THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA » JULY 20, 1902, ITER 0° ROOSEVELT { LETTER TO ROOSEVEL Anti-Imperialists Discuss Army Con- ditions in Philippines. WANT FURTHER INVESTIGATION Letter Smith's Case, of Murder, Against Officers and Men On Islands. George, N. Y., July 28 At a meeting of representative anti-imper falists held In New York last spring a committee was appointed investigate conditions in the and Makes Robbery and Torture Charges Lake city army That committee has since inquiries. Philippines then been President Roosevelt's recent review of the court martial of General Jacob H Smith seemed to the ittee to de mand some reply, and at a meeting just held at Lake an open let ter to the president was adopted. The letter was signed by Charles Franci Adams, chairman; Carl Schurz, Edwin Burritt Smith, Moorefield Storey and Herbert Welsh. It “We desire to exp gratification afford view’ of the 14th inst in-chief, of the martial in the H. Smith. The prosecuting its comm George BAYS ress the great level unnatural result of mil 80 inspired, an offic that t of a total gle distri of 3 100,000 perished.’ The letter then all cure, saying that the its practice with evidence before the committee proved this and other forms of been The letter concludes: “We compelled to take issue with one important point. In your ‘review’ of July 14 you say ‘almost uni versally the higher officers have so borne themselves as to supply the ne cessary check over acts of an improp- er character by their subordinates’ We, on the contrary, have found our selves compelled to the belief that the acts referred to were far more gen eral, the demoralization more all-per vasive. We hold oudselves ready to direct your attention to concrete cases, the gation of which would demonstrate the following criminal acts, contrary to all recognized rules and usages of war, on the part of offi cers and soldiers of the United States “1—Kidnapping and murder,” under circumstances of aggrevated brutality, ha Robbery “3-—Torture, both of men and and rape of the latter ‘~The Infliction of death on other parties, on the strength of evidence elicited through torture.” itary operation ial report indi a sin than ates population in 0,000, pot less udes to the first reg denials senate Philippin that had met conclusive ly torture used find our selves you on invest} wom- Memorial Arch to Schie Baltimore, July 29.-—A memorial arch is to be erected in this city in commemoration of the deeds of Ad miral Winfield Scott Schley. With this end in view the Schley Triumphal Arch Association of Baltimore city was in corporated yesterday by Dr. Henry V Walls, Dr. Melcher Ekstromer, Charles I. Burkhart, James Gorrell and Henry G. Bready It has no capital stock As explained by one of the Incorpora tors, the plan Is to raise by popular subscription a fund sufficient to pay for a handsome arch, of the services of Maryland's hero of the Spanish war.” Kansas Mangmen Were Busy. Little Rock, Ark., July 26.-—-8ix men were hanged in this state yesterday ' for murder. Two of the number who pald the death penalty were white | men. The hangings were as follows: At Washington, Dee Nolan, colored, for wife murder; Tom Simms, colored, for murder of Nancy and Tabitha Jet: ton. At Arkansas City, James Kitts, colored, for murder of Jim Johnson. At Forest City, Cy Tanner, colored, for murder of Robert Black. At Vanburen, Dave McWhittier, for wife murder. At Senter Point, Lath Hembree, for the murder of William Ellis. Three Girls Horribly Mangled. Sharlotte, N. C., July 28.--Three girls, Annie Cousart and Jennle and Mamie Nelson, aged 12, 13 and 14 years, were killed by an engine on the Busbourd Air Line yesterday, Is An Answer to Review of | “In recognition ' MANY INJURED IN TRAIN WRECK While Rounding Curve Rails Spread, Throwing Car On Its Side. Mahanoy City, Pa car of the at 11.08 a m., on sion of the Lehigh Valley Rallroad was wrecked near Delano and the 35 ocenpants of the more or seriously hurt The most seriously Injured | Stephen Waeker, Mt. Carmel, leg { head hurt; C. F. Ruff, Philadelphia, ribs fractured, ! internally Injured; clssk and two children, hands lacerated, body tused; Mrs. Joseph Price, nose fractured and shoulder Rose Sycavage, Hazleton, head gashed; Irene and Hirsh, Tamaqua, arms bruised body cut; William Stirling, daughter, Wilkesharre, arms anl legs bruised; Ethel Robinson, Philadelphia arm cut and e hurt one of the 35 persons escaped some in Jury The train was traveling rounding a curve when the accident happened. All but the last car had gone around the bend, when the ralls spread, throwing the last car on (ts gide and dragging it for a short dis tance The thrown heavily against the roof and side of the coach « July 29 the Mahanoy divi less are: Mrs. Annie Par cut and nose Annabelle and otherwls passen Eers EARTHQUAKES IN THE WEST People of Lompoc Valley, Cal., Ran From Their Homes in Terror, | Cal, July jl] ! ake was felt Santa Barbara shortly before 11 1 clock yesterday one WU SENDS FAREWELL GIFTS Costly Fans, Curios and Mrs. Slippers As Souvenirs. Washington, July 28.-The Ch minister, Wu Ting Fang, is beginning to pack his household goods prepara tory to yielding the legation to his suc jang. who will arrive month in the suite of Prince Chen Min Wu says that if he to all the requests for souvenirs which he is now receiving from admirers all over the country he would not have much to pack, and If Mme. Wau sent as many slippers to museums and li braries as have been asked for she would go back to China She, at the minister's request, with her last year from China a large collection of rare porcelains, tapes tries and old ivory. and these he has presented to friends with true Oriental generosity The old garments of Mme. Wu have been distributed as far as they would Wu's 1ineas cessor, Sir L ister barefooted go, and even some of her best finery | to the : | tle been offered as a sacrifice The minister, also has distributed his headgear and silken coats with great prodigality There is ac ly a woman In Wash fngton to he owed debts of hos pitality that has not re fan. an iv curio or bolts of allk for a gown. Minister Wu rare the whom h in contact and t« frien part of the country has curio collector Arce whom ory has also sent officials with other some gifts to came 1s In every Anti-Friar Demonstration, Manila, March 28 ~The anti.friar demonstration, which the municipal government had been Informed was to be held here yesterday, proved to be unimportant. The police forbade the holding of a procession, and the reserves were assembled for the pur | pose of maintaining order. The lead: ers of the movement conducted a meet. Ing In the Zorilla Theatre, but no dis order occurred At the conclusion of the meeting, which was not largely at. tended, owing to the storm which pre { valled, the crowd dispersed quietly Crisis In Cuban Affairs. Indianapolis, July 28 General Mts hugh Lee sald last night: “I belleve | that the crisis In Cuban affairs is now. The Cubans were promised an inde | pendent government, and they have { it. Now they will have to prove that they can give security to property and maintain order In the island. If ' hey do not come up to the mark the isiand must become either a part of the United States or a dependency of this country.” Moros Attack Engineers. Manila, July 20.-—A party of engl neers, commanded by Lieutenant Brown, encamped at Matalang river, were attacked by Moros at midnight The last | west-bound train due here | yesterday, | CAr were | and | head and hands cut and | Mahanoy City, | con | Wilkesbarre, | hurt; | broken, | wife and | Scarcely | rapidly and | y was! fraud and next | responded | brought | | ly taken | and eived a costly | { which FATAL ELECTION RO ecm, Congressional Contest in Southern | New Jersey Ends in Bloodshed. a little BOTH SIDES CLAIM ELECTION | John Morissy Was Killed In Camden, Pugilist Joe Goddard Fatally Shot tn Pennsauken Township, and Two Others Seriously Stabbed. Camden, N. J., July 29 election for delegates to the conven tion of the First congressional dis trict of New Jersey were held yester afternoon and evening in Camden, Gloucester and Salem counties, whict comprise the district. The candidates for the nomination are Henry C. Lou denslager, the present congressman, Van Sant The con most bitter Southern New Jersey + open from 5 p. m. « were John and heavy phia, was The primary Aas Gay one of the [ 1 and | Each » place at th was sis person seriou Both sides alm the election the return om the three un lensiager has sect ielegates. The ad} lager and Van | charging each with | with bringing large repeaters from Philadelphia The convention will be held at tomorrow tes 44 indi A majority of the ents of both Loudens Sant are ther 4 of Woodbury | CHILDREN DIED OF BURNS Set Fire to Their Bed While Playing With Matches. Philadelphia Tague, aged 5 years brother, William, children of Martin McTague, were so badly burned yes terday at their home, 1235 Bainbridge street, that they died In a hospital a few hours later. The children were in bed at the time they were burned, and no one else was in the room. The mother heard cri coming from the room. and a hurried investigation re sulted In the finding of the two Mt ones writhing In agony on their blazing bed. The children were quick from the room and the flames not before the boy ured It is playing with July 28.-~Nellle Mec: and her 33-year-old extinguished, but girl SUD DORE ad matches while in bed. were fatally in) they were Discovered Cause of Yellow Fever. Havana, July 29. At AyY's meeting of the Cabinet, Diego Tamayo secretary of government, announced that the American medical commission is at Vera Cruz, Mexico, study iow fever, was of the opinion that it had discovered the cause of the disease and that he had decided to write the commission and ask if it was disposed to give the Cuban gov- ernment any information in the matter, If the reply of the commission is favor. able, the Cabinet decided to send Doc tor Guiteras to Vera Cruz to learn the nature of the commission's discovery. vesterd ing yel Marine Camp Named After Roosevelt, Washington, July 26 The great ma- rine camp on Cuelebra Island, W, 1. has been named by official order from marine headquarters Camp Roosevelt. Caelebra Island is to be defended against the three United States floots in a war game this year by the ma- rines, assisted by a flotilla of torpedo boats and other small craft. Discovered ‘Walls of Solomon's Temple Vienna, July 256.--The Neues Welner Tageblatt says that Dr. Sellim, a pro fessor at the Vienna University, whe is exploring Palestine in behalf of the Imperial Academy of Sclences, has dis covered the walls and gateway of the ancient Temple of Solomon, in the neighborhood of Janohah, in Samaria. Russian Crops Ravaged By Corn Beetl Odessa, Russia, July 20.—The beetle has done immense damage to the crops in many districts in the gov ernment of Kherson and In a large bers | WEB —— » | ed, are invalvable to put betweo: cholee china when plled in the closet, To perfume an id's room drop hot the shovel about the oll of sandalwood upon a ! pon 1 shovel and carry apartinent, Do not gerub a eled bathtub with ar It thins and erncks and rust and stains sand result To put wide stoves thoroughly and | the wick, and it will lig with its y An easlly out Interference duty as ductor of oil The be brighter colors broom dippe well before be dampen If you find ner of you New York, That Wrinkle Habit, n would see woss of forma to sarcasm l ber pretty lips sneer, and her mind, of her own parth ing habit ticing ade up beauty destroy Select a Hat, mitial In select How to The first is to know a wearer Not o» hould or the Kginug, but take an handg a view of all des, partic back iH sometis ell on the face and be t} we lool 1s look wrong! profile, and what ntine Nom ha well op types ) % nd wWolnng 5 hat style of hit suits Ler Just Red Many girls are ness of their arms back between the elbow and the der, which is damaging to the appearance when in evening dress. A good remedy for Armas, led by the red expecially at the trou! shou very this is to soap the arms well every worning, using a soft flannel, and in the evening to them with a thin warn gruel made of equal parts of starch and oatmeal. Dry carefully, then apply camphor lee or cold cream (not glycerin) and sleep In very soft white sleeves, bint hie The Baby nnd lis Yood. Watch the wanner In which the baby takes its food. If It Is perfectly well, it will attack the bottle greedily and will express Its satisfaction much in the sme manner us any other young ani mal-that Ix, by soft and inarticulate bolses and grunts. If, on the other band, the baby contemplates its food before touching It or, after tasting it, turns from It, be sure there Is soe thing wrong, Pillow Milling. COMMON REPORT: People who buy their Groceries at Sechler & Co’s., invariably say: “SECHLER’'S Groceries “Yon can always “What you “SECHLER'S depend on SE SECHLER'S get from SECHLER'S.” DEAL AT SECHLER’S. NANA NS ANNAN NSN ALAA EER A Ab Addenda dda ddoadoabondadandastobbaabondiiitionl WHAT EVERYBODY SAYS MUST BE TRUE, We take this opportunity of thanking our former patrons for their kindness in endorsing us by recommending us to their friends. So often is it that a new customer comes through the en- dorsement of an old. But why are we endorsed? Because the goods we handle bear the test and give satisfac- tion. This is the secret of our greatly enlarged business. Even through the dull summer months we are constant- Iv busy but never too busy to show you our stock or take vour order. A complete stock of Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments alwavs on hand. We cordially invite vou to visit our store and inspect our line of goods. M. C. GEPH ART, BELLE} Represented by H. 6. KRAPE. ONTE Sacrafice Sale OF SUMMER SHOES, Prices Cut to Half and less. DO NOT MISS IT. Special Bargains in Ladies’ Botton Shoes. Yeager & Das, The Practical Shoe Men,