THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. JULY 10, 1902, 5 BELLEFONTE AND VICINITY The Local Happenings Condensed in Short Paragraphs EVENTS WORTHY OF MENTION What Has Transpired at the County Seat-—Movements of our people Personal and Social Events—Lo- cal Items Always Desired. ~The Presbyterian church and chapel are being renovated —Miss Marjorie Knowles is visiting friends in Bellefonte, —Rev P. McArdle is in Altoona guest of Bishop Garvey. —The Friday evening concerts Hecla Park are being well patronized. —Joe Fox, who had been in a shoe store, at Philipsburg, has returned home —If you want healthy exercise offer the al Jim Schofield a $15 check for harness — Frederick Blanchard, Esq, has been afflicted with rheumatism the past ten days. —Mrs. A. J. Switzer, of Coleville, was lying critically ill at her home the past week. —There has been a slight change in the time table on the Central R. R Penna. — Miss Josephine Bentley, of Pittsburg, is visiting the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Yeager. —Miss Daisy Barnes left Sunday for | Port Royal where she will visit friends for several weeks —Miss Florence Sebring, of Will port, is a pleasant guest at the home of Miss Sallie Fitzgerald. formerly of this place, Hote! at —Jerry Kelley, took charge of the Commercial Altoona last Saturday. Garman is struggling with attacks of rheumatism, about the hotel. Montgomery left her cousin, Mrs. Fr psburg. Bruce frequent able to be — Miss Saturday to visit Lukenbach, of Phi purchashe Elk Charles Flack recently a fine clarinet from C. G. Conn, bart, Indiana, that cost §60 — The family of Harry Keller, of East Lion street, are speading a few weeks at the Inn at State College. — Miss Margaret Scott, Brookville, is visiting at the home of Mr. aud Mis James K. Barnhart, on North Thomas street, —Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKensie and two children, of Altoona, are visiting at the home of Herman Miller, of East High stieet. ~The republican county convention will be the next event of importance in the county. Some peculiar figuring is now going on. — Miss Louise Hickok, of Harrisburg, is visiting her sister-in-law Mrs. Ross A. Hickok at the Hastings home, on North | Allegheny street. | -T. Clayton Brown, who is one of the very efficient clerks in Gimbel Brothers | store at Philadelphia, is visiting his fam- ily and friends in this place. —Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hockley, of | Williamsport, are the guests of Mr. ana Mrs. Joho T. Leopard, on Lamb street. | They expect to remain two weeks | —Lharles E. Dorworth, writer on the | Pittsburg Times, visited his parents, Dr. | and Mrs. E. 8. Dorworth the past week. | He is takirg a two week's vacation. —Architect Cole, of Bellefonte, has | been awarded the contract for prepar- ing all plans for the rebuilding of St. Luke's Reformed church Lock Haven, —J. Wallace Reeder was bitten about two weeks ago by some kind of a powson.- | ous insect and suffered from it sufficient ly to be confined to his room for several | days. ~The United Brethren ¢hurch held an | immersion | of of service at the breast of the | old car shop dam Sunday morning. Rev, | T. W. Perks officiated, Eight infants | and three men were baptized. The babies were simply sprinkled with water while the men were immersed. i ~One morning last week while the | yard engine and crew at the Nittany fur- | nace were doing some shifting about the | futpace yard, a trestle over Logan's Branch gave away and a car containing 60 tons of pig iron went down into the | creek. Traffic on the mam line was not | interfered with, and no one was injured. ~During the warm weather last week Frank Montgomery received an invoice of 600 palm leaf fans. The temperature being exceedingly high be thoughtfully distributed them among bis neighbors, even going so far as hunting up the | “devil” in the printing cfice so that he would not sufler unduly from the excess. | fve heat. ~ Among the accidents on the Fourth pone were real serious. Miss Aon Har. tis bad a finger lacerated by the explos. | fon of a blank cartridge in a revolver. Thos. Peoningtons little boy had bis face scorched by the explosion of a fire crack. er. Thos Cain while handling a revolyer loaded with blank cartridges accidentally was shot in the hand causing a painful wound, ~R. F. Younada, of Coburn, left his home the other morning, for Bellefonte, on his wheel, via Millheim, pushing his bike up the mountain above Centre Hall, and reached this place in two and a balf bours, distance 224 miles. That was pretty good time considering the rough pike and bill and mountain, He felt a “little tired” when he arrived here. We guess he would, ~The ministers of Bellefonte held a meeting and passed the following : Whereas, it is a matier of common tumor that a number of merchants of Belle. foute are in the habit of selling merchan- dise (behind closed doors and otherwise) on the Lord's Day, Sunday, Therefore a ey we ‘inisiertuf y y request all ] thus desecrating the Lord's Day to cease from all such unlawful traffic, Bellefonte was extremely quiet on the 4th, nearly all places of there were merous private Br Bra An Tanerous, Private , It was a quiet holiday { Smokey i spending several days very pleasantly | of 1902, left { and Miss Julia Curtin sa {drew G | month, {as he | time to training seven pups —Miss May Judge is visiting friends at Tyrone, —Superintendent Frank Warfield is still coufined to the house with an in. jured ankle, in which a small bone was broken and the bealing process is slow, ~The Bellefonte School Board got ran-tankerous again and on Monday evening made some decided changes in the list of instructors for the ensuing year, —Dr. Thomas C. VanTries, who had been visiting Pittsburg and several of the smaller towns in that compelled to return home owing to sick: ness this week, —~Ellis LL, Orvis, Esq, departed Satur- day morning for Elmira, N Y. He was accompanied as far as Watsonlown by Mrs. Orvis and two daughters, Misses Anu and Be ty. William Purdue, of Coleville, who was a private in 19th Regiment, arrived home last week from the Philippines, looking hale and hearty. He was away two and a half years. —~Miss Jennie Crittenden, of Water- bury, Conn., arrived home Saturday evening. Mr. Crittenden has all his children here and they are holding a very happy family re-union. Jesse Underwood, who has been working in Pittsburg, returned to the City Sunday afternoon after with his family in this place — Misses Mildred Smith and Rose Fox, two efficient Bellefonte school teachers, | | | | | a | are spending part of their summer vaca of | | | i | tion visiting friends in Philadelphia and 2 trip to the sca shore resorts. — Bruce Underwood, one of the gradu. ates of the Bellefonte High School, Class for Pittsburg last Thursday where he has accepted an excellent posi. { tion with the Westinghouse people. Mr. and Mrs Martin Reese, of Snow Shoe, passed through town la:t week on their way to Walters Park near Reading where Mrs will remain for treat the sanitarium at that place. Pa., of his Reese ment in C. Pearce Hewes, of Erie, was + last week owing to the illness Miss of Potters Nancy Pearce, 1 Ws YEATS and Her { 0 on is seri daughter at Istruclor Yach the He to ber daughter, She 18 un late efonte widow ed to on Tuesds Mrs. Dr at j McGinley Mrs, cranton her som, Li and little both of g friends Allen Sheldon son, Torres visitin and rela: Roland. Miss Curtin late Ex Governor An- dale, Pa. are tives here and at sister of the Curtin ~Mrs, Frank Adams, of Milesburyg, bas accepted a position as matron of the Signa Alpha Epsilom fraternity house at State College, and will move there next This will enable her son Lee to attend the College. — Mrs. Katherine Curtin, the late War Governor Andrew G tin Saturday evening after spending the past two months with friends in Phila- delphia and New York ~The Zion band were out on the 4th in handsome new uniforms, and their widow of Car music was of the same excellent stand. | ard. They waot all 10 remember the “Old Folks Reunion'' of Nittany valley, on Saturday, July 19th — For the benefit of our contemporaries | we mention that District Attorney N. B. | Spangler goes to Tusseyville, Pa., when | be wishes to visit his father Geo. B | hgrch next Sabbaths Spangler, and not to Baltimore. About every other paper had this twisted ~~Men in Bellefonte who pay nothing they can avoid often are leaders in pray. ermeeting, officials in churches an other religious gatherings where thev are in a front rank. Collectors could save time by watchiog such places ~—Hon. John A. Woodward, of How. ard, seems to be well satished with the | warm support received by friends over the county in his recent political venture. | He is very hopeful over the prospect of | electing the Democratic State Ticket this year. —On the 4th of July ex Gov. Hastings, | in London attended an Independence Day Banquet held by Americans at Ho- | tel Cecil. He was called upon to make ao address and responded to the toast “Anglo-American Power a guarantee of Peace."’ ~George Meck, of the Watchman, can beat the Gazette man as a, is now devoting much of only two at the Gazette office, and we don't mean to make any allusions to wards Speer. On the Fourth we witnessed a big Ks | gun, measuring forty four feet in length, taken through Tyrone. It was carried | on gun trucks and attracted considerable attention. Il was on its way to San Fran cisco and is part of armament of the bat. | tieship Okio, which is now in process of construction, ~H. A. McKee, E¢q., from Wilkins burg, formerly a hardware merchant of this place, is here in the employ of the Fidelity & Trust Co. of Pittsburg, Pa., in procuring a brief of title to the fire clay brick interests in this county with the view of forming a Fire Clay Brick Trust Co. at Pittsburg. «Mayor Pruner, of Tyrone, informs us that there is a certainty of a pew in. dustrial plant being established at the west end of that town which will employ 1200 hands. The population of Tyrone with its Immediste nings is now put at over Booo--getting closely on the of city requirements, Ra requent rains within the two weeks have been considerable hin. drance to farmers in haymaking and Batvesting. Much of the grass was cut and could not be properly cured on ac. count of the shower, All other vegeta. tion is booming and tke fall crops prom. ise Sbutdandy with continued favorable weather, «On last Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, a thunder shower set in and in 25 minutes there was a rainfall of one and one half inches, about the heaviest ever known here. In the vicinity of Pleasant Gap and at Axmann much damage was done by high water, In many streets of our town the rush of water could not be carried off by the ters and sewers and the overflow ed many of the ts with mud stones, and » returned to her home in this place! his | There are | ~-Miss Jennie Irwin left Tuesday to | Visit friends at Wellsboro, Pa. | —Consult Mingle's Ad. before pur- chasing your shoes elsewhere, | | ‘Grant Hoover went to Pittsburg on the 4th to see President Roosevelt, ~Guy Smith, of Williamsport, son of George 1. Smith, is home on a visit, | ==No humbug about Mingle's clearing | | sale~must get rid of summer goods. | ~ Misses Roselie and Miriam Grauer. of Altoona, are visiting friends in Belle. fonte, —Mingle's great clearing sale starts next Tuesday prices cut one ‘ourth to one half, ~The vame of the shou!d be chavged to Growler.” | vicinity, was | News'' “Chronic “Daily the ~James Fox, of Jersey Shore, spent the Fourth of July with his parents in Bellefonte, ~~Miss Helen Mathews, of Tyrone, is the guest of Miss May Judge, on South Thomas street ~ Miss Mary Hamilton left Saturday for Philadeiphia and New York to be absent several weeks. —~Everything under regular prices un- (til Aug. 1st—sale begins Tuesday next— Mingle's Shoe Store —Miss Mabel Smith, of Pine Grove, spent a few days of last week with hes friend. Kathryn Lutz A special train of six passenger coaches was run from Clearfield to Hecla Park on the 4th of July Amos Ward, clerkin Knox & Knox's shoe store at Altoona, spent his Fourth of July vacation in town Mrs. William Rishel, of Braddock, is visiting her parents, William Kreamer aud wife, of South Spring street -— Miss Ell levy is at Cambridge, Mass , taking a course of six weeks in the Harvard Training School for Teach. crs a Mrs. Harry Schrover, t portion of last week vi They Bellefonte former 2 All ns Hon. Wu was int sioneq | Was pon comn A sneak thief entered Miss Mol! snyder’s millinery store during her and drawer of five dollars be ah robbed the ence last week, money William Garman sent his on Saturday afternoon to Penns Valley where they will visit at the home Isaac Smith, Farmers Mills. —Robert Lyon, with Westinghouse Electrical Company at Pittsburg, is visit. ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lyon, of North Allegheny street — Chas. Poorman, formerly of Pleas. aot Gap, now of Denora, Washingion county, Pa, where be is in the employ of the Union Steel Co , spent his Fourth at home with his parents, ~The list of jurors for August term of court will be found in another part of this issue. As the Beckwith murder case will likely come up for trial the first week more than usual interest is | attached to this list, ~ Dr. Holloway haviag been granted a vacation for a couple of weeks there will be no preaching in the Latheran The Dr. will spend his vacation in Ohio visiting his aged mother and relatives, Among the applicants for examina. tion before the postal board, the follow. |ing were passed as eligible to appoint. | ments for places in the Bellefonte post | office : John F. Garthoff, Bellefonte, and | Ed. K. Smith, of Oak Hall | «Clarence Garbrick, who will be a | member of the senior class at Princeton [ College, is spending his vacation at home with his pareats Mr. and Mrs CG. W { Garbrick, this place, and is putting in {his time readiog law in the office of Orvis, Bower & Orvis Thursday evening, July 24th, the luproved Order of Red Men will estab lish a new lodge at this place, with about fifty charter members. They have se cured the Logan assembly room for place of meeting Some prominent members of the order will officiate family of | ~Considerable excitement was occa | sloned one day last week by the report {that Miss Blanche Whippo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Whippo, had acci dentally taken an overdose of landanum | Prompt measures were at once resorted to and though the girl was very sick. she has now fully recovered | ==The heavy downpour last Sunday afternoon gave notice that gutters and {sewers in this town need looking after to | prevent flooding of sidewalks with mud, stones and rubbish from the streets Our wide awake boro fathers should cast {a glance in this direction and provide | against such occurrences. | Hou. John A. Daley, the sage of Cur. tin twp., and sou Clarence R, who is! {living down at the booming town of Cen. {tre Oak paid us a short call Tuesday. | Clarence is a member of company B, and | was bere making arrangements for the | trip to Gettysburg. At Centre Oak (Oak | Grove) they celebrated the 4th in good | style, although they kad to craw! over numerous sections of empty trains, to get to and from the train. ~ Newspapers appreciate the moral A community, but in order to become Strang especially no «Company B, sth Regt. N. G. P, of Bellefonte, will go into camp at Gettys. burg, Pa., for days July 13th to 19th inclusive, in with de od of the « " The w con N. s . Irvin od Saran a Js. vide. pro. ~~More rain early this morning. ~-Mrs. H. 8. Taylor has been quite ill the past week, ~Bellefonte streets are exceedingly clean since the heavy rain on Sunday. ~-Mrs. James Pierpont, of Pittsburg, 18 visiting friends in Bellefonte, ~The average attendance at Bellefoute public schools last year the was | 607 ; total enrollment, 837. - Misses Adaline Harris, Betty Breeze, and Nellie Valentine went to Long Branch yesterday for a few weeks’ stay. ~ ~=Mrs. W. R. Follmer, of Lewisburg, 15 & guest at the pleasant home of Hon, James Schofield, on South Thomas street, -The interior of the Centre county Bank has been receiving some attention in the shape of repairs that make a de. cided change in appearance. ~W. E. Gray, Esq, and family are at Atlantic City where they will spend the balance of the summer. Mr. Gray's heath has not been good of late, —~Wm, N. Haines, stenographer at the Standard Scale Works, has goue to Beavertown, Snyder county, his former home for several weeks’ vacation -~ Bellefonte society folks held a dance in the Armory last Wednesday evening Christy Smith's orchestra furnished the music. There was a good attendance. ~The principal “transfers of real estate’’ the past week occured along Spring creek. The amount was large, with no consideration, et ux, et al, et baron, etc., etc. ~ Mrs. Willis Weaver, Somerset county, and Miss Wian, of Centre Hall, tained at the hospitable home of John Meese oun West Logan street, Rev, T. J M. E. church, Thomas, Forman Institute of Winber, Margaret Askew, pastor of the A Henry Thomas, Arthur George Overton and Am Sunday schoo week, mon are attending at " [ g 1 If you g woither Frank Scot Scott has heen wo making establishm some Lime past twenty caught recently wi in Spring creek, by rod and line. Along with the large trout that are caught in the same stream right the heart of town, who says Bellefonte is not a para dwse for anglers? ~The National! Guard division en campment at Gettysburg on July 12t0 19 will be known as “Camp Henry W Lawton'' in honor of the gallant general who was killed in the Philippines. Com. pany B, of this place, will leave this af- ternoon to attend this encampment The Fair Association at this place have all repairs to the track completed and claim that it is better than ever as the grading is stronger and better mater. ial was used and there will be less trom. ble in the future from rains. The fair opens this year September oth and the program will contain many interesting features Mallory & Taylor this week tone eels n the boro limits, Ome were in pur. | chashed the Moore Photograph Studio im Crider's Exchange, and will move | from the Lyon building and occupy these rooms after August st They will vacaly the room they occupied for some years as they consider the Crider Ex change building and equipment more desirable. The Board of Missions of the Diocese | of Central Pennsylvania were entertain. ed by Col Reynolds, at the Nittany Rod and Gan Club Tuesday evening. The hodv consisted of Bishop Talbot, W. R Butler, of Mauch Chunk, secretary; four Arch Deacons, and one lay representa. tive from each of the four arch deacon. ries. Col. Reynolds represents this arch deaconry —~Hon. John Hamilton, Agriculture, left last week for Portland, Oregon, where he will spend several weeks. He was met at Altoona by Mrs Hamilton and Miss Hamilton who will accompany him. That settles it that John will not be here for the next repub. lican county convention. But he who fights and runs away may live to fight some other dav ~The with the usual United States "hurrah and the fire cracker for the variations The eagle, the flag, the orator, and the fluid faspired son of Uncle Sam, had full flutter and swing Bellefonters Fourthed at Hecla Park with the brave Undine boys, and some with the Ty. rovers at their big blow out. Altogether Uncle Samuel's big family had a good time and the eagle smiled all over 10 see how happy the family felt, From what we can learn the minis. ters of Bellefonte will not abandon their pulpits on Sunday evenings during the warm weather, for an outdoor union gathering on the school house commons. This is a misfortune for Brother John C. of the Dally News, who advocated the move and would pose as the religious sponsor of the community. He now should organize a little band of worship. pers of his style and boom the thing him- self, since the ministerial brethren to Join him. It would have about the same Siuyare of sutetes aa the Union Party organ a r In about a year's tine he would kel furs a similar flipper—flop clean around and re- late the concern. Brother ohn, you are amusing at all times, Secretary of General Daniel Heckman, of Logan. ton, was recently badly bitten in the arm by an enraged sow. She chewed his arm and would not Jet go until he pounded her over the head with a stone, Tnx fight between the Penna Railroad, and the Western Union Telegraph Com- are being enter. | BORO SCHOOL TEACHEKS. Monday evening the Bellefonte school board elected the following teachers for the ensuing year : Principal of High Meyer, ist Assistant of High School Keinsle and Assistant Ella Levy. Senior Grammar-—Jonas KE. Wagner, A. School—John D WwW. F of High BSchool--Miss Junior Grammar—Charles Miss Carrie A. Weaver, Assistant Junior Grammar Underwood. Heiss, Miss Mary H Intermediate Rose Tavlor, Jennie Longacre, md Primary Elmore, Annie McCaffery 1st Primary Dorworth. Fox, Bessie Al Dorworth, H The new instructors *rof., Chas. A. Heiss, a graduate of the Blooms- chosen are, burg Normal and for several terms prin cipal of the schools at his home, Cata wissa, who comes well recommended. Jonas E. Wagner is a son of David Wag- ner, of The young graduated this year from State with high honors, Houserville, men College Miss Alice Dorworth, of Bellefonte, is an experienced instruc. { tor. Miss Bell Rankin and Paul Fortney | did not present for schools applications this year ed Prof. John Harrison present his application the last day and it “Glorious Fourth” passed off seems | were ig og Died ~( Pp the question Water street The Peon'a R the ug of High street with trams was an R. will be notified that blockad annoyance and should be stopped Chairman Potter of the Finance com. mitlee anounced a popular loan of §as,- 000 which is being arranged to pay the floating debt. Coupon bonds are to be issued for $500 each numbered from 1 to 50 and dated Aug. 1, 1902 They are 0 run until August 1, 1904 The interest isto be 4 per cent. The taxes on these bonds are to be paid by boro Mr. Pot. ter read the form of the bonds and sab. mitted a report on the matter, which was approved by unanimous vote. The indebtedness of the boro now is $107, 346. 79 Bills to the amount $1076 67 were approved Other business of no special significance was transacted - - A WORTHLESS MAN of Mrs. John Delige, who has been an mn. mate at the Alms House since last win ter, made information before "Squire Keichline. Mrs. Delige is so badly crip pled with rheumatism that she is almost helpless. The hearing attracted a large crowd. The Justice bound Delige over for Augwst court on charge of desertion, His attorney, WF. Reeder, gave bail in $500 for his appearance Delige is a big strong man, capable of supporting his wife. Last winter he applied fo: her admission to the poor bouse. He said that be could not work and care for his invalid wife at the same | time, and promised to pay her expenses | there, | lar He left and never sent her a do There are a number of complications in the whole affair that conrt, A big healthy man like Delige has ne business to exject this will develop in boro to support his invalid wife. He is like a Jot of other worthless colored men in Bellefonte, they live off the community, want to The Undine Picnic The Undine Fire Company certainly had a crowd at Hecla Park on the sth, The grove was overrun with people from all sections of the county, and adjoining sections. The railroad carried over five thousand passengers while hundreds went there in private conveyances. The day was warm and at times threatened a down pour, Good order prevailed all day. The receipts were over $1000 and the company will have near that amount to their credit, They succeeded in selling oat all their stock and could have sold much more had they anticipated the crowd. Three Decisions, Last week Judge Love handed down three decisions : Refusing a new trial in the case of McCalmont & Co, vs John Rishel, litigation over the purchase of a binder, A new trial was refused in the case of Tron City Mutual Fire Insarance Company vs J. H. Reifsnyder. In the Bill In Rquity of Geo. W. Jackson's Estate vs Jackson, Hastings Banking Co., for an accounting the Judge dismis ses the bill and rules that the plaintiff is not entitied at this time to recover any- thing from the defendants or to bave them make a settlement and an account. ing with them, Gertrude | frvin D May Taylor, Elizabeth Faxon, | | Wii Mildred Smith, Frances | ce | Supt. D. O. Etters remains at the head | of the schools as his term is three years, | LEGAL INTELLIGENCE MARRIAGE, LICENSES, George B, Thompson Magdalene Cal AWAY Peter Bumon Mary Behimisey Joseph Belimisy Mary Kopasie Harvey 8 Ho Lizzie Kennley Geo. 8B Fisher Maury E. Gunsal Charles M Mar ha E Lemont Bellefonte Clarenes Clarencs wer Bpring Mills Nittany Howard ‘ David A. Alle Luetetia Hoberis William Solt Esther Budd js Mot Howard eloutes Fleming George D "4 nin Mabelie M Fleming Lock Haven Liap Eisle Poorman am TT. Hou Debie M. Long « ESTATE TRANSFERS. Danie! Kerstett s 50 per per to May Ra Cemetery association. Jun 12 lot, Spring * T w Ery corpors tion, Apt I * 2; lands and «( 4 0x Sate Deposit ana Trust eo Pp. vl a Gap Lutheran G. Howard Cream 6 Centre inton Cos mpany. Pittsburg Lewis, June we; 6% 4 Trust comvany, VP june 18, 192: @ 8 Acme, to Jonsther Bn Worth Trustee, to 1. J n College. $5 Trustee, 10 1. J tin Benner. $5 to James and Davia acres, d Sale Deposit ang to Hany E laws perches In Taylor Wm. Land Sr's Mav J James PF Cobu June MN James P.O perches, Taylor n tisburg, acres, #4 Laird 1954 tract of and Dire ese 1 10 ome, sth at Tyrone. Our patriotic neighbors up at Tyrove celebrated the Fourth on a large scale and the town was crowded with people from other parts. The parade was im say the bands to The Cole- for the A contest and a five affair There were five the day with music mense least to brass enliven e band received five wusic drew a $15 prize that the Colevilie Yi many praises readered, and in We are glad to say bard behaved Garman Al Cason boys The the run, the most poy splendidly, as usual House seemed to have and himself ™ proved His hosts in the cet Cua 0 of the ro the st is one ular ira. Pa ae - RRrunLiCAns who want to know what is gUing on mm their party in this connty can get it more dire from the Centre Democrat than auys here ae FREE AD COLUMN FOR BALD FOR SALY Second ha ob press tt this ’ use abd Jot FOR SALE H ‘ and a va uabie patent for sale. In F. Luse, Centre 1° a Pa. FOR BALE «Thoroughbred Eng sh Berk shire pigs fon sade for breeders. Inquire of Jd 1 Kisbel, Linden Hall, Pa FOR SALE: Barrels, 4 barrels and Green's Drug Store, Relielonte, Pa MARKET QUOTATIONS. Lock Haven Curb Market Butter, per pound 18 to 20¢, eggs, per doz. 18 to 20¢; new potatoes, per peck 25 to 15c; cabbage plants per 100 15 10 200; old chickens per Ib. live weight rac; sping Cliches per pair 60 to Soc; strawberries per box SC; green currants, per rt 7 10 8c; cherries per quart § to 6c. black raspberries, per quart Sto 12%¢; red raspberries, per quart 12Mc; goose berries, per quart Sc; per quart 7 to Se. Bellefonte Produce. The following prices prevailed Wed. nesday morning : Jrioss Are pA by BacRLED & kegs EE et aamaaae ddI] Been EEE Anne ' The following prices are paid by ©. ¥. Was NEN fr grain. old... now.