TheRacket SLEEVES and COATS The Butterick Patterns for August, just received, are strong in large sleeve etyles, and the latest Slot seam features are also shown. i | coats, Butterick's Shirt Waist Cos- tumes should be looked at by all our patrons. { and | Mills, principal of the high school, to suc | ceed Prof Bryson, who resigned and ac. When next you are in our store be sure to visit om Paper Pattern Departm’t. | Butterick Patterns are | Absolutely Reliable. G. R. SPIGEIMYER. Correspondents’ Department Continue Age 7) d from p Colyer. No doubt everybody celebrated the 4'h at G. R. Meis's on Friday evening, as an immense crowd was present to witne:s the grand display of fireworks along with the balloon ascension ; the festiva proved a grand success, how else could it be when Colyer Mills band was present to render the most select music and G R. Meiss, was proprietor, John Moyer, on Saturday, fell from a load of hay, and was seriously burt. Di Alexander, from Potters Mills, was sum- moned and is doing hi for the speedy recovery of ou honor able friend utmost d and ag Oue eve Colyer was astonished bed room tried to enter but | cluded t house himself in ed to bodied squire distress, and tance. The squire entered the window, Mrs Co Jamp and went the door and met the squire ; as he opened it. they searched the room ; instead of finding a robber, it was only a rubber, rubber Wm. C Farmer's adventure came out victorious ; last Thursday morning, after the heavy shower, he concluded to call on his fiiend the Squire; coming down the road he found he cou'd not cross by J H. Ishler’s the water being 109 high on both sides of the bridge; crossing the road, impossible to wade at any rate, thus be had to cross the wire fence and came up along the creek. It takes a wise man to gct through a wire fence, and you may think Mr. Farner is not a littie man to go through a wire fence, but he got there | the same ; then he came up along the creek through the meadow grass, what Le called a "cow patch.” but when came to the foot jog he found the walter there too wild and deep, but with presence of mind, a wisc plan struck Mr. Farner, and away went the Squire's har-rails which answered the purpose for a bridge across to the footlcg,. then he was safe; Mr Farner w bis way rejoicing and reaching stination safety dined with his friend and family that day, watting aot! in the afternoon when the water had faller he could place the bar-rai where there's a will, there On Satardas m ith b door secure aAsSs1s ladder ver look a rubber 1st he ani re Y Ju § alway evening ss dge at Boalsharg, Ge fractiv Al nee a wa way home ge Jord high spirite ot fr daughter after visiting Thomas g the last wme of her family and phia, and M Palmer, at Potters N dari three week TELLIN d to the farther, Wm. C. Farner and this place We rejoice to GR Mes . who had bis bed for some time of no f the ’ mprovemen! wen confined 0 to Howard Lingle is proud over the horse be recently tought ; its a dandy It is rumored that Colver Mills band will furnish the music for the Egg Hill festival on Saturday evening The garden of P. 8. Boal, at P. C City, was almost ruined by last Thars day morning's f 0d ; had it not been for his son, Jonas, who made every effort to save the garden by changing the course of the stream ’ Yarnell. Charles Walker, of State College, spent Sunday with his sister Mrs. Harry Miller Miss Carrie Piaff is at present visiting her sister Mrs. Geo, Heaton About all the boys returned home from the woods to spend their Fourth, Edward Walker, of Cato, was a pleas. ant guest of J. A. Confer, Mr. Undegwood, of Bellefonte, was a pleasant caller in our town, Mrs, Jacob Heaton and daughter Myrtle, of Pine Glen, are visiting friends | at this place, { Pine Grove, friends in this place, on Saturday eve. ward Confer and families spent their Fourth at this place. Miss Gertrude Confer spent her Fourth in Milesburg. Jonathan Packer spent a day at the College. Harvey Witherite transacted business in our town. Bdward Burd and family were pleas- ant callers at J. A. Confer’s, Boalsburg. John Kimport, an employee of the R | R shops at Altoona, is spending a few | days under the parental roof, Arthur Fortney, one of Pine Grove's progressive farmers, made a short call at | the home of Mrs. Beckie Meyers on Fri. | | day eve, The scribe from Linden Hall was in town on Friday evening, and while here { called upon one of our fair young ladies. The school board met on Saturday eve elected Prof. Gramly, of Spring cepted a position the schools at Flemington. Paul Fortney, one of Bellefonte's popu lar young school teachers, was a pleas ant caller at the home of Mrs. Ishler, Emory Gettig and family, of Altoona, are spending their vacation at the Locust Grove Farm, just west of town Rev in Kuappenbe: ger, president of the Allentown college, will preach in the Lutheran church, next Sunday, both morning and evening He is to preach in Rev. Black's place ; the services will be in the Lutheran church, as the Re formed people are holding their services in the Lutheran church while their's is being repatred. Robt McCrae and family, of Pittsburg, are at present spending a few weeks at the country home of Mrs. McCrae's father, S. H. Bailey. John pied by his lady Bailey, ot Fairbrook, accompa- friend, Miss Krebs. of called on some of their The festival held on the evening of the 4'h proved a success in every way. David Kellar funeral of Mrs last Saturday Harry Kellar family, foute, spent Sunday among the attended the Centre Hall, and wife Boozer, of and in this place, Alvin Meyer and bride from their we returned ‘hursd Rose says she issorry that from Watsontown was not cipal of our High school vet R There are still a few fish in the sea that are not caught ne, more Messrs. James Glenn and Irvin Zeig ler were in town last week They have been attending school at Central Pa College the last year Oak Hall. Mrs Bailey and daughters Edna and Eva, of Altoona, are visiting at the home of John Kiine Miss Rachel! Haldeman, of State Col lege, is visiting friends in town George Harry Shugerts, of Shingletown, spent Sunday in town Maurice Klinger who has been stay ing at Lock Haven for several months, is home on a visit Geo. Kline has secured a position the lumber yards at Altoona Wm. Fry and L. G. Peters spent Sun. day with Ferguson township friends Mrs. Wm ously ill ia Kaup, who has been ser. is able to be around again Mrs. Cole and Mrs burg, spent a day recently Barnhart N. J Rishel transacted Bellefonte, on Friday E K. Smith was to Centre Hall, on Taesday Stone, of Boals with Mrs business in Misses Aora Dale and Annie Losch called on the Misses Wielands , near Linden Halli on Saturday Clayton Etters and family day with friends out of town Miss Dollie Lonebarger is Pleasant Gap Rock View. iad Fourth of lauly or we miss the spent Sun. visiting at Mrs | Hartman that a Mrs note Jacob Mr and Sanday wi Mrs. with her Miss after hav at Centre A sumber of our young folks spent the Fourth at Hecla park Edward, the next time vou take that certain girl home from preaching, you bad better leave your bike at home and take the buggy Borys, go way back and sit down, for the Rock View girls have no time for you Mr. Maurice Shutt State College, recently George Erhart spent Emma Z~tle, un Walte spent aunt, Mrs Jacob Hoy . Swart: the Fourth Lacina returned home og spent a week with friends Hall visited friends at Runville. The farmers are busy cutting grain but are kepl back some on account of so much wet weather Mrs. James Lucas spent Sunday with her son and family at Beech Creek Miss Kate Debree, an accomplished Joung lady of Philipsburg, is visting her friend, Miss Mable Poorman at this | place. Edward Malone isa pleasant visitor at | T. H. Malone's. James Heaton bas returned from the woods. Miss Viola and Lucy Kline went to Warriors Mark to visit friends, John Watson, William Walker, Ed. | on Sunday morning. | Miss Bessie Poorman, who has been at Coming, N turned to her home at this place Josevh Shank and wife, of Snow Shoe, Sundayed at James Lucas's Mrs. Mary Heaton is visting relatives | and friends in Clearfield county, Miss Flora Poorman is visiting at Beech Creek, The quarterly conference which was held at this place on Saturday was well attended. The presiding elder, J. I. T, Ressler, of Johnstown, preached cellent sermon to a large congregation | age | spring that was the pride of Axe Mann, Y., for some time, has re. | Axemann. R. M. Kaup is slowly recovering after | a week's illness, Misses Mary Gross and Nellie Armour spent several days at Tyrone, last week, Rev. Salter, our new pastor; delivered an excellent sermon to the young peo ple on Sunday evening, which was very much appreciated by all who heard bim John Scanlon aod son, Norbert, of | | Beaver Falls, spent several days of last | | week at the bome of his parents, after an | absence of ten years. IAly Brown has again returned to her home after spending the winter at State College. Harry Harter and family | spent Sunday at State College. On Sunday the rain caused great dam. in our little town. The beautiful was completely destroved, also Cruse’s yard, Harry E. Harter's garden and Chas. Garbrick's yard and garden with other damages; bridges, fences and everything within reach was taken, Walker. Jack Singer and family and J. Newton Kling, of Scottdale, are visiting friends at this place. Mrs. T. A. Long. of Harrisburg, spent a couple of weeks at the home of Mr John Smith James Beck is confined past week and is very ill Mrs. David Harter has list, but at this much better, to his bed the been on the sick writing is reported Mrs. Shaffer, of Madisonburg, visited her father, Henry Yearick John Holmes |r. is improving his prop erty by putting in pew window lights Geo. Tate and family, of Mifflinburg and Mrs Wm. Long, of Howard, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Hy, near Jacksonville Mrs last week at Lucas Jacob Orndorf spent Monday of the home of Mrs. W. P Potters Mills. Alick McCoy bought three more horses at Mifflinbuarg the 23rd of June, and Oscar Stover yae at the same place Henry reorge Strouser on Kot Osburn, of Freeport, Iil., and around bis vard which improvement MAKes a great , not far from here man Not much can wont give time to work his potatoes be thought of such a man The weather is bot and wet Pine Creek. Not much grass cu! through this sec tion on ac { rain H GCG Mi Woodward ouat 0 er took a load of four to on Monday H. Bressler had been hauling bark for Harter Bros , from the Korman tracts H. Harter has his barn almost finished ; he is ready for a load of hay Merril Miller is home again There are night visitors in oar vicinity; they would better stay at home Houserville. Haymaking is progressing slowly on ace : a un farmers are th their of the frequent the ero C3 ght some combining wheat A BAY mak ortous Fourth passed off very {uietly Oo excitement or accidents Mrs. Mary Sunday with LK D Fourth at Tibbens, of Axe Geo Mann, spent her parents schools of § w Hank e and wits W ne Grove, spent the * h sod up with a esrb Auses intense suff-ring and Catha Male ff Unk nds at t Wed enday Centre Hall Nellie Kerlin returned from Philadelphia on Monday, had been spending her vacation where she Wm. Heckman, who has been quite poorly for several months, is becoming weaker every any Mrs, LL. Henney and Miss Annie Shoop are | visiting friends iu Pittsburg and Altoona Clem Denninger is home for a faw days D. F. Luse offers his chowce property at Centre Hall for sale at less than its real value, being desirous to locate else. where and carry on the manufacture of his hydrant, the best patent out, on a large scale. Joe Tatz, of Centre Hall, is a frequent help to other caterers on occasions of banquets, George Benner has now completed | moving his store building at Centre Hall a distance to the rear and the carpen ters are busy building a new addition to the front, to serve his growing trade, West Brush Valley. Miss Brie Homan, who was visiting friends i in this section and Farmers Mills, will leave for her home In Williameport on Saturday, HL Brian, of Spring Mills, and Ubss, Bar. tholomew, of Nittany Valley, were visiting In | this section on Sunday, Usear Long, of Heels, will be over here next week. | Buntie's house Zion. Miss Ethel Halfpenny, of Lewisburg, is visiting with her cousin, Miss Mary | Struble, The Jouvg not get the so much of his leisure time down at Dauby, now be honest, is this true or is 1t not Mrs. Will Fisher, of Altoona, isspend. | ing several weeks with friends at this | place. Elmer Gephart and lady Bellwood, spent the Fourth at his home, Merrial Sharer and John Stein the whooping cough. Girls, the next time you go with Jake in the woods you don't want to tree him - have Correspondence Wantep. There are numerous sections of the county from which no news items are 1¢- ceived. It is an advantage to have your community the | interest. Send us news, we will gladly publish al represented ing items, - ” Nittany Valley Reunion A grand reunion of citizens of Nittany valley, including former residents of the other sections of he west of Zon, No formal issued and all valley living in Centre county, will be don 19, one mile in Gentzel's Grove, invitations bave been former citizens of the val. ley aud the public 1n general are hereby notified of the event and cordially mvited The the management of the Zion band to atiend. reunion will be under who have arranged an elaborate program of ¥ 5 an.usemen's, such as sack races, wheel, barrow races, fool races, base Thi | be an old folks’ reunion, having been game of ball, and fireworks iu the evening suggested by the older citizens of the valley who desire to make this a day of rare enjoyment in Tenewing acquaint. anceship and recalling days the young people it OCCasion Severa Good meals will be cached the Fours to the Pacific Pennsylvania Hallroad, Two Const via, lw run east ward t Canadian Hookies trips, witli } stops at prings Rimi olher York on A igus I "rr 5 w easthyvun 1 lowstone Nationa sixty day 11 ann neal through that \ ng New York Septem interest. Ing preserve ber 4 Special trains will fr ym New Or any De provided York, Ph point on the Pennsyl ff | man except Hates Was vania Hallroad east ¢ adelphia Lingtor ington tishurg including transportation Fa berth, and all on the Your in meals during the five Francisco, when Pull meals days spent San man sccommodations and are not provided For Tour No. 1} cups K For Tour No. 2. #2 inclod penses through Ye 0 persons oc. og one berth og all ex Park I'wo persons occu ne berth, $2 prying A preliminary the various details application to i Agent, 11 WwW. B Agent i ealh out w furnished upon Ager New York announcement ning will |} Ket ia Tourist # Broad way or Lreo Assistant Genera Passenger vd Per road Hroad Street Station, Philadelphia i-11 21 IAS Ania Ha REDUCED RATES TO SEA SHORE The Pennsylvania has arranged for excursions for the present North Bend, Troy, Be Mocanaqua, Sunbury railroad ow Tale company ten-day season from eclonte, Williams Shenandoah, ucipal intermediate ng sat on branch City, Cape Ma Ava y Beach, on and ust four wort ale ons iy Sea Isle City, Anglesea, Wild «00d Ho Thur July and Avgust 14h and 28 Fx on, or h 9 good to sdavs h ursion tickets ar trains favs he at very Tickets to At lantic City will be sold via the Delaware River Bridge Route, the ] via Market street return by regu within ten wil sod yw rates ony Whar! a ane, of phia ~~ op ON either ticket For information in regard to specing rates and time of trains consult hand. hills, or apply to agents, or BE § Harrar, Divisior Ticket Agent, Williamsport, Pa de er can be had at Philadelphia, going or returning, within limit of Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications. as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There Is only one way to cure Deafness, aod that iv by eonstitn tional remedion, Deafness is caused by an In flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube, When this tube gets In flamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed Deaf ness in the result, and unless the Infiamation oan be Laken oul and this tube restored to is normal condition, hearing will be destroved forever nine oases out of ten are caused by eatarrh, which is nothing but an famed con dition of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any | case of Deafness not be cured by for etreulurs, free (eaured by eat ath Hall's Catarrh that can Cure. Send F.JOUHESEY & COL Toledo, O 89 20d by Druggists, 78 Mall's Family Fills are the best Teething Then the baby ls most like ly nervous, and fretiul, and doesn’t gain In weight. Scott’s Emulsion is the best food and medicine for teething babies. They gain from the siart, Send for a free sample A BOWNE, Chemists, 499414 Pear! Kireet, New soc. and fr oo, all drugei sts \ aria, © s REN \ girls claim that they do | ull benefit of their Sunday | school lesson since their teacher spends | friend, of! | the sovereign people Saturday, July’ THE CENTRE DEMOURAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. JULY 10, 1802. SHORT TALKS | Brief Comment On Political and Other Matters of Public Interest. (ANDREW J. PALM.) Four years ago Quay expressed him- self as anxious to know how it would | feel Lo own a governor. Bince his curi- osity was gratified there Is no reason | My his right bower, the Hon. Ww. H. | Andrews, should not have a similar | ambition, and he 8, no doubt, behind the hoomlet of his brother, Wesley | Reuben, whose friends insist is likely | to surprise the Republican state con vention, It isn't at all likely that M Andrews, Mr. Quay or anybody will own the next governor of Penn vania, for he to be a m who will acknowledge no master but BIR i certain whose wishes he will respect and he | He At whose interests will serve will not have his hand all times to take ruption funds from $250,000 down, to sign ripper bills He will build up He will ne Stone, Elkin Onl pet ready and franchise ste no political the have machine ut of the Du nor wi UX pense Delong Ww Quay crowd " the have been graduated in thelr infa politic by the next tion, gens, Ir BRahared, high } | rruption that has 4 graced the government of the many years past, | school He will be Democrat! y CON Y good citi who and be elects all TO% [ 4 > index state for » LJ » The fact that Mr. Terrence P will be retired from the impor! fice of commissioner of Immigrs President and Frank Sargent will be appol succeed him, appears to be 1 with much satisfaction by t! Loosevell, thi | tion of the | Bargent, on the other hand eepled | Brotherhood element, Powderly, NOLWILDSIANG...4 | his prominence in labor organization: some years ago, by his influential po- sition in the Knights of Labor, of late has been regarded as the enemy rathe than the friend of organized labor. lo polities he was formerly a Democrat but for consideration im the way of office he became an active worker for the Republican party, His administira- immigration bureau has been much criticised, and some of his recommendations have had a good deal of the spirit of old-time nativism is an representative of the ganizations and stands high ranks His selection to take ly's place indicates pretty clearly th: the president has his eves fixed on th labor casting anchors th ! of 1B HOY in the Pow vote, and is Mr Locomotive windward Sargent Is of fren and was a Republican stumper, we lieve, in the canvass of 1900. One « the best ways to office in this eour is the professional agit or ref: prominent 1 political work.-~Pittsb urs Post for lebor rmer 10 become or partisan WRINKLE DON'TS. ~~ Don't frown, don't scowl Don't sit facing a strong light. Don't stoop or bend over while writ ing or reading. Don't worry, but {f worry you must keep the forehead smooth—don't wrin- kle it, Don't wear tight shoes. & young face look wrinkled In a few hours Don't neglect the ten minutes’ pest during the day, with the feet raised, It gives the whole body a great sense of repose and works wonders in smooth ing out the lines of the face. They make drawn and 4 Oia, AAAAALALALALALALAALALALRAA LALA LE Ah i dad dks LL Lett Ek d hs, Glothes Wringers at TTY JOHN I. OLEWINE, Bellefonte. JOD LOU PFIGes. OUR PRICE, $1.76 2.00 2.25 2.50 AMMUMMBAMMAMMMMMMAMMMMMAAG MAMA AM MA MA MA DAA AA AAA | wie OOK FOR... BARGAINS Read this list carefully. means a Men's Dress Shirts worth Every item saving : $1.00 for bought cents. Men's Working Shirts, light or dark col- ors, worth 35 cents, for Men's heavy Suspenders, back, 25 cent grade for Men's dress Suspenders, n Men's made from nine ounce duc . - . cents. linen stitched cents. wetal back cents. working Pants and Overalls K - cents. Socks for Men and Boys'—close ribbed For top, worth 8 cents. - - 5 cents. Lakies’ ani Misses Hats worth up to $2 for - Flowers worth up to $1.25 a bunch for Sample line of Flowers, 50 cents a bunch, for Dress Goods Special—BI Blue, and Cheviot. yard---sponged Worth cents. dents. 25 25 worth up to 15 cents. ack, Brown, 85 cents a -39 cents. Shirt Waists for Women reduced, open front or back, $1.50 wa ist reduced to 95 cents. 75 cent Waists, made from Toile Du Nord Gingham, fast colors 48 cents. Skirts for Women, Flounced and Tuck- ed, plain or trimmed, were 31 50, for 95 cents. Lawn and Dimities---New line just in, bought at reduced price, 20 cents a yard, for Women's Under Vests, bleached, worth up to 10 cents. 5 cents. Women’s Drop: Stitch Hose---Black, Red, and Royal Blue, for 15 cents. F. C. Corsets for summer wear---Batiste or net; guaranteed not to break 50 cents. The Globe, KATZ & CO., Limited. BELLEFONTE, PA.