2 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT BELLEFONTE, PA. JULY 10, 1802, (OROSATION I AUGEST T™h It is Announced Th Will be Crowned Next it King Edward Month, CURTAILED CEREMONY TO BE His Maiesty's Re Has Been So Rapid Decides overy Crown Him Before Au ward Atl- Ject of commis Doug remove stands wo purp structed JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN HURT Head Cab. Colonial Sec Through Lor n, July 5 retary’s Glass In his review teers noeuvre Mr. Chal deal, t The miers, day t« defer quen berlair CANAL BILL CAUSES SUICIDE Himself Because Nicara Wasn't Chosen. Pyle Killed gua Route Bin walt: con eign miller Eat hier deliph Ran Baints i that BR most £4 hut say fre of the profit on nstrating more fully the tha ¢ } of world gnt yorts | then the Went to 8 On Rallroad Tracks, Carbon Ii July 5 Two sons of Stan a prominent farmer of Jol ounty, aged respectively 10 and 14 sn cousin found rthe tracks of the Ih Central Rallway, the two former and the last in a dying condition he boys ran away from home on July 4. had gone to some Fourth of July | velebration and were returning home, and, becoming weary, ald down on the raflroad tracks to sleep. eep were tory That It Was | Wilt | Crashed CLOUDBURST IN NEW YORK Bridges and Houscs Swept Away In Weste Part of State. Buffalo, N.Y, July 7 A 8 i clondburst and wind gtorm swe hy aver Western New York at hon you Ris a 1 | banks an earl Tan, rapidly, overflowing thelr sweeping live hun ISnnt« TT MEN STRIKE Railroads RECEIVERS FOR BAY STATE GAS Total Liab of Con wards of $9.000 ities ern Is Up 000 abilities Ot the of New Jersey Shutly Injured By Explosion. York, July & A 8 of po i on the ) Italian family ork, N. J.. an conta ning wider WAR ACC bE n porch of a house living at sterday. An bl brothers d that they tal. Mary and mngor brother ther ye dren's m« the ped off Street Musician Fired Into Crowd. Heading Fa uly While Ane toni faddal and a companion were grinding on cot plana in front of a Ast night a man in the ho nted a pistol at them. Antonio fired Into the ing titzel, fatally ding Edward Hartman and shoot - hn Trayer through the wrist, An arrested a sty hots inl oliver and shamuey Was escaped Gored te Death By a Bull, Guthrie, Okla. July 7..~Miss Jennie It Is supposed they Harrison was gored to death by a bull at Odemahb, In Green county, yoster day. The animal knocked her down and ran its horns back and forth through her body, girl's | | A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED, | | | | | the Wednesday, July 2. It {8 veported In St. Louls that King Menelik, of Abyssinia, desires to visit World's Fair to be held at St. Louls | In 1804, and | { In | te ! harh.2h, but his companion | $4.750 5.25 Thirty-five chalr manufacturers met Greons N. C., yesterday and formed an association for “mutual pro- horo, tion.” new cases of cholera were P. 1, yesterday, the one day since the Manila ber In a resolution ction of pro- monuments Generals #rancls Will he Revolution. reday, July 3. inn Low avid On, Tuesday, July 8B. Mass, yesterday KH : sod per barre Ww tv "§ » £ Penn [3 nis : Ly orn WAS local, 72@ 73 pped, 6 sien hh - w Oats white, « lower Kg les, O Hay was steady, | No. 1 moth sold at 316@ 16.50 for | large | ef was steady beet | hams, $21421.560. Pork was firm. fam iy $21@ 2) Live poultry sold at 154 for and at Wh for | old roosters, spring chickens, 23Q 2 Dressed poultry sold at 13 for choice fowls and at 8 for old roosters Butter was steady. cream ery, 23¢. Eggs were steady, New York | and Pennsyivania, 19% per dozen | Potat Were teady Jersey prime per basket, 406 Hix | fll on 1) ens Live Stock Markets East Bulfak N. Y. were gtondy tO sirong $7500 8.15; fair to good, $6.26@6.95; | choice heifers, $666.50; fair to good, | $4,506 5.50; best fat cows, $645.76, fair | to good, $5.50004.75; export bulls, $566 | 6.50: butchers, $404.75 Veals were strong; tops, $6.95 7; fair to good, | 6.256r6.50 common to light, $6@6 fos were active heavy, $% 8 oh: mixed, $T8007906; pigs, $7.6087.70 roughs, $7 10687.40; sings pops Sheep and lambs were steady fing | lambs, $5007, flr to good, hg ined | f 25 culls to common, $4405; July 7.-Cattle | prime sioers, earings, wethers, $4.2604.795; sheep, | mixed tops, $3804 4; fair to good, $3.50 @3.756; culls to common, $2, nel pi East Liberty, Pa, July Cattle were steady, chotee, $7. 1667.60; prime, | $6.75617.16. good, dos 6.30, Hoge wore active; heavy he TV mod ims, i 16; Hi Wo ge, $7.60007.65; $7.75; hea fas or. i160 Were ower, Clog’ shh: EE 60; yorkers, lower, | The bar $00 Is a rarity, counter is smiling and obliging, though her back side pains, or her head throbs distracting! not that a clerk is sometimes irritable, but that she shows irritation, when every nerve is quiver knows how to hold her head up. The cause of this suffering is not far to seck i ngement of the fem ie funct of some der: the delicate wom mt ree nervous condition, he TT anly Orga condition 1s « i there will be no re The the results of “A Blessing for Weak Women.’ A 25.000.00 GIFT. It gtr A Cross Clerl Huns, The wonder is, For the most part the young woman behind the her My Ty ing and she hard Represented by MH. 6. KRAPE, AAA AA AAA WHAT EVERYBODY SAY MUST BE TRUE. We take this opportunity of thanki our former patrons for their kindness in endorsing us by recommending us to their friends. So often is it that a new customer comes through the en- dorsement of an old. But why are we endorsed? Because the goods we handle bear the test and give satisfac- tion. This is the secret of our greatly enlarged business. Even through the dull summer months we are constant- Iv busy but never too busy to show you our stock or take vour order. A complete stock of Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments always on hand. We cordially invite you to visit our store and inspect our line of goods. M. GEPHART, R FETE TIT IIII IIS QIS ISIS STITT Next Tue lay we wil $1.00 $2.00 $1.50 $1.10 $1.00 SA. C. MINGLE. : WITT NITINID A ISIS ITITIIIS. SLILI5283402 Mingle’s Great Shoe Sale | rs PERFECT ICE CREAM POWDER In Instantly ready for us hall cream make flavored to PFowder reg jee or Sher Flavors for lee Cream are Tequiring only the addition o f one quart of sold or all cream, to make tw quarts of as fine Joe Cream as any « RASpDOrrY, Strawberry, Vanilla, Choco! be used with fresh fruits or in making up Taney creams vires only the addition of one qu wi. Flavors for Waler lee are, ont ate, Lemon and Orange Senda us Se and wo will mall you a package of any of the above flavors, with ull of valuable receipts tor making all kinds of Plain and ¥ aney Creams and Toes " Fire in Boggs Township. Friday morning about 2 o'clock a two. story frame house located in ship, about two miles from | caught fire and was burned tothe 0. J. WEEKS & CO., 9 Murray St, New York City, N. Y. GARMAN HOUSE..... High Street, & town. tlesbu opposite New, modern improvements, milk, half mil toner and iain Perfect Water loe art of cold water to make two quarts of Water vir C.M &C. B. GARMAN, Proprs Court House, Bellefonte, a. Entirely New Furniture. Steam Heat. Electric Light, and all k and “An un book Jet COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES. Country Produce. Staple Groceries. \ 4 ety & Sechler & Co i 5 41 } ' » iif iy 4 : CADesRT (+ ry Sore BELLEFONTE, PA. After a Bath And a Good Rub tic Tal. GREEN'S PHARMAC i Bush House Blk. Bellefonte, Wobebhbbbbbbibbbbbobibbibbbbbbrbd RANT HOOVER. AAdaAdaia dda Aia AAA AAAARARAARAA A AMAA ARAM MAAR A RAO ARAARA AMARA AA RAAALARRAY] Q Fire, Life, Accident Insur- ance, Real Estate and Loans. 15 Standard Insurance Co's represented. You can’t af- ford to insure your buildings or life until you see GRANT HOOVER. BELLEFONTE. PFA THE NEW YORK CLIPPER Contains a Reltable of all the Evouits In THEATRICAL WdiLo WORLD OF SPORTS. PUBLISHED WEEKL or pd SINGLE Cor, acre. SAMPLE COPY FREE. Adams 18% YS, LPR. Order's Stone Bullding