring the wet weather many farmers put in bay that was moist and since then The result is that it must be thrown out again, t has spoiled Fair September 30 progr be elaborate this year. Centre County Tues lay, h. The prizes and am ott Thompson, son of Wm. Thomp- with 0, where Lemont, is seriously brother isit friends Dakota, ng three weeks William Gunsallus died at his home Mackey of consumption, aged about 4 in ) o'clog K He dren. ille Mouday night at 1 Years is survived by a wife and two chu The dwelling house of Mrs. Emma J Hines, near Feidler, was struck by light The chimney was knocked off, rafter split, etc, Joel Herb, of Wolf's 86 years oid, has completed his seventy.second consecutive season in the hand ning last week, domg light damage. Slore, fields. hay and harvest He made a full in both grain fields. After spending three years the Philippines, Wesley S. Hosterman, of company A, Nineteenth United States In. fantry, arrived at his home in Wood ward, last week in J. 8S. Brooks, of Curtin’s Works, just received a draft has for $1200 from the Brotherhood of Trainmen for his leg. He met with the accident braking on the Beech Creek Lock Lomond Junction the loss of while road at last April After thirteen years of operation there it is probable that the large saw mill of the Linden Hall Lumber Co. will be mov. ed from that place next spring. The timber controlled by the company in that region is about all worked up. Mrs. John Hamilton and daughter Miss Ann who have been away out to Portland, Oregon, with Hon. John Hamil. ton, returned last week to their heme at State College. Hon. John Hamilton was 4 delegate from this state, attending the National Food & Dairy Convention which m=t in that city. tis a fact, but not generally known, that “The Centre Democrat” is more widely read over this county than any other paper. In Nittany or in Pennsval. ley it bas a larger circulation than any other, and often as many as any two, That is a big assertion but we know what we are saying. Mrs. Sadie (Mitchell) Smith and daughter Julia, of Indianapolis, Indiana, are east and at present are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith, at Centre Hill. They are the wife and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Smith's son, Dr, Calvin 8S. Smith, who has been located in [andi anapolis for six or eight years, A house situated on the Roopsburg road near Bellefonte, occupied by Mr, Alex, Campbell was struck by lightning about three o'clock last Friday moming during the electric storm. The chimney was thrown down, and the house set on fire, which fortunately was discovered and extinguished before much damage was done. No one was injured. The Free Methodists of Centre county will hold a grove meeting at Hunter's Park, near Fillmore, beginning Friday, August Sth, and continuing through Sunday, the 17th. There will be preach. ing every evening at 8 o'clock and meet. ing all day on Sundays, the 10th and 17th. No admission fee to the grounds, Everybody is cordially invited, Ex-Sherifi W. M., Cronister, of Port Matilaa, has purchased the Owens Hard. ware store, at Philipsburg, and will take charge as soon.as the inventory can be completed. Mr. Cronister is an ener: getic, active business man who certainly will succeed. We always thought life on his Bald Bagle valley farm too tame for a man of his ability and experience. The annual reunion of the Reformed churches of Centre Hall charge will be held in thelOld Fort woods on Thursday, August 14, 1902. It will be held in the form of a basketjpicnic, Addresses will be made by Rev, A, C. Whitman, Super. i intendent of Home Mission opens this year | list of | of entertainment | | terooon, bis borse stumbled and fell | on the | stroyed in the formed church, Rev. T. 8, Land, and Dr, Eisenberg, former pastors of the charge and others. The Millheim council recently voted J, W. Houseman $35 and Edward Winters $24.78 for property destroyed in the ef. fort to prevent the spread of small recently in their homes. No. 2642, C. M. A. Potters Mills, will bold a festival after. noon and evening of August 23. All kinds of races and amusements, besides the pox Mt, View lodge, the usual good things to eat are on program Jerry Alters, who had been agent of the CR. R, at Hecla park almost since the opening of the road, has been of Pa. transferred to this place, where he takes the place of C. B. Iclain, who resigned some time ago, The M will bold their annual Aug speakers will be present, and a of Martha, in the gr E. Sunday school, picnic ove by the church, 23 romivent number of schools are invited. A cordial invita is extended to all A.C was re-elected principal of the Catawissa Kill w after two hundred thus tion Prof. Rothrock, of Benner twp schools Professor Han, of Watson town, withdre bal. lots were taken, leaving a clear field for Prof. Rothrock. Daniel Geary, of Penn twp., came near losing his left eye on While he, making Monday. with several men. was enga- W. Musser's a chig ged in logs on | lumber job in Penn twp, to his While driving uring it severely John Weber, in aspring wagon c€ye in) of Howard, was works below that place, on Monday lead The ani owned | road mal B Moffat, of nes ago Was 27 years old and was Mrs Weber's Sons Geo ar Philipsburg And siz wen rly on Saturday moring was de. by fire, together with part of the furniture. It is thought to have diary work of an incen Ja July 25 tranportial a new rule in regard to the m of baby carriages went 1 nail ¥o to effect on the the Peiwnsylvania road. Hereafter all baby carriages, carts and baby sleighs will the same charges as for fifty pounds ex- cess baggage Re- | the flew in. | | i | | Phila iday from the chain | (he al | w been the be subject to | walked away ata Nvely rate, carrying the man with it, company the purchase been paid July 24th money having The fire brick works at Mill Hall have passed mto the hands of the new owners, The Harbinson and Walker Refractories Mrs, Marwaret Eldred, widow of Geo, J. Eldred, died in Mackeyville night in her 79th year. Mrs, been in ill she was stricken with paralysis last December Zldred had health since Drilling was resumed Monday in the | gas and oil well near When was Lock Haven, suspended the drilling well down about 2,000 feet and there was a good showing | of oil, Kleck lumber job met with Three of the men working on ner's saw mill and accidents last week; as fol Shaffer cut off a toe, lee his John lows: Samuel Nicholas cut left band and Kepler bruise jong leg, The Evange general conference of the Unit which will be held Williamsport, be attended by ical church, in the First church, October, will delegates from all parts of the country. Fifty ay delegates will be present, Thursday night 24'h, Heiser & county, and warchouse of Mussina, at Cowan, Union soon warehouse store and dwelling were afire and entirely destroyed. Mussina | Heldser resided at Aaronst Mrs Was UTR YEATS ago Daagiel Garman, of lewisburg, the Thurs. run down and killed by & Reading passenger train, The acci Iastit red 24'h ent occured While about Buckne ule ber she exp bh ordinances , whose te pring, was us. the Eik county atic convent States Senate from that district. Fiynn, of Ridgway, was nominated to succeed George Dixon in the general as {semhy On last Tuesday evening as the young | daugbter of Linn Kersteller was walk. ing on the sidepath on the turnpike near FP. M Henry Stevenson's in Penn township, Wingard, of Coburn, coming a bicycle ran over the child and broke ber leg along on | the Marsha'l | Hardware company, | third { Co Robert Smith, of Spring Millis, bas the | contract for remodeling old Salem Re- | formed church, It Ed- Th= repairs effect the structure. east of Penn Hall, Kev Ford City are to cost $2 000 and will changes in the in was built in 156g by lewis C monds, now of radical terior of Members of the church, Spring Mil festival Saturday evening, Ang the Hall- weather is unfavorable the hall. The SCARON be served band, of Penn Hall, will be present with United Evangelica Is, wil lawn at the Graoge Af the usual delicacies of will | tween Mi [large ball bold a grand | aad, on | it will be held in |) the | The Challenge | | mouth, their new instruments to enliven all with | music A grove meeting under the auspices of the United Evangelical church will be held in George Gentzel's woods, about 134 miles south west of Spring Mills, Georges Valley, Aug. Sth to oth, Rev, E. Crumbling, presidiog elder, will be asssisted by several other able minis. ters in the preaching services Friday and Saturday evenings, and Sanday afternoon and evening. A horse owned by Henry Sayder, of Ferguson township, was left standing on the barn floor while the men went to the field for a load of hay a few days ago. When they returned the animal had dis. appeared and a search revealed the fact that it had fallen down the hay. hole. There it] was sitting down in the back entry, unable to get up because the space into which it had fallen was so small, Fortunately there was some hay in the entry, else the horse might have broken its spine in the fall. IN ADJOINING COUNTIRS. Mifflin county fair will be held October 4 1017. Forepaugh and Sells Bros. shows will be in Lock Haven to day. Rev. C. Wiest, of Milroy, has received a call to become pastor of St. James Lu. theran church, of York, Pa. Levi Conser, one of the oldest citizens of Sugar valley, on Monday celebrated his 83rd birthday and anniversary. Hiram Savage and son, A. 1. Savage, of Sunbury, were callers, and visitors with Orvis Peters and Howard, of near Unionville. The second ball team of Beech Creek went down to Mill Hall Saturday after: noon, and defeated the second team of that place by the score of § to 2. An Evangelical campmeeting will be held on the Sagar Valley camp ground near Booneville, commencing August 19th and continuing until August agth. Mrs. Hansey, a young woman of Beech Sn, who was formerly Miss Cottel, morning, aged 19 years, et 4 and an infant child survive, Recently a suappiog turtle was caught in Sugar Valley that weighed So pounds, When a man stood on its back he turtte During this week three full carloads of double bitted axes will the Mill Hall be shipped from One will go $s Hardware company, another 10 the Seattle at Seattle and the Bartlett & factories Well Ore; to at Portland, to Hibbard, , Chicago. Spencer, During the thunderstorm on Thursday of last week, while the west bound train onthe LL & T. Railroad was running be. light ning struck a telegraph pole as the tran mont and Glenn Iron, | was passing and part of the bolt entered | the passenger coach in the form of fire, some were considerably fright Al McCaulay, harvesting recently No one was hurt ened, of Mackeywvil frightfully ured by being kicked by a horse Cs was him blow drove his teeth the horses kicked The one of in mio the roof of his mouth and they were ex. | | trator of & tracted only with the greatest difficulty. He was unconscious for is recovering now some time, bul Thursday afternoon while the for Oscar Kuapp, of Salona, were snub. bing bark on the mountain, back of that place, the rope attached tothe truck broke. The driver jumped and escaped injury. The truck with its heavy weight shoved against the horses with such force as to kill the one instantly and «w so badly injure the other, that it will have to be killed. The horses were valued at a high figure. Suyder county is in something of an uproar over the bringing of suits by the receiver of the Susquehanna Iasurance Company for assessments against a num. ber of persons who were insured in that company. Some of the assessments run nearly a thousand dollars and if pay- ment is enforced in some cases the vic. tims will be jeft without any property. A vigorous defense will be put up in the courts and the result will be awaited with inierest. During the severe electric storm early Tuesday evening, Miss Annie Smith, 15 vears old, of Altoona, while crossing a flooded street, accidentally stepped into a manhole, She dropped 14 feet into the sewer, and was carried underground a distance of fully 00 feet, when, by the great force accompanied by the flow of water, she was in a miracnlons manner tossed ont of a second mankole and saved In a prostrate condition she was taken by friends from the water, YOURT PROCLAMATION «Whereas the J Honorable J. 4. Love, President Judge Ff the Court of Common Pleas of the sh Ju. dicial MMstriet, consisting of the county of Centre, having issued his precept, bearing date of the 2th, day of July, 19410 me direct: od for hoiling a Court of yer and Terminer and Uunaral Sati Delivery and Quarter Sos. sions of the Peace In Bellefonte for the Coun Momaay ur” und 0 SeHtihans on the 4th ond a Au ugust the 3th day of Lo] po two weeks, Noho is hereby given to the coroner, lustios sald Colmty th nue Fe A Dil TE Friday | on the Gummo farm, was | in | and | 11:18 | pear | working | forty-five | mw for member of the | John M. | of a but | ¢ while | He | was unhitching the binder team when | the | men | ES ——— BEST FOR THE BOWELS {4 Jou haven't & reg hy me bowels every day, 5 boweis open i lent physiao 113 pend eel, canlont nowt pert i y tlear and ciean is 16 Laks CANDY CATHARTIC t of the vemmet ngerou of keeping 11 EAT "EM LIKE Ay for {ree sample, and on SANDY , uate STERLISG HENIDY CONPALY, CHU AGH or 5EW YORK. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN EG BR ISTE} NOTICKS f ed | five | lone » lightning struck Co.. | rat and | #ns and A the | W. Musser Lp execulo § towns rmstrong, late of A int { Margaret meeg eed account of Nancy t fw . ol Mary P. Faust Susan E. Har. drew Harte: 3. Geoeaved acconnt of 8 e. of Al deceased administra ate of Halt isan E. Har Harter, drev Moon ba) First deceased par ia! account executor of &c of late of Benner township dec The aoc of Willian I homas caned lark Rumberger Tres Meyer, sunt of James OO. C of noer township, deceased 5. The acesunt of John ( the last will and testament of Haines township, deceased | The second and final account of W_ F Bradiord. executor of the last will and testa mentof Wm. Rradiord, late of Potter town ship, deceased AG. ARCHES Belletonte Register Aug oweph B Foe Rote, executor of { Simon Rote, late Fa ust, 1, 19 CHARTER NOTICE Notioe is he reby ication boal, Ish given that an app willbemade by J. M Wieland. T. D Peter Isher, John A Fortney, and Geo ier, to the Governor of the Mate of Penasyl vania, on Friday. August 22nd, 192, ander the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. entitled “An Act 10 provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain cor porations,” approved April 20th, 18574. and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an In tended corporation to be called * THE BOA LS BURG WATER COMPANY" the character and object whereof is the furnishing to the citizens of the town of Boaisburg, Harris town ship, Centre county, Pa. and immediate vicin ty. with an adequate supply of pure water for all domestic ana manslacturing purposes and fire protection, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the sad Act of Assembly and its supplements JM WIELAND, T. DD. BOAL. PETER ISHLER JNO. A. FURTNEY, GEORGE ISHLER, Am leants, EXEC . TOK’ 8 NOTH ® Estate of WM WAL KER deceased Walker township Latte Wstamentary upon sald estate hav. ng been granted by the Register of Wills to the undersigned. all persons kunowing them selves to be indedied to sald estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims, 10 present them for set tiement, late of CHAS KE EMERICK, Ex. Mu Nivany, Pa. XECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of JOHN 8. HOW, Marion township Letters testamentary upon sald estate hay ing been granted by Register of Willis 10 the uadersigned, all persons knowing them selves to be indebted to sald estate are request ed to make immediate payment, and those having claims Lo present them Jor ssiilement, 2. W. HOY, Walker, Pa J. A. BOY, Zion, Pa Exeoutoms, ———— 25 Cents! Will pay for Tax Oxxrrs Deso- orat from this date to January 1st, 1003, about six months, at Lalf price. You will wat to youd the: deceased. late of 8 ————————— AL A———